Update changes in website made using firebase after site is already deployed - reactjs

I have created a website using react and firebase and hoisted on firebase. After making changes I want them to be visible on my website. What is the process for the same so that the website is not deployed on a different link ?

Most likely you deployed the web site to Firebase Hosting by running some variant of:
firebase deploy
To update it you can simply run the same command again.


How do i securely deploy to firebase using a github workflow?

I'm a novice to web development, and I'm making a website with react.js. I have a workflow set up with Github to deploy the website to Firebase Hosting whenever i push/PR.
The problem is, i have a config.js file that is gitignored because it contains the authentication to the firestore database for the site. The workflow will fail because there is no config.js (since i import it).
How can i deploy to Firebase through Github while keeping the configuration secure?

How to deploy a react, strapi app on heroku

I'm creating a an app using react as the frontend and strapi as the backend with a mongobd database.
So I have two folders at the root of the app client and server
Is it possible to deploy both folders like this on heroku.
I have read in another tutorial that
If deploying your backend to a provider that does not persist storage
on the server like Heroku, the default Strapi local server upload will
not work as your files on the server are automatically wiped
Just trying to find the best way to deploy this app
It just so happens that I just build a project like this. For the frontend I used Gatsby and Strapi for the CMS. I deployed the Strapi app on Heroku (and used a Postgresql database - you can add this as a plugin from the Heroku dashboard, or do the same with MongoDB) and the Gatsby app on Netlify (same thing you can do with a React app).
It's true that by default Heroku wipes your data once a day (I think), but since are connecting your app to Mongo that shouldn't be an issue. Just add the DB variables to the respective fields in your Heroku app's dashboard.
I like to keep the front and backend separate myself, so I would deploy them as separate repos, either on Heroku or anywhere else.

React app deploy complete with firebase but i did not get a hosting url ? What i do now for successful deploy

Why i did not get a hosting url? What I do now? See this pic
It looks like you never configured Firebase Hosting, so firebase deploy only deploys the rules for your Realtime Database.
To get it to deploy the web site too, add a hosting section to your firebase.json file like the one shown here or run firebase init hosting and follow the prompts.

How to use custom domain for Serverless app with React frontend?

I finished my Udacity Cloud Developer nanodegree and I want to make a custom domain to showcase on my portfolio.
The stack I use includes: Api Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, Nodejs, S3 and Serverless framework. Frontend is : React.
However, Im stuck on comprehending how to deploy the full app, with React frontend?
Something like: anc.com would navigate to my app. I found many solutions mentioning about using serverless-domain-manager.
But what about my React front end? I read some solutions saying to deploy static web using S3.
But my app currently has S3 to store the uploaded images.
If I deploy my frontend with S3, do I have to make 2 S3 buckets?
Currently, I have to use 2 terminals, SLS deploy for backend, and npm run start to run the front end at localhost.
My github code:
The team at Serverless has also released a tool called components, one of which looks like its perfect for what you want to do; it automatically handles everything on the cloud to get your React files hosted and a domain assigned too: https://github.com/serverless-components/website

Running React app through Azure WebApp locally

I created a new react app and also a new project on Visual Studio: .NET Framework Web Application, under my Azure subscription.
What should be the process so when I run the Web Application locally, I will see the new react app and not the ASP.NET screen ?
I deployed the new react app to azure so when I run the website I do see the new react app, however when I run it from the .sln file, I get this screen:
Thanks in advance!
I think the step you missed is to update the Index view which is used to generate the website root to include the bootstrapping of the React app. It should be located at Views/Home/Index.cshtml or Pages/Index.cshtml, depending on the template you used when you created the project.
As a side note, I would consider dropping the ASP.Net project entirely and just use VS Code for the React app, through there you can easily deploy your app to an Azure Storage Account using the new Static website hosting in Azure Storage, thus removing the need for an ASP.Net website.
Hope it helps!
