Is there a way to install vscode extensions in a Dockerfile? - vscode-remote

I am using docker-compose to spin up a dev environment. I would like to build out the dev image to include the needed vscode extensions. This would allow me to not have to manually go install the extensions every time a new image is build for a development container.
Is there anyway to download and get the extensions in place during the docker build process?


Can you create a build using expo without counting foe the EAS build count?

I am trying to figure out if all the methods to create a build using expo must go through EAS (Expo Application Services) since apparently they limit the free tier to 30 builds per month.
Can I build the web-app locally without an EAS account / 100% for free?
The documentation isn't clear to me.
I do not have enough rep to comment so I will ask here and edit/delete later.
Have you tried building your application manually using android studio / xcode? You should be able to generate a build folder for both platforms and open that folder with android studio or xcode, make, build and run the project to test.
For android:
Step 1: install OpenJDK
Step 2: install android studio
Step 3: CD in your application folder and locate package.json.
Step 4: Run npm android in the same directory where package.json is located
This should open up android studio for you in the same directory and you can start debugging there with the android studio built in emulator. You can also build an APK of your application and install it to your device or connect your mobile device to android studi via wifi pairing and install the application on your android.
According to this video, using eas build --local should do the trick

How do I configure Typescript React App created with create-react-app to emit the files to particular directory with yarn start (dev mode)

I have a React App (Typescript templated created using create-react-app) which emits all the changes to localhost:3000 when I execute yarn start. All local changes are immediately served with hot loading.
I have another local dev server running which consumes this app's react files in /build (output from yarn build).
I would like to see all my compiled changes emitted by yarn start be consumed by another server running locally. in other words, I want the yarn to start to emit the change to my file system so they can be served.
I tried ejecting the project and changing configuration files to emit to the build directory with yarn start but that does not work.
I have also tried switching my project to but that may not be an option for me at moment.
Could someone suggest what approach should I be taking to achieve this.
I found the solution.
I used which serves the purpose

Semantic-UI Dependency Stuck on Ongoing Build on Azure Devops Pipelines

I have a node app and I am trying to build it on azure pipeline, but the build gets stuck at the selection where you have to choose between automatic or custom. Is there a way to skip this so it build perfectly?
According to the document, we can know: The first time you run gulp you will be greeted with an interactive installer, as far as I know, the pipeline cannot handle such interactive setup.
The easiest way to install Semantic UI is our NPM package which
contains special install scripts to make setup interactive and
updates seamless.
The install process will create two files: semantic.json stores paths for your build and sits on the top-level of your project, theme.config is a LESS file that exists in src/ and allows you to centrally set the themes for each UI component.
The installer will also create a special folder which contains your site-specific themes. The default location for this is src/site. For details, please refer to this document.
So a workaround I can think of is that you can run the npm install semantic-ui --save command locally, and then publish the generated files from the local to the azure repo.

How to build react.js apps at visual studio code?

I have created two apps using 'Visual Studio Code' and 'node.js.' I run them using command 'npm start,' and they show in the browser. I want to build them or deploy them so they can be used by anyone. It says there to use command 'npm run build.' How to do that, and what technique you use in order to build them?
It depends on what configuration you used for building the React app. If you used create-react-app, npm run build is the correct command for building it.
If you used a different configuration (e.g. webpack), you should use the relevant command for that configuration.
Either way, deploying it will be as easy as copy/pasting the build folder's content to the server you want to host it, after running the build command.
Visual Studio Code or any other Code Editor for that matter is not relevant. You can develop, build and deploy any React app using any Code Editor you want, it's just a matter of preference.
"Building" refers to the task of preparing (transforming, minifying, compressing, etc.) all the relevant project files so that they're ready for production (assuming that your build scripts are configured to do so).
"Deploying" an app is usually a separate task that will deploy (upload) your current project build to a development platform provider like Firebase, Netlify, Azure, etc. Note that you have to register with a provider and setup a new project on their end before your deploy your project.
Which provider you use is totally up to you. Also, you have to configure your current project once you've chosen your development provider. They'll provide instructions on how to deploy your project.
On a side note, keep in mind that you can configure your own npm scripts so that they run whatever you want. More about that here

How to deploy the build of a electron app like Sizzy?

I'm new to yarn, nodejs and react apps. I've tried running the Sizzy app and it works on my local XAMPP server if I first run yarn start in the cmd terminal and then access via http://localhost:3033, but after a while I have to rerun the same command. I've tried yarn build and then navigating to the build directory but that just loaded a page with a header, it didn't have the same functionality. And the contents of the build directory looks very similar to the contents of the public directory anyway.
I've had a look at this SO post and this one but still unsure why I need to run yarn start everytime.
I'm still not sure how node, react, and electron fit together and why each is required, much research and learning still to do! Rather than a 'react app' I believe I'm looking at an 'Electron app'. I think if I run the command npm run package-win then I think I should get an exe file and some dlls. But how to instead setup for running on an Apache web server without having to start using the command line, or would you just have to build it with different architecture?
Starting to get a vague understanding from reading this.
If you used the npx create-react-app <app-name> then you just have to change the "start" script in the package.json file as "serve -s build". Run yarn add serve to add For deployment, Heroku is a good choice. Create a Heroku app and connect your git repo to the newly created app. Then go to the deploy tab and deploy your branch.
