Null-check behaves incorrectly when iterating linked-list in C - c

I am trying to learn C basics by writing a program which prompts for integers from user then stores the values inside a linked list. If an input is -128 or below, the current node is set to NULL and the prompt ends. The program then goes through the list and calculates the average of entered values. However, the counter of the list always ends up with one more element than expected and thus results in incorrect average, although I explicitly specify the NULL check before adding each value and increment counter.
The code is below:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
int main()
struct record {
int temperature;
struct record *next;
// Keep hold of the first record for iterating --v
struct record *first = NULL;
first = (struct record *)malloc(sizeof(struct record));
// Keep hold of the current record used in the while loop --v
struct record *current = first;
while (true) {
// Get user input --v
int temp;
printf("Enter measurement: ");
scanf("%d", &temp);
// If input is less than -128, end the loop --v
if (temp <= -128) {
current = NULL;
// Record the temperature --v
current->temperature = temp;
// Allocate memory for the next record --v
current->next = (struct record *)malloc(sizeof(struct record));
// The next now becomes the current because we are done with the current --v
current = current->next;
printf("Next record created!\n");
// Calculate average --v
current = first;
double sum = 0.;
int count = 0;
// As long as the record is not NULL --v
while (current != NULL) {
sum += current->temperature;
printf("%d %d\n", count, current->temperature);
// Move to the next record --v
current = current->next;
printf("\nAverage of the list values: %.1f", sum / count);
Is this correct behavior? Is there some mechanics in C that I am not aware of?
I put on some debugging line so that I can keep track of the counter as well as the corresponding record, and found out that the current property doesn't appear to be NULL although I explicitly set it to NULL. This is the output of the code:
Enter measurement: 22
Next record created!
Enter measurement: 22
Next record created!
Enter measurement: 22
Next record created!
Enter measurement: -128
1 22
2 22
3 22
4 0
Average of the list values: 16.5
I did try to free the memory of the current pointer by using free(current) but the result is not better since the temperature then just holds a random number.

The problem is that the pointers current and current->next are two different pointers that occupy different extents of memory. current is a local variable while current->next is a data member of a dynamically allocated node.
In this statement
current = current->next;
you set the value of the pointer current->next to the pointer current. So the two pointers have the same value.
But within this if statement
if (temp <= -128) {
current = NULL;
there is changed only the pointer current. The pointer "previous"current->next stays unchanged. That is the local variable current was changed but the data member next of the allocated dynamically node was not changed and points to a dynamically allocated node with uninitialized data members.
The approach like this when a memory is allocated
// Allocate memory for the next record --v
current->next = (struct record*) malloc(sizeof(struct record));
// The next now becomes the current because we are done with the current --v
current = current->next;
and its address is assigned to the pointer current->next and then there is an attempt to set the pointer to NULL within the loop in any case results in memory leak. You should redesign the logic of the code.
A simplest way is to use a pointer to pointer as for example
struct record *first = NULL;
struct record **current = &first;
while (true) {
// Get user input --v
int temp;
printf("Enter measurement: ");
scanf("%d", &temp);
// If input is less than -128, end the loop --v
if (temp <= -128) {
*current = malloc( sizeof( struct record ) );
( *current )->temperature = temp;
( *current )->next = NULL;
current = &( *current )->next;
puts("Next record created!");
Outside the while loop you will need to use another name for a auxiliary pointer. For example
// Calculate average --v
struct record *tmp = first;
// and so on...
Pay attention to that -- you will need to free all the allocated memory when the list is not required any more.


Howto manage freeing single pointers from a double-pointer block

I have a block of pointers to some structs which I want to handle (i.e. free) separately. As an example below there is an integer double-pointer which should keep other pointers to integer. I then would like to free the second of those integer pointers (in my program based on some filterings and calculations). If I do so however, I should keep track of int-pointers already set free so that when I iterate over the pointers in the double-pointer I do not take the risk of working with them further. Is there a better approach for solving this problem (in ANSI-C) without using other libs (e.g. glib or alike)?
Here is a small simulation of the problem:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
int **ipp=NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int *ip = malloc(sizeof (int));
printf("%p -> ip %d\n", ip, i);
*ip = i * 10;
if ((ipp = realloc(ipp, sizeof (int *) * (i + 1)))) {
ipp[i] = ip;
printf("%p -> ipp\n", ipp);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
printf("%d. %p %p %d\n", i, ipp + i, *(ipp+i), **(ipp + i));
// free the middle integer pointer
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
printf("%d. %p %p %d\n", i, ipp + i, *(ipp+i), **(ipp + i));
return 0;
which prints something like
0x555bcc07f2a0 -> ip 0
0x555bcc07f6f0 -> ip 1
0x555bcc07f710 -> ip 2
0x555bcc07f6d0 -> ipp
0. 0x555bcc07f6d0 0x555bcc07f2a0 0
1. 0x555bcc07f6d8 0x555bcc07f6f0 10
2. 0x555bcc07f6e0 0x555bcc07f710 20
0. 0x555bcc07f6d0 0x555bcc07f2a0 0
1. 0x555bcc07f6d8 0x555bcc07f6f0 0
2. 0x555bcc07f6e0 0x555bcc07f710 20
Here I have freed the middle int-pointer. In my actual program I create a new block for an integer double-pointer, iterate over the current one, create new integer pointers and copy the old values into it, realloc the double-pointer block and append the new pointer to it, and at the end free the old block and all it's containing pointers. This is a bit ugly, and resource-consuming if there is a huge amount of data, since I have to iterate over and create and copy all the data twice. Any help is appreciated.
"This is a bit ugly, and resource-consuming if there is a huge amount of data, since I have to iterate over and create and copy all the data
twice. Any help is appreciated."
First observation: It is not necessary to use realloc() when allocating new memory on a pointer that has already been freed. realloc() is useful when needing to preserve the contents in a particular area of memory, while expanding its size. If that is not a need (which is not in this case) malloc() or calloc() are sufficient. #Marco's suggestion is correct.
Second observation: the following code snippet:
if ((ipp = realloc(ipp, sizeof (int *) * (i + 1)))) {
ipp[i] = ip;
is a potential memory leak. If the call to realloc()_ fails, the pointer ipp will be set to null, making the memory location that was previously allocated becomes orphaned, with no way to free it.
Third observation: Your approach is described as needing:
Array of struct
dynamic memory allocation of a 2D array
need to delete elements of 2D array, and ensure they are not referenced once deleted
need to repurpose deleted elements of 2D array
Your initial reaction in comments to considering using an alternative approach notwithstanding, Linked lists are a perfect fit to address the needs stated in your post.
The fundamental element of a Linked List uses a struct
Nodes (elements) of a List are dynamically allocated when created.
Nodes of a List are not accessible to be used once deleted. (No need to track)
Once the need exists, a new node is easily created.
Example struct follows. I like to use a data struct to contain the payload, then use an additional struct as the conveyance, to carry the data when building a Linked List:
typedef struct {//to simulate your struct
int dNum;
char unique_name[30];
double fNum;
} data_s;
typedef struct Node {//conveyance of payload, forward and backward searchable
data_s data;
struct Node *next; // Pointer to next node in DLL
struct Node *prev; // Pointer to previous node in DLL
} list_t;
Creating a list is done by creating a series of nodes as needed during run-time. Typically as records of a database, or lines of a file are read, and the elements of the table record (of element of the line in a file) are read into and instance of the data part of the list_s struct. A function is typically defined to do this, for example
void insert_node(list_s **head, data_s *new)
list_s *temp = malloc(sizeof(*temp));
//insert lines to populate = new.dNum;
strcpy(, new.unique_name);
temp.fNum = new.fNum
//arrange list to accomdate new node in new list
temp->next = temp->prev = NULL;
if (!(*head))
(*head) = temp;
else//...or existing list
temp->next = *head;
(*head)->prev = temp;
(*head) = temp;
Deleting a node can be done in multiple ways. It the following example method a unique value of a node member is used, in this case unique_name
void delete_node_by_name(list_s** head_ref, const char *name)
BOOL not_found = TRUE;
// if list is empty
if ((*head_ref) == NULL)
list_s *current = *head_ref;
list_s *next = NULL;
// traverse the list up to the end
while (current != NULL && not_found)
// if 'name' in node...
if (strcmp(current->data.unique_name, name) == 0)
//set loop to exit
not_found = FALSE;
//save current's next node in the pointer 'next' /
next = current->next;
// delete the node pointed to by 'current'
delete_node(head_ref, current);
// reset the pointers
current = next;
// increment to next node
current = current->next;
Where delete_node() is defined as:
void delete_node(list_t **head_ref, list_t *del)
// base case
if (*head_ref == NULL || del == NULL)
// If node to be deleted is head node
if (*head_ref == del)
*head_ref = del->next;
// Change next only if node to be deleted is NOT the last node
if (del->next != NULL)
del->next->prev = del->prev;
// Change prev only if node to be deleted is NOT the first node
if (del->prev != NULL)
del->prev->next = del->next;
// Finally, free the memory occupied by del
This link is an introduction to Linked Lists, and has additional links to other related topic to expand the types of lists that are available.
You could use standard function memmove and then call realloc. For example
Let's assume that currently there are n pointers. Then you can write
free( *(ipp + i ) );
memmove( ipp + i, ipp + i + 1, ( n - i - 1 ) * sizeof( *pp ) );
*( ipp + n - 1 ) = NULL; // if the call of realloc will not be successfull
// then the pointer will be equal to NULL
int **tmp = realloc( ipp, ( n - 1 ) * sizeof( *tmp ) );
if ( tmp != NULL )
ipp = tmp;
// some other actions

Memory leaks in doubly linked list

I'm pretty new to C programming.
I have an assignment in which we are supposed to create a doubly linked list of integers, and write some functions to manipulate them. We are being asked to prevent memory leaks, but I'm not really sure how to do that.
I have to malloc a bunch of times in order to create and store nodes when making the linked list, and I'm pretty sure it's not a good idea to malloc enough space for a node and then free the pointer to it in the same place.
Therefore, my best guess is that I should free all nodes in the main function, when I will have printed their contents to the screen and they are no longer needed. I tried to implement a kill function that takes as input a reference head to the first node in the list, and which iterates over the nodes, freeing them as they go.
I went as far as installing valgrind to try and see if there were any memory leaks, and it looks like there are still some. I have no idea where they are coming from or how to fix the issue.
Here is the whole code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct Node{
int data;
struct Node *next;
struct Node *previous;
void print_dll(Node *head){
Node *curr = head;
while(curr != NULL){
printf("%d\t", curr->data);
curr = curr->next;
puts(" ");
Node* create_dll_from_array(int array [], int arrSize){
//this is a function that creates a doubly linked list
//with the contents of the array
Node* current = (Node *) malloc (sizeof(Node * ));
current->data = array[arrSize-1];
current -> next = NULL;
for(int i = 2; i <= arrSize; i++){
//create a new node
Node * temp = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node*));
//I would like the dll to be in the same order as the array, I guess it isn't strictly necessary
temp ->data = array[arrSize-i];
temp -> next = current;
current-> previous = temp;
//now make temp the current
current = temp;
current-> previous = NULL;
return current;
void insert_after(Node* head, int valueToInsertAfter, int valueToInsert ){
if(head != NULL){
Node * current = head;
while(current-> data != valueToInsertAfter){
//this while loop brings 'current' to the end of the list if
//the searched value is not there
if(current-> next != NULL){
current = current->next;
//after exiting this loop, the current pointer is pointing
//either to the last element of the dll or to the element
//we need to insert after
Node *new = (Node *) malloc (sizeof(Node *));
new->data = valueToInsert;
new->next = current->next;
new->previous = current;
if(current->next != NULL){
(current->next)->previous = new;
current->next = new;
void delete_element(Node* head, int valueToBeDeleted){
//work in progress
void kill(Node *head){
//this is my attempt at freeing all the nodes in the doubly linked list
Node *current;
current = head;
head = head->next;
int main(){
int array [5] = {11, 2, 7, 22, 4};
Node *head;
/*Question 1*/
//creates a doubly linked list from the array below
head = create_dll_from_array(array, 5); ///size of the array is 5
/* Question 2 */
// print_dll(head);
/*Question 3*/
// to insert 13 after the first appearance of 7
insert_after(head, 7, 13);
//to insert 29 after first appearance of 21
insert_after(head, 21, 29);
/*Question 6*/
//create a function to free the whole list
return 0;
The main function here is given to us by the prof, we have to build out function around it.
I don't know why this is still appearing to lead to memory leaks, and if I', being honest, I don't really know where else they could occur. As far as I know, I need to keep all the memory until almost the last minute.
Please help, I'm pretty lost here.
Thank you!
There are two problems:
Need to change all malloc (sizeof(Node*)) to malloc (sizeof(Node))
Need to change free(header) to free(current) in the kill function.
The modified code is as follows
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct Node {
int data;
struct Node *next;
struct Node *previous;
} Node;
void print_dll(Node *head)
Node *curr = head;
while(curr != NULL) {
printf("%d\t", curr->data);
curr = curr->next;
puts(" ");
Node *create_dll_from_array(int array [], int arrSize)
//this is a function that creates a doubly linked list
//with the contents of the array
Node *current = (Node *) malloc (sizeof(Node));
current->data = array[arrSize - 1];
current -> next = NULL;
for(int i = 2; i <= arrSize; i++) {
//create a new node
Node *temp = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
//I would like the dll to be in the same order as the array, I guess it isn't strictly necessary
temp ->data = array[arrSize - i];
temp -> next = current;
current-> previous = temp;
//now make temp the current
current = temp;
current-> previous = NULL;
return current;
void insert_after(Node *head, int valueToInsertAfter, int valueToInsert )
if(head != NULL) {
Node *current = head;
while(current-> data != valueToInsertAfter) {
//this while loop brings 'current' to the end of the list if
//the searched value is not there
if(current-> next != NULL) {
current = current->next;
} else {
//after exiting this loop, the current pointer is pointing
//either to the last element of the dll or to the element
//we need to insert after
Node *new = (Node *) malloc (sizeof(Node));
new->data = valueToInsert;
new->next = current->next;
new->previous = current;
if(current->next != NULL) {
(current->next)->previous = new;
current->next = new;
void delete_element(Node *head, int valueToBeDeleted)
//work in progress
void kill(Node *head)
//this is my attempt at freeing all the nodes in the doubly linked list
Node *current;
while(head != NULL) {
current = head;
head = head->next;
int main()
int array [5] = {11, 2, 7, 22, 4};
Node *head;
/*Question 1*/
//creates a doubly linked list from the array below
head = create_dll_from_array(array, 5); ///size of the array is 5
/* Question 2 */
// print_dll(head);
/*Question 3*/
// to insert 13 after the first appearance of 7
insert_after(head, 7, 13);
//to insert 29 after first appearance of 21
insert_after(head, 21, 29);
/*Question 6*/
//create a function to free the whole list
return 0;
Change sizeof(Node * ) to sizeof(Node) due to malloc reserving you memory for which the pointer points to and it needs the correct amount of needed memory (which is not a pointer but the object itself).
i <= arrSize might be an overflow, since the size usually is given as amount of memory cells. So you might consider using i < arrSize
The first while loop in the insert_after might point to invalid memory after the array
Node *new = is ugly syntax, since new is a keyword in C++. Please never do that, since that will break any code, which is being used in C++.
You dont need a temporary element in kill(). You can instead going until head points to NULL.
delete_element needs the same array checks as insert_after
Probably you need to debug the whole thing pasting one function after the other to get it properly working. No guarantee for correctness, since that was abit hard to read without comments and all.
The best way to find memory leaks is using valgrind (or a similar tool) in run time.
Valgrind will identify any memory leak or violation you ran through.
to run valgrind in linux environment, all you need to do is:
# valgrind --leak-check=full ./my_program
In you case it gave mainy theses errors:
==28583== Invalid read of size 8
==28583== at 0x400871: kill (aaa.c:77)
==28583== by 0x40092D: main (aaa.c:103)
==28583== Address 0x5204188 is 0 bytes after a block of size 8 alloc'd
==28583== at 0x4C2DB8F: malloc (in /usr/lib/valgrind/
==28583== by 0x40073A: create_dll_from_array (aaa.c:29)
==28583== by 0x4008D9: main (aaa.c:87)
this error means the allocation size was too small. as mentioned in another answers it is because you allocate enough memory for a pointer and not for the struct.

A pointer points to a NULL pointer

code from cs50 harvard course dealing with linked list:
---The problem I do not understand is that when node *ptr points to numbers, which is a null pointer, how can the for loop: (node *ptr = numbers; ptr != NULL) run at all since *numbers = NULL?---
full version of the codes can be found at:
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct node
int number;
struct node *next;
int main(void)
// Memory for numbers
node *numbers = NULL;
// Prompt for numbers (until EOF)
while (true)
// Prompt for number
int number = get_int("number: ");
// Check for EOF
if (number == INT_MAX)
// Check whether number is already in list
bool found = false;
for (node *ptr = numbers; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next)
if (ptr->number == number)
found = true;
The loop is to check for prior existence in the list actively being built. If not there (found was never set true), the remaining inconveniently omitted code adds it to the list.
On initial run, the numbers linked list head pointer is null, signifying an empty list. That doesn't change the algorithm of search + if-not-found-insert whatsoever. It just means the loop is never entered because the bail-case is immediately true. in other words, with numbers being NULL
for (node *ptr = numbers; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next)
the condition to continue, ptr != NULL is already false, so the body of the for-loop is simply skipped. That leads to the remainder of the code you didn't post, which does the actual insertion. After that insertion, the list now has something, and the next iteration of the outer-while loop will eventually scan the list again after the next prospect value is read. This continues until the outer-while condition is no longer satisfied.
A Different Approach
I have never been fond of the cs50 development strategy, and Harvard's technique for teaching C to entry-level CS students. The cs50 header and lib has caused more transitional confusion to real-world software engineering than one can fathom. Below is an alternative for reading a linked list of values, keeping only unique entries. It may look like a lot, but half of this is inline comments describing what is going on. Some of it will seem trivial, but the search-and-insert methodology is what you should be focusing on. It uses a strategy of pointer-to-pointer that you're likely not familiar with, and this is a good exposure.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct node
int value;
struct node *next;
int main()
struct node *numbers = NULL;
int value = 0;
// retrieve list input. stop when we hit
// - anything that doesn't parse as an integer
// - a value less than zero
// - EOF
while (scanf("%d", &value) == 1 && value >= 0)
// finds the address-of (not the address-in) the first
// pointer whose node has a value matching ours, or the
// last pointer in the list (which points to NULL).
// note the "last" pointer will be the head pointer if
// the list is empty.
struct node **pp = &numbers;
while (*pp && (*pp)->value != value)
pp = &(*pp)->next;
// if we didn't find our value, `pp` holds the address of
// the last pointer in the list. Again, not a pointer to the
// last "node" in the list; rather the last actual "pointer"
// in the list. Think of it as the "next" member of last node,
// and in the case of an empty list, it will be the address of
// the head pointer. *That* is where we will be hanging our
// new node, and since we already know where it goes, there is
// no need to rescan the list again.
if (!*pp)
*pp = malloc(sizeof **pp);
if (!*pp)
perror("Failed to allocate new node");
(*pp)->value = value;
(*pp)->next = NULL;
// display entire list, single line
for (struct node const *p = numbers; p; p = p->next)
printf("%d ", p->value);
fputc('\n', stdout);
// free the list
while (numbers)
struct node *tmp = numbers;
numbers = numbers->next;
This approach is especially handy when building sorted lists, as it can be altered with just a few changes to do so.
If you examine rest of the code which is also within the while loop, you can see alteration of numbers on the shared link.
if (!found)
// Allocate space for number
node *n = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (!n)
return 1;
// Add number to list
n->number = number;
n->next = NULL;
if (numbers)
for (node *ptr = numbers; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next)
if (!ptr->next)
ptr->next = n;
numbers = n;
Besides, it doesn't hit body of the for loop at first, so your thinking is correct.

passing values in a linked list add function

I have spent the last 2.5 hours creating this linked list and trying to understand why it is not passing a memory address to the head of the list. I'm trying to understand linked lists in C before I move onto what my class is learning about data structures in java. I looked into other questions and I don't understand why it doesn't work. Please excuse the comments I've been making an effort to understand everything. Thanks in advance for your time and help!
The head variable is equal to NULL after the new assignment
head = addFamMember(NULL); in the main thread. But I can see that memory has been allocated inside the add function by printing it's members (name, age, and next pointer). Here's the output:
Enter command to add, print, or quit: add
Enter name and age: brett 28
Added:brett Age:28 POINTING to:(null)
Enter command to add, print, or quit:
Here's the code: I left he comments to possibly help describe my thinking and pinpoint where I'm going wrong.
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"
typedef struct S_Family{
char name[16];
int age;
struct S_Family *next;
Family *addFamMember (Family *previous);
void CleanUp(Family *start);
void PrintList(Family *start);
int main(){
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
printf("Enter command to add, print, or quit: ");
char input[16]; //fgets var to store input
char command[16]; //sscanf var to store read info from input
Family *head = NULL; //For a linked list we need to set up the first node and point it NULL
Family *newest = NULL; //We also need a pointer dedicated to updating the latest created node
//This while loop will continue to get input until the command "quit" is typed
//It includes the functionality of printing the list and adding new nodes
while( fgets(input, 15, stdin)){
sscanf(input, "%s", command);
if ( strcmp(command, "quit") == 0) {
} else if ( strcmp(command, "print") == 0) {
} else if ( strcmp(command, "add") == 0) {
if ( head = NULL){
head = addFamMember(NULL); //If there are no nodes give head a memory address so now we do (recursion somewhat?)
printf("head:%s ", head->name); //this doesn't print!! Head = NULL above for some reason.
newest = head; //newest cannot stay equal to NULL. this allows us to pass it as a param to add function w/out the start being NULL anymore
printf("newest:%s ", newest->name);
} else {
newest = addFamMember(newest); //Recursion where the new node gets a mem address and gets the previous node as guide to cont. the list
} //now we go to the add function
printf("\nEnter command to add, print, or quit: ");
return 0;
/*We want to return a new family member structure
so we start of with a Family return type. The param
as mentioned before needs to be a pointer to the address
of the previous node. That node will be pushed away from the
NULL in a singly or doubly linked list */
Family *addFamMember (Family *previous) {
/*Now we need to get the member variable info for that newFamMember
and store into the newly created data structure newFamMember*/
char input[16];
printf("Enter name and age: ");
fgets(input,15, stdin);
Family *newFamMember = malloc(sizeof(Family)); //create new address for newFamMember
sscanf(input, "%s %d", newFamMember->name, &newFamMember->age); //takes the input (first a string then a integer) and stores it into its proper place
printf("Added:%s Age:%d POINTING to:%S \n\n",newFamMember->name,newFamMember->age, newFamMember->next->name);
newFamMember->next = NULL; //initialize it's pointer member var but more importantly maintains the linked list by pointing to null.
/*Now we tell the computer what to do if this isn't the first node
or not. If it is then there isn't a previous node so there is no
way to set any other nodes' pointers to point to something else*/
if ( previous != NULL){
previous->next = newFamMember; //if previous is not equal to NULL set the previous' next pointer to newFamMember
printf("previous:%s ", previous->next->name);
return newFamMember; //we always want to return a newly added family member. That's this function's purpose
/*now we can print the list*/
void PrintList (Family *head) { //start is a pointer so we can pass the value of start
Family *currentMember = head; //we create currentMember and set it equal to start so we can iterate through the list and print each one
int count = 0;
if (currentMember == NULL){
printf("There are no family members\n");
while (currentMember != NULL) {
printf("\n\nmember:%d Name:%s Age:%2d POINTING TO:%s\n",
count, currentMember->name,
currentMember = currentMember->next; //move to the next node in the list headed towards NULL
void CleanUp(Family *head){
Family *freeMe = head;
Family *holdMe = NULL;
while(freeMe != NULL) {
holdMe = freeMe->next;
printf("\nFree Name:%s Age:%d\n",
freeMe = holdMe;

What am I doing wrong in my pop function (queue) C

I have to write a program that implements a queue with all sorts of menu options (which are all done). I'm having trouble with my "pop" function.
My program is a restaurant waiting list for employees. Whenever a customer calls in or comes into the restaurant they are put onto the waiting list. The only way to pop (be seated) is if the customer's status is waiting-in-restaurant. I have correctly written the portion that changes a customer from call-in to waiting in restaurant.
Also, if the group size is bigger than the table size, I'm supposed to go to the next node and check if the next group fits the criteria to be seated.
enum status(WAIT,CALL);
typedef struct restaurant
//I call pop in the main as follows:
pop(&head, &tail);
void pop(list** head, list** tail)
list* temp = *head;
int tableSize;
if(*head == *tail && *tail == NULL)
printf("The queue is empty... exitting program... \n");
printf("What is the table size? ");
scanf(" %d", &tableSize);
if(temp->groupSize > tableSize || temp->waitStatus == CALL)
while(temp->groupSize > tableSize || temp->waitStatus == CALL)
temp = temp->nextNode;
*head = (*head)->nextNode;
if(*tail == temp)
*tail = (*tail)->nextNode;
When I display my output it doesn't delete the node in the instance if it has to skip the first person in the queue. However, it does work when the first person meets the criteria. Why is this?
First, your pop seems to allow items in the middle of the list to be removed. While this is doable, it requires you remember what was pointing to the node popped to ensure it is set to the node that is after the node being popped. There are a number of ways to do this.
Also, your empty() condition is off. head will always be NULL if the list is empty provided you're doing your job right on setting newly added node nextNode members to NULL. The comparison against tail or checking tail for NULL is not needed.
Finally, perhaps you may want to consider returning the data from the pop if there was any, and a boolean condition of true/false as the function return result to indicate whether something was taken off. Otherwise, how is your program to know data was retrieved successfully, and what that data was?
Regardless, just using your current mantra of deleting something that matches:
void pop(list** head, list** tail)
list *temp = NULL, *prior = NULL;
int tableSize = 0;
if(*head == NULL)
printf("The queue is empty... exitting program... \n");
printf("What is the table size? ");
scanf(" %d", &tableSize);
temp = *head;
while (temp && (temp->groupSize > tableSize || temp->waitStatus == CALL))
prior = temp;
temp = temp->nextNode;
if (temp)
// only way prior is set is if temp is NOT
// pointing to the first node, therefore *head
// is not changed.
if (prior)
prior->nextNode = temp->nextNode;
// if we made it to the tail ptr, then it needs
// to be moved back to the prior node
if (*tail == temp)
*tail = prior;
{ // first node was removed. so move head to
// the next node (which may be NULL)
*head = temp->nextNode;
// release the node
