Multiple websites on an unique GA4 account - analytics

I'm working in a company which has multiple international websites and I wanted to asked you if it's more interesting to have just on Google Analytics 4 account for all the websites or should I keep an account for every website ?
We have currently 12 websites and it will grow this year so I want to setup the best things before all of this.
Thank you,
I tried to do an unique account for two websites but i can't split the metrics and the events were not working.

You may create one analytics google profile using this link
BUT, I would create a separate account for every website. Otherwise it will probably create problems in the future reading data from API ( I mean in the back-end coding system), analysing the retrieved data since every time you need to filter based on the domain etc.
Plus, there are limitations for creating the customised dimensions and metrics. Of course, I suppose you are talking about separate businesses or better say, different clients.

Thank you for your answer.
I already have an account for every website and so a property = a website.
But what I wanted to know if it's better to have an unique property for all my website to have all datas in one property.
Thank you,


Designing databases and applications for hosted / cloud solutions

Are there any resources available that can guide someone on how to 'think' about the various components of a hosted / cloud solution before going ahead and starting to make a hosted application? If that made no sense, what I mean to ask is are there any guidance books/websites on what things need to be considered when making a cloud application?
I am attempting to make a hosted CRM-style software application that will serve many hundreds of customers. The application is powered by a SQL server database with many tables and a ColdFusion, HTML5, CSS, Javascript front-end. If I was installing this application and its components at each client site, then each installation is unique to that customer. But somehow I have to replicate this uniqueness in the cloud which is baffling me.
Only two things have come to mind so far:
The need for a unique database per customer in SQL server
The need to change DB connection strings per customer in the web application
My thought process has come to a block when I am trying to envisage how to design the application to serve so many different customers. Even though the application that all customers use will is the same (same DB tables, same front-end), the data that they store and retrieve will be specific to them. So I was thinking that surely each customer needs a separate database creating for them? Is it feasible to create a replica database for each customer? If I need to update some tables or add a new table, how would I do this for hundreds of different databases?
From the front-end I guess each unique customer log-in would change DB connection strings so that they can only access their database. Other than this I can't think of anything else that needs to change per customer basis.
When a new customer wants to sign up, it needs to be clear to me what I need to create for them to have access to the application. I guess this is ultimately what I need to think of but I'm stuck.
If anyone can suggest some things to think of or if there is a book or website on this kind of thing that someone could point me to I'd really be very thankful.
I was looking at an article about and it says
"In order to ensure privacy of data for each user and give an effect of each having their own database, the data from different users are securely isolated from one another."
Anyone know how this is achieved or how it may be done?
Found some great information here. It is called multi-tenant database design and seems to be a common topic. Once I get the database designed then the application can sit nicely on top.

Right approach to building SAAS in Laravel 4

Ok, so about a year ago I wrote a web app that helps organize appointments for my dads company. He now "couldn't do business without it". I have decided that I want to build a SAAS subscription model out of it and open it up to the public.
It's currently built on codeigniter and php which I do not think is a good fit for a SAAS version. I am planning on rebuiling it from scratch in laravel 4 and using stripe as a payment gateway.
My concern is how best to handle the database / application structure for more than one client. Currently, it just serves the one business and is very un-abstract and is specific to my dads companies needs. I need it to be able to handle different data depending on what the business who uses it does.
I have looked into multi-tenancy but i'm not sure this is right for this. I am thinking that a 'gmail' style approach would be better. One app / domain that after login the user will see their customised dashboard and only their data.
Before I get stuck in with the coding I need to work out how best to handle multiple 'accounts' on the one database. I do not want to create a table for each user, nor a database for each user.
I guess my question is can anybody point me in the right direction for how best to handle a monthly payment subscription in Laravel? It's not so much the code that I'm stuggling with, rather what exactly I would need to build to handle charging the customer each month and denying them access if billing failed etc.
You are in for a lot of reading and a ton of work!
First of all, let's completely ignore the billing aspect of this for now — at the end of the day that portion of the application is really fairly trivial. Take a page out of 37signals Rework (page 93 and 94) and launch your product with a 30 day free trial before you even begin implementing it (you should know how to implement it by then).
Second, why do you think that "gmail" doesn't use multi-tenancy, URI structure tells nothing about the underlying database structure. I'm fairly confident they aren't cloning a database schema for every one of their customers. Therefore you've probably answered your own question — you want to implement multi-tenancy.
You're going to want to abstract your database (and application architecture), and honestly there is no better resource to help you on your way to doing that than Taylor Otwell's (creator of Laravel) book Laravel: From Apprentice To Artisan. His book is not for beginners, and by the time you're done reading it you should probably be able to answer this question for yourself.
You are not going to be creating a table or a database for each user, you aren't even going to be creating one for each organization. Instead you'll be creating abstract database structure in code, which will pull your users data out of the database.
Think about checking for permission to access an organization as another layer of user authentication. On every request you'll be checking to see if that user can access a particular organization. You'll likely also check to ensure that organization is still active (did it expire because they didn't pay?) this will again happen on every request and likely with a filter within laravel.
This really leads to the next very important factor of developing a SaaS application.
I don't know about you, but I'm paranoid, and I couldn't sleep well at night if I wasn't sure that user number 4506 couldn't see the data of an organization that he doesn't belong to. The only really good way to ensure this is through unit testing, which I'd highly suggest learning if you haven't already.
The best way to do this within Laravel 4 is to read Jeffrey Way's book Laravel Testing Decoded. This book is extremely advanced, but still easy to understand if you have a good grasp of the fundamentals.
Last but not least, the number one thing is get involved in the community — the easiest way I'd suggest doing that is idling on the #laravel IRC channel (freenode). Ask some questions, maybe answer some questions, everyone in the channel is very nice and responsive.
You are definitely in for an adventure, don't be afraid to ask questions and make mistakes. Good luck.
As a rough overview, I would have a clients table, and a subscriptions table. Any other data that needs storing such as contacts, or appointments, can be associated using foreign keys to the client table.
In laravel, you can use the ORM to get the currently logged in client, and then through a relationship, fetch appointments and contacts belonging to them.
There are some useful tools for laravel at, including sentry and sentry-social for user auth, and integrating user accounts with facebook/google/twitter, etc.
Stripe will allow you to configure recurring payments, and will notify you via web hooks each time there is a payment attempt. you can log these in the payments table, and associate them with a user/client. you can use this to keep track of who has paid, and how recently.
Also, bear in mind that you may not want to cancel the account immediately on failed payment.
Stripe will reattempt, and it may be that your best response is after it is two or three days late, or you get an invalid card notification,to get in touch with the client and prompt them to update their payment details.
It may also be an opportunity to check when they last logged in.
If it was over a month ago you can credit them with a free month, and remind them of how much your app can do for them.
By doing this, you may be able to get people to continue using (and paying) for something they had forgotten they had subscribed to.

Share Authentication between different Apps in CakePHP?

I'm still sort of new to CakePHP, and I've presently created and deployed one (rather complex) application using it. It has full user and group support and I took the time to get the access tables working and everything.
Now, I'm creating a separate application. I initially just created a brand new CakePHP installation, but I later realized that I wanted to authenticate users based on my first app. They currently use different data sources. I understand that there are a couple of ways this could be accomplished, with various pros and cons. Do I:
Keep them separate, add a data source to my extension application, and port my user authentication code over?
Keep them separate, process logins with the first application, and somehow share that data with the second using a communication protocol?
Combine them into a single data source and accept the added complexity in my app?
Something entirely different?
I'm using CakePHP to create both sites, which will be running on the same host/hostname, and connecting to the same MySQL server. Users are always stored/created on the main application, and just need to be passively accessed by the second app.
Honestly it sounds to me like you could bring them together with ease. Your reasons for keeping them separate sound to me like you could just keep them separate pieces of the one program.
For example the application I work on for a living does many of these things. Users can register, they also have access to a calendar of events, job postings, recent news, and about 25 other modules. They are just different parts of the program.
You could have one application that has a route like /users/register which the users controller takes care of registration. Then you can have another part of your application that routes to /calendar/.... where the calendar controller will take care of the calendar logic. If you need separate calendars for students and faculty you could have routes like /faculty/calendar/1 and /student/calendar/1 which would route to different parts of your calendar controller.
It's all about modularising your application, so that you can easily maintain code that is logically grouped together. You don't have to separate them so much so that they are two different applications.
I think you will avoid many headaches in the long run.
If it makes you feel better about my opinion the software I work on that I was talking about is an enterprise solution that deals with (literally) millions of documents per day, and hundreds of thousands of users per week on the government level.

Confused about Google App Engine and Google Docs options

I want to use the Google App Engine to store my data and then query/display/ edit it using Google Spreadsheets as the user interface, with multiple concurrent users having their own view of the data. The problem I have now is that if I put everyone's data on the same Google Spreadsheet that everyone accesses, we can't each do sorting / filtering at the same time.
Is there a way to do this, and is it a good idea to build a simple system this way? I'll eventually need to query a series of Google Word Processor documents as well.
Can someone point me in the right direction on this or suggest other options?
I would ask what the advantage of doing something like this is as opposed to say hosting your application on Google App Engine and building a javascript front end with grids to help sort/filter and view data.
Anyway to answer your questions, you can build your interface over Google Spreadsheets using Google App Scripts. This will allow you to do things like authenticate your user, query, update and display data. If you want to merely display data it turns out that Google Spreadsheets has some built-in functions to do that.
Regarding consistency you should read up on GAE's Datastore as well as its features like transactions. The datastore is not an RDBMS, but is an object database which stores objects against keys. Again something to consider if you are planning to do a lot of data analysis and computation (summations, aggregations).
Overall I would recommend doing a rough design of your system without fixing on particular technologies (like GAE, and Google Spreadsheets). Once you identify what your key goals are for your application, then you can figure out which technologies and resources would make the most sense within your budget.

How to get site data

I have a site that features other websites, and displayed details. Now I want to get more information about the sites I feature like page views, visits, etc.
How do I do that? Is there an API for it?
First of all, information about how many visits, pageviews, etc. other websites have is generally not publicly available, because (obviously) many companies / website owners don't want to share that information and there's no general-purpose way of getting it.
That said, here's list of websites which attempt to display that kind of information:
Google Ad Planner
I'm sure there are others, but these are the ones I'm familiar with. Some of them have APIs, but you should keep in mind that none of them provide accurate data, but only estimates, simply because exact numbers are unknown unless published by the website owner.
Have a look at Google Analytics. It can give you information about visits, pageviews, trends, used webbrowers, screen resolutions and many more!
