I have been able to integrated alexa to ROS, and in general terms it works, the problem is that when I send a command to alexa and it publishes a topic, turtlebot keeps listening to it, and for example, when I say forward, that is not a big deal because I can simply tell turtlebot to stop, but I find it kind of a problem when I say turn left or turn right, because it keeps going left or right, I am not sure how to solve this.
Type of messages I am publishing= geometry messages/ twist
My ideas:
1- Create a subscriber that subscribes just for a certain time then close and subscribes when a new command is publish.
Disadvantage: To go forward would required a longer time than going for the sides, so maybe would not solve the problem
2- Create a subscriber that subscribes gets only one message closes and subscribes when a new message is publish.
Disadvantage: to go forward just one time, would not solve this problems but would just create the exact opposite problem
I saw that for the second case I can use this but I am not sure how to.
The code I have for the subscriber at the moment is this.
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
void cmd_vel_callback(const geometry_msgs::Twist& vel_cmd)
ROS_INFO("I heard: [%f]", vel_cmd.linear.y);
std::cout << "Twist Received " << std::endl;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
ros::init(argc, argv, "turtl" );
ros::NodeHandle n;
ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe("/cmd_vel", 1000, cmd_vel_callback);
while( n.ok() )
return 1;

Your problem is you cannot just stop subscribing and subscribe again which is not optimal.
there's 2 way you can do this :
you can remove ros::spin() and use ros::spinOnce() ask subscriber to get new data after your previous task is done (You said for forward moving it takes longer and for sides takes shorter) you can call it after you can verify the task is done anywhere in the code.
get output from subscriber and store it inside another variable and add another control function inside your while(n.ok()) to act on the previous data or to change to new data came from subscriber.


CANOPEN SYNC timeout after enable Operation

I am a newbie in CANOPEN. I wrote a program that read actual position via PDO1 (default is statusword + actual position).
void canopen_init() {
// code1 setup PDO mapping
setTransmissionTypePDO(PDO_TX1_CONFIG_COMM, 1);
setInhibitTimePDO(PDO_TX1_CONFIG_COMM, 0);
setEventTimePDO(PDO_TX1_CONFIG_COMM, 0);
//code 2: enable OPeration
// code 3
int main (void) {
while {
If I remove "code 2" (the servo is in Switch_on_disable status), i can read position each time sync send. But if i use "code 2", the driver has error "sync frame timeout". I dont know driver has problem or my code has problem. Does my code has problem? thank you!
I don't know what protocol stack this is or how it works, but these:
likely correspond to these OD entries :
Object 1006h: Communication cycle period (CiA 301
Object 1007h: Synchronous window length (CiA 301
They set the SYNC interval and time window for synchronous PDOs respectively. The latter is described by the standard as:
If the synchronous window length expires all synchronous TPDOs may be discarded and an EMCY message may be transmitted; all synchronous RPDOs may be discarded until the next SYNC message is received. Synchronous RPDO processing is resumed with the next SYNC message.
Now if you set this sync time window to 100us but have a sloppy busy-wait delay delay_ms(1), then that doesn't add up. If you write zero to Object 1007h, you disable the sync window feature. I suppose setSyncWindow(0); might do that. You can try to do that to see if that's the issue. If so, you have to drop your busy-wait in favour for proper hardware timers, one for the SYNC period and one for PDO timeout (if you must use that feature).
Problem fixed. Due to much EMI from servo, that make my controller didn't work properly. After isolating, it worked very well :)!

How to detect unreleased lock in multi-task C project using static analysis tools?

Is there any way, using static analysis tools(I'm using Codesonar now), to detect unreleased lock problems (something like unreleased semaphores) in the following program?(The comment part marked by arrows)
The project is a multi-task system using Round-robin scheduling, where new_request() is an interrupt task comes randomly and send_buffer() is another period task.
In real case, get_buffer() and send_buffer() are various types of wrappers, which contains many call layers until actual lock/unlock process. So I can't simply specify get_buffer() as lock function in settings of static analysis tool.
int bufferSize = 0; // say max size is 5
// random task
void new_request()
int bufferNo = get_buffer(); // wrapper
if (bufferNo == -1)
return; // buffer is full
if (check_something() == OK)
add_to_sendlist(bufferNo); // for asynchronous process of send_buffer()
else // bad request
// ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
// There should be clear_buffer placed here
// but forgotten. Eventually the buffer will be
// full and won't be cleared since 5th bad request comes.
// ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑
// clear_buffer(bufferNo);
int get_buffer()
if(bufferSize < 5)
return bufferSize;
wait_until_empty(); // wait until someone is sent by send_buffer()
return -1;
// clear specifiled one in buffer
void clear_buffer(int bufferNo)
// period task
void send_buffer()
int sent = send_1st_stuff_in_list();
yoyozi - Fair disclosure: I'm an engineer at GrammaTech who works on CodeSonar.
First some general things. The relevant parts of the manual for this are on the page: codesonar/doc/html/C_Module/LibraryModels/ConcurrencyModelsLocks.html. Especially the bottom of the page on Resolving Lock Operation Identification Problems.
Based on your comments, I think you have already read this, since you address setting the names in the configuration settings.
So then the question is how many different wrappers do you have? If it is only a few, then the settings in the configuration file are the way to go. If there are many, that gets tedious. And if there are very many it becomes practically impossible.
So knowing some estimate for how many wrapper sets you have would help.
Even with the wrappers accounted for, it may be that the deadlock and race detectors aren't quite what you need for your problem.
If I understand your issue correctly, you have a queue with limited space, and by accident malformed items don't get cleaned out of the queue, and so the queue gets full and that stalls all processing. While you may have multiple threads involved in this implementation, the issue itself would still be a problem in a basically serial setting.
The best way to work with an issue like this is to try and make a simpler example that displays the same core problem. If you can do this in a way that can be shared with GrammaTech, we can work with you on ways to adjust settings or maybe provide hints to the analysis so it can find this issue.
If you would like to talk about this in more detail, and with prodetction against public disclosure of your code, please contact us at support_at_grammatech_dot_com, where the at and dot should be replaced as needed to make a well formed email address.

how to use a simple way to determine the end of the streaming of client in asynchronous GRPC++?

Now I'm learning Bidirectional streaming in asynchronous GRPC++.
Thanks for the master: I get much useful information to know the realization principle of this mode.But I have a question about it:
Not much to say,the code is following:
the server:
if(!ok || mcounter >= greeting.size())//ctx_.IsCancelled() doesn't work
std::cout << "[ProceedMM]: Trying finish" << std::endl;
status_ = FINISH;
responder_.Finish(Status(), (void*)this);
the client:
void AsyncCompleteRpc()
void* got_tag;
bool ok = false;
while(cq_.Next(&got_tag, &ok))
AbstractAsyncClientCall* call = static_cast<AbstractAsyncClientCall*>(got_tag);
std::cout << "Completion queue is shutting down." << std::endl;
in this server,the end of ClientStream is judged by the bool value of OK which is send by client.It isn't similar to the way of synchronous GRPC,which is judged the steaming end by the return of bool Read(RequestType* request) in the class of ServerReaderWriter in many times.It's so strange to find the same way in the class of ServerAsyncReaderWriter which is void Read(R* msg, void* tag).Though I know it's because of the asynchronous way.But if I don't know how much times of asynchronous streaming without the judgement of "OK", how to find the way like synchronous streaming to judge the end of client streaming.Because I test the performance by java which is the same code between synchronous with asynchronous ways,which don't have the bool value of OK in asynchronous ways.
So can someone help me?Or tell me some ways to deal with it or find a way to test the performance testing of GRPC++ by Bazel of in my another question.
I'm not 100% sure that I get the question, but what ok tells you is (when false) that the operation you requested couldn't be completed and nothing else will ever complete successfully on that side of the stream. So if you issue a Read operation and the Next gives you a !ok value, then you can be sure that no more data will ever come back from the client. A more detailed explanation is given in the comments for the CompletionQueue class.
Thanks and good luck with gRPC.
In the case of receiving a stream in an asynchronous client of gRPC, you will use a ClientAsyncReader<> class to receive data. This class differs when both send and receive are stream, but logic is the same.
This class has a Finish() method which you need to call after finishing sending your rpc data to server. When answer stream from server is finished, a message to CompletionQueue will be added which corresponds to this method. This Finish method returns final status when its message is returned in CQ. You can find out that your stream is finished. Your code will be similar to this:
response_reader_ = stub->PrepareAsyncXYZ(ctx_, req, cq);
response_reader_->Finish(&status_, &finish_data_);
in this sample, message in CQ will have finish_data_ tag and you can use it to handle it properly. You will probably will need to manage messages for Finish() and Read() by reference counting, because you will probably get an additional failed read message too. when message with finish_data_ is received in CQ, status_ will have the valid value of status.
At least it is how I wrote it.

store data in every minute what should use Service, AsyncTask

I want to store data in database in every minute . For the same what should I use Service, AsyncTask or anything else. I go through various link which made me more confused .
I read the developer guide and came to know about getWritableDatabase
Database upgrade may take a long time, you should not call this method from the application main thread,
Then first I think I will use AsyncTask then about this
AsyncTasks should ideally be used for short operations (a few seconds at the most.)
After that I think I can use Service then about Service
A Service is not a thread. It is not a means itself to do work off of the main thread (to avoid Application Not Responding errors).
Here I am not able to understand what should I use to store data in database periodically. Please help me here as struck badly.
Thanks in advance
you cant do a lot work on the UI thread, so making database operations you could choose different approaches, few of them that I prefer to use are listed below;
Create a thread pool and execute each database operation via a thread, this reduces load on UI thread, also it never initializes lot of threads.
You can use services for updating the database operations. since services running on UI thread you cant write your operations in Services, so that you have to create a separate thread inside service method. or you can use Intent service directly since it is not working on UI Thread.
here is developer documentation on thread pool in android
and this is the documentation for IntentService
This will send an intent to your service every minute without using any processor time in your activity in between
Intent myIntent = new Intent(context, MyServiceReceiver.class);
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, myIntent, 0);
AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager)context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.add(Calendar.SECOND, 60); // first time
long frequency= 60 * 1000; // in ms
alarmManager.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, calendar.getTimeInMillis(), frequency, pendingIntent);
Before that check if you really need a service to be started in each minute. or if you can have one service which checks for the data changes in each minute, starting new service would consume maybe more resources than checking itself.
private ping() {
// periodic action here.
private scheduleNext() {
mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() { ping(); }
}, 60000);
int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int x, int y) {
mHandler = new android.os.Handler();
return STICKY;
this is a simple example like that you can do

winforms: Reading from serialport and plotting real time data. Many errors/bugs

I'm trying to acquire data from an MCU, save them to a file and plot them. The code functions properly for some time, then just hangs randomly (sometimes after 1 sec, sometimes after 1 minute ...!). Also the serialport timeouts are not respected, i.e. I'm not receiving any timeout exceptions. I'm using an FTDI232RL chip. The only time I get a timeout exception is when I unplug it while the program is running.
private: System::Void START_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
if((this->comboBox4->Text == String::Empty)||(this->textBox2->Text == String::Empty)||(this->textBox3->Text == String::Empty)){
this->textBox1->Text="please select port, save file directory and logging interval";
else{ // start assigning
double q=fmod(w*1000,10);
MessageBox::Show("The logging interval must be a multiple of 0.01s");
this->interval->Interval = period;
try{ // first make sure port isn't busy/open
// select the port whose name is in comboBox4 (select port)
//open the port
this->serialPort1->ReadTimeout = period+1;
this->serialPort1->WriteTimeout = period+1;
String^ name_ = this->serialPort1->PortName;
START=gcnew String("S");
this->textBox1->Text="Logging started";
myStream=new ofstream(directory,ios::out);
this->textBox1->Text="Warning: port is busy or isn't open";
this->textBox1->Text="Unauthorized access";
private: System::Void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(System::Object^ sender, System::ComponentModel::DoWorkEventArgs^ e) {
else {
for (int n=0;n<8;n++){
adc_array[n]= this->serialPort1->ReadByte();
for(int f=0; f<8; f++){
private: System::Void backgroundWorker1_ProgressChanged(System::Object^ sender, System::ComponentModel::ProgressChangedEventArgs^ e) {
the user is allowed to define intervals in seconds for data acquisition (in the code this interval is w after conversion to double). In this case, the program sends a pulse to the MCU requesting a new data transmission. So far, I have been testing this for 1 second intervals (note, during each interval the MCU sends 8 frames, each representing an ADC). However, I need to get this to run for 10ms intervals at some point. Will this be possible? Any idea on how to solve the few problems I mentioned at the beginning?
Thanks in advance
Just to give you an idea of what's happening:
I commented the charting part and ran the program for about 5 minutes, with a reading interval of 1s. So I expected to get around 5x60=300 values in the output file, but I only got 39 (i.e. starting from 1s till 39s). The program was still running, but the data were not getting stored anymore.
Testing was done in release mode and not debug mode. In debug mode, setting a break point under serialport->readbyte(), does not reproduce the problem. My guess is it's a timing issue between program and MCU.
You are making several standard mistakes. First off, do NOT unplug the cable when the port is opened. Many USB emulators don't know how to deal with that, the FTDI driver is particularly notorious about that. They just make the port disappear while it is in use, this invariably gives code that uses the port a severe heart attack. An uncatchable exception is common.
Secondly, you are accessing properties of a class that is not thread-safe in a worker thread. The Chart control was made to be used only in a UI thread, accessing the ChartAreas property in a worker is going to buy you a lot of misery. Getting an InvalidOperationException is pretty typical when you violate threading requirements, it is however not consistently implemented. Nastiness includes random AccessViolationExceptions, corrupted data and deadlock.
Third, you are setting completely unrealistic goals. Pursuing an update every 10 milliseconds is pointless, the human eye cannot perceive that. Anything past 50 milliseconds just turns into a blur. Something that is taken advantage of when you watch a movie in the cinema, it displays at 24 frames per second. The failure mode for that is unpleasant as well, you'll eventually reach a point where you are pummeling the UI thread (or the Chart control) with more updates than it can process. The side effect is that the UI stops painting itself, it is too busy trying to keep up with the deluge of invoke requests. And the amount of memory your program consumes keeps building, the update queue grows without bounds. That does eventually end with an OOM exception, it takes a while to consume 2 jiggabytes however. You will need to prevent this from happening, you need to throttle the rate at which you invoke. A simple thread-safe counter can take care of that.
Forth, you are accessing the data you gather in more than one thread without taking care of thread-safety. The ADC array content is being changed by the worker while the UI thread is reading it. Various amounts of misery from that, bad data at a minimum. A simply workaround is to pass a copy of the data to the ReportProgress method. In general, address these kind of threading problems by using pull instead of push. Get rid of the fire-hose problem by having the UI thread pace the requests instead of trying to have the UI thread keep up.
