react-chartjs-2 vertical line when hovering over chart - reactjs

I'm trying to create a linechart, using react-chartjs-2, that has a vertical line when hovering over the datapoints in the chart. Like in this picture below:
Chart requirements
I tried using the chartjs-plugin-annotation plugin, but with mixed results. I managed to create a static line, not understanding how or why it works. How should I achieve this? Am I onto something?
const data = {
labels: [...week(d)],
datasets: [
data: [10000, 9500, 7000, 4500, 2500, 1500, 500, 0],
var line = [{
type: "line",
mode: "vertical",
// ???
scaleID: "y-axis-0",
value: -20000,
borderColor: "#2984c5",
borderWidth: 1,
const options = {
tooltips: {
xPadding: 20,
yPadding: 10,
displayColors: false,
bodyFontSize: 16,
bodyFontStyle: 'bold',
annotation: {
annotations: line,
scales: {
yAxes: [{
gridLines: {
drawBorder: false,
tickMarkLength: 0,
ticks: {
fontSize: 14,
padding: 15,
max: data.maxY,
min: 0,
maxTicksLimit: 6,
fontColor: "#485465"
xAxes: [{
ticks: {
padding: 5,
fontSize: 14,
fontColor: "#485465",
gridLines: {
display: false,
responsive: false,
I have my full code available here:

In case someone needs it for "react-chartjs-2": "^4.0.1". This one worked for me based on previous answers:
import { Chart } from 'chart.js';
import { Line } from 'react-chartjs-2';
id: 'uniqueid5', //typescript crashes without id
afterDraw: function (chart: any, easing: any) {
if (chart.tooltip._active && chart.tooltip._active.length) {
const activePoint = chart.tooltip._active[0];
const ctx = chart.ctx;
const x = activePoint.element.x;
const topY =;
const bottomY = chart.scales.y.bottom;;
ctx.moveTo(x, topY);
ctx.lineTo(x, bottomY);
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.strokeStyle = '#e23fa9';
interaction: {
mode: 'index',
intersect: false,

The below answer is correct it only needs some tweaks, Thanks Jordan.
afterDraw: function(chart, easing) {
if (chart.tooltip._active && chart.tooltip._active.length) {
const activePoint = chart.controller.tooltip._active[0];
const ctx = chart.ctx;
const x = activePoint.tooltipPosition().x;
const topY = chart.scales['y-axis-0'].top;
const bottomY = chart.scales['y-axis-0'].bottom;;
ctx.moveTo(x, topY);
ctx.lineTo(x, bottomY);
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.strokeStyle = '#e23fa9';
In the chart options we need to add the below config to display the line on near by hover.
tooltips: {
mode: 'index',
intersect: false
hover: {
mode: 'index',
intersect: false
PS: if there are multiple chart plotted together then above piece of code might cause problems. if we want to have this effect on a specific chart(e.g line) then we can add the below condition.
if (
chart.tooltip._active &&
chart.tooltip._active.length &&
chart.config.type === 'line'
This worked for me, hope this help.

Just looked into this exact thing and this will get you there! It won't do the fills on either side of the line, but it creates the vertical line!
componentWillMount() {
afterDraw: function (chart, easing) {
if (chart.tooltip._active && chart.tooltip._active.length) {
const activePoint = chart.controller.tooltip._active[0];
const ctx = chart.ctx;
const x = activePoint.tooltipPosition().x;
const topY = chart.scales['y-axis-1'].top;
const bottomY = chart.scales['y-axis-1'].bottom;;
ctx.moveTo(x, topY);
ctx.lineTo(x, bottomY);
ctx.lineWidth = 2;
ctx.strokeStyle = '#e23fa9';
Also for anyone with multiple datasets you can add this into your options for tooltips on all lines at once.
tooltips: {
mode: 'x'


ReactJS - Moving vertical line when hovering over Line chart using chart.js v3.7.1

I am working on the latest version of Chart.js, i.e., v3.7.1. However, I notice that most of the configurations have been changed from those of version 2.x. My problem is that I would like to draw a vertical line everytime there is a mouseover the chart, but not necessary having the mouse on the data points, but can be above or below, as long as the mouse point is in line with a data point, a verical line is drawn. This is clearly illustrated by this code on JSFiddle. I tried this Solution on this platform but it fails to work since it is based on ChartJS v2.6.0. Anyone with an idea of doing this? Here are my codes:
import React from "react";
import Chart from 'chart.js/auto';
import { Line } from "react-chartjs-2";
import 'chartjs-adapter-moment';
const newOptions = {
responsive: true,
plugins: {
responsive: true,
title: {
display: true,
text: 'Weekly Logs'
scales: {
x: {
type: "time",
time: {
displayFormats: {
'day': 'dddd'
interaction: {
mode: "index",
axis: 'y'
const LineChart = ({ dataChart }) => {
return <Line
data={dataChart} options={newOptions}
export default LineChart;
You can use a custom plugin for this:
const plugin = {
id: 'corsair',
afterInit: (chart) => {
chart.corsair = {
x: 0,
y: 0
afterEvent: (chart, evt) => {
const {
chartArea: {
} = chart;
const {
} = evt.event;
if (x < left || x > right || y < top || y > bottom) {
chart.corsair = {
draw: false
chart.corsair = {
draw: true
afterDatasetsDraw: (chart, _, opts) => {
const {
chartArea: {
} = chart;
const {
} = chart.corsair;
if (!draw) {
ctx.lineWidth = opts.width || 0;
ctx.setLineDash(opts.dash || []);
ctx.strokeStyle = opts.color || 'black';
if (opts.vertical) {
ctx.moveTo(x, bottom);
ctx.lineTo(x, top);
if (opts.horizontal) {
ctx.moveTo(left, y);
ctx.lineTo(right, y);
const options = {
type: 'line',
data: {
labels: ["Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Purple", "Orange"],
datasets: [{
label: '# of Votes',
data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3],
borderColor: 'pink'
label: '# of Points',
data: [7, 11, 5, 8, 3, 7],
borderColor: 'orange'
options: {
plugins: {
corsair: {
horizontal: false,
vertical: true,
color: 'red',
dash: [],
width: 2
const ctx = document.getElementById('chartJSContainer').getContext('2d');
new Chart(ctx, options);
<canvas id="chartJSContainer" width="600" height="400"></canvas>
<script src=""></script>
For you to use this in react, you only need the Chart.register line like so:
import React from "react";
import Chart from 'chart.js/auto';
import { Line } from "react-chartjs-2";
import 'chartjs-adapter-moment';
const plugin = {
// Plugin code, see stack snipet above

Set Tooltip over line Chartjs

I wanna show tooltips over the line not only on data points.
I also tried the chartjs-plugin-crosshair but it doesn't work in V3 of chartjs.
You can write a custom implementation for V3 for it:
// Options for the indicators
const indicatorOptions = {
radius: 4,
borderWidth: 1,
borderColor: 'red',
backgroundColor: 'transparent'
// Override getLabelAndValue to return the interpolated value
const getLabelAndValue = Chart.controllers.line.prototype.getLabelAndValue;
Chart.controllers.line.prototype.getLabelAndValue = function(index) {
if (index === -1) {
const meta = this.getMeta();
const pt = meta._pt;
const vScale = meta.vScale;
return {
label: 'interpolated',
value: vScale.getValueForPixel(pt.y)
return, index);
// The interaction mode
Chart.Interaction.modes.interpolate = function(chart, e, option) {
const x = e.x;
const items = [];
const metas = chart.getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas();
for (let i = 0; i < metas.length; i++) {
const meta = metas[i];
const pt = meta.dataset.interpolate({
}, "x");
if (pt) {
const element = new Chart.elements.PointElement({,
options: { ...indicatorOptions
meta._pt = element;
index: -1,
datasetIndex: meta.index
} else {
meta._pt = null;
return items;
// Plugin to draw the indicators
id: 'indicators',
afterDraw(chart) {
const metas = chart.getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas();
for (let i = 0; i < metas.length; i++) {
const meta = metas[i];
if (meta._pt) {
afterEvent(chart, args) {
if (args.event.type === 'mouseout') {
const metas = chart.getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas();
for (let i = 0; i < metas.length; i++) {
metas[i]._pt = null;
args.changed = true;
var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext("2d");
var chart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: "line",
data: {
labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"],
datasets: [{
fill: true,
label: "My First dataset",
backgroundColor: "rgba(132, 0, 0, 1)",
borderColor: "rgb(255, 99, 132)",
data: [0, 10, 5, 2, 20, 30, 45]
data: [30, 40, 50],
label: 'My Second Dataset',
fill: true,
backgroundColor: "lightgreen",
borderColor: "green"
options: {
interaction: {
mode: "interpolate",
intersect: false,
axis: "x"
plugins: {
tooltip: {
displayColors: false,
<script src=""></script>
<h1>Interpolating line values</h1>
<div class="myChartDiv">
<canvas id="myChart" width="600" height="400"></canvas>
The following combination of chartjs-plugin-crosshair and chart.js seems to be working fine for me.
"chart.js": "^3.4.0",
"chartjs-plugin-crosshair": "^1.2.0"
I am initiating the Chart object like below:
Which can be used properly in an useEffect block:
useEffect(() =>
return () => {
}, []);
And then you can pass the options of the chart like below:
options: {
plugins: {
crosshair: {
line: {
color: "#d1d1d1",
width: 1,
sync: {
enabled: true,
group: 1,
suppressTooltips: false,
zoom: {
enabled: false,
Note that the configurations above, will keep the crosshair pointer synced over all your charts rendered on the same component. You may need to change the behavior here.
you can use chartjs-plugin-crosshair
function generateDataset(shift, label, color) {
var data = [];
var x = 0;
while (x < 30) {
x: x,
y: Math.sin(shift + x / 3)
x += Math.random();
var dataset = {
backgroundColor: color,
borderColor: color,
showLine: true,
fill: false,
pointRadius: 2,
label: label,
data: data,
lineTension: 0,
interpolate: true
return dataset;
var chart1 = new Chart(document.getElementById("chart").getContext("2d"), {
type: "scatter",
options: {
plugins: {
crosshair: {
sync: {
enabled: false
tooltip: {
animation: false,
mode: "interpolate",
intersect: false,
callbacks: {
title: function(a, d) {
return a[0].element.x.toFixed(2);
label: function(d) {
return ([d.datasetIndex].label + ": " + d.element.y.toFixed(2)
scales: {
x: {
min: 2,
max: 28
data: {
datasets: [
generateDataset(0, "A", "red")
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="chart" height="100"></canvas>

Using zoom/pan with ChartJS

So I've been using react ChartJS to build some graphs, but eventually I ran into scroll problems that I couldn't solve with chartjs, so I found Apex that has Zoom built-in and I could make it scrollable.
But now since they are two completely different libs, so I can't copy it 100% the way it was.
I did not find anything on the docs talking about multiple labels in one value, so if anyone could help me with this one.
And if you see close enough there are some line running on the chart below, are those possible to do with Apex? (I'm using a customPlugin in chartJS to do it)
Ok, in the end I changed back to ChartJS and used the chartjs-plugin-zoom plugin to do the same thing I was doing with ApexChart, I'm placing my code in this answer in case that anyone faces the same problem.
React Bar Component:
import React from "react";
import { Bar, Chart } from "react-chartjs-2";
import ChartDataLabels from "chartjs-plugin-datalabels";
import Zoom from "chartjs-plugin-zoom";
const ChartBar = ({
// test,
}) => {
return (
display: "flex",
alignItems: "center",
flexDirection: "column",
{/* <h1>Gráficos</h1> */}
<div style={{ width: "65%", height: "350px" }}>
newPlugin ? newPlugin : "",
// test ? test : "",
categoryPercentage: stacked ? 1.0 : 0.9,
barPercentage: 1.0,
// layout: {
// padding: {
// left: 0,
// right: 0,
// top: 60,
// bottom: 0,
// },
// },
responsive: true,
maintainAspectRatio: false,
plugins: {
zoom: {
// limits: { y: { min: "original", max: "original" } },
// pan: { enabled: true, mode: "xy", threshold: 10 },
// zoom: {
// wheel: {
// enabled: true,
// mode: "xy",
// },
// },
limits: { y: { min: "original", max: "original" } },
pan: { enabled: true, mode: "x", threshold: 10 },
zoom: {
mode: "x",
drag: {
enabled: true,
backgroundColor: "rgba(225,0,225,0.3)",
wheel: {
enabled: true,
modifierKey: "alt",
tooltip: { enabled: false },
legend: {
display: noLabel ? false : true,
position: labelPosition ? labelPosition : "bottom",
title: { padding: 40 },
title: { text: text, display: true, padding: 30 },
scales: {
// scaleLabel: { display: true },
x: {
stacked: stacked ? true : false,
// ticks: {
// display: false,
// autoSkip: true,
// maxTicksLimit: 10,
// beginAtZero: true,
// },
// gridLines: {
// display: false,
// },
y: { stacked: stacked ? true : false, ticks: { display: false } },
// xAxes: [{ scaleLabel: { display: true } }],
export default ChartBar;
One data object that is being used with this component(eg. the one in the main question):
customPlugin: {
id: "customValue",
afterDraw: (chart, args, opts) => {
const {
data: { datasets },
} = chart;
datasets[1].data.forEach((dp, i) => {
let increasePercent =
(dp * 100) / datasets[0].data[i] >= 100
? Math.round(
((dp * 100) / datasets[0].data[i] - 100) * 100
) / 100
: (Math.round(
(100 - (dp * 100) / datasets[0].data[i]) * 100
) /
100) *
let barValue = `${increasePercent}%`;
const lineHeight = ctx.measureText("M").width;
const offset = opts.offset || 0;
const dash = opts.dash || [];
ctx.textAlign = "center";
_metasets[1].data[i].y - lineHeight * 1.5,
if (_metasets[0].data[i].y >= _metasets[1].data[i].y) {
ctx.moveTo(_metasets[0].data[i].x, _metasets[0].data[i].y);
_metasets[1].data[i].y - offset
_metasets[1].data[i].y - offset
} else {
_metasets[0].data[i].y - offset
_metasets[0].data[i].y - offset
_metasets[1].data[i].y - offset - lineHeight * 2
text: "Evolução da Receita Líquida por Produto",
type: "bar",
// labels: values?.estimatedProducts?.map((v, i) => {
// return `Rec Líq - Prod ${++i}`;
// }),
labels: addNewArrayValue(values?.estimatedProducts, true),
datasets: [
type: "bar",
label: values?.monthsLabels?.mesBaseLabel,
data: values?.productsValues?.receitaLiquidaBase,
backgroundColor: ["rgba(42,62,176, 1)"],
datalabels: {
font: {
size: 10,
rotation: -90,
color: "white",
formatter: (value, context) => {
if (value !== 0) {
return value
.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
// ?.toFixed(0)
// .replace(/\d(?=(\d{3})+\.)/g, "$&,");
} else {
return 0;
type: "bar",
label: values?.monthsLabels?.mesOrcadoLabel,
data: values?.productsValues?.receitaLiquidaOrcado,
backgroundColor: "orange",
datalabels: {
font: {
size: 10,
rotation: -90,
color: "black",
formatter: (value, context) => {
if (value !== 0) {
return value
.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
} else {
return 0;
Yeah, it's not the best code, but it's a starter, I've been struggling for 1h30m just because there's little to no actual examples/doc on this case.

Is There any way to show image on top of the stacked bar, Am getting image on every color Instead of that i need only on top of each bar

Am returning Image inside labels, Its rendering image on every color , But i need only on top of the bar and image should be dynamically change.
this.options = {
legend: {
plugins: {
datalabels: {
display: false,
labels: {
render: (args) => {
return { src: "", width: 16, height: 16 };
You could get rid of chartjs-plugin-labels and directly use the Plugin Core API. It offers a range of hooks that can be used for performing custom code. You can for example use the afterDraw hook to draw the images through CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage().
afterDraw: chart => {
let ctx = chart.chart.ctx;
let xAxis = chart.scales['x-axis-0'];
let yAxis = chart.scales['y-axis-0'];
xAxis.ticks.forEach((value, index) => {
let sum = => !ds._meta[0].hidden).reduce((sum, ds) => sum +[index], 0);
let x = xAxis.getPixelForTick(index);
let y = yAxis.getPixelForValue(sum);
let image = new Image();
image.src = images[index];
ctx.drawImage(image, x - 12, y - 25);
To make sure that the top located image does not overlap the legend, the following code should be invoked prior to create the chart.
Chart.Legend.prototype.afterFit = function() {
this.height = this.height + 25;
Please take a look at below runnable code and see how it works.
const images = ['', '', '', ''];
Chart.Legend.prototype.afterFit = function() {
this.height = this.height + 25;
new Chart("canvas", {
type: 'bar',
plugins: [{
afterDraw: chart => {
let ctx = chart.chart.ctx;
let xAxis = chart.scales['x-axis-0'];
let yAxis = chart.scales['y-axis-0'];
xAxis.ticks.forEach((value, index) => {
let sum = => !ds._meta[0].hidden).reduce((sum, ds) => sum +[index], 0);
let x = xAxis.getPixelForTick(index);
let y = yAxis.getPixelForValue(sum);
let image = new Image();
image.src = images[index];
ctx.drawImage(image, x - 12, y - 25);
data: {
labels: ["A", "B", "C", "D"],
datasets: [{
label: 'X',
backgroundColor: "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)",
data: [50, 40, 23, 45]
}, {
label: 'Y',
backgroundColor: "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)",
data: [50, 40, 78, 23]
}, {
label: 'Z',
backgroundColor: "rgba(82,154,190,0.5)",
data: [50, 67, 78, 23]
options: {
responsive: true,
scales: {
xAxes: [{
stacked: true
yAxes: [{
stacked: true
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="canvas" height="100"></canvas>

Is there a way to add a drop shadow for one specific line in the line chart containing many lines?

I am trying to add a drop shadow for one specific line in the chart.
This helped somehow but was not enough:
I am using the package of "react-chartjs-2": "2.7.6" in a react project.
What I came up with, adds a drop shadow for all the lines .. I can't seem to find a way to add it per dataset.
I have prepended this code to the componentWillMount that adds a drop shadow to all the lines (which isn't what I want)
id: 'dropShadow',
afterDraw: function (chart, easing) {
let originial = this;
const { ctx } = chart;
let originalStroke = ctx.stroke;
ctx.stroke = function () {;
ctx.shadowColor = '#C4A4BF';
ctx.shadowBlur = 7;
ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0;
ctx.shadowOffsetY = 0;
originalStroke.apply(this, arguments)
This is a mini sample of the code I'm tried to build
import React from 'react';
import mediaPlanner from '../api/mediaPlanner';
import {Line,Chart} from "react-chartjs-2";
class Revenue extends React.Component{
this.state = {
data: {}
this.graphDataSample = {
forecastRevenue: ["3000", "3500", "3500"]
revenue: ["1000", "3000", "5000"]
timestamp: ["2019-02-01", "2019-02-02", "2019-02-03"]
// get up the options of the graph
this.options = {
maintainAspectRatio: false,
legend: {
display: true,
position: 'bottom',
labels: {
fontColor: 'rgb(255,255,255)',
tooltips: {
backgroundColor: "#f5f5f5",
titleFontColor: "#333",
bodyFontColor: "#666",
bodySpacing: 4,
xPadding: 12,
mode: "nearest",
intersect: 0,
position: "nearest"
responsive: true,
scales: {
yAxes: [
barPercentage: 1.6,
gridLines: {
drawBorder: false,
color: "rgba(29,140,248,0.0)",
zeroLineColor: "transparent"
ticks: {
suggestedMin: 60,
suggestedMax: 125,
padding: 20,
fontColor: "#9a9a9a"
xAxes: [
barPercentage: 1.6,
gridLines: {
drawBorder: false,
color: "rgba(29,140,248,0.1)",
zeroLineColor: "transparent"
ticks: {
padding: 20,
fontColor: "#9a9a9a"
componentWillMount = () => {
// supposed to make an api call to get the data returned
// by graphDataSample
// adds the drop shadow to both revenue and forecast revenue
// I only want to add it to the forecast revenue
id: 'dropShadow',
afterDraw: function (chart, easing) {
let originial = this;
const { ctx } = chart;
let originalStroke = ctx.stroke;
ctx.stroke = function () {;
ctx.shadowColor = '#C4A4BF';
ctx.shadowBlur = 7;
ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0;
ctx.shadowOffsetY = 0;
originalStroke.apply(this, arguments)
this.setState({data: function(canvas){
return {
labels: this.graphDataSample.timestamp, // X-axis
datasets: [
fill: false,
borderColor: "#6C6C74",
borderWidth: 3,
borderDash: [],
borderDashOffset: 0.0,
pointBackgroundColor: "#6C6C74",
pointHoverRadius: 0,
pointHoverBorderWidth: 10,
pointBorderWidth: 0,
steppedLine: false,
pointRadius: 0,
label: "Revenue ($)",
data: this.graphDataSample.revenue, // Y-axis
fill: false,
borderColor: "red",
borderWidth: 3,
borderDash: [],
borderDashOffset: 0.0,
pointBackgroundColor: "red",
pointHoverRadius: 0,
pointHoverBorderWidth: 10,
pointBorderWidth: 0,
steppedLine: false,
pointRadius: 0,
label: "Forecast Revenue ($)",
data: this.graphDataSample.forecastRevenue, // Y-axis
render() {
return (
export default Revenue;
As said the expected is to add a drop shadow to one line in my case is for the forecast revenue and not the revenue
That's a screenshot
