nest another component inside a TieredMenu - primeng

I have a p-menu in my app that contains bulk actions for a table:
Im trying to accomplish something like this when you hover over "Move to Account":
Is there a way to do this? Can you nest a p-listbox component inside a p-menu component? Or can you insert custom content into a p-tieredMenu? Or an overlaypanel with an autocomplete? Not sure how to accomplish this since TieredMenu only lets you add additional static menu items.


How to create Dynamic tabs in react js

Hi how do create dynamic tabs? I wrote like this for 2 tabs. If it is more, it automatically adds those tabs. Can you please help with this?
From that, it should create 2 tabs. And it should set the correct URL when you click on the tab. If it gets more dictionary items in the array then it creates more tabs
What your searching for is React.createElement.
You can create a component from a string :
for example.
However, dynamically creating a function in Webshop seems not feasible.
If you only need to do a history.push(PATH), I would recommend putting the function inside an onClick event. I'm not sure how do you want it to work.

Add custom react component as label in Dagre D3

I'm using dagre-d3 library for creating a flow path. I need to have custom component for every label but its not rendering react components, it however does render properly if the label is simple html. What do I need to do?
Following is a sample of what I'm trying to achieve, the first node should be the component but its rendering a simple empty box in place of that:
CodeSandbox URL

Stylizing LWC radio list?

So right now I'm trying to build this radio list for the regions in LWC, the functionality works fine in that when you click on the regions it selects all the states below for that region.
However, I want to stylize it so that it looks more proper. I'm a little confused how to do this using these components that LWC provides. Here's a mockup of what the regions should look like.
Here's what the HTML for it looks like.
You can probably achieve this by using the grid system :
We can achieve the same style by following a couple of steps:
Pass class to each lightning inputs to scope the styling.
Style radio controls having the passed class name.
save the file as .css and store in static resources.
Load style sheet in component by making use of loadStyle method from platformResourceLoader module.

Access a component inside a Tab component

I'm new using Codename One. I'm doing an app which have a Form, that has a Tab component with 14 tabs inside, every tab has a gridlayout with 42 buttons, and I want to change a property in one button.
The problem is that I don't know how to reach that button.
tabG is the tab component, and I can reach the tab that I need, but after that I don't know how to reach the button index I want to change.
I tried
But even can't compile this code.
I'll apprecciate any help.
When you create the tab you need to prepare information to find the component later. E.g. if all tabs derive from the same class then just do something like:
MyBaseContainer cnt = (MyBaseContainer)tabs.getTabComponentAt(index);
Button theButtonINeed cnt.getMyImportantButton();
If this is more complicated you can use setName() or putClientProperty to prepare hints for you during form construction.

Highlight a single button instance in a complex React page

My page is composed of hierarchy of classes and many reusable components. Multiple instances of a button component can exist anywhere in the page and on click they fire actions that populate different types of data in a common sidebar list component.
The requirement is to highlight the button that was last clicked to load the data in that sidebar list. Of course, it also means to remove highlighting from the previous button. Since these button can exist in different components, I cannot manage state in one parent component.
I am not able to find a solution in pure React. I don't want to use jQuery rather just stick to React. Note I do use Redux in the app though and would be fine with leveraging Redux state if required.
You should most definitely use Redux. You'll need to create a variable in Redux that gets updated whenever an action takes place that would require you to highlight the button on the page. Then use conditional styling for the button based on that variable.
