Creating calendar appointments (ics) - GUID or database primary key as UID - database

I am working on an application in which you can sign up for workshops, among other things.
When you do that, you receive an invitation by mail in the form of an ICS file.
I want that when you sign out again or the workshop is canceled, you get another mail, with which you can remove the appointment from the calendar.
As I read this here, the appointment must have the same UID for this to work.
The workshops are stored in a database.
My question is whether I should create GUIDs for the workshops, which I would then have to store in the database, or can I use the primary key as the UID?
In the second case I am afraid that other events would be removed from the user if they have the same UID.


Change appengine ndb key

I have a game where I've (foolishly) made the db key equal to the users login email. I did this several years ago so I've got quite a few users now. Some users have asked to change their email login for my game. Is there a simple way to change the key? As far as I can tell I'd need to make a new entry with the new email and copy all the data across, then delete the old db entry. This is the user model but then I've got other models, like one for each game they are involved in, that store the user key so I'd have to loop though all of them as well and swap out for the new key.
Before I embark on this I wanted to see if anyone else had a better plan. There could be several models storing that old user key so I'm also worried about the process timing out.
It does keep it efficient to pull a db entry as I know the key from their email without doing a search, but it's pretty inflexible in hindsight
This is actually why you don't use a user's email as their key. Use ndb's default randomly generated key ids.
The efficiency you're referring is not having to query the user's email to retrieve the user id. But that only happens once on user login or from your admin screens when looking at someones account.
You should rip the bandade off now and do a schema-migration away from this model.
Create a new user model (i.e. UsersV2) and clone your existing user model into it to generate new ids.
On all models that reference it add a duplicate field user_v2 = ndb.KeyProperty(UsersV2) and populate it with the new key.
Delete the legacy user model
You should use the taskqueue to do something like this and then you won't have to worry about the process timing out:
Alternatively, if you are determined to do this cascading update everytime a user changes an email, you could set up a similar update_schema task for just that user.
I ended up adding a new property to my user model and running a crawler to copy the string key (the email) to that new property. I changed my code search for that property rather then the key string to get a user item. Most of my users still have keys that equal their email, but I can safely ignore them as if the string is meaningless. I can now change a users email easily without making a new recored and my other models that have pointers to these user keys can remain unchanged.

Model datastore application

I am looking how to create an efficient model which will satisfy the requirements I put below. I have tried using gcloud-node but have noticed it has limitations with read consistencies, references, etc. I would prefer to write this is nodejs, but would be open to writing in java or python as long as it would improve my model. I am building around the new pricing model which will come July 1st.
My application consists of a closed email system. In essence what happens is users register to the site. These user's can make friends. Then they can send emails to each other.
Components of the app:
Users - Unlimited amount of users can join.
Friends - A User can have 200 confirmed friends and 100 pending friend requests. When a friendlist is retrieved it should show the name of the friend. (I will also need to receive the id of the friends so I can use it on my client side to create emails).
Emails - Users can send emails to their friends and they can receive emails from their friends. The user can then view all their sent emails independently(sentbox) and all their received emails independently(inbox).
They can also view the the emails sent between themselves and a friend order by newest. The emails should show the senders and receivers names. Once an email is read it needs to be marked as read.
My model looks something like this, but as you can see their are inefficiencies.
Datastore Kinds:
-email (id) //The email doesn't need to be the id, but I need to be able to retrieve users by their email
-id (auto-generated)
-id (auto-generated)
Procedures of the application:
Register - Get operation to see if a user with this email exists. If does not insert key.
Login - Get operation to get user based on email. If exists retrieve the hash_password from the entity and compare to user's input.
Send friend request - Friend data will be written twice for every relationship. Then using the index on friend1 and index on status I will query all the friends for a user and filter only those which are 'pending'. I will then count these friends and see if they are over X. Again I will do this for the other user. If they are both not over the pending limit, I will insert the friend request. This needs to run in a transaction.
Accept a friend request - Friend data will be written twice for every relationship. Then using the index on friend1 and index on status I will query all the friends for a user and filter only those which are pending. I will then count these friends and see if they are over X. Again I will do this for the other user. If they are both not over the pending limit, I will change both entities's status to accepted as a transaction.
Show confirmed friends - Friend data will be written twice for every relationship. Then using the index on friend1 and index on status I will query all the friends for a user and filter only those which are accepted. Not sure how I will show the friend's names (e.g what happens if a user changed their name this needs to be reflected in all friend relationships and emails!).
Show pending friends - Friend data will be written twice for every relationship. Then using the index on friend1 and index on status I will query all the friends for a user and filter only those which are pending. Not sure how I will show the friend's names (e.g what happens if a user changed their name this needs to be reflected in all friend relationships and emails!).
View sent emails - Using the index on the from property I would query to get all the sent emails from a user 5 at a time ordered by created_date (newest first). (e.g what happens if a user changed their name this needs to be reflected in all friend relationships and emails!).
View received emails - Using the index on the to property I would query to get all the received emails to a user 5 at a time ordered by created_date (newest first). When a emails is seen it will update that entities has_seen property to true. (e.g what happens if a user changed their name this needs to be reflected in all friend relationships and emails!).
View emails between 2 users - Using the index on mutual_id which is based on [lower_lexicographic_email]:[higher_lexicographic_email] to query the mutual emails. Ordered by newest, 5 at a time. (e.g what happens if a user changed their name this needs to be reflected in all friend relationships and emails!).
Create email - Using the friend1 and status index I will confirm the user's are friends. If they are friends, I will insert an email.

Database Tables - To decouple or not?

Is it better to create tables that store a lot of data that are related to an entity (User for example) or many tables to store said data?
For example:
User Table
Subscription Id
Email Notifications
User Table
Subscription Table
User ID
Subscription ID
Notification Table
User ID
... etc
Please consider code in this as well, or I would have posted to ServerVault.
From a relational design standpoint what is important is the normal form you're aiming for. In general, if the "column" would require multiple values (subscription_id1, subscription_id2, etc) then it is a repeating group, and that would indicate to you that it needs to be moved to a related table. You've provided very general table and column notes, but taking a cue from the fact that you named "Email Notifications" and "Permissions" with plurals, I'm going to assume that those require related tables.

Database design for opt-in emails

I have a table of users in SQL Server with all the contact details, personal details etc. When each user signs up to my website they will be given the option to opt-in to 5 different types of emails like:
I wish to receive emails about new things
I wish to receive the monthly newsletter
etc etc. I am trying to decide the best way to store this information in a database. My current thinking is to have a seperate table with 5 columns (one for each opt-in) and the value being a bool/bit value.
Since the information wont be required regularly, it will only be required when we want to send mail to user. Are there any better ways / best practices for doing something like this?
The problem with your proposed design is that it becomes difficult to add new email types in the future; you only have 5 now, but what happens when you add a sixth or seventh?.
Instead, I would propose something like:
User Table:
UserID (Primary Key)
User Attributes
EmailTemplate Table
EmailTemplateID (Primary key)
Email Template Attributes
You can easily add new templates, and associate them with users.

database design for notification settings

A user can turn on or off
notification settings for his
account, for notifications such as
Changed Account Profile Information,
Received New Message etc
Notification can be sent via email or mobile phone (either push or sms), user can have 1 email only and many mobile phone devices.
Is there any way you would improve the following database design or would you do it differently?
let me know thanks
UserDeviceId -- the mobile deviceid
IsEnabled -- true (notification is on), false (notification is off)
Code - e.g 1001, 1002
Name -- e.g Changed Account Profile Information, Received New Message etc
Code - e.g 1001, 1002
Name -- e.g Email, SMS, Push
USER_DEVICE -- the mobile phone device information
Or maybe this one which propagates natural keys. This has wider tables, but requires less joins. For example, you can get notifications for a UserName directly from the NotificationQueue.
Or this one, which is good enough if you have phone and email only. So far the simplest -- I think that currently I like this one the best.
What you've done looks pretty good actually. I would out of personal preference do the following:
Eliminate the UserId column on User_Notification_Setting as it should already be on your User_Device table
Get rid of the _s in your table names
Change the Code fields in Notification_Setting and Notification_Type to be Id (even if they are not Identity columns) and then change the foreign key references from other tables to have a more consistent NotificationTypeId field name.
Eliminate the IsEnabled field. The fact that a record exists at the intersection should suffice for having the notification. Deletion of that record means that there is no notification. I can see why you might want to remember that a notification was there at one time and maybe have it there to easily re-enable but I see no information stored at the intersection so deletion is just as good.
Looks good, only a few minor suggestions:
Naming of code fields, use table name then _Code
Add a notification for all changes
There are a couple of things I do not agree with Tahbaza on:
I would leave the user id in, it is then faster to get all notifications for a user
I would leave the isEnabled in, it is then possible to temporarily stop all notifications
