.dSYM folder for debugging - c

I just set-up GNU gcc on my Mac through some re-organization of my path and builds so it's not an alias for clang anymore. Running gcc -g, I expect debugging symbols to be self-contained within the executable, but they are still generating the .dSYM. How can I get the behavior I expect instead of the .dSYM folder, which I believe comes from Xcode command line tools?
I am specifically running:
gcc -O3 -g3 -Wall -Wextra -fanalyzer -march=native -mtune=native -mrdrnd
but this behavior even occurs with basic gcc -g hello.c -o hello_world program.


ssize_t undefined in a dpdk header

I have an installation of DPDK and I'm trying to compile code with it. This worked on my WSL machine, however on the test server, with the same install of dpdk, I'm getting the error:
/usr/local/include/rte_mempool.h: error: unknown type name 'ssize_t'
I've noticed this header does not include /sys/types.h, but it also doesn't include that on the machine that this works on. I don't know where it's supposed to come from, but it's coming from somewhere.
How do I get these headers to be aware of ssize_t?
As noted in a comment:
The compiler options include -std=c99 -O3 -march=native -I/usr/local/include -include rte_config.h, and a whole bunch of -l options (dpdk's make structure adds these in). This prompted me to run gcc --version and the working one is Ubuntu gcc 9.3.0 and the broken one is gcc 5.4.0. Seems like it might be an incompatibility between dpdk and the gcc installed.
As mentioned in the comments by #JonathanLeffier, the root cause of the issue is including sys/types.h when gcc option --std=c99 is passed. The easiest fix without modifying the DPDK or sample code is to include the path to types.h as part of cflags.
If the native build is for x86_64 target, follow these steps:
execute find /usr/include/ -name types.h to identify the right file for local build (this is because the current cflags has -march=native)
modify the CFLAGS from -std=c99 -O3 -march=native -I/usr/local/include -include rte_config.h to -std=c99 -O3 -march=native -I/usr/local/include -include rte_config.h --include=/usr/include/[target-machine]/sys/types.h
Note: In my humble suggestion please use pkg-config for populating the right CFLAGS and LDFLAGS for both shared and static binary.

windows crosscompiling from linux entry point not found curl_easy_cleanup could not located

I am unsure of what could be causing this as I have tried recompiling libcurl and using pre-compiled binaries.
My compiler command
x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -Wall -Lwin-lib -Iwin-lib -I./ -D WIN32 -D CURL_STATICLIB -mwindows ... -o win-export/SLM.exe -lm -lraylib -ltmx -lxml2 -lzlibstatic -lcurl
There aren't any compiler errors or linker errors. Is this a problem with my compiler? Or one the other libraries I am using?

Compile C for Windows with MinGW

I installed the latest version of MinGW and trying to compile the project:
\MinGW\bin\gcc.exe -O3 -flto -Wall -msse src/*.c -o noname -lm -lpthread
But nothing happens. No errors, no exe files, nothing.
I am not familiar with Windows in terms of compilation.
This is a simple console application that is compilable on Ubuntu without problems with the same command.
What I am doing wrong?

Static Compilation with gcc openmp

I am attempting to compile
me#e:~/Dir$ gcc -O4 -o new new.c -Wall -pedantic -std=gnu11 -lm -fopenmp -static
which gives a warning
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5/libgomp.a(target.o): In function `gomp_target_init':
(.text+0xba): warning: Using 'dlopen' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking
The goal is to make this program statically linked so 'new' will run on my laptop and the server.
how can I use 'shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking' in gcc or clang?

How to compile some C code on 64-bit Windows 7 machine using gcc 4.5.3

I am trying to compile a plugin for Stata (a statistical programming language) that is written in C. Its author was able to compile it on other machines using the following commands on a 32-bit PC Windows (using Cygwin):
gcc -shared -mno-cygwin stplugin.c strgroup.c -O3 -funroll-loops -o strgroup.PC.Windows.plugin
He was also able to compile it on 64-bit Unix with:
gcc -shared -fPIC -DSYSTEM=OPUNIX stplugin.c strgroup.c -O3 -funroll-loops -o "strgroup.PC (64-bit x86-64).Unix.plugin"
And Macintosh OS X with:
gcc -bundle -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -arch ppc -DSYSTEM=APPLEMAC stplugin.c strgroup.c -O3 -funroll-loops -o "strgroup.Macintosh.MacOSX.plugin"
I am trying to compile it on 64-bit Windows 7 machine using Cygwin 1.7.9-1 and gcc v4.5.3. The mno-cygwin flag is giving me trouble, but I am not able to figure out how to use a mingw-targeted cross-compiler.
The -mno-cygwin option is no longer supported.
Install either of the mingw-*, mingw64-i686-* or mingw64-x86_64-* toolchain (category Devel in the Cygwin package manager) to get a proper cross-compiler.
