This is the output which I need i tried with Multiple ways Please help me with in detailed code enter image description here
This is the output which I need i tried with Multiple ways Please help me with in detailed code enter image description here
You can try the Victory Native's Pie component -
labels={({ datum }) => datum.y}
labelRadius={({ innerRadius }) => 80 }
labelPosition={({ index }) => index
? "centroid"
: "startAngle"
we are loading 100 records in the grid initially, after that when we scroll down , loading another set of data.
But when we try to print the page its loading just 100 records in the print preview screen, we are using react-to-print, functional component.
const handlePrint = useReactToPrint({
content: () => componentRef.current,
we want load all the data available in the List, please help.
I found myself in a similar problem and this answer from github helped me.
You have to surround your render with a div of styling overflow: scroll and also remove overflow styling, maximum height and any other view limiting styling from the surrounded element's "stylings" like the example below.
Disclaimer: I used MUI in some instances.
render() {
<div sx={{ overflow: "scroll" }}>
{,n) => {
Does anybody know if there is any built-in React Native component that render lists like this?
It shouldn't be super hard to implement this from scratch
If you want the exactly same design there are probably three or so components that you need to write
Heres pseudo code
const settings = [
items : [{
icon : SomeIcon,
label : "Notifications",
action: () => ...navigate somewhere
...more items
...more code
{ =>{
return <SettingSection>
{ =>{
return <Item/>
You can try to do it by yourself but if you want exactly the same view, here i found a npm package for you. . it is efficient and customizable.
I'm currently working at a project with react-three-fiber. I've imported the model with useGLTF from #react-three/drei.
const { nodes, materials } = useGLTF('/model.glb');
I access the materials from the glb-file.
To access and manipulate the model I used gltfjsx to generate the model.
Now I need to change the material of a mesh programmatically. Because I have no direct access to the JSX of the model I do it with React.cloneElement and modify the props of the mesh.
So I tried something like this:
return React.cloneElement(mesh, {
material: overwriteMaterial ?
<meshStandardMaterial attach="material" color={0xa3005c} metalness={1} roughness={0.2} visible={true} /> :
If overwriteMaterial is false it works. It shows the material it should. But if it's true then the mesh disappears.
I also thought of putting the <meshStandardMaterial /> in the children prop of the mesh. Something like so:
return React.cloneElement(mesh, {
material: overwriteMaterial ? undefined : materials['mat_7'],
children: overwriteMaterial ? <meshStandardMaterial attach="material" color={0xa3005c} metalness={1} roughness={0.2} visible={true} /> : undefined
With this I always get this error and I don't know why it appears:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'visible')
Could this approach somehow work or am I doing something completely wrong?
Every help is welcome. Thanks
Alright so I found the answer by myself after some more hours searching for a solution.
The material property doesn't accept a JSX-tag. So if you create an instance of the class MeshStandardMaterial you can pass it to the property and it works perfectly fine. Now it looks something like this:
return React.cloneElement(mesh, {
material: overwriteMaterial
? new MeshStandardMaterial({ color: 0x0ff000 })
: materials['mat_7']
Note: The class MeshStandardMaterial is exported from the three package.
i really don't think you have to clone any react element, that doesn't seem correct. you can clone or mutate materials just as you would in a plain three app. i have no idea why you even want to clone jsx.
const { scene } = useGLTF(url)
const clonedScene = useMemo(() => scene.clone(), [])
useLayoutEffect(() => {
clonedScene.traverse(o => {
if (o.type === 'Mesh') {
o.material = ...
}, [clonedScene]}
return <primitive object={clonedScene} />
you can skip the clonedScene thing completely as well, this is only if you plan to re-use the model in your scene multiple times.
I have been following a tutorial to query Stripe API and display data. One thing that is not mentioned is how to query the images and display it. I can see from the structure that the images property is there but I need some help to display it. I assume it should be the same logic how it is displaying the product name but I just need to understand to follow the same logic for the images.
Here is my query, I have added the image option in my query:
and can see the result in GrapiQL:
Here is example of how I am mapping over my products to display correctly. From what I understand I need to do the same for the image. I have followed the same logic by just replacing product with image but just can't seem to get it working. Here is the snippet:
const Products = () => {
return (<StaticQuery query={PRODUCTS_QUERY}
({ allStripeSku, allStripeProduct }) => {
return => {
const skus = allStripeSku.edges.filter(
sku => ===
return (
product={product.node} />
Can anyone please point my in the right direction so I can get this working?
You need to add 2 lines of code:
in GraphQL query to return images alongside id and name as you've already done
in ProductCard component to return an <img> element using the query field added above
For me this meant adding the + lines below:
in src/components/Products/Products.js
in src/components/Products/ProductCard.js
I assume it's the Gatsby E-commerce Tutorial you were following; if so please be aware that, since your OP, they've updated the docs so it no longer uses the deprecated Orders API.
I want to upload multiples images then display them in browser. I wrote this code mentioned by this link.
I got the name of images displayed in place of images:
How can I fix that and if someone knows another npm module which upload and display images as a gallery I will be grateful if mentioned it to me.
Adding the property withPreview to the <ImageUploader /> gives you a preview of all "uploaded" images.
const UploadImage = props => {
const { onDrop } = props;
return (
buttonText="Upload Image"
imgExtension={[".jpg", ".gif", ".png", ".gif"]}
You can see this change implemented here.
This library looks like it can achieve what you want right out the box. See the documentation for the library for more details.