What is the equivalent of TextField.textProperty() for a ComboBox? - combobox

I have a TextField and a ComboBox in my code. I need to make a button workable when both controls have values in it. My code is -
addSubName = new TextField();
addSubName.setPromptText("Staff Name");
addSubName.setPrefSize(200, 30);
comboBox1 = new ComboBox();
comboBox1.setPromptText("Choose Subject");
comboBox1.setPrefSize(280, 30);
BooleanBinding bb = new BooleanBinding() {
protected boolean computeValue() {
return (addSubName.getText().isEmpty());
final Button b2 = new Button("Add");
b2.setFont(Font.font("Calibri", FontWeight.BOLD, 17));
b2.setPrefSize(70, 30);
b2.setStyle(" -fx-base: #0066ff;");
As you have seen, I know how to check whether the TextField is empty or not, to make the button disabled. I need to check the ComboBox too. So what is the equivalent to "textProperty()" and "getText().isEmpty()" for a ComboBox ?

ComboBox has a valueProperty.
You could use the Bindings API here:
(In JavaFX 8 you can use the Bindings API for the text too:
BooleanBinding bb = Bindings.isEmpty(addSubName.textProperty());


How to get Selected Listbox Items using devexpress in winforms app?

I am trying to get selected item text. I used this below code
But my text is Country
I add listbox items from another class. That class called FilterColumnHeader using below code
FilterControl fc = Application.OpenForms.OfType<FilterControl>().SingleOrDefault();
List<FilterColumnHeader> headers = new List<FilterColumnHeader>();
while (rd.Read())
headers.Add(new FilterColumnHeader { typeOfHeader = rd["type"].ToString(), columnHeadersName = rd["AsHeading"].ToString() });
fc.listBoxColumnHeaders.DisplayMember = "columnHeadersName";
fc.listBoxColumnHeaders.ValueMember = "typeOfHeader";
fc.listBoxColumnHeaders.DataSource = headers;
Now When I try to print using this below code,
MessageBox.Show(""+ listBoxColumnHeaders.SelectedItems[0].ToString());
It is showing in message box like below
The SelectedItems property returns a collection of selected objects. All you need to do is to cast the required object to your type:
var filterColumnHeader = (FilterColumnHeader)listBoxControl.SelectedItems[0];
I don't know if you found an answer but this works for me :
StringBuilder list = new StringBuilder();
foreach(var item in listBoxColumnHeaders.SelectedItems)
list.AppendLine(item as string);

Vaadin - How to convert a Grid column which has boolean value to Checkbox

I am using Vaadin 7.6.4 for my UI work. This has the following:-
I have a window which contains a grid with data in it. This window is actually a kind of a pop up[ which shows up when my main screen gets a click on the settings icon( not shown here). This is working fine( getting the UI screen to open the Vaadin window when the settings icon the main screen is clicked).
The problem is in showing the data as mentioned below.
This grid will have 4 columns for which the data comes from a bean container.
The first column is a boolean field with true/false getting displayed based on the data from the bean container.
I need to convert this boolean field column into a checkbox with true showing the field as a checkbox with a value selected. If the value is false, then show a checkbox which is not selected.
I am trying to do that as shown in the code below but I keep getting this checkbox name printed. I dont see the checkbox but the word "checkbox" printed in there?
This checkbox should be editable. The idea is that the user should be able to select some checkboxes and the ones selected should be shown in a panel ( not shown here). Thus, the checkbox has to be editable.
How do I fix this? The code for the window is shown below
package com.platform28.mybatis;
import java.util.List;
import com.vaadin.data.Item;
import com.vaadin.data.util.BeanItemContainer;
import com.vaadin.data.util.GeneratedPropertyContainer;
import com.vaadin.data.util.PropertyValueGenerator;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent;
import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickListener;
import com.vaadin.ui.CheckBox;
import com.vaadin.ui.Grid;
import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Label;
import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout;
import com.vaadin.ui.Window;
public class ConfigPopUp extends Window {
VaadinUtils vaadinUtils = null;
public ConfigPopUp(List<TableColumnData> tblDataLst) {
vaadinUtils = new VaadinUtils();
// Some basic content for the window
VerticalLayout configLayout = new VerticalLayout();
configLayout.addComponent(new Label("Settings"));
//adding grid.
List<SettingsColumnData> settingsList = vaadinUtils.processSettingsList(tblDataLst);
final BeanItemContainer<SettingsColumnData> gridDataSource = new BeanItemContainer<SettingsColumnData>(SettingsColumnData.class, settingsList);
//change boolean value to checkbox.
GeneratedPropertyContainer gp = new GeneratedPropertyContainer(gridDataSource);
gp.addGeneratedProperty("columnDisplayed", new PropertyValueGenerator<CheckBox>() {
public CheckBox getValue(Item item, Object itemId, Object propertyId) {
boolean currentCheckBoxValue = (boolean) item.getItemProperty("columnDisplayed").getValue();
CheckBox chkBox = new CheckBox();
return chkBox;
public Class<CheckBox> getType() {
return CheckBox.class;
Grid settingsGrid = new Grid(gp);
settingsGrid.setColumnOrder("columnDisplayed", "columnName","columnShortName","columnDescription");
//configLayout.setExpandRatio(settingsGrid, 1);
// Disable the close button
HorizontalLayout hLayout = new HorizontalLayout();
// Trivial logic for closing the sub-window
Button ok = new Button("Ok");
ok.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
close(); // Close the sub-window
// Trivial logic for closing the sub-window
Button cancelBtn = new Button("Cancel");
cancelBtn.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
close(); // Close the sub-window
// set pop up to center.
// should be resizable
// should not be draggable
//set it as modal window
Ok, we used the SelectionMode.MULTI to show the selection of rows in there.
Still, I would love to learn more as to how we get the change done as shown in the question above.
Still looking for an answer to that.
Use a Renderer and a Converter, you don't need to use SelectionMode.MULTI.
An example of this is posted here.

javafx combobox contextmenu not displayed

my problem is:
i made a combobox and i want to use context menu on it's elements, so when i'm setting the cellfactory as shown below, i can't see the items in any more and the context menu does not show.
CBXGroups.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<String>, ListCell<String>>() {
public ListCell<String> call(ListView<String> param) {
final ListCell<String> cell = new ListCell<String>();
final ContextMenu cellMenu = new ContextMenu();
MenuItem rimuoviDalControllo = new MenuItem("RIMUOVI DAL CONTROLLO");
MenuItem rimuoviDefinitivamente = new MenuItem("RIMUOVI DEFINITIVAMENTE");
rimuoviDalControllo.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
rimuoviDefinitivamente.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
cellMenu.setOnShowing(new EventHandler<WindowEvent>() {
public void handle(WindowEvent event) {
cell.contextMenuProperty().bind(Bindings.when(Bindings.isNotNull(cell.itemProperty())).then(cellMenu).otherwise((ContextMenu) null));
return cell;
You can't see the items because you haven't set the text in your ListCell. You can do this with a one-liner:
The context menu is trickier, and I don't really have a solution for it. The issue is that the ComboBox uses a PopupControl to display the list view, and the popup control has autoHide set to true. So when you click on the list view, the popup closes (preventing you seeing the context menu). There's no way to access the popup control, so I don't think there's going to be any way to do this.
Registering a context menu with items in a combo box seems like an unusual thing to do; I wonder if there is a better approach for what you want to do. A MenuButton is similar to a ComboBox in some ways (control that displays a popup with options), but it has a menu hierarchy so you can include cascading menus. This might provide the kind of functionality you want.

How do I programmatically create a GUI and create it for my windows form?

As above, how do I create buttons or labels programmatically instead of using the drag and drop function?
The following sample is a code for creating a panel.
public Panel createPanel()
Panel p = new Panel
BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle,
Size = new Size(506, 110),
Name = "Panel"
Button button = new Button
Text = "Clear",
Name = "Button",
Location = new Point(410, 40)
return p;
Go to YourForm.Designer.cs and see how it's done.
Remember that they're just object members.

How do I get a context menu to work on a Telerik RadGridView column?

I have the following method which adds a new column to a Telerik RadGridView:
private void CreateNewColumn(FieldDescriptor fd, uint fieldno) {
fieldGrid.Columns.Add(new GridViewDataColumn() {
UniqueName = fd.fieldName,
Header = fd.displayName,
DataMemberBinding = new Binding("Fields[" + fieldno + "]"),
ContextMenu = new ContextMenu() {
Tag = fieldno,
Items = {
new MenuItem() {
Header = "Field Properties",
Command = Commands.FieldProperties,
CommandBindings = { new CommandBinding(Commands.FieldProperties, FieldProperties_Execute) }
new MenuItem() {
Header = "Delete Field",
Command = Commands.DeleteField,
CommandBindings = { new CommandBinding(Commands.DeleteField, DeleteField_Execute) }
The problem I'm having is that the context menu never appears when I right click anywhere on the grid. If I bind the context menu directly to the grid, i.e.
fieldGrid.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu() { ...
then the context menu shows up, but I have no way of determining which column the user right-clicked on. Has anyone gotten context menus to work on individual columns or column headers?
I cannot speak for Telerik's grid, but with the Infragistics grid you would attach the context menu to the grid, and then use the mouse location to determine what the user right clicked on in the grid. The Infragistics grid has some decent helper methods to facilitate the hit testing.
You can check my answer on your forum post:
