extjs 6.0 create a treelist NavigationTree - extjs

has anyone here create a treelist by extjs ,I know the sources of this sample are in the extjs version, but i have no idea how to get the treelist
just because it Highly integrated by mvc ,
I create my workspace like this enter image description here
But when I saw the source code , I don't know which one is view, which one is model or store and how they work together.
enter image description here
sorry my question is silly,hope someone can help me!! thanks a lot

You can read admin-dashboard template example. Its easy to learn max of thing is covered here.
This is live example link http://examples.sencha.com/extjs/6.0.0/examples/admin-dashboard/#dashboard.
For Code you can see in downloaded framework. ext-6.0.0\templates\admin-dashboard


How to create a UML Class diagram with react JS

I'm newer in Web developpement (I have modest knowledge about it).
I'm asked in my university-project to develop a webapp that generates a UML class diagram using ReactJS.
I've installed nodeJS, webstorm, I tested a "hello world" code, it works but I don't know how to generate this digram, from where start.
In reality, I've tested the library storm-react-diagram, but I didn't get any result.
Please , someone can help me, orient me or propse me any template, any code that works to be inspired. really I'm lost.
Try to check mxgraph or jointjs this two libraries will help you in your project also you need to be more clear specifying your project because it depends if you are going to generate the diagrams by using drag and drop method or something else

Which framework is suitable for selenium project

I am using the selenium for automation. In our project we are importing a data from excel file, then compile that data with web tool and compare the tool output with expected value, which is in excel file. For this project which frame work is suitable? And please explain how that frame work is design. Also if possible please share any link or example. Thanks in advance.
Use page object model. It is highly flexible and maintainable. Most of the industries is using page object model for their automation stuff
Few reference to know about page object model:-
Few reference for Page object model in C#:-
Hope it will help you :)

Create and integrate a Help File for WPF vb.net

I would like to implement a F1 help/user guide for my WPF MVVM vb.net project but I can't seem to even create a project for it.
So I've done some searching and a lot of answers to this question on here are over 5 years old and most of the links are broken so I'd like to get a more up-to-date answer.
I also found this msdn page, which talks all about a HTML help project (.hhp) in visual studio, yet I cannot seem to find it.
My life is also made that bit harder by the fact that the PC I write code on isn't connected to the internet.
Any help appreciated
There is an alternate way to do this. When you press F1 key on the keyboard , an addition window with a tree structure comes of. That is totally written in HTML and CSS.
Have a look at Microsoft HTML Help Workshop.

Embed a view using code Drupal 7

I am writing a module and need to include a view in the code, I am doing the same approach as in this tutorial and looked every where online, everyone seems to using this same approach but it not working for me. Can anybody add to it as to why this approach might not be working. Link to tutorial is : https://www.chapterthree.com/blog/howto-best-practices-for-embedding-views-code
You can use views_get_view() to grab a view anywhere.
$view = views_get_view('<view machine name>');
I have a larger example here: https://snippetbox.xyz/9eb54a2a1f52dc1f5d42/

Creating an updating GUI, IE Video or Blog service in VB.net Winforms

First of all I would like to thank everyone on this forum, as you have made some of my friends greatest projects successful and I was hoping one of these projects can be done without them.
Now I want to expand to other services. I want to make an app in WinForms or WPF (But im still learning XAML so if you can it would help to answer for winforms) that constantly updates data and displays pictures or video in a row/rows. Like almost Moviebox for iPhone or Showbox for android. How movies are updated constantly without updating the app. (Im not promting piracy, its just the best example I could think of). And when you click on the movie(Which is a picture) it gives a description and picture and even a youtube video.
It kinda would work like a blog reader.... I think?
I think I will need a server and I will probably need a database. But sadly , i'm still a beginner, but willing to learn. Thanks and if you need any more info, please just ask. :)
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/br211380.aspx?cs-save-lang=1&cs-lang=vb#code-snippet-2 The answer! I think? Any helpers?
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/br211380.aspx?cs-save-lang=1&cs-lang=vb#code-snippet-2 This MSDN example explained everything I needed in full!
