How to set timeout in apache cxf dynamic client - cxf

I'm using the Apache CXF DynamicClientFactory to dynamically request web services. How can I set a timeout there? I can only find examples with static generated java stubs, but no example for the dynamic approach... thank you!

Pseudo code: bp = (BindingProvider) yourStub.get...Port();
Client client = ClientProxy.getClient(bp);
HTTPConduit http = (HTTPConduit) client.getConduit();
HTTPClientPolicy httpClientPolicy = new HTTPClientPolicy();
Found this here and something similar here.

Please try taking a look here.
If you scroll down a bit, you will see how to set the timeout using an integer.


How to use sagemaker java API to invoke a endpoint?

I was trying to run this example: tensorflow_abalone_age_predictor_using_layers
, in which abalone_predictor.predict(tensor_proto) is used to call the endpoint and make the prediction. I was trying to use the java API AmazonSageMakerRuntime to achieve the same effect, but I don't know how to specify the body and contentType for the InvokeEndPointRequest. The document is not in detailed abou the format of the request. Greatly appreciate any piece of help!
I have not tried the specific example but the below snippet should help you to invoke the endpoint for predictions
InvokeEndpointRequest invokeEndpointRequest = new InvokeEndpointRequest();
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(image);
AmazonSageMakerRuntime amazonSageMaker = AmazonSageMakerRuntimeClientBuilder.defaultClient();
InvokeEndpointResult invokeEndpointResult = amazonSageMaker.invokeEndpoint(invokeEndpointRequest);
I see the example you are trying creates a TensorProto and passes to the endpoint request. You can try to create a TensorProto of your invoke request and set as the body
Just figured I can override the input_fn to convert the request body string to something can be fed to the model, in this case a TensorProto object.

Solr 4.3.1 Data-Import command

I'm currently using Solr 4.3.1. i have configured dih for my solr. i would like to do a full import through command prompt. I know the url will be something like this http://localhost:8983/solr/corename/dataimport?command=full-import&clean=true&commit=true is there any method i can do this without using curl ?
string Text = "http://localhost:8983/solr/Latest_TextBox/dataimport?command=full-import&clean=true&commit=true";
var wc = new WebClient();
var Import = wc.DownloadString(Text);
Currently using the above code
Call it like a normal REST url that's it !! I am using it in my application for importing and indexing data from my Local drive and it just works fine ! :) . Use HttpURLConnection to make a request and capture response to see whether it was successful or not . You don't need any specific API to do that . This is a sample code to make a GET request correctly in C# .Try data import handler url with this, it may work !
Console.WriteLine("Making API Call...");
using (var client = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler { AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate }))
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync("answers?order=desc&sort=activity&site=stackoverflow").Result;
string result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
Console.WriteLine("Result: " + result);
You'll have to call the URL in some way - Solr only operates through a REST API. There is no command line API (the command line tools available just talk to the API). So use your preferred way to talk to a HTTP endpoint, that being curl, wget, GET or what's available for your programming language of choice.
The bundled solrCli application does not have any existing command for triggering a full-import as far as I were able to see (which would just talk to the REST API by calling the URL you've already referenced).

Ruby 2 intercepting request with Typhoeus

I want to change query params before request is hit using typhoeus. What should be right approach? Do we have interceptors in Ruby as that of Java, should I be using something like before_filter as that in Rails or meta-programming in Ruby?
I just checked there is Typhoeus::Request::Before module to hook request. Can anyone help me out how can I implement it?
I have implemented typhoeus before to change query params just before request gets executed as below. Hope it helps someone.
require 'uri'
Typhoeus.before { |request|
uri = URI.parse(request.base_url)
uri.query = [uri.query, "param1=value1"].compact.join('&')
request.base_url = uri.to_s

UTF-8 Strings getting scrambled by Restlet on GAE

I have a simple Restlet service hosted on AppEngine. This performs basic CRUD operations with strings and is working well with all sorts of UTF-8 characters when I test it with curl (for all the verbs).
This is consumed by a simple restlet client hosted in a servlet on another AppEngine app:
// set response type
// Create the client resource
ClientResource resource = new ClientResource(Messages.SERVICE_URL + "myentity/id");
// Customize the referrer property
// Write the response
The above is pretty much all I have in the servlet. Very plain.
The servlet is invoked via jquery ajax, and the json that I get back is well formed and everything, but the problem is that UTF-8 encoded strings are coming back scrambled, for example:
Université de Montréal becomes Universit?? de Montr??al.
I tried adding this line in the servlet (before everything else):
But the only diference is that instead of getting ?? I get Universitᅢᄅ de Montrᅢᄅal (I don't even know what kind of characters those are, asian I suppose).
I am 100% sure the restlet service is OK, because other than debugging it line by line I am able to test it from cmd line with curl and it's returning well formed strings.
By looking at the http header of the response from firefox (when calling the servlet via javascript) I can see the encoding is indeed UTF-8, as expected. After hours of struggling reading every possible related article I came across this restlet discussion and noticed that indeed I do have Transfer-Encoding: chunked on the http header of the response. I tried the proposed solutions (override ClientResource.toRepresentation, didn't do any good so I tried restlet 2.1 as susggested with ClientResource.setRe​questEntityBuffering​(true), no luck there either) but I am not convinced my issue is related to Transfer-Encoding: chunked at all.
At this point I am out of ideas, and I would really appreciate any suggestions! O_o
I tried doing a manual GET with a classic UrlConnection and the string is coming back alright:
URL url = new URL(Messages.SERVICE_URL + "myentity/id");
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
InputStream is = conn.getInputStream();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
IOUtils.copy(is, writer, "UTF-8");
So much for being all RESTful and fancy ...but still I have no clue why the original version doesn't work! :/
I tried doing a manual GET with a classic UrlConnection and the string is coming back alright:
URL url = new URL(Messages.SERVICE_URL + "myentity/id");
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
InputStream is = conn.getInputStream();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
IOUtils.copy(is, writer, "UTF-8");
So much for being all RESTful and fancy ...but still I have no clue why the original version doesn't work! :/
Does your response contain the appropriate "Content-Type" header? It should be something like "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8" (note the charset).
Try starting your development server and retrieving your resource from the command line using cURL and inspecting the headers, e.g. curl -i http://localhost:8080/myentity/id. In theory browsers should assume UTF-8 for JSON, but I wouldn't trust on that.

how to change the url for SolrNet Client

I am a newbie in solrnet and my question is how to change the url for SolrNet Client.
I found this on wiki
initailizing code
invoking code
var solr = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ISolrOperations<Product>>();
but I dont know how to change the url , could someone tell me how to do this, I am really thanks.
It cannot be changed with existing SOLRNet code as it is implemented on singleton pattern.
You have to download the code from github.
Currently following exception has been thrown
"Key ... already registered in container". You can change code in a way that it will always create new instance. (by pass Singleton pattern)
The default request handler is "/select". So SolrNet will send your requests to
If you wish to invoke a different request handler, you will need to get a instance of the SolrQueryExecuter and set the Handler property, accordingly.
Assuming you have a request handler named "/browse":
var executor = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ISolrQueryExecuter<Product>>() as SolrQueryExecuter<Product>;
if (executor != null)
executor.Handler = "/browse";
