learfsimport -rec -nset /view/abc_def/vobs/flo/floor/flore/flour/flow/fly/fi .
ClearCase brtype is not guarded by a stream: brtype:....
clearfsimport: Warning: Trigger "checkin" has refused to let checkin proceed.
clearfsimport: Error: Could not checkin "
ClearCase brtype is not guarded by a stream: brtype:
clearfsimport: Warning: Trigger "checkin" has refused to let checkin proceed.
clearfsimport: Error: Could not checkin "".
clearfsimport: Warning: Trouble importing element "".
Creating element "".
Does anybody know why I am getting the error like above.
It looks like the clearfsimport is done in a non-UCM view, for a file which is already part of an UCM component.
You need to use an UCM view as destination for the clearfsimport.
I'm creating a new component called "counters" but I'm getting this error:
Cannot find file: 'Counter.jsx' does not match the corresponding name on disk: '.\src\components\counter.jsx'.
Cannot find file: 'Counter.jsx' does not match the corresponding name on disk: '.\src\components\counter.jsx'
In this error, it is clear that either the file you are trying to import is unavailable or you have misspelled the file name in import. Also paths and files are case-sensitive. So the error is in either of the two Counter.jsx or .\src\components\counter.jsx
$ cleartool rmstream stream:tiger#/vobs/forest
Remove stream
"stream:tiger#/vobs/forest"? [no] yes
cleartool: Error: No tag in region for view "d6ca911d.229a41bb.942b.fd:ed:f2:bb:5c:f8".
cleartool: Error: Unable to remove stream "stream:tiger#/vobs/forest".
how to find out which site has clearcase view uuid d6ca911d.229a41bb.942b.fd:ed:f2:bb:5c:f8?
The IBM technote swg21127922 does list a MultiSite environment and the view existing at a different replica site as a possible cause for this error message.
It might not be mandatory to switch to the site referencing that view to move forward though.
The steps described to resolve the issue involve removing the view by its uuid in the pvob of the stream.
I used that technique (rmview --uuid) before in "Removal of clearcase views involves any housekeeping?".
For instance:
cleartool lsstream -l stream_name#\pvob.
The output will include:
ct desc -l vob:\ford_pvob
The output include:
VOB holds objects from the following views:
f15eagle:d:\ClearCase_Storage\views\RATIONAL\evchan\evchan_proj1_2.vws [uuid 98573bec.d7e34570.a71c.e8:ab:7c:50:d4:02]
You will need change directory (cd) into the PVOB
W:\>cd ford_pvob
Remove the view reference from the PVOB using, cleartool rmview -uuid uuid_number
Note: By adding the -all switch, you will ensure to remove the view reference from the PVOB and any UCM Component VOBs that may also have a reference from this view; cleartool rmview -all -uuid uuid_number.
In this particular example, the -all was not required since we are only removing the view reference from the PVOB.
W:\ford_pvob>ct rmview -uuid 98573bec.d7e34570.a71c.e8:ab:7c:50:d4:02
Removed references to view "f15eagle:d:\ClearCase_Storage\views\RATIONAL\evchan\evchan_proj1_2.vws" from VOB "\ford_pvob".
Now the stream can be removed, using cleartool rmstream stream_name#\pvob
W:\ford_pvob>ct rmstream evchan_proj1_2#\ford_pvob
Remove stream "evchan_proj1_2#\ford_pvob"? [no] y
Removed stream "evchan_proj1_2#\ford_pvob" .
Continuing my previous post: Provide version to independent files in clearcase. Now I able to execute clear case import command but with some errors. Following are some errors occurred while import:
clearfsimport: Error: Could not checkin "E:\CC_Work\FromCC\santosh_view57\Temp_TEST\AspNET\Scripts\WebForms\MSAjax\MicrosoftAjax.js".
clearfsimport: Warning: Trouble importing element "E:\CC_Work\FromCC\santosh_view57\Temp_TEST\AspNET\Scripts\WebForms\MSAjax\MicrosoftAjax.js".
Creating element "E:\CC_Work\FromCC\santosh_view57\Temp_TEST\AspNET\Scripts\WebForms\MSAjax\MicrosoftAjaxApplicationServices.js".
Created branch "TEST_TEMP" from "E:\CC_Work\FromCC\santosh_view57\Temp_TEST\AspNET\Scripts\WebForms\MSAjax\MicrosoftAjaxApplicationServices.js" version "\main\0".
clearfsimport: Error: Type manager "text_file_delta" failed create_version operation.
Following is my import command:
clearfsimport -rec -nset -comment "Commit test" F:\abc\ASPNET* E:\CC_Work\FromCC\santosh_view57\Temp_TEST\ASPNET
And config spec is following:
element * CHECKEDOUT
element * .../TEST_TEMP/LATEST
element * /main/LATEST -mkbranch TEST_TEMP
element * /main/LATEST
load \Temp_TEST
Same file is able to check out and check in using "ClearCase Expoler" GUI.
You might need to change the type manager associated to js files, as their content could not always be compatible with what a text_file_delta manager expects.
See "Type manager text_file_delta failed create_version operation" for concrete examples.
This technote lists the limitations which makes a text file fail:
Type manager size limitation - File too large
Text files that contain binary data - Contains a '\000'
Line exceeding 8000 bytes
Corrupt source container - not the highest on its branch
I have seen issue with the first 3.
If you have to change its type, see this technote.
I have tried to get the full history of a clearcase vob to parse it and use it with gource to get a visual representation of the changes, but I do not find the right commands to get an easy log history to parse with clearcase2gource python script. I do not use UCM, there are no streams, just plain cleacase.
With this command I get elements with ## in the middle of a path:
cleartool lshistory -fmt "Element: %n| Date: %d| User:%u| Operation: %e| Object:%[type]p| SimpleType: %m| OperationKind: %o\n" -all /vobs/vob_name
With this command I get elements like this (deleted at some point):
Element: /vobs/vob_name/dir1##/main/branch_dev/2/dir2/main/branch_pilot/1/file##/main/branch_pilot/1| Date: 2008-04-15T16:58:28+02:00| User:reeasjp| Operation: create version| Object:compressed_file| SimpleType: version| OperationKind: checkin
That makes more difficult to parse for gource because of several branch names in the middle.
Is there any way to get a full history of all the elements with just plain directories and file names?
Thanks in advance.
NOTE: In the config Spec I have just "/main/LATEST".
The issues are:
clearcase2gource.py processed the extended paths (see "About the version-extended path") found by cleartool lshistory with some hard-coded assumptions.
e = d['Element']
splitElement = e.split("##")
d['FileName'] = splitElement[0]
d['StreamName'] = splitElement[1]
# StreamName starts with /main/ which we aren't interested in.
# Remove the /main/ (slice on 5 because there are 5 chars in /main/)
d['StreamName'] = d['StreamName'][5:]
the cleartool lshistory --all will list history of deleted elements (non-visible anymore in the current ClearCase view), hence the multiple branch names.
The easiest solution would be to:
redirect the cleartool lshistory output to a file, and
then filter out all the extended paths which don't conform to clearcase2gource.py expectation: for instance, just for testing, keep only the ones in a specific branch or in /main only, just to see if that works better.
finally feed that file as input to clearcase2gource.py
I am trying to create a new snapshot view on my machine and i am using the following procedure:
creating the view using
ct mkview -snapshot -tag testview -vws /home/store/testview.vws /home/view/testview
here the view gets created but fails to register
which i register using the ct update on this /home/view/testview location
tried to change the configspec using
ct edcs &
but got error "cleartool: Error: Cannot get view info for current view: not a ClearCase object."
explicitly modifying the config_spec using vi editor, and the updating the view ends up creating a log...but no files are copied :(
Can someone please direct me as to where i am going wrong?
What is your error message on the snapshot view creation?
Something like:
cleartool: Warning: Unable to register new snapshot view: not a ClearCase object
snapshot view may not be recognized by some commands.
Created snapshot view directory "yourServer".
Server view_server (pid=2842) on "/home/store/testview.vws" died on startup; marking it as "down".
Any "Unable to register new snapshot view" message will mean that you are ot able to edit your config spec (so ct edcs will fail)
Try to specificy all the argument for your storage path:
ct mkview -snapshot -tag testview \
-vws /home/store/testview.vws \
-host yourServerName \
-hpath /home/store/testview.vws \
-gpath /home/store/testview.vws \
(is your view server on the same server than your view?)