what if mixpanel alias method not called on signup? - analytics

I have implemented mixpanel after 6 month from web-app launch. Till that date i have 6k user who already signed up. so is there any impact on mix panel data(people profile) for not setting alias method on signup for that user? is this cause to one user may have multiple distinct id or vice versa ?


Contact Entry in Eloqua & the journey it involves?

Once a contact enters Eloqua via list upload (or) Form Submission ( or) Webvisits -
what is the journey of contact activities taken place - Eg : he will be Globally Subscribed , in CDO the contact undergoes Global Privacy check - apart from these - how is the life cycle of Contact will be carried in Eloqua - what are all the System process taken place to turn the contact as a valid in Eloqua DB ?
Ignoring updating/existing contacts, not much happens when a new contact is created in Eloqua.
Out of the box, Eloqua is a pretty clean slate. When a contact is created, their
creation and modified dates are timestamped
subscription status is the default "subscribed globally"
email address is "valid" (based on bouncebacks)
The only requirement to create a contact is an email address, and that's it. What happens after is business specific and has to be explicitly defined. Are there any listeners triggered based on contact creation or form submission? What form processing steps are configured? Do any of these steps then send the contact to an integration? If there are any active lead scoring models they will run through those and have a score assigned.
Anything outside of the creation of the record, is completely custom and varies by business. Eloqua does not impose any particular subscription, privacy, stage, status, or lifecycle paradigm, that's up to you to define and align with your processes.

Getting customized Bitly links' analytics (for a particular user)

I had this pressing requirement. We are using bitly as the url-shortening and links analysis part for our project, and we were facing this requirement of being able to view analytics(as shown in bitly dashboard) for only user having 'a'/'one of the' particular username(s).
Do you know a way if bitly supports this.
so my link - bit.ly/xyxx
is clicked by user 'A' group users 10 times and by 'B' group users 5 times.
right now I can view the analytics for all the clicks (A + B user groups) for a single particular link.
I want to be able to view the bitly analytics for the 'A' group users
for the 'B' group users separately. Do you now of any way bitly can let me achieve this using their dev API ?
The only way to do this would be to create two unique links and send them to groups A and B separately. Our API does not allow you to distinguish individual users clicking through a given link.
If you use Google Analytics-style utm parameters to create two unique links pointing to the same place, all the clicks will also be rolled up into the same aggregate count for that URL.

Is there a clean way of users managing their own locations?

A lot of my site is dynamically generated dependant on the user location.
To get an initial fix I am currently using the Smart_IP module which does this based on the user IP address - which works great as a starting point. I can access $_SESSION['smart_ip']['location']['longitude'] & $_SESSION['smart_ip']['location']['latitude'] as required - perfect!
But I need to allow my user to override this..
Using HTML5 geolocation. I want to only do this on user request, ie click 'locate me', rather than requesting their location uninvited.
Using one of a few pre-defined locations selectable by the user.
Using an inputed address by the user.
Is there any drupal module I can use for this, or how else could I achieve it?
Just to clarify, I am talking about anonymous users here - the general public visiting my site. I just want them to be able to refine their 'location' by overriding the defaults I give them using smart_ip.
I suggest to use Geolocation field and all it's submodules or Geofield. Last one provides more input methods.
Use the Address field module to allow the user create multiple addresses into a node (or even into his profile), Geocoder module to get the lon/lat from these addresses and then a Views to display them in a list.
Same as 2 but without views.
If you want to allow user select one of the 3 methods you can use an other - helper - field (eg a select list with the 3 options).
Finally you should add an extra field to store the lat/lon pair final values maybe with Computed field module or 2 simple textfields that will get the selected values through javascript.

How can I set the approvers for all steps in an approval process?

I have an approval process with three steps, all of which are set to Assigned Approver = Manually Chosen. When the user submits the record for approval, I'd like to have Apex code determine who the three approvers are. However, I don't see a way to hook into the approve request submission.
If I submit the approval with Apex Using Approval.process(), I can set the initial (and only the initial) approver with ProcessSubmitRequest.setNextApproverIds(). This call leads you to believe you can specify multiple approvers since it takes an array of Ids, but the array can only have 1 element, or else runtime a error occurs.
Once I know what the first approver's response is, I can use Apex to submit her response and, again, set the immediately next approver by passing a ProcessWorkitemRequest instance to Approval.process(). An important note here is that the approver must not approve via the standard UI. Instead, they must do something that invokes the Apex code so that we can set who the next approve should be. A trigger on the object under review, or a custom button + VF page could be used to invoke the Apex.
My main question is, how can I make sure that the user does not use the standard approval buttons? They appear in the Approvals related list and on the salesforce home screen. It may be in other places as well. Again, if they use the standard submit and approve buttons, I don't have any way to hook in to set the next approver.
We ran into a similar issue a while back and solved it by creating custom lookup fields to certain users. For example, if we wanted to route an approval request up to a Director and then a VP, we added Director__c and MarketVP__c fields to the object. These fields were populated in code by climbing the role hierarchy whenever a request was submitted. Our approval process's steps then chose who the assignee would be based on the values in these fields (first step would be assigned to Related User: Director and the second step would be assigned to Related User: Market VP, etc.).
To get around the standard approval button issue (we had other reasons for hiding it), we just hid that from their homepage layouts and built our own VF page and included it in a custom homepage component. This component functioned as an inbox with links to any records that were pending the user's approval. All user interaction with the approval objects was handled through other VF pages with their own Approve and Reject buttons. I don't know if the objects you're submitting to the approval process even use VF pages, so this may not be feasible for your situation.
A lot of customization for something that shouldn't need it, I know. Might not be the answer you're looking for, but hopefully it's some food for thought.

Best way to populate a dropdown sitewide that is

I am using CakePHP 1.3 and a layout which includes a dropdown of organizations a user has access to administer, so I'm trying to populate that dropdown with organizations that contain the userid that is logged in, but I want to populate it before the user sees anything so they can use it in the header. The dropdown needs to appear on every page once logged in. I tried adding the query to pull these organizations in the appcontroller, but userid was not yet available to use in before filter. Where or how should I do this? Should it be in session or is there a better construct to use? Element?
In my app it's no problem to use the user_id from within the beforeRender (if you are using the Auth-Component).
You can use it with $this->Auth->user('id').
I would do it like this: Check in the AppController if the user is logged in. If he is, pull your wanted information from the database (or whereever you get your information from) and store it in a variable called $dropdown for example.
If the user is not logged in, $dropdown will be false.
You now make this variable available to the view with $this->set(compact('dropdown'))
Now in your layout (this is important to you have it on every page) you can easily do a check if $dropdown is false or not. If not, you can work with your variable and show the user your wanted dropdown.
