How to compare Multiple files at the same time - batch-file

Need a little bit of help.
I'm working on a comparing script, where it sees 2 txt files, and compares the data.
I was able to figure out how to compare them, but now I would like to see how to make it compare over 800.txt files.
So far I have the simple version of the script:
findstr /vixg:"Folder1\(1A).txt" "Folder2\(1A).txt" > "Folder3\(1A).txt"
Folder1 has (1A).txt, all the way to (1000A).txt. Folder2 has (1A).txt all the way to (1000A).txt. Folder3 will have only the results that had a data change and with matching name files.
I tried to do FOR %%i IN (Folder1\*.txt) do Set "%%i", for each folder, but not sure how to set this up correctly.
Any help would be great.


How to randomize file order on folders with a batch file

am trying to get a batch file to help me randomize files.
Files are videos/music/text/doc
To be more specific, lets say am having the following files on a folder named like this:
Windows will sort them as above, and i would like to get a folder with the above files to appear randomly.
Can you guys help me out :)
I am sure you are aware of the fact that the order of appearance of files in a Windows folder depends on the sort option you have chosen. Assuming you still want to do this in a given sorted view and you are OK renaming files, you can try the ren command to do this. Find more details here
ren 3020_1 3020_2
Since you want this to be random, you will have to add a bit of logic to get a random file name.
%RANDOM% will give you a random number every time you execute it. More information on that is available here
Hope this gets you move further

Batch file to move a number of files, then replace each of them with one file of another type while letting them keep their original name

First off I want to say that
-I didnt ever create a batch file yet, but I am really willing to learn
-I am not even sure if what i want to do is possible with a batch file
What i want to do is the following:
I want to replace a number of files of one file type in a folder each with one and the same file of another file type. In doing this, i want the "replaced" files to keep their original name except for the "replacer" file's extension. I am not talking about file conversion, this is about replacing several different files each with one and the same file, so each of them will look the same later, just with different names and the file extension of the "replacer" file. All of the files inside the folder are to be treated this way, there are no exceptions.
So it looks something like this:
Folder 1 Folder 2
10000000.tga------------->10000000.png (looks like replacer.png)
10000001.tga------------->10000001.png (looks like replacer.png)
10000011.tga------------->10000011.png (looks like replacer.png)
I really hope that my description is sufficiently precise, if not so, I am of course willing to give any information needed. I found parts of what i need (e.g. a loop for files in a folder, an order to replace one file with another file) but I am unsure of how to combine them at all, let alone to achieve what I actually wanted to do.
Any help is greatly appreciated :)
for %%i in (*.tga) do (
copy "replacer.png" "%%~ni.png"
del "%%i"
see for /? for details about the %%~.. syntax

Create a batch file that will zip two files with the same name (but different extensions)

I'm very new to programming and I recently started working at a data archive facility. A large part of my job is zipping pdf and AutoCAD files (.dwg) together. My manager has me doing this by hand and there are thousands of files to zip, so I am looking for a more efficient way.
At the moment, I have a folder that contains about 500 files, 250 of them are PDFs and 250 of them are drawings. Each pdf has a matching drawing with the same name and I want to zip them together in pairs. (The zip file should have the same name.)
The naming convention is like this:
I want to create something like this: (containing 1.pdf and 1.dwg) (containing 2.pdf and 2.dwg)
I have done some research already and I understand that many people have written similar programs using batch files. However, I find myself stuck. I do not have permission to download 7zip or anything that doesn't come with Windows 7.
I tried something like this:
FOR %F IN (*.dwg) DO 7Z a "" "%~nF.dwg" "%~nF.pdf"
Obviously it's not right for a lot of reasons (most notably I don't have 7-zip) but I am still trying to find a solution.
Can anyone help me out? Thank you so much in advance!
You have to double the % in a .Batfile :
Try like this
set $PATH="K:\FOD-FDC\TSG\HOLDING\ROTATE\OSU-090344\Vol_4_complete\"
pushd %$path%
FOR %%F IN (*.dwg) DO 7Z a "" "%%~nF.dwg" "%%~nF.pdf"
Echo Done !!!

SVN Update specific files from repository only

There's this repository which is many many gigabytes, 99% of which I don't need. What I want to do is get/update only the *.js *.css *.html .doc and *.pdf files. The rest, which are the enormous ones, I want to leave up there and not waste time and disk space getting because I don't need to look at them and I'll never be changing them.
I realize that the svn:ignore feature isn't what I need, that's related only to what gets checked in and what gets ignored. I also know that there's no parameters or settings in SVN that I can take advantage of to do what I want.
What I have found though is that if I right-click on my SVN folder and select "Check for Modifications" and then in the next dialog choose "Check repository" then I get a full list of the files I don't have. It's then an easy task to add "Extension" to the column headers and sort by extension. I can then scroll down and find all the .js files grouped together.
Here's where my #fail happens. If I right-click on ONE of the JS files and select UPDATE, then it will bring the file down and create the sub-directory hierarchy necessary to support that file. This is exactly what I'd want to happen. At this point I jump in the air thinking I've found what I need. This isn't such a troublesome process, I can live with this. Then I selected all of the JS files and right-clicked. First thing I noticed is that the context menu that appears has less options, that's troubling. But the UPDATE option is there, so I'm not too worried. I choose UPDATE then click OK, just like I did for the one single JS file I'd earlier tried. What happens next is the weird thing though. Instead of repeating the process that happened with the one single file, but this time to all selected files, it shows "Skipped" against each file and reports it's done. This happens every time. I can do each file manually (which would take hours) but I can't do them all at once.
Help. I'm doing this in a virtual machine which I'd rather not quadruple the size of just to get files I don't need.
Sorry for the delayed answer, there's been a lot going on and I also had to spend some time to get this working. As you already noted, there is no straightforward way to do an "extension-only-checkout". But there is a way using Subversion command-line tools and a batch script I wrote. It works by using the sparse directories feature of Subversion, which lets you specify which "depth" a checkout should have. By specifying a depth of empty, an empty working copy is created and no files or folders are actually checked out. Then, you can update immediate files and folders of your choice from the repository into that working copy. This allows to create that "extension-only-checkout" which you're after.
The script I wrote allows you to specify multiple extensions in the EXTENSIONS variable separated by spaces. The repository specified in the SVN_ROOT variable is then scanned for files with the given extensions. Then it proceeds to build up a working copy which consists only of the directory structure needed to support the files having the extensions you specified (using the method described above). I tested it quite a bit and hope it will suit your needs.
Note: Depending on the size of the repository and the number of files matching the specified extensions, the process of creating the working copy will take some time.
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
SET EXTENSIONS=.js .css .html .doc .pdf
ECHO Listing repository...
svn -R ls %SVN_ROOT% > _files-all.txt
REM filter list for specified extensions
TYPE _files-all.txt | FINDSTR /I /R "%%H$" >> _files-selected.txt
REM initial checkout in empty mode
svn co %SVN_ROOT% --depth empty .
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%I IN (_files-selected.txt) DO (
REM "escape" path elements by wrapping them into double quotes
ECHO Fetching %%I
REM iterate over path elements
REM "unescape" each path element again
REM if we don't have this element, fetch it from repository
svn up %%J --depth empty 2>&1 > nul
REM if the element is a directory, enter it
REM clean up temporary files
DEL _files-all.txt _files-selected.txt
I ended up having to abandon my dreams of having an svn update that only gets me certain file extensions and leaves all others on the server. I had to accept I need to get the whole thing, unless I want each update to involve navigating a large tree structure and selecting only the sub-folders I want.

XCOPY exclude list ignored after first exclusion

I have a batch file I've created which uses xcopy to copy a dir, and child dirs, and merge them into one file. (ie. all my modulised development css stylesheets merged into one production stylesheet).
Everything is good, apart from the fact that when I reference the excludelist.txt, it only excludes the first line, and not the subsequent files I want excluded.
Anyone fancy a crack at this? You'd be most helpful.
Here's the code:
XCOPY C:\xampp\htdocs\PROJECT\css\*.* C:\temp /S /I /Y /EXCLUDE:C:\xampp\htdocs\PROJECT\exclude.txt
...and inside my exclude.txt is...
///// I know the code works (to an extent) because it is infact excluding file 1.css -- just not the ones below it. Am I right to put each exclusion on a new line?
I use the following,
xcopy "C:\users\dad\*.*" dad /s /d <yesnoyesno /EXCLUDE:excluexclu 1>cop.txt 2>err.txt
as somewhere on the web I saw a note to the effect that the /Y switch could not be used directly with an exclude file.
What I wanted to point out here, was the useful output files 1 & 2, which detail the success & failure issues.
Mine shows only success.
The short answer: Create a new text file, type the entries and save the file.
The longer explanation: I ran into this very issue on a Windows 2008 server today. I tried all kinds of things to get it to work. Forced notepad to save the file as ANSI, Unicode and UTF-8 but all of them had the same problem. Finally I started thinking about the fact that I put the file on the server via FTP and it's quite likely that FTP tweaked the file format. I created a new text file on the server, typed all the same entries in the new file and now it works.
I had a similar problem. I was trying to exclude all files with a certain extension in the root folder and any sub-folders and it didn't work. The reason was I was putting *.pdb instead of just .pdb. The newline/carriage return thing was a total red herring for me.
So my file just looked like:
You seem to be using xcopy correctly - each exclusion file (or match depending on wildcards) should be on a new line within the file. So far I've been unable to reproduce the behaviour you're experiencing.
Is the exclude.txt listing you've given above a test file, or are they the actual css names?
What are the names of the other files that your batch file is supposed to copy?
That the xcopy is failing to exclude further files after a single match is giving me most pause. I thought it might be to do with the type of carriage-return that was used in the exclude file, but xcopy handles unix-style carriage-returns just fine.
Can you re-verify that the correct exclude file is being used?
Try forcing it to save with ANSI encoding on your text editor.
I was having a similar issue and that did it.
