I updated my nVidia drivers and suddenly started getting the following validation error:
VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-blendEnable-04727(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum:
-1979288290 - Validation Error: [ VUID-vkCmdDrawIndexed-blendEnable-04727 ] Object 0: handle =
0x5eb05e000000003b, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_PIPELINE; | MessageID =
0x8a06751e | vkCmdDrawIndexed: Image view's format features of the
color attachment (0) of the active subpass do not contain
pipeline's pAttachments[0].blendEnable is not VK_FALSE. The Vulkan
spec states: If rasterization is not disabled in the bound graphics
pipeline, then for each color attachment in the subpass, if the
corresponding image view's format features do not contain
member of the corresponding element of the pAttachments member of
pColorBlendState must be VK_FALSE
Things still render correctly, but I'd like to fix the validation issue.
I am a bit confused as to how I set the VK_FORMAT_FEATURE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BLEND_BIT flag or if its part of the format vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR returns.
If it's the former, how do i set it and if it's the latter, how do i draw to it with blending enabled and not get validation errors?
Thank you!

Format features are not something you set; they're limitations that the Vulkan implementation informs you that you must work within. In particular, format features are properties that restrict how you may use any image with a particular combination of format, tiling, and so forth.
Swapchain images are subject to the same limitations as user-created images. The specification details what the equivalent VkImageCreateInfo would be for a particular vkCreateSwapchainKHR call. So those are the parameters you will need to send to vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties to see if your implementation supports some particular use of the swapchain image.
Blending is such a use. Apparently, whatever format you used to use allowed blending under the old driver, but this changed. And your code never verified that it was allowed.

Well, I missed another validation error that gave me the clue to find the issue. I had to update the VkApplicationInfo apiVersion to VK_API_VERSION_1_3. Leaving the answer here in case it helps anyone else.


Define custom properties for x11 windows in order to associate additional data with them

I'm trying to work out how to define my own window properties in xcb/x11, in order to be able to associate additional data with a window.
I can set and retrieve the pre-defined properties, such as XCB_ATOM_WM_NAME, using xcb_change_property() and xcb_get_property(), just fine, but can't figure out how to define new properties of my own.
A number of tutorials allude to this being possible, and indeed integral to the design, but nowhere can I find any guidance on how to go about it.
I don't know about xcb but in X you can create an Atom (Property) with
The XInternAtom function returns the atom identifier associated with the specified atom_name string. If only_if_exists is False, the atom is created if it does not exist.
and modify/retrieve it by
xcb should provide something similar.

ADNStoreFront Multistore AddtoCartForm function crashing page

I am trying to modify an existing XML package of Aspdotnetstorefront Multistore. It's an internal XML package to show the variants of a certain product. What I did to start with was to copy-paste the whole code as is and throw it into a new custom XML package. The problem is that it works fine in the original package but not in the copied package. When I try to run it the function "AddtoCartForm" crashes the page and show the following error while display in red the line that contains the function call:
An HtmlHelper is required for this method. Make sure to specify one when you call the RunXmlPackage method
The format of the function is:
<xsl:value-of select="aspdnsf:AddtoCartForm(ProductID, VariantID, 1, 1, $SelectedSize, $SelectedColor)" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>
I removed the line with the function just to be sure and then everything else works fine. I have no idea what's wrong here. Everything is identical unless by the structure of the url which calls the package:
For the internal package it is: \product\123456
For the custom package it is: \topic\packagename?ProductID=123456
I checked the XML produced by the SPs, the runtime and requested data and it's basically the same in both cases. The ProductID and VariantID values are there. SelectedColor and SelectedSize are not in the XML (not even in the internal package) so it may be just providing null value and probably it's not necessary anyway.
And there is more. If I supress the productid value from the url like this:
It won't crash the page (but also won't render because there will be not be any value to process).
In any way I cannot see why it wouldn't work just passing the variable in the querystring (that is basically what it does in the original package even in a different format) and the var value (productid) it getting there. However it seems that it is indeed the url format that is not pleasing the package but it doesn't make too much sense to me. I am over this for several days already and nothing I do seem to produce any positive result. :-(
I looked up online for some documentation but didn't get lucky and didn't find absolutely anything. In extreme cases I try to reach the Vortx support (and they usually answers me giving some valueable clue) but this time it seems that for this specific issue there will not be any help unless I pay an obscene hour fee and unfortunately it's out of question... LoL!
Any idea?
UPDATE: We don't use Multistore regular search tool. Due to the nature of our products (recycled car parts) we have a custom search tool that will try to find 'similar' items that MAY fit the user needs when we don't have the EXACT part. I don't know if you are ware of but several mechanical car parts are interchangeable among different models and makes (like alternators, AC compressors, battery, suspension, cooling system, etc), so when one of our customers needs a part to fix his car he won't tell us the part code; instead he will tell us the car model, year, and generic name of the part so we will try to find the part for him. It does mean that a certain Corolla part will fit perfectly in a Honda Accord and so on. Some times we have some parts in stock that MAY fit his car but we are not absolutely sure. When it happens we will show those parts for the customer and he will decide if he can take his chances. For the sake of customer comfort we want to show all these parts in the same page, but since they normally are variants of different products we cannot use the regular product page for this purpose (because the product page will only show variants of ONE product at time). For this reason I am going to write a package - a modified version of the product page - that will do that but I am struggling with the AddtoCartForm function. In fact I JUST found a workaround by adding the item to the cart accessing directly the /shoppingcart/addtocart script and now my problem is being to force it return to a specific url after to add the item to the shopping cart...
The error has to do with the topic token able to properly get html helper filled out.
I do question why testing is being done on a topic. To test a new product xmlpackage I normally change change the xmlpackage for just one product in a testing environment.
If chaning the product xmlpackage isn't possible then I suggest using the XmlPackageController/engine instead. Which is documented on page https://help.aspdotnetstorefront.com/1000/xml_packages.htm under the heading of "Invoking XML Packages by Themselves". If using the XmlPackageController make certain that the allowengine attribute is set to true in the xmlpackage otherwise that will throw an error as well.

Grails 3 "show" view with Fields plugin 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT

Stuck at a trivial problem in Grails 3.1.5: Show the fields of a domain object, excluding one of them, including a transient property. Yes, this is my first Grails 3 project after many years with previous versions.
The generated show.gsp contains
<f:display bean="rfaPdffile"/>
This will include a field that may contain megabytes of XML. It should never be shown interactively. The display: false constraint is no longer in the docs, and seems to be silenty ignored.
Next I tried explicitly naming the fields:
<f:with bean="rfaPdffile">
<f:display property='fileName'/>
<f:display property='pageCount'/>
This version suprisingly displays the values without any markup whatsoever. Changing display to field,
<f:with bean="rfaPdffile">
<f:field property='fileName'/>
<f:field property='pageCount'/>
sort of works, but shows editable values. So does f:all.
In addition I tried adding other attributes to f:display: properties (like in f:table), except (like in f:all). I note in passing that those two attributes have different syntax for similar purposes.
In the Field plugin docs my use case is explicitly mentioned as a design goal. I must have missed something obvious.
My aim is to quickly throw together a prototype gui, postponing the details until later. Clues are greatly appreciated
If I understood you correctly, you want to have all bean properties included in the gsp but the one with the "megabytes of XML" should not be displayed to the user?
If that is the case you can do:
f:with bean="beanName"
f:field property="firstPropertyName"
f:field property="secondPropertyName"
And the one you don't wish to display:
g:hiddenField name="propertyName" value="${beanName.propertyName?}"
So list all the properties as f:field or f:display and put the one you don't wish to display in a g:hiddenField Grails tag
You can also try:
f:field property="propertyName"
but the Label is not hidden in this case.
Hope it helps
My own answer: "use the force, read the source". The f:display tag has two rather obvious bugs. I will submit a pull request as soon as I can.
Bugs aside, the documentation does not mention that the plugin may pick up the "scaffold" static property from the domain, if it has one. Its value should be a map. Its "exclude" key may define a list of property names (List of String) to be excluded. This probably works already for the "f:all" tag; bug correction is needed for the "f:display" tag.
My subjective impression is that the fields plugin is in a tight spot. It is intertwined with the Grails architecture, making it sensitive to changes in Grails internals. It is also required by the standard scaffolding plugin, making it very visible. Thus it needs constant attention from maintainers, a position not to be envied. Even now conventions for default constraints seem to have changed somewhere between Grails 3.0.9 and 3.1.7.
Performance of the fields plugin is sensitive to the total number of plugins in the app where it is used. It searches all plugins dynamically for templates.
For the wish list I would prefer stricter tag naming. The main tags should be verbs. There are two main actions, show and edit. For each action there are two main variants, single bean or multiple beans.
My answer is that at present (2 March 2017) there is no answer. I have searched the Net high and low. For the index (list) and create and edit views, the fields plugin works well enough. A certain field can be easily excluded from the create and edit views, relatively easily from the list view (by listing those that should show), and in no way I could find from the show view. This is such a common need that one would suspect it will be addressed soon. Also, easily showing derived values in the show view, like 'total' for an invoice. One can do that by adding an ordered list with a list item showing the value below the generated ordered list of values, but that is kind of a hack.
In some ways, the old way was easier. Yes, it generated long views, but they were generated and didn't have to be done by the programmer - just custom touches here and there.

Spreadsheet Gear migration errors

I am migrating Spreadsheet gear of my application from to am getting my issues with Color property.Can any one help me in this.Now I am using using Color = System.Drawing.Color; and also ToSGColor().This became very hectic to do in all places where ever we use color.I expect we should have some shortcut to do this.Can any one suggest me How can i get all functionalities with few changes only.I am also getting exceptions to c onvert IColorFormat.LineColor to system.drawing.Color.
Note the "Breaking Changes" page in the SpreadsheetGear 2012 documentation, which lists this particular change:
In order to support WPF and Silverlight, the core API has been
separated from the GDI+ and Windows Forms APIs and therefore uses the
new SpreadsheetGear.Color type rather than
SpreadsheetGear.Drawing.Color. SpreadsheetGear.Drawing.Color has been
moved to SpreadsheetGear2012.Drawing.dll. See
SpreadsheetGear.Drawing.Color for an example which uses the implicit
and static converters to convert between SpreadsheetGear.Color,
SpreadsheetGear.Drawing.Color and System.Drawing.Color.
SpreadsheetGear.Colors and SpreadsheetGear.SystemColors provide
helpful predefined colors to replace the use of predefined colors in
So you'll need to ensure than any place where you were previously using System.Drawing colors now use SpreadsheetGear.Drawing colors, including API like IColorFormat.LineColor.
There aren't really any "migration" tools to automatically convert such instances to the new API. So you'll need to resolve these errors for each code file. Doing a Find/Replace keyword search for "System.Drawing" and "SpreadsheetGear.Drawing" could possibly speed up the process, though this would depend on what using statements you have added to each code file.

Setting SSRS BackgroundImage Source from field

I'm working on an SSRS template at present which pulls lots of its format information from a database. Part of this format information sets the Background Image of cells.
I'm currently filling the image by setting the Source to External and pulling its value from the database. This works lovely, however It means pulling the image from a network source each time and while a small efficiency hit, I'd like to try and remove that pull if possible by embedding the standard images.
Again this works fine, I can pull either an external image or an embedded image and display on screen. The problem comes when I'd like the option to do either.
I find that I cannot set the image Source from a field, there isn't an option in the GUI.
I've tried going into the code and entering the details there but I get a validation error:
The 'http://scemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2008/01/reportdefinition:Source' element is invalid - The value =First(Fields!bodyBackgroundImageSource.Value, "dsTemplate") is invalid according to its datatype String - The Enumeration constraint failed".
Has anyone else come across this and found a solution or know of a workaround? I can continue using only external images, but would prefer to avoid as many external calls as possible.
In our local environment, we tested this scenario and if the expression can return the correct image name, then the image can display properly. You can check if the "First(Fields!bodyBackgroundImageSource.Value, "dsTemplate")" expression return the image name existing under Images folder on Report Data window. And make sure the image source is embedded.
