How to initialize form as scope variable in controller - angularjs

I have a simple angular form
<form name="myForm" ng-controller="myFormController"></form>
and need to call $setPristine() to myForm in myFormController. What is the best way to initialize this form as a $scope variable?
I tried $scope.myForm.$setPristine(); but it gave me:
Cannot read property '$setPristine' of undefined
Thanks in advance.
EDIT From the docs:
name (optional)
Name of the form. If specified, the form controller will be published into related scope, under this name.
That means you can access it in a controller, but how?

form directive does publish the name of the form to the scope. But if the form is nested inside the ng-controller element, then the form's scope variable is not yet available when the controller function runs.
As an illustration:
<div ng-controller="OuterCtrl">
<form name="form1">
<div ng-controller="InnerCtrl"></div>
The following would happen:
.controller("OuterCtrl", function($scope){
// $scope.form1.$setPristine(); // this will fail
.controller("InnerCtrl", function($scope){
$scope.form1.$setPristine(); // this will succeed
It is rarely needed to access the form when the controller function runs. Typically, it's done in response to some action, like a submit action. When that happens, the "OuterCtrl" will have $scope.form1:
.controller("OuterCtrl", function($scope){
$scope.submitForm = function(){
//... do something with form data
In that respect, $timeout would, in fact, work and would not cause race conditions. But you should re-examine why you need it the form when the controller function first runs.

Try this in your controller.
$timeout(function () {
// here you should be able to access $scope.myForm

I just wasted some time dealing with this. In my case, I had the form shown a bit later using a ng-if. Changing the form conditions to an ng-show resolved the non-initialization of the $scope.myform.


Angular hide dirrective depending on action in another directive

I'm new in angular and i'm looking for the best way to do what I want.
In my main page I have 2 directives, one is used to display a button (and maybe other stuff). And another used to display a kind of dialog box/menu.
Each directive has its own controller.
I want to show or hide the second directive when I click on the button in the first one.
I don't really know what are goods or wrong approaches. Should I use a service injected in both controller and set a variable with ng-show in the second directive? This solution doesn't really hide the directive because I need a div inside the directive to hide its content and isn't too much to use a service only for one boolean?
Should I use a kind of global variable (rootscope?) or inject the first controller inside the second one?
Or maybe use a third controller in my main page (used with a service?) or use only one controller for both directive?
Basically without directive I would probably used only one main controller for my whole page and set a variable.
In fact the first directive is just a kind of button used to display "something", and the second directive just a kind of popup waiting a boolean to be displayed. That's why I finally used a service containing a boolean with a getter and a setter to avoid any interaction beetween both controller.
My both controller use this service, the first one to set the value when we click on the element and the second controller provide just a visibility on the getter for my ng-show.
I don't know if it is the best way to do but I am satisfied for now.
Small example here (without directive but with same logic) :
angular.module('myModule', []);
.controller("ButtonCtrl", buttonCtrl)
.controller("PopUpCtrl", popUpCtrl)
.service("DisplayerService", displayerService);
buttonCtrl.$inject = ["DisplayerService", "$scope"];
function buttonCtrl(DisplayerService, $scope) {
var vm = this;
vm.display = function(){
popUpCtrl.$inject = ["DisplayerService"];
function popUpCtrl(DisplayerService) {
var vm = this;
vm.displayable = function(){
return DisplayerService.getDisplay();
function displayerService(){
var vm = this;
vm.display = false;
vm.setDisplay = function(value){
vm.display = value;
vm.getDisplay = function(){
return vm.display;
<body data-ng-app="myModule">
<div data-ng-controller="ButtonCtrl as btnCtrl" >
<button data-ng-click="btnCtrl.display()">
<div data-ng-controller="PopUpCtrl as popUpCtrl" >
<div data-ng-show="popUpCtrl.displayable()">
hello world

Controller without $scope

I just come across some code where no $scope was there in the controller.
Here is the code
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="ctrlCarLists as cars">
<button ng-click="cars.showCars()">
<button ng-click="alert(">
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller("ctrlCarLists", function () { = 'hello';
this.showCars = function () {
alert("Ford, Toyata, Mercedes");
The above code is running, but is not accessible...why? showCars() is accessible when the button is clicked. Why isn't is not accessible?
What should be called when we declare any variable or function inside controller with the this keyword? Will it behave like a static property or function of a class?
jsfiddle link
ng-controller="ctrlCarLists as cars"
"cars" is referring to your controller, and "this" is refering to your controller as well.
When this function is triggered, it will refer to "showCars()" function in your controller.
As Yury Tarabanko has explained in his comment, alert function is not found, reason is:
Angular does not use JavaScript's eval() to evaluate expressions.
Instead Angular's $parse service processes these expressions.
Angular expressions do not have access to global variables like
window, document or location. This restriction is intentional. It
prevents accidental access to the global state – a common source of
subtle bugs.
Instead use services like $window and $location in functions called
from expressions. Such services provide mockable access to globals.
Why is ng-click not working?
ng-click requires an expression (see docs).
is not an expression that angularJS can compile (it doesn't know what alert refers to) thus it should be replaced with
because is an expression it can compile.
Or, alternatively
where we could have this:
this.alert = function (text) {

Why I cannot access form angular's properites in JS such as $error?

I cannot access angular's Form members. I don't have a clue why. I'm using angular 1.4. The full code is at:,js,console,output
angular.module('test',[]).controller('testController', function($scope){
$scope.sendInvitations = function(){
var error = myForm.NewInvitations.$error;
console.log('value: ' + error );
the value of $error is always undefined. Any idea?
var error = myForm.NewInvitations.$error;
should be:
var error = $scope.myForm.NewInvitations.$error;
Notice the $scope
This is assuming you have the name="myForm" on your <form> tag
So something like:
<div ng-controller="testController">
<form name="myForm" novalidate>
you can also, if you prefer, send in the validity of your form, to your method on the controller.
<button class="btn btn-success" ng-click="sendInvitations(myForm.$valid)">Send Invitations</button>
And in your controller:
$scope.sendInvitations = function(isValid){
You also don't have any errors.
Add required to your input.
So your controller is now:
angular.module('test',[]).controller('testController', function($scope){
$scope.sendInvitations = function(){
var error = $scope.myForm.NewInvitations.$error;
console.log(error );
and your input
<input style="width: 95%" name="NewInvitations" type="email" ng-model="newInvitations" required />
This is an update to your bin,js,console,output
myForm is not accessible in the global scope. You can pass it in as an argument to sendInvitations.
$scope.sendInvitations = function(myForm){
It's unlikely that you'd need to do this, though. You can do use the myForm properties in the view.
In angular, you should never touch the DOM. Meaning, you should never invoke HTML elements directly as you would in traditional HTML/JS settings. (read more)
Angular encourages the use of ng-model to employ two-way binding as a means to communicate between the controller and the view. (angular two-way data binding tutorial)
Thus, the first change you should attempt is to replace
var error = myForm.NewInvitations.$error;
var error = $scope.NewInvitations;
This will cause the code to run.
But it appears that you want to retrieve the email input validation error and display it through angular.
Here is an excellent explanation with a tutorial that I think achieves what you're trying to do. If you just want to see the code in action, try this link. (Be sure to hit the Run button.)
Hope this helps!

How do I load an external HTML file and have the scope variables renderred properly in angularJS?

What I am trying to do is after clicking on a buddy in the buddy list, load a chat dialog template HTML file without disturbing other elements in current DOM just like chatting in facebook.
My problem is that after loading the html template file the scope variables such as {{contact.jid}} are not properly rendered, and the controller for the dialog is not even called.
How can I force a rerender or a call on the controller so that those variables are properly renderred? Or should I not use the jQuery.load function to do this? I can't figure out any other way.
Thank you.
Code of the controllers:
// Controller for the chat dialog
$scope.test = "Test"
// Controller for the buddy list
// $scope.toggleDialog is called when a buddy is clicked
$scope.contacts = window.contactList;
$scope.toggleDialog = function(to){
The controller function of chat dialog is not called after loading chatdialog.html which has an attribute of ng-controller, so the {{test}} variable is not set.
You need to wrap your content that will be compiled inside a directive.
This directive receives the variables and the HTML that will be compiled.
You can wrap this directive in the element that you like:
For example, given the following html and variables:
// In the controller
$scope.controllerHtml = '<span>{{variables.myVariable}}</span>';
$scope.controllerVariables = {myVariable: 'hello world'};
<!--In the HTML-->
<div compile-me html-to-bind="controllerHtml" variables="controllerVariables"></div>
You will get the following:
<span>hello world</span>
You are loading the external HTML via jQuery and Angular has no way of knowing how to use it. There are two ways to solve this issue:
use ngInclude to load the template from the server, angular will load it from the server and compile it for you to use.
continue to use jQuery load the HTML from the server and use the $compile service to teach angular how to use it
I would highly suggest using method #1 to load your external template.
I suppose the:
is the jQuery .load, or something similar. I would get the template via ngInclude, checking if test is setted or not; html:
<div id="chatarea" ng-if="test">
<div ng-include="'chatdialog.html'"/>
$scope.contacts = window.contactList;
$scope.test = '';
var callbackFunction = function(data) {
$scope.test = data.test;
$scope.toggleDialog = function(to){
AjaxRequestToGetBuddyInfoAndMessages(to, callbackFunction);
Obviously test will be a more complex object, so the ngIf test will be different (and you will need to take into account the fact that:
$scope.test = data.test
if they are objects, they will lose the reference and have an unwanted behaviour).

AngularJs can't access form object in controller ($scope)

I am using bootstrap-ui more specifically modal windows. And I have a form in a modal, what I want is to instantiate form validation object. So basically I am doing this:
<form name="form">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="answer_rows">Answer rows:</label>
<textarea name="answer_rows" ng-model="question.answer_rows"></textarea>
{{form | json}}
I can see form object in the html file without no problem, however if I want to access the form validation object from controller. It just outputs me empty object. Here is controller example:
.controller('EditQuestionCtrl', function ($scope, $modalInstance) {
$scope.question = {};
$scope.form = {};
$scope.update = function () {
console.log($scope.form); //empty object
console.log($scope.question); // can see form input
What might be the reasons that I can't access $scope.form from controller ?
Just for those who are not using $scope, but rather this, in their controller, you'll have to add the controller alias preceding the name of the form. For example:
<div ng-controller="ClientsController as clients">
<form name="clients.something">
and then on the controller:
app.controller('ClientsController', function() {
// setting $setPristine()
Hope it also contributes to the overall set of answers.
The normal way if ng-controller is a parent of the form element:
please remove this line:
$scope.form = {};
If angular sets the form to your controllers $scope you overwrite it with an empty object.
As the OP stated that is not the case here. He is using $, so the controller is not the parent of the form. I don't know a nice solution. But this problem can be hacked:
<form name="form" ng-init="setFormScope(this)">
and in your controller:
$scope.setFormScope= function(scope){
this.formScope = scope;
and later in your update function:
$scope.update = function () {
Look at the source code of the 'modal' of angular ui bootstrap, you will see the directive has
transclude: true
This means the modal window will create a new child scope whose parent here is the controller $scope, as the sibling of the directive scope. Then the 'form' can only be access by the newly created child scope.
One solution is define a var in the controller scope like
$scope.forms = {};
Then for the form name, we use something like forms.formName1. This way we could still access it from our controller by just call $scope.forms.formName1.
This works because the inheritance mechanism in JS is prototype chain. When child scope tries to create the forms.formName1, it first tries to find the forms object in its own scope which definitely does not have it since it is created on the fly. Then it will try to find it from the parent(up to the prototype chain) and here since we have it defined in the controller scope, it uses this 'forms' object we created to define the variable formName1. As a result we could still use it in our controller to do our stuff like:
//if form is valid
More about transclusion, look at the below Misco's video from 45 min. (this is probably the most accurate explanation of what transcluded scopes are that I've ever found !!!)
No need for the ng-init trickery, because the issue is that $scope.form is not set when the controller code is run. Remove the form = {} initialization and get access to the form using a watch:
$scope.$watch('form', function(form) {
I use the documented approach.
so, user the form name, on "save" click for example just pass the formName as a parameter and hey presto form available in save method (where formScopeObject is greated based upon the ng-models specifications you set in your form OR if you are editing this would be the object storing the item being edited i.e. a user account)
<form name="formExample" novalidate>
<!-- some form stuff here -->
<input type="text" name="aField" ng-model="aField" required="" />
<br /><br />
<input type="button" ng-click="Save(formExample,formScopeObject)" />
To expand on the answer by user1338062: A solution I have used multiple times to initialize something in my controller but had to wait until it was actually available to use:
var myVarWatch = $scope.$watch("myVar", function(){
//do whatever init you need to
myVarWatch(); //make sure you call this to remove the watch
For those using Angular 1.5, my solution was $watching the form on the $postlink stage:
$postLink() {
this.$scope.$watch(() => this.$scope.form.$valid, () => {
