Array contains garbage values not input values - c

I am writing a basic program to compute the binary eq of a decimal value. I'm storing the individual bits or 0 and 1 values into an array so I can eventually reverse the array and print the accurate binary representation. However when I print the array contents to check if array has been properly filled I see garbage values, or 0 if arr[]={0}
My code
int main() {
int i = 0, j = 0, k, decimal, binary = 0, remainder, divider;
int bin[10];
printf("Enter decimal value");
scanf("%d", &decimal);
while ((decimal != 0) && (i < decimal)) {
remainder = decimal % 2;
decimal = decimal / 2;
bin[i] = remainder;
printf("%d", bin[i]);
printf("\n%d", j);
printf("\n%d", bin[0]);
printf("\n%d", bin[1]);
printf("\n%d", bin[2]);
printf("\n%d", bin[3]);
printf("%d", bin);
return 0;
enter image description here

If you are still having problems with the conversion, it may be helpful to consider a couple of points. First, you are over-thinking the conversion from decimal to binary. For any given integer value, the value is already stored in memory in binary.
For example, when you have the integer 10, the computer stores it as 1010 in memory. So for all practical purposes, all you need to do is read the memory for value and set your array values to 1 for each bit that is 1 and 0 for each bit that is 0. You can even go one better, since what you are most likely after is the binary representation of the number, there is no need to store the 1s and 0s as a full 4-byte integer value in bin, why not make bin a character array and store the characters '1' or '0' in the character array (which when nul-terminated) allows a simple printing of the binary representation as a string.
This provides several benefits. Rather than converting from base 10 to base 2 and the divisions and modulo calls required for the base conversion, you can simply shift decimal to the right by one and check whether the least-significant-bit is 0 or 1 and store the desired character '0' or '1' based on the results of a simple unary and operation.
For example, in you case with an integer, you can determine the number of bits required to represent any integer value in binary with sizeof (int) * CHAR_BIT (where CHAR_BIT is a constant provided in limits.h and specifies the number of bits in a character (e.g. byte)). For an integer you could use:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h> /* for CHAR_BIT */
#define NBITS sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT /* constant for bits in int */
To store the character representations of the binary number (or you could store the integers 1, 0 if desired), you can simply declare a character array:
char bin[NBITS + 1] = ""; /* declare storage for NBITS + 1 char */
char *p = bin + NBITS; /* initialize to the nul-terminating char */
(initialized to all zero and the +1 to allow for the nul-terminating character to allow the array to be treated as a string when filled)
Next, as you have discovered, whether you perform the base conversion or shift and and the resulting order of the individual bit values will be in reverse order. To handle that, you can simply declare a pointer pointing to the last character in your array and fill the array with 1s and 0s from the back toward the front.
Here too the character array/string representation makes things easier. Having initialized your array to all zero, you can start writing to your array beginning at the next to last character and working from the end to the beginning will insure you have a nul-terminated string when done. Further, regardless of the number of bits that make up decimal, you are always left with a pointer to the start of the binary representation.
Depending on how you loop over each bit in decimal, you may need to handle the case where decimal = 0; separately. (since you loop while there are bits in decimal, the loop won't execute if decimal = 0;) A simple if can handle the case and your else can simply loop over all bits in decimal:
if (decimal == 0) /* handle decimal == 0 separately */
*--p = '0';
else /* loop shifting decimal right by one until 0 */
for (; decimal && p > bin; decimal >>= 1)
*--p = (decimal & 1) ? '1' : '0'; /* decrement p and set
* char to '1' or '0' */
(note: since p was pointing to the nul-terminating character, you must decrement p with the pre-decrement operator (e.g. --p) before dereferencing and assigning the character or value)
All that remains is outputting your binary representation, and if done as above, it is a simple printf ("%s\n", p);. Putting all the pieces together, you could do something like the following:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h> /* for CHAR_BIT */
#define NBITS sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT /* constant for bits in int */
int main (void) {
int decimal = 0;
char bin[NBITS + 1] = ""; /* declare storage for NBITS + 1 char */
char *p = bin + NBITS; /* initialize to the nul-terminating char */
printf ("enter a integer value: "); /* prompt for input */
if (scanf ("%d", &decimal) != 1) { /* validate ALL user input */
fputs ("error: invalid input.\n", stderr);
return 1;
if (decimal == 0) /* handle decimal == 0 separately */
*--p = '0';
else /* loop shifting decimal right by one until 0 */
for (; decimal && p > bin; decimal >>= 1)
*--p = (decimal & 1) ? '1' : '0'; /* decrement p and set
* char to '1' or '0' */
printf ("binary: %s\n", p); /* output the binary string */
return 0;
(note: the comment on validating ALL user input -- especially when using the scanf family of functions. Otherwise you can easily stray off into Undefined Behavior on an accidental entry of something that doesn't begin with a digit)
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/int2bin
enter a integer value: 0
binary: 0
$ ./bin/int2bin
enter a integer value: 2
binary: 10
$ ./bin/int2bin
enter a integer value: 15
binary: 1111
Two's-complement of negative values:
$ ./bin/int2bin
enter a integer value: -15
binary: 11111111111111111111111111110001
Look things over and let me know if you have any questions, or if you really need bin to be an array of int. Having an integer array holding the individual bit values doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but if that is what you have to do, I'm happy to help.


How to convert integer to binary form in C [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is there a printf converter to print in binary format?
(57 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm trying to convert a user entered integer to binary form, but I keep getting a warning that "binary" is not initialized in the last printf statement.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
long int integer, binary;
printf("Enter an integer: \n");
scanf("%ld", &integer);
while(integer != 0)
binary = integer % 2;
integer = integer / 2;
printf("The integer in binary is %ld", binary);
return 0;
Welcome to Stack Overflow.
The value binary is set during the while loop, but what happens if you actually enter a zero for the integer? In that case the loop doesn't run, and the value binary has no initialized value. Surprise!
That's why it's complaining.
However, the algorithm you're using, even if you enter a nonzero value, will only give binary the value of the lowest bit in the number you're converting, so you'll need different code to make it work to build up the binary value as you run through the integer.
Basically what you're trying to do is turn a binary value in to a kind of decimal representation of binary, which has enough limitations that I'm not sure it's worth doing.
long int binary = 0;
while (integer != 0)
binary += integer % 2; // 1 or 0
binary *= 10; // a "binary" decimal shift left
integer /= 2;
printf("Integer in binary is %ld", binary);
return 0;
This works, but it has a severe limitation of only being able to represent relatively small binary values.
The most common way people solve this exercise is to convert the integer value to a string rather than an integer, for easy display.
I wonder if that's the problem you're trying to solve?
An integer comprised of only decimal 1 and 0 digits is not binary. An int on a computer is already binary; the %d format specifier creates a character string representation of that value in decimal. It is mathematically nonsensical to generate a binary value that when represented as a decimal looks like some other binary value. Not least because that approach is good for only a 10 bit value (on a 32 bit int), or 19 bits using a 64bit int.
Moreover, the solution requires further consideration (and more code) to handle negative integer values - although how you do that is ambiguous due to the limited number of bits you can represent.
Since the int is already a binary value, it is far simpler to present the binary bit pattern directly than to calculate some decimal value that happens to resemble a binary value:
// Skip leading zero bits
uint32_t mask = 0x80000000u ;
while( mask != 0 && (integer & mask) == 0 ) mask >>= 1 ;
// Output remaining significant digits
printf("The integer in binary is ");
while( mask != 0 )
putchar( (integer & mask) == 0 ? '0' : '1' ) ;
mask >>= 1 ;
putchar( '\n' ) ;

Converting a negative decimal into binary in C

I'm currently working on a program that (among others) has to convert a decimal number into binary, octal & hexadecimal.
This already works with this code:
int e = 0;
while(i != 0){
str[e] = (i%b) + '0';
i = i / b;
if(str[e] > '9'){
str[e] = str[e] + 7;
if(vorzeichen == -1){
str[e] = '1';
if(b == 16){
str[e] = 'x';
str[e+1] = '0';
else if(b == 8){
str[e] = '0';
b is the base (2 for binary, 8 for octal & 16 for hexa) and i is the number that i want to convert.
This gives out a string of characters which i then reverse to get the correct number. Now if i try this with negative numbers, it gives out strings not only containing 0 and 1 but also /, which is '0' -1 on the ASCII table. For octal and decimal it also gives out characters below the '/' on the ASCII table. I've attempted different possible solutions but none seemed to give the desired result. What I read on the internet is that I have to use the 2s Complement I'm stuck trying to use it. It just doesn't seem to work for me.
if you want to display a negative decimal you just can convert your int to a unsigned int like this :
unsigned int value = (unsigned int)i;
Now you only have to use value instead of i in your program and it will be fine.
Here's a good explanation of why : Converting negative decimal to binary
When converting between different bases/radixes, always work on unsigned integer types.
Let's say you have long num you wish to convert. Use an unsigned long u. To represent negative values in two's complement format, you can use
if (num < 0)
u = 1 + (~(unsigned long)(-num));
u = num;
or even shorter,
unsigned long u = (num < 0) ? 1 + (~(unsigned long)(-num)) : num;
This works on all architectures (except for num == LONG_MIN, in which case the above is technically undefined behaviour), even those that do not use two's complement internally, because we essentially convert the absolute value of num. If num was originally negative, we then do the two's complement to the unsigned value.
In a comment, chux suggested an alternative form which does not rely on UB for num == LONG_MIN (unless LONG_MAX == ULONG_MAX, which would be horribly odd thing to see):
unsigned long u = (num < 0) ? 1 + (~((unsigned long)(-1 - num) + 1)) : num;
This may look "uglier", but a sane C compiler should be able to optimize either one completely away on architectures with two's complement integers. chux's version avoids undefined behaviour by subtracting the negative num from -1, thus mapping -1 to 0, -2 to 1, and so on, ensuring that all negative values are representable as a nonnegative long. That value is then converted to unsigned long. This gets incremented by one, to account for the earlier -1. This procedure yields the correct negation of num.
In other words, to obtain the absolute value of a long, you can use
unsigned long abs_long(const long num)
return (num < 0) ? (unsigned long)(-1 - num) + 1u : (unsigned long)num;
% is the remainder function, not mod.
With b==2, i%b returns [-1, 0, 1]. This is not the needed functionality for str[e] = (i%b) + '0'; See ... difference between “mod” and “remainder”
This is the cause of '/' and "also gives out characters below the '/' ".
Build up the string from the "right"
With a 2's complement int, a simple approach is to convert to unsigned and avoid a negative result from %. Since code is using % to extract the least significant digit, walk the buffer from right to left.
#include <limits.h>
unsigned u = i;
// make a temporary buffer large enough for any string output in binary
// v------v Size of `u` in "bytes"
// | | v------v Size of a "byte" - commonly 8
char my_buff[sizeof u & CHAR_BIT + 1];
int e = 0;
// Form a pointer to the end so code assigns the least significant digits on the right
char *p = &my_buff[sizeof my_buff - 1];
// Strings are null character terminated
*p = '\0';
// Use a `do` loop to insure at least one pass. Useful when `i==0` --> "0"
do {
p[e] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[u%b]; // Select desired digit
u = u / b;
} while (u);
// "prepend" characters as desired
if(b == 16){
*(--p) = 'x';
*(--p) = '0';
else if(b == 8 && i != 0){
*(--p) = '0';
strcpy(str, p);

8 Byte Number as Hex in C

I have given a number, for example n = 10, and I want to calculate its length in hex with big endian and save it in a 8 byte char pointer. In this example I would like to get the following string:
How do I do that automatically in C with for example sprintf?
I am not even able to get "\x50" in a char pointer:
char tmp[1];
sprintf(tmp, "\x%x", 50); // version 1
sprintf(tmp, "\\x%x", 50); // version 2
Version 1 and 2 don't work.
I have given a number, for example n = 10, and I want to calculate its length in hex
Repeatedly divide by 16 to find the number of hexadecimal digits. A do ... while insures the result is 1 when n==0.
int hex_length = 0;
do {
} while (number /= 16);
save it in a 8 byte char pointer.
C cannot force your system to use 8-byte pointer. So if you system uses 4 byte char pointer, we are out of luck. Let us assume OP's system uses 8-byte pointer. Yet integers may be assigned to pointers. This may or may not result in valid pointer.
assert(sizeof (char*) == 8);
char *char_pointer = n;
printf("%p\n", (void *) char_pointer);
In this example I would like to get the following string: "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x50".
In C, a string includes the various characters up to an including a null character. "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x50" is not a valid C string, yet is a valid string literal. Code cannot construct string literals at run time, that is a part of source code. Further the relationship between n==10 and "\x00...\x00\x50" is unclear. Instead perhaps the goal is to store n into a 8-byte array (big endian).
char buf[8];
for (int i=8; i>=0; i--) {
buf[i] = (char) n;
n /= 256;
OP's code certainly will fail as it attempts to store a string which is too small. Further "\x%x" is not valid code as \x begins an invalid escape sequence.
char tmp[1];
sprintf(tmp, "\x%x", 50); // version 1
Just do:
int i;
int length = round(ceil(log(i) / log(16)));
This will give you (in length) the number of hexadecimal digits needed to represent i (without 0x of course).
log(i) / log(base) is the log-base of i. The log16 of i gives you the exponent.
To make clear what we're doing here: When rising 16 to the power of the found exponent, we get back i: 16^log16(i) = i.
By rounding up this exponent using ceil(), you get the number of digits.

Get bits from number string

If I have a number string (char array), one digit is one char, resulting in that the space for a four digit number is 5 bytes, including the null termination.
unsigned char num[] ="1024";
printf("%d", sizeof(num)); // 5
However, 1024 can be written as
unsigned char binaryNum[2];
binaryNum[0] = 0b00000100;
binaryNum[1] = 0b00000000;
How can the conversion from string to binary be made effectively?
In my program i would work with ≈30 digit numbers, so the space gain would be big.
My goal is to create datapackets to be sent over UDP/TCP.
I would prefer not to use libraries for this task, since the available space the code can take up is small.
Thanks for quick response.
char num = 0b0000 0100 // "4"
char num = 0b0001 1000 // "24"
char num[2];
num[0] = 0b00000100;
num[1] = 0b00000000;
// num now contains 1024
I would need ≈ 10 bytes to contain my number in binary form. So, if I as suggested parse the digits one by one, starting from the back, how would that build up to the final big binary number?
In general, converting a number in string representation to decimal is easy because each character can be parsed separately. E.g. to convert "1024" to 1024 you can just look at the '4', convert it to 4, multiply by 10, then convert the 2 and add it, multiply by 10, and so on until you have parsed the whole string.
For binary it is not so easy, e.g. you can convert 4 to 100 and 2 to 010 but 42 is not 100 010 or 110 or something like that. So, your best bet is to convert the whole thing to a number and then convert that number to binary using mathematical operations (bit shifts and such). This will work fine for numbers that fit in one of the C++ number types, but if you want to handle arbitrarily large numbers you will need a BigInteger class which seems to be a problem for you since the code has to be small.
From your question I gather that you want to compress the string representation in order to transmit the number over a network, so I am offering a solution that does not strictly convert to binary but will still use fewer bytes than the string representation and is easy to use. It is based on the fact that you can store a number 0..9 in 4 bits, and so you can fit two of those numbers in a byte. Hence you can store an n-digit number in n/2 bytes. The algorithm could be as follows:
Take the last character, '4'
Subtract '0' to get 4 (i.e. an int with value 4).
Strip the last character.
Repeat to get 0
Concatenate into a single byte: digits[0] = (4 << 4) + 0.
Do the same for the next two numbers: digits[1] = (2 << 4) + 1.
Your representation in memory will now look like
4 0 2 1
0100 0000 0010 0001
digits[0] digits[1]
digits = { 64, 33 }
This is not quite the binary representation of 1024, but it is shorter and it allows you to easily recover the original number by reversing the algorithm.
You even have 5 values left that you don't use for storing digits (i.e. everything larger than 1010) which you can use for other things like storing the sign, decimal point, byte order or end-of-number delimiter).
I trust that you will be able to implement this, should you choose to use it.
If I understand your question correctly, you would want to do this:
Convert your string representation into an integer.
Convert the integer into binary representation.
For step 1:
You could loop through the string
Subtract '0' from the char
Multiply by 10^n (depending on the position) and add to a sum.
For step 2 (for int x), in general:
x%2 gives you the least-significant-bit (LSB).
x /= 2 "removes" the LSB.
For example, take x = 6.
x%2 = 0 (LSB), x /= 2 -> x becomes 3
x%2 = 1, x /= 2 -> x becomes 1
x%2 = 1 (MSB), x /= 2 -> x becomes 0.
So we we see that (6)decimal == (110)bin.
On to the implementation (for N=2, where N is maximum number of bytes):
int x = 1024;
int n=-1, p=0, p_=0, i=0, ex=1; //you can use smaller types of int for this if you are strict on memory usage
unsigned char num[N] = {0};
for (p=0; p<(N*8); p++,p_++) {
if (p%8 == 0) { n++; p_=0; } //for every 8bits, 1) store the new result in the next element in the array. 2) reset the placing (start at 2^0 again).
for (i=0; i<p_; i++) ex *= 2; //ex = pow(2,p_); without using math.h library
num[n] += ex * (x%2); //add (2^p_ x LSB) to num[n]
x /= 2; // "remove" the last bit to check for the next.
ex = 1; // reset the exponent
We can check the result for x = 1024:
for (i=0; i<N; i++)
printf("num[%d] = %d\n", i, num[i]); //num[0] = 0 (0b00000000), num[1] = 4 (0b00000100)
To convert a up-to 30 digit decimal number, represented as a string, into a serious of bytes, effectively a base-256 representation, takes up to 13 bytes. (ceiling of 30/log10(256))
Simple algorithm
dest = 0
for each digit of the string (starting with most significant)
dest *= 10
dest += digit
As C code
#define STR_DEC_TO_BIN_N 13
unsigned char *str_dec_to_bin(unsigned char dest[STR_DEC_TO_BIN_N], const char *src) {
// dest[] = 0
memset(dest, 0, STR_DEC_TO_BIN_N);
// for each digit ...
while (isdigit((unsigned char) *src)) {
// dest[] = 10*dest[] + *src
// with dest[0] as the most significant digit
int sum = *src - '0';
for (int i = STR_DEC_TO_BIN_N - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
sum += dest[i]*10;
dest[i] = sum % 256;
sum /= 256;
// If sum is non-zero, it means dest[] overflowed
if (sum) {
return NULL;
// If stopped on something other than the null character ....
if (*src) {
return NULL;
return dest;

In C, how am I able to use the printf() function to 'store' a string?

I am attempting to represent a bit16 representation of a number (floating point representation) using unsigned integers. The fraction field here deviates from the standard of 10, and is 8 bits - implying the exponent field is 7 bits and the sign is 1 bit.
The code I have is as follows:
bit16 float_16(bit16 sign, bit16 exp, bit16 frac) {
//make the sign the number before binary point, make the fraction binary.
//concatenate the sign then exponent then fraction
bit16 result;
int theExponent;
theExponent = exp + 63; // bias = 2^(7-1) + 1 = 2^6 + 1 = 63
int c, k;
for(c = 6; c > 0; c--)
k = theExponent >> c;
if( k & 1)
for(c = 7; c >= 0; c--)
k = frac >> c;
if( k & 1)
//return result;
My thinking to 'recreate' a 16 bit sequence from these fields is to concatenate them together as so, but if I want to use them in a further application I am unable to do so. Is there a way to store the final result after everything has been printed (16-bit sequence) into a variable which can then be represented as an unsigned integer? Or is there a more optimal way to do this procedure?
While printf will not work in this case (you can't 'store' it's result), you can use sprintf.
int sprintf ( char * output_str, const char * format, ... );
sprintf writes formatted data to string
Composes a string with the same text that would be printed if format was used on printf, but instead of being printed (or displayed on the console), the content is stored as a C string in the buffer pointed by output_str.
The size of the buffer should be large enough to contain the entire resulting string. See Buffer Overflow.
A terminating null character (\0) will automatically be appended at the end of your output_str.
From output_str to an integer variable
You can use the atoi function to do this. You can get your answer in an integer variable like this:
int i = atoi (output_str);
