React-Redux , issues reading an object fetched through redux thunk - reactjs

I have a redux action / reducer that looks like the following.
export function loadServerInfo() {
return (dispatch) => axios.get(`${config.SERVER}/redis/server/info`).then(res => {
if (res.status == 200) {
}).catch(err => {
export function fetchServerInfo(payload) {
return {
const defaultState = {
decodedRedisKey: {},
keyDecoded: false,
serverInfo: {}
const redisReducer = (state = defaultState, action: Action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return {
decodedRedisKey: action.payload
return {
keyDecoded: action.payload
console.log(action.payload) //this is fired and logs the proper data, which is an object
return {
serverInfo: action.payload
return {
export default redisReducer;
Then I have a component connected and mapped to redux. Those are the connection parameters
const mapStateToProps = (state) => state;
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
loadServerInfo: async () => {
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(UsersContainer);
And after that, I try to call the fetch, and get the data.
Problem is that the format of the object is as follows:
serverInfo: {
Server : {
uptime_in_days: "100",
version: "1.0.0"
My prop is firing on useEffect
React.useEffect(() => {
}, []);
If i put it in a useEffect, first it logs undefined and afterward it loads
React.useEffect(() => {
console.log("server info")
// console.log(props.redisReducer.serverInfo.Server.uptime_in_days) , if i uncomment this it crashes
}, [props.redisReducer.serverInfo])
So im having issues rendering the uptime_in_days value
I have tried doing this
{props.redisReducer.serverInfo != undefined && !displayServerInfo != undefined ?
<div className="basic-server-info-data">
<p><img src={redisLogo} /></p>
{/* <p>Connected Clients: <i>{serverInfo.Clients.connected_clients} </i></p> */}
{/* <p>Memory usage: <Progress type="circle" percent={memoryUsageStats} width={50} /> </p> */}
<p>Tokens (displayed): <i>{usersToken.length}</i></p>
<p>Uptime: <i>{props.redisReducer.serverInfo.Server.uptime_in_days} days</i></p>
It keeps crashing in the Uptime line, even tho im doing a check if its not undefined
Cannot read property 'uptime_in_days' of undefined
I tried changing the render condition to
props.redisReducer.serverInfo != undefined && !displayServerInfo != undefined && props.redisReducer.serverInfo.Server.uptime_in_days != undefined
But nothing changes.
How can I render that value?
EDIT: I have noticed this error
Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component.
This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application.
To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in a useEffect
cleanup function.
in my useEffect

The issue is that all your null checks start with the always defined state, props.redisReducer.serverInfo
const defaultState = {
decodedRedisKey: {},
keyDecoded: false,
serverInfo: {} // <-- defined!
state.serverInfo is always a defined object, so console.log(props.redisReducer.serverInfo) and console.log(props.redisReducer.serverInfo.Server) will always log, and the condition props.redisReducer.serverInfo != undefined will always be true.
You neglect to do a null check on props.redisReducer.serverInfo.Server before accessing the uptime value
I'm guessing your UI is blowing up on the initial render before state is populated.
Use Optional Chaining to handle the null check on Server being possibly undefined still.
Use conventional null checks
props.redisReducer.serverInfo.Server &&


UseEffect not triggering when used with MaterialTopTabNavigator

This is my first time using this platform to ask questions so please pardon me if my question does not seem well developed.
brief introduction
what I am trying to achieve is a dynamic Tab navigator, whereby the number of tabs changes depending on the number of elements in an array where this array changes in the number of elements over time, i.e :
userIds : [1,2,3,4,5,6]
will render a tab navigator with 6 tabs
I am using react-redux for managing state and I have been following this tutorial on youtube just for your information:
in the main code snippet the action FetchMonthlyTransIdAct() is being dispatched, this consist of 2 actions being dispatched in order :
RequestMonthlyTransaction → FetchSuccess or FetchFail
(as per mentioned in FetchMonthlyTransIdAct.js, ) the initial state is as follows and the changes each action does :
loading : false
Id : []
error : ''
loading : true //when RequestMonthlyTransaction is dispatched
Id : []
error : ''
loading : false // When FetchSuccess is dispatched after RequestMonthlyTransaction
Id : [1,2,3,4,5,6]// When FetchSuccess is dispacthed after RequestMonthlyTransaction
error : ''
loading : false //when FetchFail is dispacthed after RequestMonthlyTransaction
Id : []
error : 'some error message here' //when FetchFail is dispatched after RequestMonthlyTransaction
so the problem that I am currently facing is that useEffect does not seem to trigger when I am rendering components with navigationContainer/ tab.navigator
here is the snippet of my code, I have narrowed down the source of the problem between asterisks
const Tab = createMaterialTopTabNavigator();
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
userData: state.MonthlyEntry
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
FetchMonthlyTransId: () => dispatch(FetchMonthlyTransIdAct())
const EntryTabNavigator = ({userData, FetchMonthlyTransId}) => {
useEffect (() => {
}, [])
if (userData.loading || userData.error != '') {
return <View/>
} else {
<NavigationContainer independent = {true}>
<Tab.Navigator swipeEnabled = {true} tabBarOptions = {{scrollEnabled:true, tabStyle:{width:120}}}>
{ => {return (<Tab.Screen key = {data.toString()} name = {data.toString()} component = {MonthlyTransactions} initialParams={{id:data.toString()}}/>)})}
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(EntryTabNaviga
the error message simply that there was no screen for tab navigator to render (due to userData.Id being an empty array when it should not)
based on the console.log(userData.Id)
the expected output should be Array [1,2,3,4,5,6]
but the actual output was Array [] which indicates that the useEffect was not triggered
I have tried replacing the snippet of code between the astericks with
<View><Text>{userData.Id}</Text><View> and it was able to render as expected (returning a screen with the string representation of the array as the text), hence leading me to identify that the code snippet between the astericks is the problematic portion. I have also tried adding a console.log statement within useEffect and it does not output anything into the console when I have the code snippet in asterisks, however it does output into the console when I replaced the snippet of code between the astericks with <View><Text>{userData.Id}</Text><View>
should there be a similar problem to this that has already been asnwered, it would be much apppreciated if you could direct me to it, it would also be great if you could point me to resources to improve my knowledge with redux (prefreably beginner friendly) ! additional reference code (reducer and action) is below
Thank you in advance
const requestMonthlyTransaction = () => {
return {
const fetchSucess = (ids) => {
return {
payload: ids,
const fetchFail = (error) => {
return {
payload: error,
export const FetchMonthlyTransIdAct = () => {
return (dispatch) => {
async function getId() {
return require('../../data/DummyId.js').id //returns [1,2,3,4,5,6]
id => dispatch(fetchSucess(id))
error => dispatch(fetchFail(error))
const initialState = {
Id : [],
const FetchMonthlyTransactionIdRed = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type){
return {
loading: true,
return {
loading: false,
Id: action.payload
return {
loading: false,
error: action.payload
default: return state;
export default FetchMonthlyTransactionIdRed;
after much tinkering, I manage to find a solution (or a workaround rather) to the problem. which is to add an initial element in the array of the Id attribute in the initial state in FetchMonthlyTransIdRed.js, that will allow the first render of the navigation component to occur without issues, and subsequently in the next re-render when FetchMonthlyTransId is dispatched Id is then updated with the array that I have imported
Use React Navigation's useFocusEffect, e.g.:
import { useFocusEffect } from '#react-navigation/native';
function Profile({ userId }) {
const [user, setUser] = React.useState(null);
React.useCallback(() => {
const unsubscribe = API.subscribe(userId, user => setUser(user));
return () => unsubscribe();
}, [userId])
return <ProfileContent user={user} />;

Redux , state.concat is not a function at rootReducer. And being forced to reRender an element for it to see the state change

So I have this sidebar component where I load my store and my dispatcher
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return { renderedEl: state.renderedEl }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
renderLayoutElement: element => dispatch(renderLayoutElement(element))
Then inside the same component this Is how I trigger the dispatcher
renderEl = (el) => {
var elementName ='id');
var renderedElements = this.props.renderedEl; //this is data from the store
for (let key in renderedElements) {
if (key == elementName) {
renderedElements[key] = true
Then as I understand it gets sent to the reducer
import {RENDER_LAYOUT_ELEMENT} from "../constants/action-types"
const initialState = {
renderedEl: {
heimdall: false,
skadi: false,
mercator: false
function rootReducer(state = initialState, action){
if(action.type === RENDER_LAYOUT_ELEMENT){
return Object.assign({},state,{
renderedEl: state.renderedEl.concat(action.payload)
return state
export default rootReducer;
This is its action
import {RENDER_LAYOUT_ELEMENT} from "../constants/action-types"
export function renderLayoutElement(payload) {
return { type: RENDER_LAYOUT_ELEMENT, payload }
Now the thing is. Im receiving a
state.renderedEl.concat is not a function at rootreducer / at dispatch
I dont understand why does that happen.
Becuase, actually the store gets updated as I can see, but the console returns that error. And I have to reload the render that uses the props of that store (with an onhover) in order to be able to see the changes. It doesnt happen automatically as it would happen with a state
if(action.type === RENDER_LAYOUT_ELEMENT){
return { ...state, renderedEl: { ...state.renderedEl, ...action.payload } };
Duplicate from comments maybe it can be helpful to someone else :)

React Native ShouldComponentUpdate not firing between Redux Props Changes

In optimizing my component for performance, I noticed that sequential shouldComponentUpdate calls were seemingly missing the prop change from my redux store. An example being:
In props:
uiBehavior: {
shouldShow: false,
Redux Action:
Redux Reducer:
case ActionType.UPDATE_UI_BEHAVIOR: return {...state, shouldShow: true}
Then I'm seeing:
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps) {
// Would expect to at some point see:
this.props.shouldShow === false
nextProps === true
// Instead, only seeing
this.props.shouldShow === false
nextProps === false
// then
this.props.shouldShow === true
nextProps === true
** Note that this clearly isn't the code, just an example
It seems to me that a prop change isn't causing a rerender attempt, or am I missing something?
Expanding for clarity, here is some of the real code:
*** the event in the Action updates the uiBehavior prop on the redux store.
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
const { uiBehavior } = this.props;
if (!_.isEqual(uiBehavior.lockAttributes, prevProps.uiBehavior.lockAttributes)) {
console.log('Lock has changed.'); // This never gets called
const mapStateToProps = function(state){
return {
uiBehavior: state.uiBehavior,
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(SlotMachine)
JS Call:
this.props.setGeneralUiKeyValue('lockAttributesInCart', !lockAttributes);
export const setGeneralUiKeyValue = (key, value) => { return { type: GENERAL_UI_UPDATE, key, value }}
export const uiBehavior = (state = {}, action) => {
let newUiState = {...defaultState, ...state}
switch (action.type) {
case uiActionTypes.GENERAL_UI_UPDATE:
newUiState.general = newUiState.general || {};
newUiState.general[action.key] = action.value;
return newUiState
return newUiState;
return newUiState

Redux state coming out to be undefined

I am having tough time figuring out why my redux state is coming out to be undefined on a later stage.
so I have an action which looks like this
export const coinUpdateState = (booleanValue) => {
console.log(typeof booleanValue) //This logs Boolean
return function (dispatch) {
payload: booleanValue
and a reducer which looks like this
const initialState = {
DataFetching: true,
DataSucess: [],
DateError: [],
DateError: false,
DataSort: true,
DataUpdate: true
export default function(state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return {
DataFetching: true,
DataSort: true
return {
DataSucess: action.payload,
DataFetching: false,
DataSort: false
return {
DateError: action.payload,
DataFetching: true,
DateError: true,
DataSort: true
console.log(action.payload) //This logs the boolean value I am sending
return {
DataUpdate: action.payload
return state
Later I am using it like this in my app
render () {
if (this.props.cryptoUpdateState) {
console.log("Inside if render")
displayData = async () => {
this.coinURL = await AsyncStorage.getItem("CryptoCurrencySelected").catch((error) => {
if (this.coinURL != "undefined" && this.coinURL != null) {
console.log("Inside Async", this.coinURL)
if (this.coinURL == null || this.coinURL == "undefined") {
console.log("Null", this.coinURL)
this.coinURL = "BTC"
In the above snippet notice the initial console.log, it logs true correctly the first time, there after it logs undefined in console when I am actually passing false (this.props.coinUpdateState(false)).
Also Notice the logs in my code, they are logging the value I am sending correctly everywhere besides in the later stage where it is logging undefined (in console.log).
Question: What could I be doing wrong here?
A reducer will return a new version of the state of your app. If you don't want to lose your previous state you will need to make sure you always return it with any additions/modifications you need.
Whatever is returned from the switch case that is triggered is going to be the next version of state, which for COIN_UPDATE_STATE is going to just have DataUpdate in.
Make sure all you are doing ...state for all your redux reducer actions in order to make sure you keep state.
return {
DataUpdate: action.payload

React/Redux and API data object

My app successfully gets API data and puts it to Redux state tree.
"description":"drizzle rain",
"description":"moderate rain",
} has been passed to components but in reality I have an access only to the
first key. For example, are accesiible. But
and, are undefined.
Please, what's wrong with my understanding of using API dataset?
export const DayItem = (props) => {
return (<MuiThemeProvider>
<Paper zDepth={2}>
{} // No way!
{} // OK!
Saga that gets data and dispatches an action. Puts data to Redux store.
function* getPosition() {
const getCurrentPosition = () => new Promise(
(res, rej) => navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(res, rej))
// Gets user's current position assigned to const
const pos = yield call(getCurrentPosition);
const {latitude, longitude} = pos.coords;
// Yields the forecast API by user coordinates
const data = yield call(getForecastByCoords, latitude, longitude)
// Yields user's local forecast to the reducer
yield put({
And mapStateToProps
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
chips: state.chipsReducer,
data: state.dataReducer
export const dataReducer = (state = {}, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return state;
Eventually, I got the point.
The problem was in the difference of speed React rendering vs Data loading.
Loading is always behind rendering. So, the complete set of data had no existence.
Just conditional rendering made my day {this.state.isLoading ? <div>Loading</div> : <DayItem {...this.props}/>}
you must use MapStateToProps, then use componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps)
Something like this
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
then do next:
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if ( {
if ( != undefined) {
