Selenium chrome error using wild cards in SwitchTo().Frame("xxx*yy") - selenium-webdriver

Hi I am challenged by this error using Wildcard(*) in a string to locate a frame !
When i write the complete name of the iFrame in the statement, it has no issues finding the Frame .
Your thoughts are appreciated!
OpenQA.Selenium.NoSuchFrameException: 'No frame element found with name or id *_ifr'
When I enter the entire frames name like below, it works just fine
I expect the wildcard will find the following iframes
1st txt-client-instructions_ifr
2nd 107314_100323_ifr
3rd 107341_100324_ifr
4th 100321_macrotext_ifr

SwitchTo().Frame() is the method to give you access to switch frames and windows. The argument type is of String. As an example:
String doesn't support wildcards where as By.CssSelector or By.XPath supports wildcards.
is successful, where as:
raises OpenQA.Selenium.NoSuchFrameException.


Returning the filename of the current sketch

I am trying to write a GUI that will display the name of the sketch it was generated from using a simple text() command. However, I am running into trouble getting any of the general JS solutions to work for me. Many solutions I have found use the filename reserved word but that does not seem to be reserved in Processing 3.5.4. I have also tried parsing the strings using a similar method to what can be found here. I am very new to processing and this is only my 2nd attempt at using Processing.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
You can get the path (as a string) to the sketch with sketchPath().
From there you could either parse the string (pull off everything after the last slash) to get the sketch name, or you can use sketchFile() to get a reference to the file itself and get the name from there:
String path = sketchPath();
File file = sketchFile(path);
String sketchName = file.getName();
You could combine this all into one line like so:
String sketchName = sketchFile(sketchPath()).getName();

ColdFusion server file with apostrophe character

When I try to upload a file with apostrophe, I get the error:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
if the file name is test's.pdf, I get the error. But if I change the name to test.pdf, there is no error.
Does anyone know why?
I had a similar situation where I was dynamically creating filenames for pages that created excel files from query results. The approach I took was to create a function that replaced all the bad characters with something. Here is part of that function.
<cfargument name="replacementString" required="no" default=" ">
var inValidFileNameCharacters = "[/\\*'?[\]:><""|]";
return reReplace (arguments.fileNameIn, inValidFileNameCharacters, arguments.replacementString, "all");
You might want to consider an opposite approach. Instead of declaring invalid characters and replacing them, declare valid ones and replace anything that is not in the list of valid characters.
I suggest making this a function that's available on all appropriate pages. How you do that depends on your situation.
My guess is that the apostrophe is one of those multi-character apostrophes that Microsoft Word often uses. A character like that may not be a valid character for your OS file system.
You may want to re-code the system to use a temporary file on upload and then rename it to a valid file name after the upload is successful.
Here's some basic trouble shooting info.
Wrap your code in a try/catch block and dump the full error to the page output. Examples of using try/catch/dump below. The examples below force an error by dividing by zero.
For tag based cfml:
<cfset offendingCode = 1 / 0>
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfdump var="#cfcatch#" label="cfcatch">
For cfscript cfml:
try {
offendingCode = 1 / 0;
} catch (any e) {
writeDump(var=e, label="Exception");

removing portion of filename

I have done some searching but cannot see how to actually code this. I am new to Python and not really sure what method I should use to try to do this.
I have some files that I would like to rename. Unfortunately the portion towards the file extension is never the same and would like to just remove it.
File name is like AC_DC - Shot Down In Flames (Official Video)-UKwVvSleM6w.mp3
Any help would be appreciated.
Since this looks like the result from youtube-dl, the "random" substring is most likely the unique video id, which in my experience is always 11 characters long. It can, however, include dashes (-), so the regex-approach suggested by smitrp would not always work.
I use this "dirty" workaround:
>>> original_name="AC_DC - Shot Down In Flames (Official Video)-UKwVvSleM6w.mp3"
>>> new_name=original_name[:-16]+".mp3"
>>> new_name
'AC_DC - Shot Down In Flames (Official Video).mp3'
If you really, REALLY want to find the "-XXXX"-portion, have a look at str.rfind(). This will help you to find the index of the last dash (-), which you can directly use for the slice notation of the string.
This will provide wrong results, if the video id contains a dash, e.g. here:
Then you will find the last dash, remove -wa0 and be left with -7WVBEB8 at the end of the filename.
Using idea of the above answer, one can also take into account that a normal word does not
contain more than one capital character.
def youtube_name_fix(folder):
import os
from pathlib import Path
import re
REGEX = re.compile(r'[A-Z]')
for name in os.listdir(folder):
basename = Path(name)
last_12 = basename.stem[-12:]
# check if the end string is not all uppercase (then it could be part of a valid name)
if not last_12.isupper():
# check if the last string has more than one uppercase letters
if len(REGEX.findall(last_12)) > 1:
# remove the end youtube string and create new full path
new_name = os.path.join(folder, basename.stem[:-12] + basename.suffix)
os.rename(os.path.join(folder,name), new_name)
except Exception as e:
> youtube_name_fix(p)
old name -> "4-Discrete and Continuous Probability Models-esHwigpYggU.mp4"
new name -> "4-Discrete and Continuous Probability Models.mp4"

QRadar, parsing Log

I want to parse some application log, I did a lot of regex that works correctly with notepad++ and the website .
But when I apply them in QRadar they don't match nothing.
For example
12/2/2017 9:53:58,4040007,blablablbla,blablabla --- Abonnement Mobile N° : 0663016666 | balbalbal | 03/06/2006 11:11:22 --- Soldes,
I did this regex (?<=---)\s+[A-Za-z+ \/\w+0-9._%+-]+(?=(\sN°|\s\sN°|\sID)) to match Abonnement mobile it works correctly , but it doesn't match anything in QRadar.
QRadar does not accept all regex configurations. When you try parsing something you can use extract property field to check. Here is a regex that works fine in my system.
this regex will work if only "Abonnement Mobile" field is includes letters or digits. If you want to catch "Abonnement Mobile N°" you can use this regex and this will work whatever comes in this field.

return of getText() cannot be compared to a string

I am using a following code to compare 2 strings in one of protractor/jasmine test cases.
emailnotsentmessage.getText().then(function(text) {
expect(text).toBe('has not received notification about recent changes to the meeting.');
where emailnotsentmessage contains following text
[ 'has not received notification about recent changes to the meeting.' ]
for some reason , the string comparison fails . those two strings contains absolute same content. i checked it several times . am i missing something here ?. the emailnotsentmessage is a content of a <span> .
error trace
1) Get to the existing meeting by navigating to the edit meeting page should display the same value which was entered du
ring create meeting when go into edit meeting
Expected [ 'has not received notification about recent changes to the meeting.' ] to equal 'has not received notific
ation about recent changes to the meeting.'.
Error: Failed expectation
Looks like your emailnotsentmessage is array and not a string. What if you try expect(text).toBe(['has not received notification about recent changes to the meeting.']); or maybe emailnotsentmessage[0]
found a fix and the reason behind this issue
i was earlier using var emailnotsentmessage = element.all(by.css('css path')); to get the element which caused the problem . It returns the string in an array format . instead i used the element(by.css('css path')); and it returns the expected string value .
