How to fix my code? - c

Taylor series expansion of cos(x) with a given accuracy
Recursive approach
[Error] overloaded function with no contextual type information
How can I fix this error?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
double cos(double x, double eps, double s=0,double n=0,double a=0) {
if (abs(n)<1){
cos=cos(x, eps,1,1,1);
else {
a = -a*x*x / ((2*n-1) * (2*n));
if (abs(a)<=eps) {
cos=cos(x, eps, s+a, a,n+1);
int main () {
double x;
scanf("%f", &x);
cos(x, 0.000000000000001);

You included math.h, which has a function named cos, that works a bit differently.
You have overloaded that name (eg. written another function also with the name cos) but have not given the compiler any means to deduce which version of cos you want to call.
Fix this by naming your function something different and unique.
Here's my attempt at a fix:
double TaylorCOS(double x, double eps, double s=0,double n=0,double a=0)
if (abs(n)<1)
return TaylorCOS(x, eps,1,1,1);
a = -a*x*x / ((2*n-1) * (2*n));
if (abs(a)<=eps)
return s;
return TaylorCOS(x, eps, s+a, a,n+1);

You can't assign to a function identifier like you do in
cos=cos(x, eps, s+a, a,n+1);
Neither in C, nor in C++. This program is broken beyond repair.


using function names as functions in a C macro

Suppose i have code like this in my program:
if (!strcmp(current, "sin")) {
pushFloat(sin(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "cos")) {
pushFloat(cos(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "tan")) {
pushFloat(tan(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "ctg")) {
pushFloat(1. / tan(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "ln")) {
pushFloat(log(x), &operands);
} else if (!strcmp(current, "sqrt")) {
pushFloat(sqrt(x), &operands);
There are function names such as "sin" or "cos" saved in the current char array
Instead of using this long if block, or replacing it with an even longer switch block, i wanted to write a simple macro like this: #define PUSHFUNC(stack, func, value)(pushFloat(func(value), &stack)) and call it like this PUSHFUNC(operands, current, x)
Doing it this way creates an error "current is not a function or function pointer". I initially thought macros are just text replacement, so if i force a string that is equal to an actual function into a macro, it would expand to the function itself, but looks like i was wrong. Is there a way to achieve what i want using a macro, or should i just write a map block?
I initially thought macros are just text replacement,
That's your problem: macros are just text replacement. So if you have:
#define PUSHFUNC(stack, func, value) (pushFloat(func(value), &stack))
And you write:
PUSHFUNC(operands, current, x)
You get:
(pushFloat(current(value), &operands))
And indeed, you have no function named current. Macros are expanded before your code compiles; the preprocessor has no knowledge of the content of your variables.
If you really want to avoid a long chain of if statements, you could implement some sort of table lookup:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <math.h>
typedef double (*floatop)(double x);
typedef struct {
char *name;
floatop operation;
} entry;
double ctg(double);
entry opertable[] = {
{"sin", sin},
{"cos", cos},
{"tan", tan},
{"ctg", ctg},
{"sqrt", sqrt},
double ctg(double x) {
return 1. / tan(x);
floatop findop(char *name) {
int i;
for (i=0; opertable[i].name; i++) {
if (strcmp(opertable[i].name, name) == 0) {
return opertable[i].operation;
int main() {
float x = 4;
printf("sin(%f) = %f\n", x, findop("sin")(x));
printf("sqrt(%f) = %f\n", x, findop("sqrt")(x));
printf("tan(%f) = %f\n", x, findop("tan")(x));
printf("ctg(%f) = %f\n", x, findop("ctg")(x));
...but this requires that all of your functions take the same arguments, so for things like ctg you would need to add a helper function. You also need to decide if the increased complexity of the table lookup makes sense: it really depends on how many different operation names you expect to implement.
The output of the above code is:
sin(4.000000) = -0.756802
sqrt(4.000000) = 2.000000
tan(4.000000) = 1.157821
ctg(4.000000) = 0.863691
Is there a way to achieve what i want using a macro, or should i just write a map block?
I would recommend using an enum containing symbols for all the functions you might want to call, and using that in a switch-case block, instead of comparing a bunch of strings. Here's a very brief sample that only uses some of the functions you refer to...
enum which_func { SIN, COS, TAN, };
enum which_func which = SIN;
switch (which) {
case SIN:
pushFloat(sin(x), &operands);
case COS:
pushFloat(cos(x), &operands);
case TAN:
pushFloat(tan(x), &operands);
assert(false); // shouldn't be reachable if enum value is well-defined
This version will be easier to maintain in the long run, more efficient to execute and possibly more robust to logic errors (there are some compiler warnings that you can enable which will warn you if you're not handling all enum values, which can help you catch missed cases in your logic).
To add to what other answers said, what you can do is to make a macro that expands to the "basic block" of your if chain, avoiding some repetitions thanks to the stringizing operator:
#define HANDLE_FN_EXPR(fn, expr) \
else if(!strcmp(current, #fn)) \
pushFloat((expr), &operands)
#define HANDLE_FN(fn) \
HANDLE_FN_EXPR(fn, fn(x))
Then you can do
HANDLE_FN_EXPR(ctg, 1./tan(x));
Macros do in fact do text replacement. Given your macro definition, this:
PUSHFUNC(operands, current, x)
expands to this:
(pushFloat(current(x), &operands))
So as you can see, the text that is being replaced is the name of the variable, not the text that it contains.
And even if this did work as you expected, it wouldn't be able to properly handle the 1. / tan(x) case.
This means there isn't really a better way to do what you want.
Why not create some objects for each function type? I know, this is C not C++, but the idea will still work. First, create the function object type:-
typedef struct _Function
char *name;
float (*function) (float argument);
} Function;arg
And now create an array of function objects:-
Function functions [] =
{ "sin", sin },
{ "cos", cos }
// and so on
where the functions are defined:-
float sin(float x)
return 0; // put correct code here
float cos(float x)
return 0; // put correct code here
Finally, parse the input:-
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof functions / sizeof functions[0]; ++i)
if (strcmp(functions[i].name, current) == 0)
pushFloat(functions[i].function(arg)); // add operands!
I find using enums for stuff like this very hard to maintain! Adding new functions means going through the code to find cases where the enum is used and updating it prone to errors (like missing a place!).
All because it's not C++, doesn't mean you can't use objects! It's just there's no language support for it so you have to do a bit more work (and, yeah, there are features missing!)

Prevent Frama-C's slicing plugin from changing input code

Given a C file, I want to compute the backward slice for some criteria and compare the slice to the original code. Because I don't want to implement a slicing program from cratch, I've already tried to get used to Frama-C which seems to help with this task.
However, my problem is, that Frama-C's slicing plugin changes the preprocessed input code, so that it makes it harder to identify which lines of the original also appear in the slice.
Input file test1.c:
double func1(double param) {
return 2+param;
int main() {
int a=3;
double c=4.0;
double d=10.0;
double res = func1(c);
return 0;
Preprocessed file (yielded by frama-c test1.c -print -ocode test1_norm.c):
/* Generated by Frama-C */
double func1(double param)
double __retres;
__retres = (double)2 + param;
return __retres;
int main(void)
int __retres;
int a;
double c;
double d;
double res;
a = 3;
c = 4.0;
d = 10.0;
if ((double)a < c) c = (double)a / 4.0;
res = func1(c);
__retres = 0;
return __retres;
Slice (yielded by frama-c -slice-calls func1 test1.c -then-on 'Slicing export' -print):
/* Generated by Frama-C */
double func1_slice_1(double param)
double __retres;
__retres = (double)2 + param;
return __retres;
void main(void)
int a;
double c;
double res;
a = 3;
c = 4.0;
c = (double)a / 4.0;
res = func1_slice_1(c);
Note that the signature of main differs and that the name of func1 was changed to func1_slice_1.
Is there a way to suppress that behaviour in order to make the slice and the (preprocessed) original more easily comparable (in terms of a computable diff)?
First, to clarify a simpler question that you don't need answering but that someone searching for the same keywords could, you cannot have the sliced program printed as a selection of the lines of the original program (most of the differences between the two corresponds to lost information, basically. If the information was there, it would be used to print the most resembling program possible).
What you can do is print Frama-C's representation of the original program, which you are already doing with frama-c test2.c -print -ocode test2_norm.c.
To solve your problem of func1 being renamed to func1_slice_1, you can try playing with option -slicing-level 0:
$ frama-c -slicing-level 0 -slice-calls func1 test1.c -then-on 'Slicing export' -print
/* Generated by Frama-C */
double func1(double param)
double __retres;
__retres = (double)2 + param;
return __retres;
void main(void)
int a;
double c;
double res;
a = 3;
c = 4.0;
c = (double)a / 4.0;
res = func1(c);
I think this will prevent the slicer from slicing inside func1 at all. The help says:
-slicing-level <n> set the default level of slicing used to propagate to the
0 : don't slice the called functions
1 : don't slice the called functions but propagate the
marks anyway
2 : try to use existing slices, create at most one
3 : most precise slices

Function definition not allowed / [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this question
My professor gave us this code in class to show how a program works and said "go home and try it and you'll see it works".... well after 30 minutes I cannot get it to run. can someone please help me and point me in the right direction. Thank you!
-I get function definition on the end "double g(double x)"
-On the first else where x_left = x_mid control reaches end of non-void function
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#define NO_ROOT -99999.0
//function prototypes
double bisect(double, double, double, double f(double farg));
// evaluation of function
double g(double);
double h(double);
int main(void) {
double x_left, x_right, epsilon, root; //declare variables
// get endpoint and error tolerance
printf("\nEnter interval endpoints > ");
scanf("%lf%lf", &x_left, &x_right);
printf("\nEnter tolerance > ");
scanf("%lf", &epsilon);
//use bisect function to look for roots of functions
printf("\n\n For function g(x)");
root = bisect(x_left, x_right, epsilon, g);
if (root != NO_ROOT)
printf("\n g(%.7f) = %e\n", root, g(root));
printf("\n\n For function h(x)");
root = bisect(x_left, x_right, epsilon, h);
if (root != NO_ROOT)
printf("\n h(%.7f) = %e\n", root, h(root));
return (0);
// bisection method program coding
double bisect(double x_left, double x_right, double epsilon, double f(double farg)){
double x_mid, f_left, f_right, f_mid;
int root_found;
// computes function at initial end points
f_left = f(x_left);
f_right = f(x_right);
// if no change in sign
if (f_left * f_right > 0) {
printf("\nmay not be no root in [%.7f, %.7f]\n\n", x_left, x_right);
return NO_ROOT;
// searches as long as interval size is large enough
root_found = FALSE;
while (fabs(x_right - x_left) > epsilon && !root_found) {
// compute the mid point
x_mid = (x_left + x_right) / 2.0;
f_mid = f(x_mid);
if (f_mid == 0.0) {
root_found = TRUE;}
else if (f_left * f_mid < 0.0) {
x_right = x_mid;
} else {
x_left = x_mid;
// trace loop execution
if (root_found)
printf("\nRoot found at x = %.7f , midpoint of [%.7f, %.7f] ", x_mid, x_leftx_right);
printf("\nNew interval is [%.7f, %.7f] \n\n", x_left, x_right);
//if there is a root
return ((x_left + x_right)/2.0);
// functions for which roots are sought
double g(double x){
return (5 * pow(x, 3.0) - 2 * pow(x, 2.0) +3);
double h(double x){
return (pow(x, 4.0) - 3 * pow(x,2.0) - 8);
I get an error on this line:
printf("\nRoot found at x = %.7f , midpoint of [%.7f, %.7f] ", x_mid, x_leftx_right
saying that x_leftx_right is undeclared.
If I change this to x_left, x_right then it compiles OK except for "undefined reference to g" and "undefined reference to h".
The reason for the undefined reference to g is that you never provided a function definition for the function g that was prototyped by double g(double);. You did provide a nested function g within bisect. Nested functions are a non-standard extension, and bisect::g is a different function to g. Similarly for h.
To fix this, move the definitions of g and h to be after the end of the bisect function; instead of inside that function.
The reason for your "control reaches end of non-void function" warning is probably because there is no return statement after the while loop.
Your line return ((x_left + x_right)/2.0); line is within the loop begun by while (fabs(x_right - x_left) > epsilon && !root_found) {. If this loop finishes by the loop condition no longer being true, then the execution hits the end of the function without returning anything.
NB. If you indent your code properly so that you line up { then you are less likely to have this sort of problem. Your editor should have a key that you can use to find matching curly-braces. Also, operating your compiler in strict standard mode would have given an error about the use of nested function.

Recursive bisection method program stopped working

I have a problem with bisection method (recursive implementation) that doesn't work. The program just crashes after entering a&b values ...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#define e 0.0001
#define dbg 1
using namespace std;
double f(double x){
return x*x*x-x-2;
double bisection(double a,double b){
double x1;
return x1;
int main () {
int a,b;
double root;
printf("root %g",root);
return 0;
I have tried to display some debugging messages, but I couldn't figure it out.
As #Gene pointed out, you never use the result of the recursive call. Further, what you DO return is just the midpoint between a&b, which you don't need recursion to find. (Related?)
Note that, if the 2 ifs used to change either a or b for the recursive call both fail, then you make a recursive call w/ unchanged values of a & b ==> infinite recursion, a sure way to get a segfault.

Taking a second derivative in FFTW3

I have tested my code for some real functions using a forward FFT and IFFT (normalized the result), this works fine.
I would, however, like to take a second derivative of a real function. For simplicity sake, I take sin(2*pi*t) as a test case. Here is the relevant code I use (FFT functions in a library):
int main(void)
int i;
int nyh = (N/2) + 1;
double result_array[nyh][2];
double x_k[nyh][2];
double x_r[N];
FILE* psit;
fft(x, result_array); //function in a library, this has been tested
psi(result_array, x_k);
ifft(x_k, x_r); //function in a library, this has been tested
fprintf(psit, "%f\n", x_r[i]);
return 0;
void psi(double array[nyh][2], double out[nyh][2])
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < N/2; i++ )
out[i][0] = -4.0*pi*pi*i*i*array[i][0];
out[i][1] = -4.0*pi*pi*i*i*array[i][1];
void init()
int i;
x[i] = sin(2.0*pi*i/N);
Now here is the problem: This algorithm works perfectly for any function of the form sin( 2*pi*t*K), where K is an integer, but if I take as a test function sin(3*pi*t), the algorithm fails. I am not able to see the mistake in my coding.
Please note that because the function is real, I only need to take half of the k values. This is not the problem.
My guess is that sin(3*pi*t) introduces a discontinuity, since it does not give an integer number of cycles in your sample interval. For most FFT-related applications you would apply a window function to deal with such discontinuities, but obviously this will introduce an error term into your derivative and I'm not sure whether you will be able to correct for this.
I don't know if you have fixed this problem... But I guess the major problem is that sin(3 Pi t) is not periodic in the domain [0,1](sin(0) != sin (3 * Pi)).
FFT could not work properly...
