GameAnalytics Progressions No Data - analytics

I can't view progression data in GameAnalytics Progressions panel. I receive a progression event in Live Feed containing the correct data but progressions panel is empty. I have no problems with other data, design events etc all fine. I'm using Unity 5 and in the console I get this message when sending progression:
Here is my code line, runs once each level.
GameAnalytics.NewProgressionEvent(GAProgressionStatus.Start , "Level" , cur_lvl.ToString() , "live");
cur_lvl is the current level index.
Anything I'm missing ?

I should see them after 00.00 GMT.
In the docs you can find that datas remain in live feed all the day long, then at 00.00 GMT they are processed and become available for your dashboard, funnels etc


How to query/ lazy load next batch if the current result did not fill up the page in React native

I am currently building a calendar schedule view feature, where I have Month title as Header and the days as the items. I am currently fetching calendar event of about 6 weeks. which if the data is not present or so, it would still cover up the page and I can use onScrollEnd to query more data via useQuery.
But, I am trying to optimize my calendar feature and querying 6 weeks worth of events would not be ideal and would take time to load. thus, I was trying to find a way, where, if I can query let's say 1 week worth of data, if that does not have enough data (like 1-2 events) to cover the screen (for user to invoke onScrollEnd), then query next batch and so on and at the end wrapping the container with memo in order to help boost the load speed and lazy load data as required. Any idea how would this be possible?
I have looked at various examples of lazy loading such as:
etc, but my problem is that in these code examples, they do not cover the possibility of first or second batch/ page to have less data and querying for next page automatically.
I also thought of using FlatList nested with SectionList, but ended with conclusion that it would not be possible and data would be rendered twice.
What I want to happen:
<Schedule> --> component
render → Coordinate which Month in the SectionList should paginate through the events
onEndReached → create more months
render → <Event />
onEndReached → fetch more events
So there are two "onEndReached" triggers, one to create more months when the user scrolls down the entire page and a second to get more events, when the user scrolls down the current month.
The Month component should just load 1 weeks worth of events at a time and paginate as the user is scrolling.. I somehow need some way to figure out that if the current week does not have enough data to cover the screen then query more data, and so one as always show the full page... Any help/ ideas would be appreciated. Thanks :).
I would try to measure the y position of the last element. If the y position is not close enough to the bottom, fetch more items. Store the previous fetch in the state. Add to that state the new fetch.

WiX - Dataset Mismatch

I have a website for my Theatre Institute and on the homepage, I have a Slideshow with Two Repeaters on two different slides connected to two different datasets. I use them to display event information/status from my database collection.
Slide1: recentRepeater <-- recentDataset <-- myCollection (For Recent Events)
Slide2: upcomingRepeater <-- upcomingDataset <-- myCollection (For Upcoming Events)
The Problem
While loading, the dataset2 data is shown in repeater1 i.e. RECENT EVENTS gets displayed in the UPCOMING EVENTS section and it gets corrected after fully loading. Being the first thing to be shown on the site, I do not want it to get messed up. This is a negative impact on my website
How It Works
I have stored dates of the Event in the database as a number in YYYYMMDD format. For example:
20-April-2019 ---> 20190420
I have properly connected the datasets to the repeater elements, set the dataset result limit to 2
I sorted the results to be produced based on the YYYYMMDD number
Ascending for upcomingDataset
Descending for recentDataset
I generate the YYYYMMDD format number for that day and filtered the results produced by the dataset by the .setFilter() function
.lt("dateNumber", YYYYMMDD_today)
.ge("dateNumber", YYYYMMDD_today)
How can I prevent this from happening..?
Thanks in Advance
It's hard to say what's going on without actually playing with your site. I think both of your datasets are connected to the same collection. I would guess the problem is that the dataset is only being filtered after the page is loaded. You can verify this by turning the console to verbose mode in preview.
If that is indeed the problem, I can think of three possible fixes/workarounds:
Set the filter's in the dataset settings instead of setting them programmatically. (This is the easiest option.)
Hide the repeaters until the filters are set. (This is a bit of a hack.)
Store the promises returned by the setFilter functions and return them using Promise.all() from the onReady(). (This is the fanciest option. I think it will work, but if you don't need to set the filters programmatically, you might as well do option 1 instead.)

Is Microsoft Graph API calendarView limited to a single month? How to get all events?

Is Microsoft Graph API calendarView limited to a single month? How can I get all events? Is there some implicit pagination?
I'm first checking the JSON output of events between 2017-01-01 and 2018-12-30:
and list the dates
jq '.value[] .start .dateTime'
No calendar events from 12th month of 2017 for example! But I have them!
And then do a similar call for by narrowing the left end of dates range between 2017-12-01 and 2018-12-30, and now I get:
I'm confused by List calendarView and List events documentation.
How can I get all of the events in my calendar, the ones that I can clearly see to exist in November and December of 2017, as well as in January, and February of 2018?
Do I have to call this API repeatedly for every month in a year? (I hope there's a single call I can make to get all the events in a year, or two years, after which I can filter, process, etc.)
Difference between list events and list calendarView
When you list events (GET /me/events), you get a non-expanded list of items in the calendar. What that means is that if you have recurring events, you would only get the series master in your results. It would be up to you to read the recurrence pattern and expand the event.
When you list a calendar view (GET /me/calendarview?...), you get an expanded list of items. That means the server does the work to expand any recurring events and build a "view" of your calendar. So in this case if you have a recurring event, instead of getting the series master, you would get one or more occurrences of the series (depending on how many times it repeats in your view window). Because of this expansion work, you must provide a start and end time to put some sort of bounds on the call.
Another way of looking at it is the calendar view is more like what you're used to seeing when you view your calendar in Outlook.
So where's all my events?
I'm not aware of any specific limitation on the size of the window for a calendar view. (Not saying there isn't one, I'm just not aware of it). The more likely explanation is that you're not seeing all the events you expect because all API requests that return collections do have built-in paging. By default, you're limited to 10 items in the response. You should also see in your response an #odata.nextLink, which is the URL you can use to request the next page of results (again, 10 being the default page size). You can increase your page size by using the $top parameter, up to a maximum of 1000 (IIRC).
GET /me/calendar/calendarView?startDateTime=2017-01-01T00:00:00.0000000

Making an Access Filter-Macro Based on Text-Field Input

I've been wracking my brains on this simple macro for days and troweled almost every site and forum for an answer, to no avail. Thus, I come to the gurus of stackOverflow for my salvation:
I'm working in Access 2010 and have a database of events that are coming up. Right now the database opens to a form wherein any user may view the entered events and edit them if there's an error. Likewise, there's a report that pulls it's list from the form that everyone's working on.
What I'd like to do (for ease of use) is have a text field and a button. The field would be for date-input (i.e. 10/20/2015) and when pushed, the button would filter the list of events to show only things on or after the typed date. Likewise, I'm hoping to make another filter for the report that will display items only btw. certain dates (but I'm really just working on the first item).
The concept would look like this:
| [ Text Field | [BUTTON]
Event 1 ...................... Date.........
Event 2 ...................... Date.....
Note: This is a database for people who know NOTHING about Access, so I'm trying to spoon-feed the stuff they need to them.
I really appreciate the help, folks.

Automate daily collection of weather station data from NCDc

Here is the link to where the data can be found. Scrolling down to Surface Data : Daily and selecting the Global and U. S. Web Page Icon. On the next page, Select the radio button Country and press continue. From the next page's drop down menu, select any state and then press the radio button for entire state (I need more than 100 stations per day).
The next page allows you to select the date range.
I am dumping these data files into excel and sorting (which is a pain, since it could obviously be
Is there a way I can access the most current data via a script (VBA or otherwise)?
My main problem is that I can't send the server a simple request to obtain the data. Also, there is an FTP site but only allows .gz files to be downloaded, each over a gig, so its not reasonable for my situation.
Any help would be appreciated!
There National Climatic Data Center has several data APIs available for this.
