How can add the cumulative sum from bottom to top? - database

Create a tmp table and add the num column from top till bottom::
WITH data (num) AS (
( 5),
( 3)
FROM data;
All the num added:
num | sum
1 | 1
5 | 6
3 | 9
How can add all the num from bottom till top such as:
num | sum
1 | 9
5 | 8
3 | 3

First of all, there needs to be a second column which provides the ordering you seem to think exists in your table. Note that SQL tables are based on unordered sets of tuples.
WITH data (id, num) AS (
ROW(2, 5),
ROW(3, 3)
FROM data
Here we are taking a rolling sum in the reverse order.


Using multiple row results on a formula, based by group

Is there a way to use the results from a multiple rows on a formula, divided by each group.
I have the followin formula:
result = (1st vfg ) / (1 + (1st vfg / 2nd vfg) + (1st vfg / 3rd vfg) + ... + (1st vfg / *nth* vfg) )
vfg = value from group
For example, the table bellow:
Group | Value
1 | 1000
1 | 280
1 | 280
2 | 1000
Note: I guarantee that there will be no 0 (zero) or NULLs in the value for the first table
Should give me the following result:
Group | Result
1 | 122.85
2 | 1000 -> If there is only one value on the group, the result will be the value itself
You need a column that indicates the row order within a group (timestamps, the sequence number, identity column, etc.). Rows in a database table have no implicit order. Once you have that, you can use a CTE and window functions to solve the problem:
cte AS
SELECT [Group]
, [Value]
, FIRST_VALUE([Value]) OVER (PARTITION BY [Group] ORDER BY RowOrder) AS FirstValue
, FIRST_VALUE([Value]) OVER (PARTITION BY [Group] ORDER BY RowOrder) / [Value] AS Subtotal
FROM MyTable
SELECT [Group]
, AVG(FirstValue) / SUM(Subtotal) AS Result
FROM cte
GROUP BY [Group]

Get top X percentage based on cumulative sum

My table looks like this:
ID | ItemID | ItemQualityID | Amount | UnitPrice
My goal is to find the top x% rows for each ItemID + ItemQualityID pair based on Amount cumulative sum and ordered by UnitPrice.
For example:
ID | ItemID | ItemQualityID | Amount | UnitPrice
1 1 1 18 2
2 1 1 1 1
3 1 1 1 1
4 2 1 18 2
5 2 1 1 1
6 2 1 1 1
7 1 1 1 3
and I want the top 10%, then the resulting table should contain row #2, 3, 5, 6. Since the total amount for ItemID 1 and 2 are 21 and 20 respectively, thus 10% would be 2 items each. If I want the top 20%, the resulting table should still be the same since if I include row 1 and 4 it would make it 100%. Row #7 has unit price > row #1 so if row #1 is not included then row #7 shouldn't be included as well.
Ideally I want the table with all the filtered rows for some other calculations but I will be happy even if I can only get the sum of Amount * UnitPrice of the filtered table. Something like
ItemID | ItemQualityID | Sum
1 1 2
2 1 2
for the above example.
You can use SUM OVER :
DECLARE #percent DECIMAL(5, 2) = .1
;WITH CteSum AS(
TotalSum = SUM(Amount) OVER(PARTITION BY ItemID, ItemQualityID),
CumSum = SUM(Amount) OVER(PARTITION BY ItemID, ItemQualityID ORDER BY UnitPrice, ID)
FROM tbl
[Sum] = SUM(Amount * UnitPrice)
WHERE CumSum <= #percent * TotalSum
GROUP BY ItemID, ItemQualityID

SQL Server SUM based on subsequent records

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3156.0 (X64)
I am not sure of the best way to word this and have tried a few different searches with different combinations of words without success.
I only want to Sum Sequence = 1 when there are Sequence > 1, in the table below the Sequence = 1 lines marked with *. I don't care at all about checking that Sequence 2,3,etc match the same pattern because if they exist at all I need to Sum them.
I have data that looks like this:
| Sequence | ID | Num | OtherID |
| 1 | 1 | 10 | 1 |*
| 2 | 1 | 15 | 1 |
| 3 | 1 | 20 | 1 |
| 1 | 2 | 10 | 1 |*
| 2 | 2 | 15 | 1 |
| 1 | 3 | 10 | 1 |
| 1 | 1 | 40 | 3 |
I need to sum the Num column but only when there is more than one sequence. My output would look like this:
Sequence Sum OtherID
1 20 1
2 30 1
3 20 1
I have tried grouping the queries in a bunch of different ways but really by the time I get to the sum, I don't know how to look ahead to make sure there are greater than 1 sequences for an ID.
My query at the moment looks something like this:
select Sequence, Sum(Num) as [Sum], OtherID
from tbl
where ID in (Select ID from tbl where Sequence > 1)
Group by Sequence, OtherID
tbl is a CTE that I wrapped around my query and it partially works, but is not really the filter I wanted.
If this is something that just shouldn't be done or can't be done then I can handle that, but if it's something I am missing I'd like to fix the query.
I can't give the full query here but I started with this table/data (to get the above output). The OtherID is there because the data has the same ID/Sequence combinations but that OtherID helps separate them out so the rows are not identical (multiple questions on a form).
Create table #tmpTable (ID int, Sequence int, Num int, OtherID int)
insert into #tmpTable (ID, Sequence, Num, OtherID) values (1, 1, 10, 1)
insert into #tmpTable (ID, Sequence, Num, OtherID) values (1, 2, 15, 1)
insert into #tmpTable (ID, Sequence, Num, OtherID) values (1, 3, 20, 1)
insert into #tmpTable (ID, Sequence, Num, OtherID) values (2, 1, 10, 1)
insert into #tmpTable (ID, Sequence, Num, OtherID) values (2, 2, 15, 1)
insert into #tmpTable (ID, Sequence, Num, OtherID) values (3, 1, 10, 1)
insert into #tmpTable (ID, Sequence, Num, OtherID) values (1, 1, 40, 3)
The following will sum over Sequence and OtherID, but only when:
sequence is greater than 1
there is something else with the same ID and OtherID, but a different sequence.
select Sequence, Sum(Num) as SumNum, OtherID from #tmpTable a
where Sequence > 1
or exists (select * from #tmpTable b
where a.ID = b.ID
and a.OtherID = b.OtherID
and b.Sequence <> a.Sequence)
group by Sequence, OtherID;
It looks like you are trying to sum by Sequence and OtherID if the Count of ID >1, so you could do something like below:
select Sequence, Sum(Num) as [Sum], OtherID
from tbl
where ID in (Select ID from tbl where Sequence > 1)
Group by Sequence, OtherID
Having count(id)>1

How to insert seven kind of ids in a column to all values

I have column data. I need to insert ids in another column. Total i have 7 ids. For first 7 values i have to insert these ids and next 7 values, i have to insert same ids and so on.. Can any one please help?
Pay_headID Pay_amount
16414 8000
16415 300
16416 0
16417 200
16418 500
16419 0
16420 0
16414 9000
16415 300
so on ...
you can use CTE and ROW_NUMBER, i have used ordering by Pay_headId:
WITH cte_myTable
(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY Pay_headID)) - 1 AS num
FROM myTable)
UPDATE cte_myTable
SET [Pay_headID] =
WHEN num % 7 = 0 THEN 16414
WHEN num % 7 = 1 THEN 16415
WHEN num % 7 = 2 THEN 16416
WHEN num % 7 = 3 THEN 16417
WHEN num % 7 = 4 THEN 16418
WHEN num % 7 = 5 THEN 16419
WHEN num % 7 = 6 THEN 16420
If you want use ordering on how it was inserted, you can set Pay_headIds to null:
update myTable set Pay_headID=null;
You should use RowNum() to give you an artificial incrementing number, divide it by 7 and then Round it.
to get your ids

updating min value on the second column when the first column appears more then once

Im struggling with how to do this in one step.
I have a column with values which vary between 1 and +-20. Linked to this is a second value which is normally between 1 and 5.
what i want to do is when Number 1 values appears more then once then I need to update the value in column Number 2 to 99 but only the highest number in the Number 2 column.
I have added a pic to explain better.
Basically id is unique, if value 1 appears more then once I need to update value 2 for where the value in value 2 is the highest value.
You can use row_number() to find the row with the highest No2 value and you can use count() over() to check if there are more than one row present for a No1 value.
SQL Fiddle
MS SQL Server 2008 Schema Setup:
create table YourTable
No1 int,
No2 int
insert into YourTable values
(1, 3),
(1, 2),
(2, 1);
Query 1:
with C as
select No2,
row_number() over(partition by No1 order by No2 desc) as rn,
count(*) over(partition by No1) as c
from YourTable
update C
set No2 = 99
where rn = 1 and
c > 1
Query 2:
select *
from YourTable
| NO1 | NO2 |
| 1 | 99 |
| 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 1 |
