How to get latest SQL Server version when creating Azure SQL database - sql-server

I believed that I always got the latest version of SQL Server when creating a new Azure database from the Azure Portal. But that is not happening.
I always get sql Server version (12.0.2000.8) which is SQL 2014. I can't find other places to set a new compability level either.
Is there a problem with my subscription (pay as you go)??
Have any of you had the same experience as me, have you been able to solve it?
The reason I want SQL 2017 is that I want to publish SSIS packages to the SSISDB catalog, which is not possible on SQL 2014?
Hope any of you can help me out here
regards GEir

It's possible to use SSIS on DB engine 12 on Azure. Check out official documentation.
Additionally, you may upgrade your already-created azure databases by setting COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL modificator. Look into ALTER_TABLE documentation for examples.
Please note that although SQL Azure's engine share similar "engine api" as SQL Server 2014 (v12), those are not the same. What's more relevant in terms of supported features is maximum supported "Compatibility level".


'web' is not a valid database version in this edition of SQL Server

Aha! -- this is probably it. On the very weekend I elected to set up the DNN site on Azure ... Web and Business versions are deprecated / retired. As of yesterday in fact, this is what is on Azure.
The ONLY 2 choices in SQL Server 2012 SSMS however, to import a data tier app are just Web and Business. Basic, Standard and Premium are not in the drop down in SSMS 2012.
So ... rather than just zap this question I'll put in another question within it. Is there an update to SSMS 2012? I ask because the database being migrated is 2012 so using SSMS 2014 may not work, if the option is to download this version of SSMS and use it.
Other than that ... here's what's already posted:
Note, the SQL Server database being migrated is 2012. DNN Version is 07.02.01 (367).
I'm following the steps in this blog link to migrate a DNN site to Azure: The error I get is:
'web' is not a valid database version in this edition of SQL Server.
I have 2 choices in the import process 'Web' and 'Business', tried both and neither will work. There are a few other Stack Overflow questions on this but these are either not answered or the answers don't work.
I realize this is vague but it's simple enough: It doesn't work. :) The blog is followed to the letter. The .bacpac file is created with no errors. Importing the data tier step just results in the error that creating the target database on Azure failed for the above reason.
I have a support ticket in to Azure for this as well.
There has to be a simple, overlooked something -- a missing config step on setting up Azure. It could be the free trial doesn't cover this and I need to pay for something. That's fine ... just need to know what it is.
Who has run into this and actually, factually solved it?
My recommendation is always to use the latest SSMS version available, in order to have the latest updates supporting new Azure features like: full-text search support for Azure SQL Server v12, the long requested "Edit top 200 rows" working, the table designer, and a long etc.
Note that the latest SSMS release supports SQL Server 2016 through SQL Server 2005, so is going to work fine with your SQL Server 2012 database. On the SSMS June 2015 Preview, the following item was added:
Import/Export wizard support for new Azure SQL Database service tiers (Basic, Standard, Premium).
You can
For future reference. This hotfix should work on this problem.
That is because the valid database version could be basic or standard or premium. SSMS does not allow to choose it, therefore, the solution is to download the latest version of SSMS.

Am I using SQL Server or SQL Azure?

I have this issue which I have asked about here
In all my programmatic attempts to fix the issue above, things like this are displayed in the messages box:
Reference to database and/or server name in
'master..sp_addsrvrolemember' is not supported in this version of SQL
How do I find the version of SQL Server,I am using? It seems nothing is supported by my version.
Is the issue can be that - I am not using SQL Server somehow? I am using Microsoft Azure to host my database. Does that make you use SQL Azure? In SSMS, in the Object Explorer, at the top where it says the server, it says Server 13.0.201 - Amber). Amber is my user name, and is the administrator. SQL Server 13.0.201 is not in this list of SQL Server build numbers
Yes, you are using the Azure version of SQL Server, which does not support sp_addsrvrolemember.
(Do note that that stored procedure is deprecated and you should be using ALTER SERVER ROLE, which is supported at least in Azure SQL Data Warehouse's preview.)
The only way to run a full SQL Server is to create a VM and run it there yourself. The Azure version will never be the full version.
You are using Microsofts implementation of SQL server, the version number and name(Amber) supplied are indeed correct. Depending on the level of Azure account you are using, this server is usually configurable.
Microsoft Azures platform contains some very nice support and I would advise consulting directly with a rep. They have always been very helpful and quick to help in regards to configuration issues, even performing the configurations for you if required.

Unable to import/deploy database to SQL Azure: "The service objective (Business/Web) specified is invalid."

I'm trying to move my databases to a newer Azure subscription. I used to simply click "Deploy to Azure" on a local database from SSMS and have it deployed to a specified Azure server. Importing/Exporting a BACPAC file also works. However, I can't seem to do any of this on the new server. I keep getting the error:
"The service objective 'Web' specified is invalid."
Googling around, I found this thread explaining the need to update the CREATE DATABASE template to accommodate Azure Databases (Azure upgrade, I'm guessing). However, the hotfix provided is specifically for SQL Server 2014 and I'm using SQL Server 2012. I checked other cumulative updates for 2012 here but found no fix for the issue.
Is there any other way I can fix this without having to upgrade to 2014?
Just to summarize my software versions:
SQL Server 2012
SQL Management Studio 11.0.2100.60
Local database: SQL Server 10.50.16000
Old Azure server: SQL Server 11.0.9230
New Azure server: SQL Server 13.0.15
You are getting this error because the latest V12 servers are not supporting the Web and Business Editions anymore. If you don't want to upgrade to SSMS 2014, you can create a V11 server and import your DB on this server. However this is only a temporary solution as Web and Business edition databases will be retired in September. At this point you will have to work with the latest tools to avoid this problem.
There is a Hotfix for it you can download and install on your machine. Please navigate to:
You need to enter your email then download link will be sent to your email address. Then install it on your machine and you can see the following options:
Install the database as a Data Project into Visual Studio,
Set the target framework in the properties window to SQL Azure,
Build the project and resolve any unsupported issues.
Publish to your azure site.
I have tried the above and did not work for me - this solution worked!

Where can I find out the differences between SQL Server and SQL Azure?

I am trying to find this out. I asked a question about newsequentialid() and received an answer but there was no information backing it up.
Has anyone out there seen a place where I can see the capabilities or differences between the two databases and in particular the latest differences?
You can find the latest on Azure SQL Database here : This should give you a good idea about what features currently exist in Azure SQL DB V12.
Additionally, you can find differences between Azure SQL DB and SQL Server in a VM here :
This one is a slightly out-of-date page with comparison between Azure SQL DB and SQL Server on-prem, but has some useful basic differences.

Move Sharepoint 2010 to point to a different database?

Has anyone here moved the database underlying a SP 2010 install from one database instance to another (same data, just hosted in another instance)?
For example. we just want to move the database to a diffrerent machine.
In addition, has anyone moved SP 2010 from using SQL Express to a higher version of SQL Server? I would like to run some proof of concept tests with SQL Express, and if all goes well, then move to SQL Standard or Enterprise.
Check out the following article:
I don't think you'll run into any problems, just make sure you aren't going backwards in versions between databases. Backing up a database in SQL Server 2008 and restoring in 2005 isn't easy.
I've never done this with SharePoint, but I believe it lets you specify the location of the configuration database. Then you just need to match the user permissions.
The TechNet article "Move All Databases (SharePoint 2010)" is your main guide.
Note that this article contains the following warning:
The new database server must be running the same version of Windows
Server and Microsoft SQL Server as the existing database server.
This in NOT true!
Both from my own experience in migrating SharePoint databases and talks I've had with Microsoft Primary Field Engineering, I can say this method also works when SQL Server versions differ. But only if you upgrade to higher SQL Server versions (i.e. SQL Server 2005 to SQL Server 2008 R2). I was told this scenario is also fully supported by Microsoft.
Also, don't forget to update the database compatibility level for the migrated databases. This should future-proof your databases and enable advanced SQL Server optimization.
