my font icons are not showing on live , they only show when I do refresh and they vanish again after two minutes
I relaod the page and it works for two minutes .
I am using react-native-reanimated-carousel for react native expo app for (IOS,Android, Web).
It is working fine in mobile view, but my requirement is that i should show all the elements in Web Browser, not the animation ( 1 element at a time).
height={width / 2}
data={[ Array(6).keys()]}
I have only 4 images , so in web when app is opened in browser desktop,I want to show all the 4 elements at a time. Is there any way i can disable it in desktop browser?
Also How can I make wdith property to be responsive according to its image content?
I tried to add , remove properties, read documents
Iam trying to build ecommerce app using ReactJs. The products cards appears on home page with columns: 3 set in css. It works in chrome and edge without any issue but in Firefox, the third column becomes invisble. If I minimize and maximize the browser then it sometimes appears, sometimes dosent.
I have tried using css auto prefixer but it didn't solve the problem.
I'm under the development progress of nextjs based application and found some fuzzy stuff that's giving bad experience..
I'm just here to ask you whether it's possible to cache pages on nextjs development mode.
Now the problem is that I'm getting white blank screen for some seconds everytime I reload any pages. Changing route works properly and doesn't come with blank white screen.
Only when I reload the page by pressing F5 or clicking reload button, it shows me blank white screen on all kinds of web browsers. I know I can set the background color of index.html which will overlays during page loading but I don't think it can be the final solution to fix blank white screen.
Are there any way to solve the issue ?
I am using DevExtreme react template in my react js project from below link.The router page navigation is working fine as per my requirement.I would like to know how to use router page navigation as in "Tab" instead of single page.For example if we take from below link,there are two pages in sidebar (profile and display data pages).If I click "Profile and display page" ,both the pages should display in Tab but currently its shows only current page.hope its clear.
I also want to note that you can contact DevExpress support team directly at Submit a Support Ticket. They answer questions in 24 hours, so you will be able to resolve the issue faster.
im developing my first app with onsen ui and angular js. I have a dude. When i navigate between differents links from my lateral menu the app show the last page before load the new page. I dont know how explain very well the problem.
The last page displayed is stuck before loading the new page.
If you want some code just tell me.
To see the problem on live my app is here:
Thanks a lot