react openlayers popup offsetWidth issue - reactjs

I am trying to implement openlayers popup in react.
It is implemented in plain js here:
Here is my code:
import {createRef, useEffect, useRef, useState} from 'react';
import './Map.css';
import Map from '../node_modules/ol/Map.js';
import Overlay from '../node_modules/ol/Overlay.js';
import TileLayer from '../node_modules/ol/layer/Tile.js';
import View from '../node_modules/ol/View.js';
import XYZ from '../node_modules/ol/source/XYZ.js';
import {toLonLat} from '../node_modules/ol/proj.js';
import {toStringHDMS} from '../node_modules/ol/coordinate.js';
const MapExample = () => {
const [popupContent, setPopupContent] = useState('');
const containerRef = createRef();
const contentRef = createRef();
const closerRef = createRef();
const key = 'CvOgKFhRDDHIDOwAPhLI';
const overlay = new Overlay({
element: containerRef.current,
autoPan: {
animation: {
duration: 250,
const handleCloser = () => {
return false;
useEffect(() => {
const map = new Map({
layers: [
new TileLayer({
source: new XYZ({
url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png?key=' + key,
tileSize: 512,
overlays: [overlay],
target: 'map',
view: new View({
center: [0, 0],
zoom: 2,
map.on('singleclick', (evt) => {
const coordinate = evt.coordinate;
const hdms = toStringHDMS(toLonLat(coordinate));
setPopupContent('You clicked here: ' + hdms)
}, [])
return (
<div id="map" className="map"></div>
<div ref={containerRef} className="ol-popup">
<a ref={closerRef} href="#" className="ol-popup-closer" onClick={handleCloser}></a>
<div ref={contentRef}>{popupContent}</div>
export default MapExample;
I've got an issue with offset width:
picture with an issue: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'offsetWidth') The problem is popup appears on the left bottom corner, not in the clicked place of the map.
How I understand this bug appears, because popup's properties are null. I tried to fix this bug, but could not find a working solution. Will be really grateful for any help )))

There are a number of React lifecycle issues in your code. Do not use createRef in functional components as it will create a new reference at every render - while the useEffect code will run only once. This means that the overlay will lose its connection to the map - especially since you create a new Overlay at each render.
Also I strongly advise you to not use useEffect to create Openlayers components - the reasons are very subtle - but the main problem is that your components won't be reusable or even rerendable.
As the author of rlayers I can tell you that proper wrapping of Openlayers components is not easy - you must manually manage the components' lifecycle. This works best with class-based components on which you should override all lifecycle methods.


OpenLayers6 and React

I am trying to implement OpenLayers6 ("ol": "^6.14.1") into a ReactJS project, but all the documentation is created in normal JS files and I can't find any good examples or tutorials with functional components and OpenLayers6.
I have troubles figuring out how to implement the majority of things, because the docs seem to ignore the lifecycle of React.
What I've managed to do until now is to add a marker and a popup right above the marker; to close the popup and delete the marker by deleting the whole vector layer(which seems overkill).
import { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
// import ModalUI from '../UI/ModalUI';
import classes from './MapUI.module.css';
import { drawerActions } from '../../store/drawer-slice';
import 'ol/ol.css';
import { Map, View, Overlay, Feature } from 'ol';
import Point from 'ol/geom/Point';
import { Vector as VectorLayer } from 'ol/layer';
import VectorSource from 'ol/source/Vector';
import { fromLonLat, toLonLat } from 'ol/proj';
import { toStringHDMS } from 'ol/coordinate';
import TileLayer from 'ol/layer/Tile';
import OSM from 'ol/source/OSM';
import PopUp from './PopUp';
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
export default function MapUI() {
const mapRef = useRef();
const popup = useRef();
const [coordinates, setCoordinates] = useState('');
const [newMarker, setNewMarker] = useState(
new Feature({
geometry: new Point([[]]),
name: '',
const [newMarkersLayer, setNewMarkersLayer] = useState(
new VectorLayer({
properties: { name: 'newMarkers' },
source: new VectorSource({
features: [newMarker],
const closePopup = () => {
const [map] = useState(
new Map({
target: '',
layers: [
new TileLayer({
source: new OSM(),
new VectorLayer({
properties: { name: 'existingMarkers' },
source: new VectorSource({
// features: [marker],
view: new View({
center: fromLonLat([26.08, 44.46]),
zoom: 15,
minZoom: 10,
maxZoom: 20,
useEffect(() => {
const overlay = new Overlay({
element: popup.current,
id: 'map-popup',
autoPan: {
animation: {
duration: 250,
// console.log('useEffect in MapUI.jsx');
map.on('singleclick', function (evt) {
}, [map]);
return (
style={{ height: '100%', width: '100%' }}
<div id='map-popup' className={classes['ol-popup']} ref={popup}>
<PopUp coordinates={coordinates} closePopup={closePopup} />
The project in the end will have an array of markers that will be requested from a back-end and will populate the given map while also keeping the ability to add new markers to the map (and to the back-end).
The general issue that I face is with how all ol objects are used in the documentation. Everything is just created in a file using const and then operated upon.
But in React I have to use useEffect() and useState() and can't just create dependencies or manipulate state however the docs say.
I am looking for some guidelines on how to properly use OpenLayers6 in React. On this note I have some questions:
How can I remove a marker without removing the whole layer ?
How can I make a marker stay on the map ?
How can I render an array or markers on the map ?
Is it correct the way I use useState() to create the initial map ?
Is it correct the way I use useState() to keep the marker and the VectorLayer on which the marker will be placed ?
Try using this library, Rlayers
this was very helpfull for me to combine with another gis library, like turf and d3
How can I remove a marker without removing the whole layer ?
You can use react-query as hooks (useMutation) fuction to call inside useCallback
How can I make a marker stay on the map ?
What are you meaning about stay? is like show and not hide? just get state and put that's value into true
How can I render an array or markers on the map ?
again use react-query
Is it correct the way I use useState() to create the initial map ?
Yes if you have another map on your application
Is it correct the way I use useState() to keep the marker and the VectorLayer on which the marker will be placed ?
As you know, OpenLayers uses an imperative API where you add and remove features to layers, etc., while in React land, we generally do things declaratively. You'll need some imperative glue code that takes your React state and mutates the OpenLayers state to match what your React state is - that's what React itself does when it reconciles the DOM.
You can do that in a couple of different ways:
useEffects to do what useEffect does: imperative side effects (updating OL state) based on declarative inputs (React state); described below
The other option, used by e.g. react-leaflet, is that you describe the whole Leaflet state as React elements, and the library reconciles the Leaflet state based on that. It's a lot more work, but feels more React-y.
Here's a pair of custom hooks that make things a bit easier, loosely based on your example. It's in TypeScript, but if you need plain JS, just remove the TypeScript specific things (by e.g. running this through the transpiler).
useOpenLayersMap is a hook that sets up an OL Map in a ref and returns it, and takes care that a given container renders the map.
useOpenLayersMarkerSource is a hook that receives a list of marker data (here quite a limited definition, but you could amend it as you like), returns a VectorSource and also takes care that modifications to the list of marker data are reflected into the VectorSource as new Features.
Now, all the MapUI component needs to do is use those two hooks with valid initial data; it can modify its markerData state and the changes get reflected into the map.
import React, { useRef, useState } from "react";
import "ol/ol.css";
import { Feature, Map, View } from "ol";
import Point from "ol/geom/Point";
import { Vector as VectorLayer } from "ol/layer";
import VectorSource from "ol/source/Vector";
import { fromLonLat } from "ol/proj";
import TileLayer from "ol/layer/Tile";
import OSM from "ol/source/OSM";
import { MapOptions } from "ol/PluggableMap";
interface MarkerDatum {
lat: number;
lon: number;
name: string;
function convertMarkerDataToFeatures(markerData: MarkerDatum[]) {
(md) =>
new Feature({
geometry: new Point(fromLonLat([md.lon,])),
const centerLat = 60.45242;
const centerLon = 22.27831;
function useOpenLayersMap(
mapDivRef: React.MutableRefObject<HTMLDivElement | null>,
getInitialOptions: () => Partial<MapOptions>,
) {
const mapRef = useRef<Map | null>(null);
React.useEffect(() => {
if (!mapRef.current) {
// markersSourceRef.current = new VectorSource();
mapRef.current = new Map({
target: mapDivRef.current ?? undefined,
}, []);
React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
if (mapRef.current && mapDivRef.current) {
}, []);
return mapRef.current;
function useOpenLayersMarkerSource(markerData: MarkerDatum[]) {
const [markersSource] = useState(() => new VectorSource());
React.useEffect(() => {
// TODO: this would do better to only remove removed features,
// modify modified features and add new features
}, [markerData]);
return markersSource;
export default function MapUI() {
const mapDivRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const [markerData, setMarkerData] = React.useState<MarkerDatum[]>([
lon: centerLon,
lat: centerLat,
name: "turku",
const markerSource = useOpenLayersMarkerSource(markerData);
const map = useOpenLayersMap(mapDivRef, () => ({
layers: [
new TileLayer({
source: new OSM(),
new VectorLayer({
properties: { name: "existingMarkers" },
source: markerSource,
view: new View({
center: fromLonLat([centerLon, centerLat]),
zoom: 12,
minZoom: 12,
maxZoom: 20,
const addNewFeature = React.useCallback(() => {
setMarkerData((prevMarkerData) => [
lat: centerLat - 0.05 + Math.random() * 0.1,
lon: centerLon - 0.05 + Math.random() * 0.1,
name: "marker " + (0 | +new Date()).toString(36),
}, []);
return (
<button onClick={addNewFeature}>Add new feature</button>
style={{ height: "800px", width: "800px" }}

Why I'm getting Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'add') on deployment?

I'm working on a editor app using fabric.js.On localhost, When i click on Add Circle it works fine while on deployment it is causing cannot read properties of null.
Here is the code:
I'm using react context api by which i add objects in canvas and it displays on screen.
import { fabric } from 'fabric';
import ContextCanvas from '../../../context/ContextCanvas';
import { Button } from '#chakra-ui/react';
const FabricTextBox = () => {
const [canvas] = useContext(ContextCanvas);
function addTextBox() {
const textbox = new fabric.Textbox('Click on the Rectangle to move it.', {
fontSize: 20,
left: 50,
top: 100,
width: 200,
fill: 'black',
color: 'white',
cornerColor: 'blue',
return (
Text Field
export default FabricTextBox;
import React, { useContext, useLayoutEffect } from 'react';
import { fabric } from 'fabric';
import ContextCanvas from '../../context/ContextCanvas';
const FabricCanvas = () => {
const [canvas, initCanvas] = useContext(ContextCanvas);
useLayoutEffect(() => {
return () => {
initCanvas(new fabric.Canvas('c'));
}, []);
return (
export default FabricCanvas;
import { fabric } from 'fabric';
const ContextCanvas = createContext();
export function CanvasProvider({ children }) {
const [canvas, setCanvas] = useState(null);
const initCanvas = c => {
return (
<ContextCanvas.Provider value={[canvas, initCanvas]}>
export default ContextCanvas;
I think the error is related to this line in FabricCircle.js
because your canvas object is null in production.
Assuming you use React.StrictMode
Using React.StrictMode
With Strict Mode starting in React 18, whenever a component mounts in development, React will simulate immediately unmounting and remounting the component:
Strict mode flow (read more)
* React mounts the component.
* Layout effects are created.
* Effect effects are created.
* React simulates effects being destroyed on a mounted component.
* Layout effects are destroyed. [THIS]
* Effects are destroyed.
* React simulates effects being re-created on a mounted component.
* Layout effects are created
* Effect setup code runs
The step marked with [THIS] is what makes you feel all right in the local environment (but it's an illusion... See why in the next section).
With that been said:
Your canvas is initialized null inside useState and in the useLayoutEffect, you are calling the initCanvas method inside the cleanup function (so it will only be called when it's too late in production, while in development with StrictMode act like an init-function although it's a cleanup function).
useLayoutEffect(() => {
// Your code should be here
return () => { // The returned function is the cleanup function
// This is executed only when disposing the component.
initCanvas(new fabric.Canvas('c'));
// But when strict mode is active
// the component is disposed and re-mounted immidiatly.
}, []);
This is why the local environment works and the production environment doesn't.
Try updating your useLayoutEffect like this:
useLayoutEffect(() => {
initCanvas(new fabric.Canvas('c'));
}, []);
You should not initialize your state inside a cleanup function.
In this case, React.StrictMode behavior prevents you from realizing the error (without strict mode, it wouldn't even work in development).
Since you were initializing the canvas inside the cleanup function, the canvas never get initialized in time (without the strict mode), remaining null, as the error you receive states.

Custom react-admin drag & drop list

It can't drag. What is wrong with it?
I'm using react-sortable-hoc with material-ui to custom react-admin list page with drag & drop sortable.
Demo :
Source code:
As I checked you are getting data from the props and in props there is no data field exists, so the error is coming from there
Here is the all props list
The sortable method you are using is from react-sortable-hoc, which adds huge complexity to react-admin.
Not so fast, I have run out of attempts trying to debug your code and come up with another solution works just fine but not so ideal, is to use sortablejs:
yarn add sortablejs
yarn add #types/sortablejs --dev
Do not mess up with react-sortablejs, this also applies the same complexity level as react-sortable-hoc.
Let's use your cmsLanguage as an example, with changes to use Datagrid instead.
Just be reminded that this working solution needs several retries on null el (e.g. your data is fetching, slow network speed, etc). The code below has 3 retries, 1500 milliseconds per each retry. The initialisation will stop after 3 attempts.
import {Datagrid, ShowButton, TextField} from "react-admin";
import * as React from "react";
import MenuIcon from '#mui/icons-material/Menu';
import {useEffect} from "react";
import Sortable from 'sortablejs';
const LanguageList = () => {
// This will run the effect after every render
useEffect(() => {
const retries = 3;
const millisecords = 1500;
let attempts = 0;
const retrySortable = () => {
const el = document.querySelector('#sortable-list tbody');
if (!el) {
if (++attempts >= retries) {
console.log(`cannot initialise sortable after ${retries} retries.`);
} else {
setTimeout(() => retrySortable(), millisecords);
} else {
// #ts-ignore
new Sortable(el, {
handle: ".handle",
draggable: "tr",
animation: 150, // ms, animation speed moving items when sorting, `0` — without animation
easing: "cubic-bezier(1, 0, 0, 1)", // Easing for animation. Defaults to null. See for examples.
// Element dragging ended
onEnd: (evt) => {
// #ts-ignore
const reorderedList: string[] = [];
const list = document.querySelectorAll('#sortable-list tbody td.column-name span');
[], function (span: Element) {
}, []);
return (
<section id="sortable-list">
<MenuIcon sx={{cursor: "pointer"}} className="handle"/>
<TextField source="name"/>
export default LanguageList;
When someone has a request for a demo, I will draw some time to make this a GitHub repo for better reference.

Correct way to pass useRef hook to ref property

I'm not sure how to formulate the question less vaguely, but it's about pass-by-value and pass-by-reference cases in react. And Hooks.
I am using gsap to animate a div slide-in and out is the context for this, but I'm going to guess that what the ref is used for shouldn't matter.
So, this works fine, even though this is a more class-component-typical way of passing a ref as i understand it:
const RootNavigation = () => {
var navbar = useRef();
const myTween = new TimelineLite({ paused: true });
const animate = () => {, 0.07, { x: "100" }).play();
<div className="nav-main" ref={div => (navbar = div)}> // <<<<<<<<<< pass as a callback
And this elicits a "TypeError: Cannot add property _gsap, object is not extensible" error, even though this is how the React Hooks guide would have me do it:
const RootNavigation = () => {
var navbar = useRef();
const myTween = new TimelineLite({ paused: true });
const animate = () => {, 0.07, { x: "100" }).play();
<div className="nav-main" ref={navbar}> //<<<<<<<<<<<<< not passing a callback
Could somebody explain to me what's going on here or even toss a boy a link to where it's already been explained? I'm sure some sort of Dan character has written about it somewhere, i'm just not sure what to google. Thank you!
In the first example you aren't using a ref, you are reassigning navbar through the ref callback so navbar is the DOM element.
It's the same as
let navbar = null;
return <div ref={node => (navbar = node)} />
In the second example you are using the ref object which is an object with a current property that holds the DOM element
const navbar = useRef(null)
return <div ref={navbar} />
navbar is now
{ current: the DOM element }
So you are passing the object into instead of the DOM element inside navbar.current
Now in the second example gsap is trying to extend the ref object itself and not the DOM element.
Why do we get the TypeError: Cannot add property _gsap, object is not extensible`?
If you look at the source code of useRef you will see on line 891
if (__DEV__) {
that React is sealing the ref object and JavaScript will throw an error when we try to extend it using Object.defineProperty() which is probably what gsap is doing.
The solution for using a ref will be to pass ref.current into
const RootNavigation = () => {
const navbar = useRef()
const myTween = new TimelineLite({ paused: true });
const animate = () => {, 0.07, { x: "100" }).play()
return (
<div className="nav-main" ref={navbar}>

useState not setting after initial setting

I have a functional component that is using useState and uses the #react-google-maps/api component. I have a map that uses an onLoad function to initalize a custom control on the map (with a click event). I then set state within this click event. It works the first time, but every time after that doesn't toggle the value.
Function component:
import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
import { GoogleMap, LoadScript } from '#react-google-maps/api';
export default function MyMap(props) {
const [radiusDrawMode, setRadiusDrawMode] = React.useState(false);
const toggleRadiusDrawMode = useCallback((map) => {
map.setOptions({ draggableCursor: (!radiusDrawMode) ? 'crosshair' : 'grab' });
}, [setRadiusDrawMode, radiusDrawMode]); // Tried different dependencies.. nothing worked
const mapInit = useCallback((map) => {
var radiusDiv = document.createElement('div');
radiusDiv.index = 1;
var radiusButton = document.createElement('div');
var radiusText = document.createElement('div');
radiusText.innerHTML = 'Radius';
radiusButton.addEventListener('click', () => toggleRadiusDrawMode(map));
}, [toggleRadiusDrawMode, radiusDrawMode, setRadiusDrawMode]); // Tried different dependencies.. nothing worked
return (
<LoadScript id="script-loader" googleMapsApiKey="GOOGLE_API_KEY">
<div className="google-map">
<GoogleMap id='google-map'
onLoad={(map) => mapInit(map)}>
The first time the user presses the button on the map, it setss the radiusDrawMode to true and sets the correct cursor for the map (crosshair). Every click of the button after does not update radiusDrawMode and it stays in the true state.
I appreciate any help.
My guess is that it's a cache issue with useCallback. Try removing the useCallbacks to test without that optimization. If it works, you'll know for sure, and then you can double check what should be memoized and what maybe should not be.
I'd start by removing the one from toggleRadiusDrawMode:
const toggleRadiusDrawMode = map => {
map.setOptions({ draggableCursor: (!radiusDrawMode) ? 'crosshair' : 'grab' });
Also, can you access the state of the map options (the ones that you're setting with map.setOptions)? If so, it might be worth using the actual state of the map's option rather than creating your own internal state to track the same thing. Something like (I'm not positive that it would be map.options):
const toggleRadiusDrawMode = map => {
const { draggableCursor } = map.options;
draggableCursor: draggableCursor === 'grab' ? 'crosshair' : 'grab'
Also, I doubt this is the issue, but it looks like you're missing a closing bracket on the <GoogleMap> element? (Also, you might not need to create the intermediary function between onLoad and mapInit, and can probably pass mapInit directly to the onLoad.)
<GoogleMap id='google-map'
This is the solution I ended up using to solve this problem.
I basically had to switch out using a useState(false) for setRef(false). Then set up a useEffect to listen to changes on the ref, and in the actual toggleRadiusDraw I set the reference value which fires the useEffect to set the actual ref value.
import React, { useCallback, useRef } from 'react';
import { GoogleMap, LoadScript } from '#react-google-maps/api';
export default function MyMap(props) {
const radiusDrawMode = useRef(false);
let currentRadiusDrawMode = radiusDrawMode.current;
useEffect(() => {
radiusDrawMode.current = !radiusDrawMode;
const toggleRadiusDrawMode = (map) => {
map.setOptions({ draggableCursor: (!currentRadiusDrawMode) ? 'crosshair' : 'grab' });
currentRadiusDrawMode = !currentRadiusDrawMode;
const mapInit = (map) => {
var radiusDiv = document.createElement('div');
radiusDiv.index = 1;
var radiusButton = document.createElement('div');
var radiusText = document.createElement('div');
radiusText.innerHTML = 'Radius';
radiusButton.addEventListener('click', () => toggleRadiusDrawMode(map));
return (
<LoadScript id="script-loader" googleMapsApiKey="GOOGLE_API_KEY">
<div className="google-map">
<GoogleMap id='google-map'
onLoad={(map) => mapInit(map)}>
Not sure if this is the best way to handle this, but hope it helps someone else in the future.
