DataBase connection in fastAPI - database

In my password I have '#' now I am getting error:
MYSQL_DATABASE_URL = "mysql+pymysql://root:ASDasd#1#"
can any one help?. It need to connect to DB.


Not able to login via specified user in localhost SQL Server connection string

I am new to SQL Server and I am trying to connect a localhost SQL Server. And I am having the following exception:
Cannot open database "MyDatabase" requested by the login. The Login failed Login failed for user "MyCodingPC\Cyborg".
And also I don't understand why it is getting logged in via that username when I have specified another user in the connection string.
My connection string
Data,1433\(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;User Id=MyNewUser;Password=pass##$word;Integrated Security=True
LocalDB cannot be used over TCP. So to accomplish my requirements I used SQLExpress instead.
LocalDB is supposed to work only for local access; remote access is not possible here.

why can't I connect to the database using wildfly data?

This is the first time I try to deploy my application using wildfly to a remote server, it seems that I succeeded, but now I cannot connect the created database. wildfly says that
Connection URL = jdbc:postgresql:/var/run/postgresql:5432,
I use this string to connect
<property name="connection.url">jdbc:postgresql:/var/run/postgresql:5432?currentSchema=myshema&user=user&password=pass</property>
For this I get
Connection error: : org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: database "/var/run/postgresql:5432" does not exist
in logs. What am I doing wrong?

Unable to connect to remote SQLServer using 'sa'

I'm trying to connect to a remote instance of SQLServer using a connection string for a Go program that I'm writing.
I have a local version of the remote database with the same users.
If I connect to my local DB with a connection string like this, it works just fine:
Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=master;User Id=<user>;Password=<password>;
Now if I use the same credentials, but I just change the data source, it also works just fine:
Data Source=<remoteIP>;Initial Catalog=master;User Id=<user>;Password=<password>;
Now if I try and log in using 'sa', it works locally, but not remotely.
This works just fine:
Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=master;User Id=sa;Password=<password>;
But this does not work:
Data Source=<remoteIP>;Initial Catalog=master;User Id=sa;Password=<password>;
The error I get when I try to connect to the remote server in my Go program is:
Login error: mssql: Login failed for user 'sa'.
The really frustrating part is that if I copy and paste the username and password, I can connect to the remote DB in SMSS using that login information, and everything works just fine.
I've double-checked to ensure that the remote 'sa' login allows for both Windows Authentication and SQL Authentication. Is there another setting or something that would prevent me from being able to log in to my remote server using 'sa'?
I'm so puzzled because I clearly can connect to the remote DB if I'm using a different user, but I can't connect using 'sa'.
Are there additional settings I have to configure on the remote server? I'm also a bit frustrated with this because I can't print out what the actual error code is. It just tells me that my login failed when I print the error message.
I figured out my problem.
For the new user that I created (see the original post's comments), it couldn't connect because of my connection string.
I tried first making my connection string the following, which still worked connecting me locally:
Initial Catalog=master;User Id=<user>;Password=<password>;
I was confused because this still worked, despite me not setting a Data Source.
So what I did was try using "Server", and it worked:
Server=<remoteIP>;Initial Catalog=master;User Id=<user>;Password=<password>;
So it turns out it was an invalid credential error because it was always trying to connect to my local DB. Thanks for everyone's input.

BizTalk Bam Aggregation throws OLE DB Provider error

I am trying to access BAM URL in Intranet. I have hosted BAM in one server and it works fine there.
When I try accessing the BAM (http://servername/BAM) outside the server but within the intranet, I am getting following error while I try to see the aggregations.
The query could not be processed:
Errors in the OLE DB provider.
Could not connect to the redirector. Ensure that the SQLBrowser
service is running on the 'SERVERNAME' server. Errors in the OLE DB
provider. An error occurred while named instance information was being
retrieved from the SQLBrowser service on the 'SERVERNAME' server.
Activity search works fine though.
My sqlBrower services are up and running fine.

DBI - connect to MSSQL - unexpected login incorrect

I'm using DBI 1.624... and trying to connect SQL Server 2012. I wrote perl script to get data from db, and tested it on test server. It works fine. I repeated everything for other server and now I can not connect to db with error: Login Incorrect.
I created new login with SQL Authentication and I can login with it via SQL Server Management Studio, but when I try to connect via DBI:
DBI->connect(';database=master', 'user', 'pass')
I always get error:
DBI connect(';database=master','user',...) failed: OpenCilent message:
LAYER = (0) ORIGIN = (0) SEVERITY = (78) NUMBER = (36)
Server, database
Message String: Login incorrect.
User settings:
SQL Server authentication
Server Roles: public, sysadmin
Securables: Connect SQL
Status: Permission to connect to database engine: Grant / Login: Enabled
Server settings:
Connections: Allow remote connections to this server
My second server has all databases encrypted... So I use ODBC driver.
