Is there an event Angular fires when all callbacks are complete - angularjs

For example, a page contains multiple controllers and directives each making separate $http request to populate their data.
Is there a global event we can subscribe to that will be triggered when Angular finishes calling all callbacks (i.e. after all $http requests are complete and all callbacks have been executed)?

Turns out there is an undocumented angular service called $browser that accomplishes this and is used by protractor.
waitForAngular = function(el, angular, callback) {
try {
} catch (e) {


Unit testing AngularJS $http event handler with Jasmine/Karma?

I'm using AngularJS 1.5.8, and I have a factory with a method that returns an instance of an $http request. It includes a progress eventHandler. My question is, how can I test this event handler using Jasmine/Karma? Normally, requests are tested by mocking them up via $httpBackend.expectPOST or similar, but then the progress event is never fired. And if I don't mock it up, Karma complains about an unexpected request. How do I do this?
I figured it out. The way to do this is to use AngularJS decorators to extend the $httpBackend, thus being able to intercept calls to the backend, log the handlers passed to them, and delegate out to the original object:
var httpDecorator = function($delegate) {
$delegate.eventHandlers = [];
var newBackend = function() {
return $delegate.apply(null, arguments);
angular.forEach($delegate, function(value, key) {
if ($delegate.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
newBackend[key] = value;
return newBackend;
$provide.decorator('$httpBackend', ['$delegate', httpDecorator]);
With that set up in the module(...) definition in a beforeEach(...) callback, now I can reference $httpBackend.eventHandlers in my unit tests and get references to all of them :)

confused about the need for $scope.$apply

I have an angular controller:
.controller('DashCtrl', function($scope, Auth) {
$scope.login = function() {
Auth.login().then(function(result) {
$scope.userInfo = result;
Which is using a service I created:
.service('Auth', function($window) {
var authContext = $window.Microsoft.ADAL.AuthenticationContext(...);
this.login = function() {
return authContext.acquireTokenAsync(...)
.then(function(authResult) {
return authResult.userInfo;
The Auth service is using a Cordova plugin which would be outside of the angular world. I guess I am not clear when you need to use a $scope.$apply to update your $scope and when you don't. My incorrect assumption was since I had wrapped the logic into an angular service then I wouldn't need it in this instance, but nothing gets updated unless I wrap the $scope.userInfo = statement in a $timeout or $scope.$apply.
Why is it necessary in this case?
From angular's wiki:
AngularJS provides wrappers for common native JS async behaviors:
jQuery.ajax() => $http
This is just a traditional async function with a $scope.$apply()
called at the end, to tell AngularJS that an asynchronous event just
So i guess since your Auth service does not use angular's $http, $scope.$apply() isn't called by angular after executing the Async Auth function.
Whenever possible, use AngularJS services instead of native. If you're
creating an AngularJS service (such as for sockets) it should have a
$scope.$apply() anywhere it fires a callback.
In your case, you should trigger the digest cycle once the model is updated by wrapping (as you did):
Auth.login().then(function(result) {
$scope.userInfo = result;
Auth.login().then(function(result) {
$scope.userInfo = result;
Angular does not know that $scope.userInfo was modified, so the digest cycle needs to be executed via the use of $scope.$apply to apply the changes to $scope.
Yes, $timeout will also trigger the digest cycle. It is simply the Angular version of setTimeout that will execute $scope.$apply after the wrapped code has been run.
In your case, $scope.$apply() would suffice.
NB: $timeout also has exception handling and returns a promise.

How to remove Cordova specific events outside Angular controller?

Imagine I have a controller which handles, for example, view changes:
function Controller($scope){
var viewModel = this;
viewModel.goBack= function(){
viewModel.visible = visibleLinks.pop(); //get last visible link
viewModel.swipeDirection = 'left';// for view change animation
But I want to handle it not only for example with HTML buttons inside <body>, but also with Back button on device. So I have to add Event Listener for deviceready event, and also explicit call $scope.$apply() in order to fact, that it is called outside of AngularJS context, like this:
document.addEventListener("deviceready", function(){
document.addEventListener("backbutton", function(){
}, false);
}, false);
But I also want to follow (relatively :) ) new controllerAssyntax, cause this is recommended now e.g. by Todd Motto: Opinionated AngularJS styleguide for teams and it allows to remove $scope from controllers when things like $emit or $on are not used. But I can't do it, case I have to call $apply() cause my context is not Angular context when user clicks on device back button. I thought about creating a Service which can be wrapper facade for cordova and inject $scope to this service but as I read here: Injecting $scope into an angular service function() it is not possible. I saw this: Angular JS & Phonegap back button event and accepted solution also contains $apply() which makes $scope unremovable. Anybody knows a solution to remove Cordova specific events outside Angular controller, in order to remove $scope from controllers when not explicity needed? Thank you in advance.
I don't see a reason why to remove the $scope from the controller. It is fine to follow the best practice and to remove it if not needed, but as you said you still need it for $emit, $on, $watch.. and you can add it $apply() in the list for sure.
What I can suggest here as an alternative solution is to implement a helper function that will handle that. We can place it in a service and use $rootScope service which is injectable.
app.factory('utilService', function ($rootScope) {
return {
justApply: function () {
createNgAware: function (fnCallback) {
return function () {
fnCallback.apply(this, arguments);
// use it
app.controller('SampleCtrl', function(utilService) {
var backBtnHandler1 = function () {
utilService.justApply(); // instead of $scope.$apply();
// or
var backBtnHandler2 = utilService.createNgAware(function(){
document.addEventListener("backbutton", backBtnHandler2, false);
In my case I was simply forwarding Cordova events with the help of Angular $broadcast firing it on the $rootScope. Basically any application controller would then receive this custom event. Listeners are attached on the configuration phase - in the run block, before any controller gets initialized. Here is an example:
.module('app', [])
.run(function ($rootScope, $document) {
$document.on('backbutton', function (e) {
// block original system back button behavior for the entire application
// forward the event
$rootScope.$broadcast('SYSTEM_BACKBUTTON', e);
.controller('AppCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.$on('SYSTEM_BACKBUTTON', function () {
// do stuff
Obviously in the $scope.$on handler you do not have to call $scope.$apply().
Pros of this solution are:
you'll be able to modify an event or do something else for the entire application before the event will be broadcasted to all the controllers;
when you use $document.on() every time controller is instantiated, the event handler stays in the memory unless you manually unsibscribe from this event; using $scope.$on cares about it automatically;
if the way a system dispatches Cordova event changes, you'll have to change it in one place
you'll have to be careful when inheriting controllers which already have an event handler attached on initialization phase, and if you want your own handler in a child.
Where to place the listeners and the forwarder is up to you and it highly depends on your application structure. If your app allows you could even keep all the logic for the backbutton event in the run block and get rid of it in controllers. Another way to organize it is to specify a single global callback attached to $rootScope for example, which can be overriden inside controllers, if they have different behavior for the back button, not to mess with events.
I am not sure about deviceready event though, it fires once in the very beginning. In my case I was first waiting for the deviceready event to fire and then was manually bootstrapping AngularJS application to provide a sequential load of the app and prevent any conflicts:
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function onDeviceReady() {
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
angular.bootstrap(document.body, ['app']);
}, false);
From my point of view the logic of the app and how you bootstrap it should be separated from each other. That's why I've moved listener for backbutton to a run block.

Integrating library with asynchronous loading in AngularJS app

I want to use the library MIDI.js in my AngularJS app. To initialise it, you call MIDI.loadPlugin which takes a callback that fires when some files are loaded.
I want to make a controller in my app aware of when the files are loaded.
My current approach is a dedicated service which calls MIDI.loadPlugin when it is created, and sends a $rootScope.$broadcast when the callback is fired.
Is this the best approach, particularly in regards to testability?
I would use a promise in your service to get access to the async resource. Then for all functions in the service that need it they just call the get method that returns a promise.
I'll try to post some example code later when on the computer.
Here's the solution I came up with based on Gordon's suggestion.
.factory('midiLoader', ['MIDI', '$q', function (MIDI, $q) {
var service = {};
service.loadFiles = function() {
return $q(function(resolve, reject) {
soundfontUrl: "bower_components/midi/soundfont/",
instrument: "acoustic_grand_piano",
callback: function () {
return service;

AngularJS with SignalR

I am playing with Angular and SignalR, I have tried to create a service which will act as a manager.
dashboard.factory('notificationsHub', function ($scope) {
var connection;
var proxy;
var initialize = function () {
connection = $.hubConnection();
proxy = connection.createHubProxy('notification');
proxy.on('numberOfIncidents', function (numOfIncident) {
$scope.$emit('numberOfIncidents', numOfIncident);
.done(function() {
.fail(function() { console.log('Failed to connect Connected'); });
return {
initialize: initialize
however I get the error Error: Unknown provider: $scopeProvider <- $scope <- notificationsHub.
How can I use pubsub to pass all the notifications to the controllers? jQuery maybe?
$scope does not exist in this context as that's something injected when a controller is created and a new child scope is made. However, $rootScope is available at the time you need.
Also, be aware $emit() goes upward and your controller scopes wont see it. You would either need to switch to $broadcast() so the event goes downwards or inject $rootScope as well to the controllers you want to be able to subscribe to 'numberOfIncidents'
Check out the angular docs and a useful wiki on scopes.
Here is a great example showing how to wrap the proxy in a service and use $rootScope for event pub/sub.
As already noted in johlrich's answer, $scope is not avaliable inside proxy.on. However, just switching to $rootScope will most likely not work. The reason for this is because the event handlers regisrered with proxy.on are called by code outside the angular framework, and thus angular will not detect changes to variables. The same applies to $rootScope.$on event handlers that are triggered by events broadcasted from the SignalR event handlers. See$rootScope/inprog for some more details.
Thus you want to call $rootScope.$apply() from the SignalR event handler, either explicitly
proxy.on('numberOfIncidents', function (numOfIncident) {
$scope.$apply(function () {
$rootScope.$emit('numberOfIncidents', numOfIncident);
or possibly implicitly through $timeout
proxy.on('numberOfIncidents', function (numOfIncident) {
$timeout(function () {
$rootScope.$emit('numberOfIncidents', numOfIncident);
}, 0);
I tried to use $apply() after changing value, i tried to use $apply(functuin() {value = 3}), and also i tried to use $emit and $broadcast for changing value and it doesn't help.
But i found solution we need in html after in controller you can use
var scope2 = angular.element("#test").scope();
P.s. I understand that it is very old question, but may by smb, as i, need this solution.
