I'm pretty new to camel and stuck with a problem.
I am trying to create a dynamic web service proxy (which is working) using the cxf endpoint. Everything is going well except I have no idea how to set the cxf endpoint timeouts using the Java DSL.
I have found many articles on how to do it using Spring configuration, but I am trying to achieve this by using only Java DSL.
Here is what I currently have , please could someone point me in the right direction on how to manipulate the CXF timeout's (connect/receive) using the Java DSL
public void configure() throws Exception
.method(MyExceptionHandler.class, "handleException");
CxfEndpoint inboundCxf = new CxfEndpoint();
+ soapProxyConfig.getAddress());
inboundCxf.setServiceName(new QName(soapProxyConfig
.getTargetNamespace(), soapProxyConfig.getRemoteServiceName()));
inboundCxf.setPortName(new QName(soapProxyConfig.getTargetNamespace(),
SedaEndpoint sedaEndpoint = new SedaEndpoint();
sedaEndpoint.setEndpointUriIfNotSpecified("seda:" + routeId + "-Queue");
Endpoint[] remoteEndpoints = new Endpoint[soapProxyConfig
for (int i = 0; i < soapProxyConfig.getRemoteUrls().size(); i++)
Endpoint endpoint = camelContext.getEndpoint(soapProxyConfig
remoteEndpoints[i] = endpoint;
.routePolicy(new WebServiceRoutePolicy()).to(sedaEndpoint);
from(sedaEndpoint).routeId(routeId + "-Queue").loadBalance()
Ok, so after some testing and pulling my hair out I found that I was going about it the totally wrong way.
I dont need to set the inbound CXF timeout values, I just need to set the outbound http timeout value which gives me the desired timeout detecetion.
So now I have a route that looks like this
method(SoapExceptionHandler.class, "handleException"));
SedaEndpoint sedaEnpoint = createSedaEnpoint();
JettyHttpEndpoint jettyEnpoint = createJettyHttpEndpoint();
CxfEndpoint cxfEnpoint = createCxfEndpoint();
.routeId(getRouteName() + "-endpoint");
And for anyone who wants to know how to set the timeout for the JettyProducer here we go
private JettyHttpEndpoint createJettyHttpEndpoint() throws Exception
JettyHttpComponent jettyComponent = new JettyHttpComponent();
JettyHttpEndpoint jettyEnpoint = new JettyHttpEndpoint(jettyComponent,
"jetty:http", new URI(proxyConfig.getTargetEndpointUrl()));
return jettyEnpoint;
With that configuration and setting the timeout in the Jetty endpoint I now get my configurable timeout :)
While not officially supported, with a few minor modifications to the WSDL I was able to successfully generate CXF Objects for the WSDL and get Camel CXF to talk to an RPC/Encoded WSDL endpoint. The code is incredibly simple and most request/responses work without issue except for attempting to send updates of a list of elements. Here is what the service expects:
<elements arrayType="UpdateElement">
VS here is what is being sent:
I need to add the arrayType into the outgoing message. I looked into a number of ways of doing this:
1) An interceptor right before the SOAP message is sent by CXF then use XPath to add the element but I was not clear how to accomplish this using Apache Camel + Camel CXF. How to retrieve the CXF client from the Camel Context?
MyService client = ???
2) Fix it via WSDL? Is it possible to add this element to the WSDL so it is generated as a part of the CXF Objects? It is defined like this presently:
<message name="wsdlElementRequest">
<part name="elements" type="tns:UpdateElements" /></message>
'message' and 'part' come from http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/.
Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
In case anyone ever stumbles on this with a similar issue, I figured it out myself. I was able to retrieve the CxfEndpoint via CamelContext:
camelContext.getEndpoint(endpointUrl, CxfEndpoint.class);
Then I was able to add the interceptor I created:
public class MyCxfInterceptor extends AbstractPhaseInterceptor<SoapMessage> {
Using the CxfEndpoint methods:
cxfEndpoint.getOutInterceptors().add(new MyCxfInterceptor());
In my interceptor I also incorporated another interceptor, SAAJOutInterceptor, that converts the SOAP into an easy to work with object:
private List<PhaseInterceptor<? extends Message>> extras = new ArrayList<>(1);
public MyCxfInterceptor() {
extras.add(new SAAJOutInterceptor());
public Collection<PhaseInterceptor<? extends Message>> getAdditionalInterceptors() {
return extras;
The easy to work with SOAP message:
public void handleMessage(SoapMessage soapMessage) throws Fault {
SOAPMessage msg = soapMessage.getContent(SOAPMessage.class);
try {
SOAPBody soapBody = msg.getSOAPBody();
Then it was a simple matter of using XPATH to make the correction to the outgoing SOAP message.
private XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
NodeList nodeList = soapBody.getElementsByTagName("tagName");
for (int x = 0; x < nodeList.getLength(); x++) {
Node node = nodeList.item(x);
((Element) node).setAttribute("missingAttributeName", "missingAttributeValue");
I hope this helps anyone working with challenging SOAP services!
Credit to the blog which played a big part in enabling me to implement this solution: https://xceptionale.wordpress.com/2016/06/26/message-interceptor-to-modify-outbound-soap-request/
In my use case where I have a Spring Webflux microservice with Reactor Netty, I have the following dependencies:
org.springframework.boot.spring-boot-starter-webflux (2.0.1.RELEASE)
org.springframework.boot.spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb-reactive (2.0.1.RELEASE)
org.projectreactor.reactor-spring (1.0.1.RELEASE)
For a very specific case I need to retrieve some information from my Mongo database, and process this into query parameters send with my reactive WebClient. As the WebClient nor the UriComponentsBuilder accepts a Publisher (Mono / Flux) I used a #block() call to receive the results.
Since reactor-core (version 0.7.6.RELEASE) which has been included in the latest spring-boot-dependencies (version 2.0.1.RELEASE) it is not possible anymore to use: block()/blockFirst()/blockLast() are blocking, which is not supported in thread xxx, see -> https://github.com/reactor/reactor-netty/issues/312
My code snippet:
public Mono<FooBar> getFooBar(Foo foo) {
MultiValueMap<String, String> parameters = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
parameters.add("size", foo.getSize());
parameters.addAll("bars", barReactiveCrudRepository.findAllByIdentifierIn(foo.getBarIdentifiers()) // This obviously returns a Flux
String url = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl("https://base-url/")
return webClient.get()
This worked with spring-boot version 2.0.0.RELEASE, but since the upgrade to version 2.0.1.RELEASE and hence the upgrade from reactor-core to version 0.7.6.RELEASE it is not allowed anymore.
The only real solution I see is to include a block (non-reactive) repository / mongo client as well, but I'm not sure if that is encouraged. Any suggestions?
The WebClient does not accept a Publisher type for its request URL, but nothing prevents you from doing the following:
public Mono<FooBar> getFooBar(Foo foo) {
Mono<List<String>> bars = barReactiveCrudRepository
Mono<FooBar> foobar = bars.flatMap(b -> {
MultiValueMap<String, String> parameters = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
parameters.add("size", foo.getSize());
parameters.addAll("bars", b);
String url = UriComponentsBuilder.fromHttpUrl("https://base-url/")
return webClient.get()
return foobar;
If anything, this new reactor-core inspection saved you from crashing your whole application with this blocking call in the middle of a WebFlux handler.
I'm creating a REST client using Feign. I've got my calls working, but I want to add some timeout support, and I'm having a heck of a time figuring out how to do that.
Feign's documentation says "to use Hystrix with Feign, add the Hystrix module to your classpath. Then use the HystrixFeign builder." Ok, so now I've got this:
service = HystrixFeign.builder()
.decoder(new GsonDecoder())
.target(ProjectService.class, URL_TO_BE_MOVED_TO_PROPS);
Now all of my methods are returning HystrixCommands, which I can execute or queue, but I still can't see how to configure them.
The Hystrix wiki (https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix/wiki/Configuration) says that configuration should be added into the HystrixCommand constructor like this:
public HystrixCommandInstance(int id) {
this.id = id;
But my commands are being built/return by Feign, so I don't have access to the constructors.
One more thing worth noting is that the Feign-Hystrix readme (https://github.com/Netflix/feign/tree/master/hystrix) says "To use Hystrix with Feign, add the Hystrix module to your classpath. Then, configure Feign to use the HystrixInvocationHandler," but a Google search for HystrixInvocationHandler points me toward a non-Netflix repo. Even if I used that, I don't see how to configure Feign to use it.
Please tell me I'm being dumb and that this is super simple, which will make me feel gladness that I'm past this issue, and shame for not being able to figure it out on my own.
TL;DR: I want to set timeouts on requests made by my Feign client. How do?
Turns out you can set Hystrix properties using an instance of com.netflix.config.ConfigurationManager (from com.netflix.archaius:archaius-core).
Feign uses method names as HystrixCommandKeys, so you can access their properties using those names:
ConfigurationManager.getConfigInstance().setProperty("hystrix.command." + methodName + ".execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds", 1500);
This is assuming you've used HystrixFeign to construct your client, which wraps each call in HystrixCommand objects.
To simplify, I created a loop of my methods so I could apply the timeout service-wide:
private void configureHystrix() {
Method[] methods = ProjectService.class.getMethods();
String methodName;
for(int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
methodName = methods[i].getName();
ConfigurationManager.getConfigInstance().setProperty(String.format("hystrix.command.%s.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds", methodName), config.getTimeoutInMillis());
After some debugging I managed to set Hystrix timeout as follows:
// copy-paste feign.hystrix.SetterFactory.Default, just add andCommandPropertiesDefaults
private SetterFactory getSetterFactory() {
return (target, method) -> {
String groupKey = target.name();
String commandKey = Feign.configKey(target.type(), method);
return HystrixCommand.Setter
I have successfully implemented calling GAE -> Azure Mobile Services -> Azure Notification HUB.
But I want to skip the Mobile Services step and call the notification HUB directly and I can't figure out how to send the authorization token. The returned error is:
Returned response: <Error><Code>401</Code><Detail>MissingAudience: The provided token does not
specify the 'Audience'..TrackingId:6a9a452d-c3bf-4fed-b0b0-975210f7a13c_G14,TimeStamp:11/26/2013 12:47:40 PM</Detail></Error>
Here is my code:
URL url = new URL("https://myapp-ns.servicebus.windows.net/myhubbie/messages/?api-version=2013-08");
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8");
connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization","WRAP access_token=\"mytoken_taken_from_azure_portal=\"");
connection.setRequestProperty("ServiceBusNotification-Tags", tag);
byte[] notificationMessage = new byte[0];
notificationMessage = json.getBytes("UTF-8");
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
log.warning("Error encoding toast message to UTF8! Error=" + e.getMessage());
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", String.valueOf(notificationMessage.length));
OutputStream ostream = connection.getOutputStream();
int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
The authorization header has to contain a token specially crafted for each individual request. The data you are using is the key you have to use to generate such a token.
Please follow the instructions on : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn495627.aspx to create a token for your requests.
Final note, if you are using Java, you can use the code in this public repo https://github.com/fsautomata/notificationhubs-rest-java. It contains a fully functional REST wrapper for Notification Hubs. It is not Microsoft official but works and implements the above specs.
Im trying to implement google's Cloud Connection Server with Google App Engine following this tutorial -
Implementing an XMPP-based App Server. I copied latest smack jars from http://www.igniterealtime.org/projects/smack/ (smack.jar and smackx.jar), put them in WEB-INF/lib and added them to the classpath (im using eclipse).
In the code sample in the first link i posted, the XMPPConnection is initiated in a 'main' method. Since this is not really suitable to GAE i created a ServletContextListener and added it to web.xml.
public class GCMContextListener implements ServletContextListener {
private static final String GCM_SENDER_ID = "*GCM_SENDER_ID*";
private static final String API_KEY = "*API_KEY*";
private SmackCcsClient ccsClient;
public GCMContextListener() {
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent arg0) {
final String userName = GCM_SENDER_ID + "#gcm.googleapis.com";
final String password = API_KEY;
ccsClient = new SmackCcsClient();
try {
ccsClient.connect(userName, password);
} catch (XMPPException e) {
public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent arg0) {
try {
} catch (XMPPException e) {
Now, when i start the GAE server i get the following exception :
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext is a restricted class. Please see the Google App Engine developer's guide for more details.
i searched the "Google App Engine developer's guide for more details" but couldnt find anything about this. can you please help me ?
Google App Engine restricts access to certain JRE classes. In fact they published a whitelist that shows you which classes are useable. It seems to me that the Smack library might require some reference to a directory context (maybe to create the XMPP messages?) and that is why your servlet causes this exception. The javax.naming.directory is not in the whitelist.
I'm currently working on setting up a GCM Server as well. It seems to me that you need to read through the example and see what that main method is doing. What I see is a connection to the GCM server:
try {
ccsClient.connect(userName, password);
} catch (XMPPException e) {
Then a downstream message being sent to a device:
// Send a sample hello downstream message to a device.
String toRegId = "RegistrationIdOfTheTargetDevice";
String messageId = ccsClient.getRandomMessageId();
Map<String, String> payload = new HashMap<String, String>();
payload.put("Hello", "World");
payload.put("CCS", "Dummy Message");
payload.put("EmbeddedMessageId", messageId);
String collapseKey = "sample";
Long timeToLive = 10000L;
Boolean delayWhileIdle = true;
ccsClient.send(createJsonMessage(toRegId, messageId, payload, collapseKey,
timeToLive, delayWhileIdle));
These operations would be completed at some point during your application's lifecycle, so your servlet should support them by providing the methods the example is implementing, such as the connect method that appears in the first piece of code that I pasted here. It's implementation is in the example at line 235 if I'm not mistaken.
As the documentation says, the 3rd party application server, which is what you're trying to implement using GAE, should be:
Able to communicate with your client.
Able to fire off properly formatted requests to the GCM server.
Able to handle requests and resend them as needed, using exponential back-off.
Able to store the API key and client registration IDs. The API key is included in the header of POST requests that send messages.
Able to store the API key and client registration IDs.
Able to generate message IDs to uniquely identify each message it sends.