Moment.js Date Returning Invalid - reactjs

I have a React app that is parsing some dates using Moment.js/Timezones. I'm getting data from an API, and many dates return correct and are parsed but a few aren't. For example, this date: 2018-04-03T02:10:00Z parses correctly where as this one does not: 2018-04-03T01:40:00Z. I don't see any reason why this should be the case.
I am using moment.timezone to guess the users timezone:
this.state = {
and then mapping through my API response and outputting the date (or state of the game if in progress).
{this.props.status === 'Scheduled' ? moment(this.props.gameDate, 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM00Z').tz(this.state.userZone).format('h:MM A z') : this.props.status}
I'm pretty stumped as to why this is happening to only a few dates and have actually been spinning my wheels on this off and on for 4 months... Any thoughts? Thanks!

You have some issue in the way you are parsing your input. Since it is in ISO 8601 compliant format you can use moment(String) instead of moment(String, String).
You code could be like the following:
{this.props.status === 'Scheduled' ? moment(this.props.gameDate).tz(this.state.userZone).format('h:mm A z') : this.props.status}
In your question you are using 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM00Z' as format parameter of moment(String, String), the problem is that format tokens are case sensitive: uppercase MM stands for month's number while lovercase mm stands for minutes. 2018-04-03T01:40:00Z gives invalid date because with your code you are tring to parse 40 as month number.
See here an example on how to use moment(String, String) to parse ISO 8601 compliant inputs and take a look at moment.utc if you want to explicitly parse you UTC input in UTC mode.


Formatting logic app expression for DateTime

I am generating a file for export with the file name utcnow in the logic app expression which returns a value like this
utcNow()- "2020-06-01T15:41:15.5103915Z"
I want to convert it like "20200601154151" that means I need to remove some characters like" -","T" and millisecondsfollwed by Z,
I tried few combination of string format and I am not getting it right hoping you guys to help me.
There are many options for custom date formats. Here is a simple guide:
yyyy = Year (2020)
MM = Month (06)
dd = Day (01)
HH = Hour (15)
mm = Minute (41)
ss = Second (15)
Construct a format string (ex: yyyyMMddHHmmss) based on your requirements and pass it to formatDateTime:
formatDateTime(utcNow(), 'yyyyMMddHHmmss')
The resulting value will be '20200601154115'. There are many additional options at the link above.

angularjs - confusion with date formats

I am super confused with date formats and need some clarifications. I am trying to pre-populate a form with a date and have set $scope.selectedDate =;
In my console, is a string:
However, when I set $scope.selectedDate to that, nothing shows up.
Conversely, if I add new Date in front
(new Date(
a date shows up, but it is one day before (April 24, 2018).
In addition to that, when I try to insert the "new Date" version into a function (even though it isn't the correct date), I get a warning in the console saying "Moment construction falls back to js Date. This is discouraged and will be removed in an upcoming major release."
Can someone explain how I should format the dates so I: 1) get the correct date and not one day prior and 2) am able to plug it into a function without getting that warning?
Since the date is a string with no time zone information (just the date) JavaScript Date parser will treat it as universal(UTC, which is in Greenwich Mean Time) time at 00:00 hours. Then it will subtract the offset of your locale's timezone in hours, and will result in the date being a few hours before or after the day you actually want. This is a common point of confusion.
The best way to solve this is to parse the date manually:
function localDate(dateString) {
var d = dateString.split(/\D/);
return new Date(d[0], d[1]-1, d[2]);
See this question for more information: Javascript: parse a string to Date as LOCAL time zone
Moment.js gives that warning because it's considered bad practice to rely on the string parsing that new Date() does since it will have different results in different browsers (IE\Firefox\Etc.). It's more cross-browser friendly to build the date using this form: new Date(year, month, day). (Note that the month starts at zero, not 1)

Date time not formating in AngularJs 1.6

I've got this format of date coming from an api:
"dateTime": "2018-02-19 00:00:00.000-08:00"
I just want the days, month and year in the format: dd/MM/yyyy
I'm using this in the view:
<td>{{dado.dateTime | date:'dd/MM/yyyy'}}</td>
But it's shows the date extacly as it comes from the API. Without any formatting
OBS: Angular 1.6
You are missing the T in your original DateTime. For ISO8601 DateTime it should be "2018-02-19T00:00:00.000-08:00" as the value. That is what can be translated by the angular date filter as a DateTime, currently it can only be interpreted as a string.
From the documentation on the input:
Date to format either as Date object, milliseconds (string or number) or various ISO 8601 datetime string formats (e.g. yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.sssZ and its shorter versions like yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mmZ, yyyy-MM-dd or yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ). If no timezone is specified in the string input, the time is considered to be in the local timezone.
If you do not have any control over the server/source then you have a couple of options:
Change the value of the date time string in the factory/service when you receive the data so it is ISO8601 compliant. This can be as simple as using a regex or string concatenation as long as the T character is added between the date and time. In this specific case you could take the first 10 characters as you probably want to completely ignore the time portion but that would not work where you do want to show or keep time as a part of the datetime.
Create your own filter that then calls through to the built in date filter once you format the input correctly.

SSRS Date Parameter Mismatching

I have an issue with SSRS where when posting in a DD/MM/YY value via URL string into a Parameter it decides to read the Day value as the Year, the Month as month, but the Year goes into Day value, for example:
I am inputting the date of 30/08/17 via an ERP System which then generates a string to be used as an URL to generate the report, this date value should then go into a parameter called fiAsOfDate which is Date/Time data type, but at this point it is reading the value as 08/17/1930 inside the Parameter list, even though the URL remains at 30/08/17.
This happens prior to the Query being processed, and the fiAsOfDate parameter then gets formatted through to to MMDDYYYY to be processed within the Query, but the issue is specifically when the parameter is having the value loaded from the URL into the parameter value, and I was hoping if anyone could assist me on this please?
I should also add, this original date is coming from an ERP system which will have regional based date formatting, as it is used internationally, so I cannot restrict myself to one input format, and it should be using regional settings, matching that of the Reporting server that it is based on.
Kind Regards,
James W. Acklam.
To avoid regional setting issues you can change the date into a known integer or string format: I use CONVERT(NVARCHAR, YourDate, 112) to get a string '20170830'. The regional settings won't recognize that as a date and so won't auto-parse it into MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY. Of course, you'll need to parse that yourself so you can use it in the report, but at least you know the format.
This issue was down to my own misunderstanding that the DataSource I was pulling data from worked only in DMY format. Converting dates from parameters format to DMY format and processing that through the DataSet's query resolved the issue.

AngularJS layered date filter for database submission

I am having trouble with date submissions to a database. When date and time are both needed, I parse the values from the database as a timestamp, which gives me the value of the date and time in milliseconds since 1970. Using the AngularJS date filter, I am able to display the value in a user-friendly way.
$filter('date')(1380292078000, 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a'); => 09/27/2013 10:27 AM
But this format as a timestamp when I send the value back to the database, my code throws an error. The database wants the date to be displayed in a different format.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Timestamp format must be yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
So I add a second filter to convert the value date representation of the millisecond count (the user might have changed the value), but I am just getting a clone of the first date representation.
$filter('date')('09/27/2013 10:27 AM', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss') => 09/27/2013 10:27 AM
Here is a link to the fiddle I wrote to test this. Are we not able to stack filter conversions on top of each other? I had a thought to convert the first conversion result into milliseconds to use as a source for the second conversion, but I didn't see a method to accomplish this in the date documentation. If that would be the only solution, though, I am sure I could whip something up. Because Java has mostly deprecated functions to work with dates, I feel it would be simpler to handle this on the Javascript/AngularJS side.
The date filter will only work with a JSON date string (see source).
You can get around your problem by converting to a date object:
$scope.date2 = $filter('date')(new Date($, 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss')
See updated fiddle
However... You should be validating and formatting this input on the server side. You can't trust data coming from a javascript application to be in the correct or expected format. I'd recommend just posting back $ and allowing the server to format in your database format. By doing the yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss formatting on the client-side, you're tightly coupling your user interface to database implementation and that's generally considered a bad idea.
