window.speechSynthesis.getVoices doesn't work when reloading page with Next.js - reactjs

I'm using Next.js and I'm trying to access SpeechSynthesis browser's API:
Since I'm using Next.js, I put the call to window into a useEffect, and it works fine on first load.
const [voices, setVoices] = useState<SpeechSynthesisVoice[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
But the weirdest of things happen when I reload the page after. I get a misleading error in the console and suddenly window.speechSynthesis.getVoices() returns nothing.
enter image description here
Do you know why? What should i do differently?
I put my code into a Next.js temnplate in CodeSandBox here for you to take a look.
Thanks in advance for yuour help 🙏
I tried putting the function in useCallback, useMemo... but nothing worked.


I am getting a blank page when i open my github pages link for my react app. How can i get my Github Pages for Create React App working properly?

I have a single page react application that works perfectly fine on my local machine, but when i deploy the app to GitHub pages it runs but does not actually display my application. I know it runs because i noticed i am not getting a 404 page, or even a blank white screen but a screen with the background i chose, and when i change the background in the code and redeploy, the background gets updated. When i check the console, the only error i get is the one i attached.
I am trying to get the application to show up when deployed to GitHub pages rather than just displaying a blank app.
seems the props not having movies array. use ternary operator before map statement to fix the issue
const MovieList = (props) => {
return (
{props?.movies?.map((movie) =>{
give this code an try..
{props?.movies && props? =>{
Rest of the content
Try this code, this will help you to get the screen, even if the data isn't there.. also thia avoids blank screen. If you still facing issue just lemme know, i will help you.

invalidateQueries stops working if I navigate between Next.js routes

We used queryClient.invalidateQueries(someQueryKey) to refetch data in queries and its works well.
Project migrated to Next.js and router changed from react-router to next-router code base stays maximum the same except for router changes.
Now if I navigate from one route to another and then go back, queryClient.invalidateQueries(someQueryKey) stops working, all other query calls work as it should useQueris and useMutations .
What weird, when I navigate between the pages queries disappear from Query Dev Tools but continue to work, except of queryClient.invalidateQueries(). If I refresh the page Query Dev Tools starts to show me the correct queries and it starts working correctly until I navigate to another route and back.
I'd really appreciate if anyone can help me with this issue! Let me know if any additional info is required.
Discussion moved to:
The following seems to fix the issue, indeed, the previous one was creating a new client every time, so I assume that is why the query invalidations weren't working properly:
export function useReactQueryClient() {
const [queryClient] = React.useState(function () {
return new QueryClient({
defaultOptions: {
queries: {
onError(err) {
// ....
return queryClient;

Is there a way of printing on the browser console when React Fast Refresh finishes refreshing?

I tried to search here/Google/GitHub but I'm not even sure of how to look for this. No matter what words I use they will always show me results of how to implement HMR. But that's not my issue. I just want to print on the browser console when the React Fast Refresh (Hot Module Reload) refreshes so I know that it was updated.
Okay. After searching for something different, I managed to find exactly what I wanted.
Instead of looking for "how to print when hmr refreshes" I searched for "how to clear console when hmr refreshes" and I found this:
if ( { // you don't need this if you're using CRA => {
if (status === 'prepare') console.clear()
Worked like a charm.

Move to login screen if JWT does not exist React js

i need to move to login screen if user directly access a page this is what i have tried so far.
Where am i wrong?
This is very trivial you should look around a bit. Anyways you can use useEffect to achieve this on your page like so in next js :

Why my dynamic routing returns a blank page?

So I am relatively new to the dynamic routing in React.js.
I have encountered one problem, which I cannot solve for about the last 2 hours.
I have a simple webpage with the blog posts on it and I wanted to create a 'Read More' route, which would redirect to the full article page.
So far, after clicking on these link, it redirects to the correct link, however, it does not display anything.
I have tried many things but I cannot see where the problem could be.
Could anyone take a look at this project and let me know why there is nothing being rendered? I believe it might be the problem with the improper importing but I cannot see where.
Please, see the GitHub repo of this project. There are App.js, Post.js, Postlink.js and Post.js that I wanted to connect with each other.
The Postlink.js is the page where I wanted to render full content of my post but it is not being rendered by React.
There are two problems:
1) Your Route match is wrong (you've written post/:id when it should be posts/:id):
export const POSTLINK = '/posts/:id'
2) In your Postlink componentDidMount(), you've need to call firebase.posts as a function
const ref = this.props.firebase.posts().doc(
(in your repo it is this.props.firebase.posts.doc)
It seems you've made a mistake with "export const POSTLINK = '/post/:id';"
Because when I click more, I go to '/posts/:id'; (watch the s). But when I try to change it, I get multiple firebase errors, which I have no knowledge about.
At least changing your route to:
"export const POSTLINK = '/posts/:id';"
Loads the right component.
Hope this helps.
