Undefined behaviour of scanf() in a do-while loop - c

I'm currently learning C by a book "C Programming a modern approach" and encountered this code. When I tried to run it, after typing consecutive characters like 'abc' and hitting Enter (new line), nothing was printed. Please explain what is going on here.
char ch;
do {
scanf("%c" , &ch);
} while (ch != '\n');
printf("%c", ch);

You're asking the user to input a character using scanf. This is happening in a loop until the user inputs a '\n' or newline character (the same as pressing the enter key), which is when the loop will break.
Your print statement will then print the character in the variable ch, which at that point will be '\n' (since this variable just stores one character, the last one you typed).
This newline character will probably be invisible when you run your program so you may not be seeing it. You can add another print statement after the loop and if that print statement starts at a newline, you know that the '\n' was printed on the previous line.
Something like:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char ch;
scanf("%c" , &ch);
} while (ch != '\n');
printf("%c", ch);
printf("I should show up on a newline");
return 0;

The code you provided reads characters from the input using the scanf() function and stores them in the variable ch until a newline character (\n) is encountered. After that, the program prints the last character that was read, which is the newline character.
The reason you are not seeing any output when you enter characters followed by a newline character is because the printf() statement is only executed after the loop has finished running. So, the program is waiting for you to enter a newline character to terminate the loop and print the last character that was read.
If you want to see the characters you enter, you can add a printf() statement inside the loop, like this:
char ch;
do {
scanf("%c" , &ch);
printf("%c", ch);
} while (ch != '\n');
This will print out each character as it is read from the input, so you can see what you're typing. Happy coding :)

When I tried to run it, after typing consecutive characters like abc and hitting Enter (new line), nothing was printed.
Well with the posted code, if the loop even finishes, the last byte read by scanf("%c", &ch) and stored into ch is the newline character. Hence printf("%c", ch) outputs this newline and it seems nothing is printed but something is, the newline which is invisible on the terminal but does move the cursor to the next line.
You can make this more explicit by changing the printf call to this:
printf("last value: '%c'\n", ch);
Note however that the posted code is not a recommended way to read the contents of the input stream:
scanf("%c", &ch) may fail to read a byte if the stream is at end of file. Failure to test this condition leads to undefined behavior (ch is unmodified, hence stays uninitialized if the input stream is an empty file) or to an infinite loop as ch may never receive a newline.
this code is a typical example of a do / while with a classic bug. It would be much better to write the code using getchar() and a while loop.
Here is a modified version:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
int c; // must use int to distinguish EOF from all valid byte values
int count = 0; // to tell whether a byte was read at all
char ch = 0; // the last byte read
// read all bytes from the input stream until end of file or a newline
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && c != '\n') {
ch = (char)c;
if (count == 0) {
printf("no characters entered: ");
if (c == EOF) {
printf("end of file or read error\n");
} else {
printf("empty line\n");
} else {
printf("last character on line is '%c'\n", ch);
if (c == EOF) {
printf("end of file or input error encountered\n");
return 0;


C program on Mac works unexpected

I have this little program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int c;
while(c != EOF){
printf("Enter character\n");
c = getchar();
printf("Character: %c\n", c);
return 0;
The output of the terminal seems odd, because the while loop gets executed twice after a character was entered:
Enter character
Character: a //This should be the last output after a char was entered, but the loop gets executed a second time without waiting for a keyboard-input:
Enter character
Enter character
In the terminal I'm compiling and running the code like this:
gcc main.c
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for the answers, It's the lf entered by enter .... It's so obvious :D
You are entering 2 characters, the 'a' and a LF.
The while test is not made until both have been processed.
As soon as you press enter, a newline character gets added to the input stream. So your program actually reads two characters: a and \n. This newline character is read by getchar() and assigned to c in the second iteration and you can actually see it being printed as an empty line. Before printing c, you could use a break statement to get out of the loop: if (c == '\n') break;
If you enter abc, you will see the empty line is printed after c.
For starters your program has undefined behavior because you are using uninitialized variable c in the condition of the while loop
int c;
while(c != EOF){
The function getchar also reads white space characters as for example the new line character '\n' that is placed in the buffer after pressing the Enter key.
Another problem is that you are checking the variable c after reading and outputting it
while(c != EOF){
printf("Enter character\n");
c = getchar();
printf("Character: %c\n", c);
Instead of getchar you should use scanf as for example
char c;
while ( scanf( " %c", &c ) == 1 )
Pay attention to the blank before the conversion specifier %c. This blank means that white space characters will be skipped.

Program to replace a letter with another in C

I wrote a program to replace a letter in a string. Although it has no error, the output is not as expected. Please help me with it.
void replace(char s,char d);
char a[100];
int main()
char b,r;
printf("enter the string\n:");
printf("enter the the letter to be replaced\n:");
scanf("%c", &b);
printf("enter the letter to be replaced with\n:");
scanf("%c", &r);
void replace(char s, char d)
int i,f=0;
for (i = 0; a[i] != '\0'; i++)
if (a[i] == s)
a[i] = d;
f = 1;
if (f == 0)
printf("letter not found");
enter the string
:hello every one
enter the the letter to be replaced
enter the letter to be replaced with
:letter not found
I wanted to replace e with o but I am not able to give the input for word to be replaced
Use this loop to get rid of the input buffer problem when using scanf
but I am not sure how to implement it on my program need help
while ( getchar() != '\n' )
The scanf() function skips over initial whitespace characters when you read in strings using the %s specifier, but it does not do this when your read chars with the %c specifier. The gets() function that you use (which you should never ever ever use ever) reads through the newline, and discards it. So your first call to scanf() has a clean input stream. When you call scanf() the first time, a value is read into the variable b, but the trailing newline is left behind in the input stream. Then, when you try to read the next value, scanf() picks up this newline, instead of the value that you want to enter.
One fix for this is to discard any unwanted characters from the input stream like this:
while (getchar() != '\n')
continue; // discard unwanted characters
You can also test for the EOF character in the conditional expression if you really want to be careful. One virtue of this approach is that, no matter how many characters the user enters at your second prompt, only the first is taken, and the remaining characters through the newline are discarded. Since there is nothing left in the input stream, scanf() has to wait for the user to enter something at your third prompt. You should place this code after each call to scanf() to make sure that the input stream is clear.
Now, gets() is a terrible and unsafe function begging for buffer overflows, because it doesn't check to see if there is enough memory allocated for the string it is getting. Instead, use fgets(). This function takes an argument that specifies the maximum number of characters to read, including the null-terminator. fgets() also reads the newline character into the string, so you have to dispose of that yourself if you don't want it. Here are the modifications you need to make:
int i = 0;
char b,r;
printf("enter the string\n:");
fgets(a, 100, stdin);
while(a[i] != '\n' && a[i] != '\0') // remove newline
a[i] = '\0';
printf("enter the the letter to be replaced\n:");
scanf("%c", &b);
while (getchar() != '\n')
continue; // discard unwanted characters
printf("enter the letter to be replaced with\n:");
scanf("%c", &r);
while (getchar() != '\n')
continue; // discard unwanted characters
printf("%s\n", a);
I added a final printf() to display the changed string.

While loop in C don't break even after encountering a NULL character

here is the code to add the numbers present in an Alphanumeric string :
int main()
int total=0;
char ch;
printf("enter the string\n");
printf("I am here !!");
if (!(isalpha(ch)))
printf("I am here !!");
printf("\ntotal is %d",total);
return 0;
No matter what characters I input , it gives 4 " I am here " for each character.
I tried to use
but it gives the same problem .
getchar does not return '\0' at the end of the input: it is not reading from a null-terminated C string, but from a console, file, or some other stream.
When no additional input is available, getchar returns EOF. That is the condition you should be checking to decide when to stop your loop.
Stack Overflow offers many good examples of how to implement a loop reading getchar (link#1; link#2; please note the data types used in the examples).
The reason it doesn't work is because '\0' cannot be inserted from the keyboard, so getchar() is unlikely to be able to return '\0', a correct way of testing for the end of input would be
int ch;
while (((ch = getchar()) != EOF) && (ch != '\n'))
This is because EOF means, that the user intentionally wanted to stop entering data, and '\n' is usually the last thing that will be seen when stdin is flushed, since it triggers the flushing.

getchar does not stop when using scanf

I have a difficulty understanding getchar(). In the following program getchar works as expected:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("Type Enter to continue...");
return 0;
However, in the following program, getchar does not create a delay and the program ends:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char command[100];
scanf("%s", command );
printf("Type Enter to continue...");
return 0;
I have the following weired workaround, which works, but I don't understand why:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char command[100];
int i;
scanf("%s", command );
printf("Type Enter to continue...");
while ( getchar() != '\n') {
return 0;
So my questions are:
1. What is scanf doing? Why does scanf do this ?
2. Why is my work around working?
3. What is a good way to emulate the following Python code:
raw_input("Type Enter to continue")
The input is only sent to the program after you typed a newline, but
scanf("%s", command );
leaves the newline in the input buffer, since the %s(1) format stops when the first whitespace character is encountered after some non-whitespace, getchar() then returns that newline immediately and doesn't need to wait for further input.
Your workaround works because it clears the newline from the input buffer before calling getchar() once more.
To emulate the behaviour, clear the input buffer before printing the message,
scanf("%s", command);
int c;
do {
c = getchar();
}while(c != '\n' && c != EOF);
if (c == EOF) {
// input stream ended, do something about it, exit perhaps
} else {
printf("Type Enter to continue\n");
(1) Note that using %s in scanf is very unsafe, you should restrict the input to what your buffer can hold with a field-width, scanf("%99s", command) will read at most 99 (sizeof(command) - 1)) characters into command, leaving space for the 0-terminator.
Whitespace is a delimiter for 5y3 %s format specifier, and newline is regarded as whitespace, so it remains buffered. Console input is normally line oriented, so a subsequent call to getchar() will return immediately because a 'line' remains buffered.
scanf("%s", command );
while( getchar() != '\n' ){ /* flush to end of input line */ }
Equally if you use getchar() or %c to get a single character you normally need to flush the line, but in this case the character entered may itself be a newline so you need a slightly different solution:
scanf("%c", ch );
while( ch != '\n' && getchar() != '\n' ){ /* flush to end of input line */ }
similarly for getchar():
ch = getchar();
while( ch != '\n' && getchar() != '\n' ){ /* flush to end of input line */ }
The sensible thing to do of course is to wrap these solutions into stand-alone specialised input functions that you can reuse and also use as a place to put common input validation and error checking code (as in Daniel Fischer's answer which sensibly checks for EOF - you would normally want to avoid having to duplicate those checks and error handling everywhere).
I'd rather first use fgets and then use sscanf to parse the input. I have been doing this stuff like this for a long time and the behaviour has been more predictable than using plain scanf.
Well, I have something easier: add another getchar() ... problem solved!!
after taking command input flush the stdin.
but flushing a input stream results in undefined behavior (though Microsoft's C library defines the behaviour as an extension).

Scanning a single char into an array C Programming

I am having a problem scanning chars into an array. Every time I do it will skip the next scan and go to the next. I know what is happening because the input also adds '\n' to the input but I do not know how to remedy the cause of it. Here is some sample code:
char charray [MAX], ffs;
int inarray [MAX], i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
charray[i] = getchar();
printf ("%c\n",charray[i]);
scanf ("%d", &inarray[i]);
printf ("%d\n",inarray[i]);
You can do like this.
while((c = getchar()) != '\n')
this may solve your problem. or you can go till EOF also.
You are reading from the standard input with 2 functions: getchar() and scanf(). You need to understand how they work.
getchar() is easy: it returns the next available character in the input stream (or waits for one or returns EOF)
scanf("%d", ...) is more complex: first, it optionally discards whitespace (spaces, enters, tabs, ...), then it reads as many characters as possible to represent an integer, and stops at the first character that can't be used for integers, like a '\n'.
As you have them in a loop, your getchar() call will get the character that stopped the scanf() and the next scanf() will procedd from there.
If your input is something like "q1w22e333r4444" (with MAX == 4), your program will work.
If your input is something like
q 1
w 22
e 333
r 4444
after the first time through the loop (where charray[0] gets 'q' and inarray[0] gets 1), the getchar() will get '\n' leaving the 'w' "ready" for scanf, which of course fails ... and is then "caught" by the next getchar(); and the "22" gets assigned in the 3rd time through the loop (to inarray[2]).
So, you need to review your code.
Also, scanf() returns a value. Use that value
if (scanf("%d", &inarray[i]) != 1) /* error */;
You should actually scan a string into the array directly, rather than characters using scanf("%s",&charray);
However your code will work if you add a while(getchar() != '\n' ); statement. This will get all characters till the '\n'.
charray[i] = getchar();
c = getchar();
}while(c != '\n' && c!= EOF);
printf ("%c\n",charray[i]);
scanf ("%d", &inarray[i]);
c = getchar();
}while(c != '\n' && c!= EOF);
printf ("%d\n",inarray[i]);
