I have looked at just about every post I could find on this topic, but I can't seem to get anything to work.
I want to be able to use a 2D Array for my own sake, but I think my best bet is to just make one huge 1D Array.
Sub GatherData()
Dim width As Integer: width = 22
Dim data() As Variant
ReDim roadway(width) As Variant
Dim str As Variant
Dim arrayWidth As Integer
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("List of Roads").Range("A1")
For r = 0 To 400 '400 is an arbitrary number
If Not IsEmpty(.Offset(r, 0).value) Then
If IsStreet(UCase(.Offset(r, 0).value), UCase(.Offset(r, 1).value)) Then
For c = 0 To width - 1
roadway(c) = .Offset(r, c).value
Next c
End If
'add roadway array to the end of data()
End If
Next r
End With
End Sub
If I had my way this 2D-Array would have an unknown number of rows with each row containing 22 columns. I just can't wrap my head around how I would dynamically add arrays together.
Dim data
data = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("List of Roads").Range("A1").Resize(400, 22).Value
would give you a 2D array (1 to 400, 1 to 22)
So I have an Array called TagOptions - it contains numeric values according to a pervious if statement. In order to take out values I didn't want I gave the undesired values a place holder value of 0. I am now trying to filter out this value but can't find anything online that is helpful.
Will paste the entire function for context but more interested in just filtering out the placeholder zeros from my array.
Sorry if this is novice but I am very new to this:
Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("TEST")
lrow = sh.Cells(Rows.count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Dim splitstring As String
Dim holder As String
Dim myarray() As String
Dim strArrayNumber() As Integer
Dim strArrayTag() As String
Dim TagOptions() As Integer
Dim TagOptions2() As Integer
ReDim strArrayNumber(1 To lrow) As Integer
ReDim strArrayTag(1 To lrow) As String
'Initial for loop splitting tags and removing any tags with text (MV-4005A)
'Transfering those remaining tag numbers into array if they match equip selected
For a = 1 To lrow
If sh.Cells(a, 1).Value <> vbNullString Then
splitstring = sh.Cells(a, 1).Value
myarray = Split(splitstring, "-")
strArrayTag(a) = myarray(0)
End If
If IsNumeric(myarray(1)) = False Then
myarray(1) = 0
End If
If strArrayTag(a) = TagNumber1.Value Then 'Only stored if has selected Equipment tag
strArrayNumber(a) = myarray(1)
End If
Next a
'Sort Created Array
Quicksort strArrayNumber, LBound(strArrayNumber), UBound(strArrayNumber)
ReDim TagOptions(1000 To 2000) As Integer
Dim j As Integer
For j = 1000 To 2000
For b = 1 To UBound(strArrayNumber)
If strArrayNumber(b) = j Then
TagOptions(j) = 0
Exit For
TagOptions(j) = j
End If
Next b
sh.Cells(j, 8) = TagOptions(j)
Next j
Quicksort TagOptions, LBound(TagOptions), UBound(TagOptions)
For f = LBound(TagOptions) To UBound(TagOptions)
sh.Cells(f, 9) = TagOptions(f)
Next f
**TagOptions2 = Filter(TagOptions, "0", False, vbDatabaseCompare)**
Me.ComboBox1.List = TagOptions
End Sub
Thnak you in advance for any help.
tl;dr entire code, just note that VBA's Filter() function applied on a "flat" 1-dim array only executes a partial character search finding "0" also in strings like e.g. "10" or "205", what definitely isn't what you want to do :-;
Btw, if your initial array is a 2-dim array, there are number of answers at SO how to slice data from a 2-dim array and transpose or double transpose them to a 1-dim array needed as starting point.
Solving the actual core question how to filter out zero-digits
To succeed in filtering out zeros in a 1-dim array, simply use the following function via the Worksheetfunction FilterXML (available since vers. 2013+):
tagOptions = WorksheetFunction.FilterXML("<t><s>" & _
Join(tagOptions, "</s><s>") & "</s></t>", _
resulting in a 1-based 2-dim array.
If you prefer, however to get a resulting 1-dim array instead, simply transpose it via tagOptions = Application.Transpose(tagOptions) or tagOptions = WorkSheetFunction.Transpose(tagOptions).
You can find an excellent overview at Extract substrings ... from FilterXML
Is it possible to create multi dimensional array with different element types (string and integer)?
I tried like this but wan't work
BT = Range("A12")
ReDim IT(BT) As String
ReDim RBT(BT) As Integer
ReDim IT_RBT(IT, RBT) as ???? how to create multi dim array with different variables type
i = 0
i = i + 1
IT(i) = ActiveCell
RBT(i) = i
IT_RBT(i, i) = ???? how to enter values in such array ????
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Loop While ActiveCell <> ""
Thank you
Use a Variant array.
Dim values() As Variant
Now, your code is making assumptions that should be removed.
BT = Range("A12") '<~ implicit: ActiveSheet.Range("A12").Value
If you mean to pull the value of A12 from a particular specific worksheet, then you should qualify that Range member call with a proper Worksheet object. See CodeName: Sheet1 for more info, but long story short if that sheet is in ThisWorkbook you can do this:
BT = Sheet1.Range("A12").Value
And now assumptions are gone. Right? Wrong. BT isn't declared (at least not here). If it's declared and it's not a Variant, then there's a potential type mismatch error with that assignment. In fact, the only data type that can accept any cell value, is Variant:
Dim BT As Variant
BT = Sheet1.Range("A12").Value
Here, we're assuming BT is a numeric value:
ReDim IT(BT) As String
That's another assumption. We don't know that BT is numeric. We don't even know that it's a value that can be coerced into a numeric data type: we should bail out if that's not the case:
If Not IsNumeric(BT) Then
MsgBox "Cell A12 contains a non-numeric value; please fix & try again."
Exit Sub
End If
ReDim IT(BT) As String
Now that will work... but then, only the upper bound is explicit; is this a 0-based or a 1-based array? If the module says Option Base 1, then it's 1-based. Otherwise, it's 0-based - implicit array lower bounds are an easy source of "off-by-one" bugs (like how you're populating the arrays starting at index 1, leaving index 0 empty). Always make array bounds explicit:
ReDim IT(1 To BT) As String
Unclear why you need 3 arrays at all, and why you're only populating (i,i) in the 3rd one - you cannot populate a 2D array with a Do...Loop structure; you need every value of y for each value of x, and unless you hard-code the width of the array, that's a nested loop.
Moreover, looping on the ActiveCell and Selecting an Offset is making the code 1) very hard to follow, and 2) incredibly inefficient.
Dim lastRow As Long
lastRow = Sheet1.Range("B" & Sheet1.Rows).End(xlUp).Row
ReDim values(1 To lastRow, 1 To 2) As Variant
Dim currentRow As Long
For currentRow = 2 To lastRow
Dim currentColumn As Long
For currentColumn = 1 To 2
values(currentRow, currentColumn) = Sheet1.Cells(currentRow, currentColumn).Value
Now, if we don't need any kind of logic in that loop and all we want is to grab a 2D variant array that contains every cell in B2:B???, then we don't need any loops:
Dim values As Variant
values = Sheet1.Range("A2:B" & lastRow).Value
And done: values is a 1-based (because it came from a Range), 2D variant array that contains the values of every cell in A2:B{lastRow}.
Note, code that consumes this array will need to avoid assumptions about the data types in it.
As #SJR has said, variant will allow for this. The below example is a easy example how to add different types to an array. Instead of x or y you can have a cell on a worksheet.
Dim array1() As Variant, i As Long
Dim x As String, y As Long
x = "5"
y = 1
For i = 1 To 10
ReDim Preserve array1(1 To 2, 1 To i)
array1(1, i) = x
array1(2, i) = y
y = y + 1
Debug.Print array1(1, i) & "," & array1(2, i) ' This is where you insert output
You can do this:
BT = Range("A12")
ReDim IT(BT) As String
ReDim RBT(BT) As Integer
Dim IT_RBT(1 to 2) 'variant
IT_RBT(1) = IT 'add String array
IT_RBT(2) = RBT 'add Integer array
... this will keep your typed arrays functional but it's not a 2D array and you'd need to use notation like
IT_RBT(1)(1) 'String type
IT_RBT(2)(1) 'Integer type
I have a strings in column "C", starting at C2 (for example: Cat, Dog, Bird, etc...) and I don't know how many. So I am using a LRow function to find the last row with data. Currently, the last row is C63 but this is expected to be different if I run the subroutine next week or next month (Hence why I said "I don't know how many"). I want to create an array for example RTArr = Array("Cat", "Dog", "Bird", etc...) So... I was thinking something like:
Dim RTArr As Variant
LRow = r.End(xlDown).Offset(x, y).Row
With ActiveSheet
For i = 2 To LRow
str = .Range("C" & i).Value
Next i
End With
Can I populate the array with something like:
Dim RTArr As Variant
LRow = r.End(xlDown).Offset(x, y).Row
With ActiveSheet
For i = 2 To LRow
ArrNum = (i - 1)
str = .Range("C" & i).Value
RTArr(ArrNum) = str
Next i
End With
Or does this not work because of the unknown size of the array? Or do I have to use "amend" in the loop? Would I be better off using a "collection" in this case? Or going about it some other way? Can I simply set a range of cells as an array without needing to loop?
If you declare a dynamic array at first (without the size), you need to ReDim it to the needed size before populating it, which in your case will be the number of rows e.g. ReDim RTArr(numberofitems). Or use a two dimensional array ReDim RTArr(numbercolumns, numberrows).
Remember that standard arrays begin at element 0, but you can define it however you like.
Remember that when inputting ranges into array Excel creates by default a two-dimensional array
More advanced techniques are possible of course, you can do some more research about VBA arrays regarding those:
1) you could ReDim the array after each element added inside of the loop, but this is mostly useful for one dimensional arrays.
2) you could define a much bigger size of array than needed before populating it, populate it, and then shrink the array to the actual size needed.
3) note that when using two (or more) dimensions ReDim Preserve works only on the last dimension.
Pseudo code for the basic populating:
Dim arr() as Variant
'we know we want to populate array with 10 elements
ReDim arr(1 to 10)
For i = 1 to 10
'This part will insert the count from the loop into the count position in array
' eg. first element of array will be a 1, second a 2 etc. until 10
arr(i) = i
Next i
If your version of Excel supports the TEXTJOIN function:
Sub Kolumn2Array()
Dim r As Range
Dim N As Long
Dim RTArray
Dim comma As String
comma = ","
N = Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
Set r = Range("C2:C" & N)
With Application.WorksheetFunction
RTArray = Split(.TextJoin(comma, True, r), comma)
End With
End Sub
I'm working with arrays and I'm sorry but I'm a bit new to it and still confused. I have already this code to store the values in a range in an array and if I run it, it is empty.
attPresent = ws.Range("H4:H" & lastrow)
ReDim attPresent(1 To UBound(attPresent))
For k = LBound(attPresent) To UBound(attPresent)
MsgBox attPresent(k)
Can someone please tell me where I'm wrong? I've read any other posts and gather some ideas, but still not working.
You can go like this
Dim attPresent as Variant
attPresent = ws.Range("H4:H" & lastrow).Value '<-- this will automatically size the array to a 2dimensional array of as many rows as the range ones and one column
For k = LBound(attPresent,1) To UBound(attPresent,1)
MsgBox attPresent(k,1)
Dim attPresent as Variant
attPresent=Application.Transpose(Range("H4:H" & lastrow).Value) '<-- this will automatically size the array to a 1dimensional array of as many elements as the range
For k = LBound(attPresent) To UBound(attPresent)
MsgBox attPresent(k)
Reference MSDN: ReDim Statement (Visual Basic)
When you Redim the array you are erasing all the values. Use ReDim Preserve to resize the last dimension of the Array and still preserve the values of the array.
After the dynamic array has been allocated(the first time Redim is used) you can only resize the last dimension of a array and you cannot change the number of dimensions. In your code you are trying to convert a 2 Dimensional array to a 1 Dimensional array, you can not do that.
You should watch this complete series: Excel VBA Introduction. This is the relevant video: Excel VBA Introduction Part 25 - Arrays
'Try this code example to suit your case
Sub StoreRangeofCellsToAnArray()
'presumes optionbase=0
'presume Range("a1:c3") contain number 1 to 9
Dim MyRange, MyArray(9), n
n = 0
For Each c In Range("a1:c3")
MyArray(n) = c
n = n + 1
'testing: reprint array
For n = 0 To 8
Debug.Print MyArray(n)
End Sub
In Excel, I have a list of items with their weight. I've made a function in VBA which picks random items out of the list as long as the total weight is under 10.
Before this function I made an array of only zero's which should belong each to an item. When the random function picks an item, this place in the array should change into an one, but this part of the function doesn't work.
Can anyone help me to solve this problem/repair the function?
This is my code:
Sub Test()
Dim weight As Single, totWeight As Single
Dim finish As Boolean
Dim r As Integer
Const maxWeight = 10
'Here it makes an array of only zero's
Dim Arr(1 To 66) As String, i As Integer
For r = 1 To 66
Arr(r) = 0
Next r
Do Until finish = True
'Pick random row out of my Excel sheet
r = Int((65 * Rnd()) + 2)
'The first are the titles (item, weight), so that's why I start from row 2
If (totWeight + Cells(r, 2)) < maxWeight Then
'Sum the picked weight up to the total weight
totWeight = totWeight + Cells(r, 2)
'Change the position of the item in the array into a 1
'But it doesn't work
--> Arr(r) = 1
'Do as long as the weight is under 10
finish = True
End If
'It only prints zero's
PrintArray Arr, ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").[F1]
End Sub
(btw, this is the print function:
Sub PrintArray(Data As Variant, Cl As Range)
Cl.Resize(UBound(Data, 1)) = Data
End Sub)
I debuged your code, and it seems that problem is in your print function. Try this one
Sub PrintArray(Data As Variant, Cl As Range)
Dim i As Integer
For i = LBound(Data) To UBound(Data)
Cl.Cells(i, 1).Value = Data(i)
Next i
End Sub
If you are interested why your solution didnt work, i think its because you tried to assign array into value. So always when need to copy array, do it item by item...
The reason it seemed like you were not putting ones into the array is because the array was oriented backwards to the way you were dumping the array elements' values back into the worksheet. Essentially, you were filling all 66 cells with the value from the first element (e.g. arr(1)). If you did this enough times, sooner or later the random r var would come out as 1 and the first element of the array would receive a 1. In this case, all of the cells would be ones.
With your single dimension array, you can use the Excel Application object's TRANSPOSE function to flip your array from what is essentially 1 row × 66 columns into 66 rows × 1 column.
Sub PrintArray(Data As Variant, Cl As Range)
Cl.Resize(UBound(Data)) = Application.Transpose(Data)
End Sub
That is a bit of a bandaid fix and the Application.Transpose has some limits (somewhere around an unsigned int - 1).
If you are creating an array for the end purpose of populating an range of cells on a worksheet, start with a 2 dimensioned array and stick with it. Keep the rank of the array correct and you won't have any problems dumping the values back into the worksheet.
Sub Test()
Dim weight As Single, totWeight As Single
Dim r As Long
Const maxWeight = 10
'Here it makes an array of only zero's
Dim Arr(1 To 66, 1 To 1) As String, i As Integer
For r = LBound(Arr, 1) To UBound(Arr, 1)
Arr(r, 1) = 0
Next r
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Do While True
'Pick random row out of my Excel sheet
r = Int((65 * Rnd()) + 2)
'The first are the titles (item, weight), so that's why I start from row 2
If (totWeight + .Cells(r, 2)) < maxWeight Then
'Sum the picked weight up to the total weight
totWeight = totWeight + .Cells(r, 2)
'Change the position of the item in the array into a 1
Arr(r, 1) = 1 '<~~
'just exit - no need to set a boolean
Exit Do
End If
PrintArray Arr, .Range("F2")
End With
End Sub
Sub PrintArray(Data As Variant, Cl As Range)
Cl.Resize(UBound(Data, 1), UBound(Data, 2)) = Data
End Sub
This won't make much difference with 66 rows but with respect to Luboš Suk and his excellent answer, looping through 100K cells to stuff arrayed values back into a worksheet is pretty slow by array standards and we use arrays on reasonably large data blocks because they are faster. Dumping the values back en masse is almost instantaneous.