Any more optimized way to handle the mutiple slices in react components - reactjs

I have created slices for POST and GET operation -
export const getAllAnnotationType = createAsyncThunk<IGetAllAnnotationType>(
async (annotationType, { rejectWithValue }) => {
try {
const response = await Services.get("/globalAnnotationTypes");
return as IGetAllAnnotationType;
} catch (err) {
const error = err as any;
return rejectWithValue(error?.response?.data);
export const createAnnotationType = createAsyncThunk<
{ name: string; des: string }
>("annotationType/create", async (annotationType, { rejectWithValue }) => {
try {
const { name, des } = annotationType;
const response = await"/globalAnnotationTypes", {
return as ICreateAnnotationType;
} catch (err) {
const error = err as any;
return rejectWithValue(error?.response?.data);
I have created one common slice for both of the operations.
And I am using these in my react components like this -
useEffect(() => {
switch (typeLoader) {
case 'pending':
case 'succeeded':
if (getAllData) {
if (createData) {
case 'failed':
}, [typeLoader]);
I am looking for more optimized way to use them in react components. In future, I will have DELETE and PUT operations, and I will have to use more conditions inside 'succeeded' state. Any other way I can do this ?

My favorite way to handle fetching data is Redux Toolkit Query.
It creates slices. You can custom the fetch function if needed, and you are given hooks, to work with in the component directly.
You can also cache the fetched data. A simple example of use can be (in the component):
const {data, isLoading, error} = useGetDataQuery(args) //if you needed args
If you had further questions about sharing cached data across the application, you can comment here, I'll be happy to share how I solved my problem (using something called fixedCacheQuery).
Even though you can find the boilerplate on the website, if you needed, let me know and I will edit this response to share the boilerplate as I write and use it.


Combine SvelteKit's throw Redirect with Felte's onSuccess

The problem:
Nothing happends when throwing throw redirect(302, '/auth/sign-up-success') in SvelteKit's actions if onSuccess: () => {...} is set in Felte's createForm({...}).
// +page.server.ts
export const actions: Actions = {
default: async (event) => {
throw redirect(302, '/auth/sign-up-success');
// SignUpForm.svelte
const { form, errors } = createForm({
onSuccess: (response) => {
If I would delete the onSuccess part, then redirect would happend.
Is there a way to reuse that redirect form success response logic from default Felte form config without writing it again myself?
Action responses are JSON objects with a type, you could read the response and redirect on the client:
async onSuccess(response) {
const { type, location } = await response.json();
if (type == 'redirect') {
goto(location); // from '$app/navigation'
I would not recommend using this library though. It appears to be incompatible with SSR and one of its main actions shares the name of the form data property used by SvelteKit form actions.
Depending on why you are using this, there might be more suitable tools for SvelteKit in particular (if you even need any, SvelteKit does many things out of the box).

How do I separate api / async request logic from react components when using recoil

So at the moment I am having to put my request / api logic directly into my components because what I need to do a lot of the time is set state based on the response I get from the back end.
Below is a function that I have on my settings page that I use to save the settings to recoil after the user hits save on the form:
const setUserConfig = useSetRecoilState(userAtoms.userConfig);
const submitSettings = async (values: UserConfigInterface) => {
try {
const { data: {data} } = await updateUser(values);
} catch (error) {
console.log('settings form error: ', error);
This works perfectly...I just dont want the function in my component as most of my components are getting way bigger than they need to be.
I have tried making a separate file to do this but I can only use the recoil hooks (in this instance useSetRecoilState) inside of components and it just complains when I try and do this outside of a react component.
I have tried implementing this with recoils selector and selectorFamily functions but it gets kind of complicated. Here is how I have tried it inside of a file that has atoms / selectors only:
export const languageProgress = atom<LanguageProgress>({
key: "LanguageProgress",
default: {
level: 1,
xp: 0,
max_xp: 0
export const languageProgressUpdate = selectorFamily<LanguageProgress>({
key: "LanguageProgress",
get: () => async () => {
try {
const { data: { data } } = await getLanguageProgress();
return data;
} catch (error) {
console.log('get language progress error');
set: (params:object) => async ({set}) => {
try {
const { data: { data } } = await updateLanguageProgress(params);
set(languageProgress, {
level: data.level,
xp: data.xp,
max_xp: data.max_xp
} catch (error) {
console.log('language progress update error: ', error);
What I want to do here is get the values I need from the back end and display it in the front which I can do in the selector function get but now I have 2 points of truth for languageProgress atom will initially be incorrect as its not getting anything from the database so I have to use useGetRevoilValue on the languageProgressUpdate selector I have made but then when I want to update I am updating the atom and not the actual value.
I cannot find a good example anywhere that does what I am trying to here (very suprisingly as I would have thought it is quite a common way to do things...get data from back end and set it in state.) and I can't figure out a way to do it without doing it in the component (as in the first example). Ideally I would like something like the first example but outside of a component because that solution is super simple and works for me.
So I dont know if this is the best answer but it does work and ultimately what I wanted to do was seperate the logic from the screen component.
The answer in my situation is a bit long winded but this is what I used to solve the problem:
Essentially the answer is to put all the logic into a hook and get state from the api and set it there.
get data from back end and set it in state
You may be looking for useRecoilValueLoadable:
"This hook is intended to be used for reading the value of asynchronous selectors. This hook will subscribe the component to the given state."
Here's a quick demonstration of how I've previously used it. To quickly summarise: you pass useRecoilValueLoadable a selector (that you've defined somewhere outside the logic of the component), that selector grabs the data from your API, and that all gets fed back via useRecoilValueLoadable as an array of 1) the current state of the value returned, and 2) the content of that API call.
Note: in this example I'm passing an array of values to the selector each of which makes a separate API call.
const { state, contents } = useRecoilValueLoadable(myQuery(arr));
if (state.hasValue && contents.length) {
// `map` over the contents
import { selectorFamily } from 'recoil';
export const myQuery = selectorFamily({
key: 'myQuery',
get: arr => async () => {
const promises = item => {
try {
const response = await fetch(`/endpoint/${}`);
if (response.ok) return response.json();
throw Error('API request not fulfilled');
} catch (err) {
const items = await Promise.all(promises);
return items;

Use data populated by useEffect in conditional useSWR

I'm trying to resolve this issue, and I'm almost there. I'm getting the correct data from the API, and it's updating when it should, but on initial load useSWR is hitting the API with all null data.
The data come from useContext, and are set in a useEffect hook in a parent of the component that calls useSWR.
I guess what's happening is that the since useEffect isn't called until after initial hydration, the component with useSWR is being rendered before it has data.
But if the context setter isn't wrapped in a useEffect, I get
Warning: Cannot update a component (`ContestProvider`) while rendering a different component (`PageLandingPage`). To locate the bad setState() call inside `PageLandingPage`, follow the stack trace as described in
and it's stuck in an infinite loop.
I could probably stop this by putting some checks in the fetcher, but that seems like a hack to me. The useSWR documentation addresses the case of fetching data server side and making it available to multiple components right in the Getting Started section, but what's the correct way to get data from the client that needs to be used in multiple components, including ones that want to fetch data from the server based on the client data?
EDIT: Since originally asking the question, I've discovered conditional fetching, and the third option there seems nearly a perfect fit, but I'm using a complex key to a custom fetcher, and the data for the key aren't coming from another useSWR call, as in the example — they're coming from the useContext which has the unfortunate difference that, unlike the example, the data are null instead of undefined, so it won't throw.
How can I use this conditionality with data coming in from the useContext?
Here's the app hierarchy:
<ContestProvider> // context provider
<PageLandingPage> // sets the context
<ContestPoints> // calls useSWR with data from the context
Here's the useSWR call:
// /components/ContestPoints.js
const fetcher = async ({pageId, contestId, clientId}) => {
const res = await fetch(`/api/getpoints?pageId=${pageId}&clientId=${clientId}&contestId=${contestId}`);
if (!res.ok) {
const error = new Error('A problem occured getting contest points'); = await res.json();
error.status = res.status;
throw error;
return res.json();
const ContestPoints = () => {
const { contestState } = useContest();
// XXX should be conditional on the `contestState` parameters
const { data: points, error } = useSWR({
pageId: contestState.pageId,
contestId: contestState.contestId,
clientId: contestState.clientId
}, fetcher);
if (error) {
logger.warn(error, `Problem getting contest points: ${error.status}: ${}`);
return (
<p>{points?.points || 'Loading...'}</p>
export default ContestPoints
It seems like finding a way to make that do the conditional fetching is likely best, but in case it's more elegant to leave the useSWR call as is, and address this farther up the chain, here are the other relevant pieces of code.
The context is being set based on information in localStorage:
// /components/PageLandingPage.js
import { useContest } from '../utils/context/contest';
const PageLandingPage = ({ data }) => {
const { dispatchContest } = useContest(); // wrapper around useContext which uses useReducer
useEffect(() => {
// Don't waste the time if we're not a contest page
if (!data?.contestPage?.id) return;
const storedCodes = getItem('myRefCodes', 'local'); //utility function to retrieve from local storage
const refCodes = storedCodes ? JSON.parse(storedCodes)?.refCodes : [];
const registration = refCodes
.map((code) => {
const [ contestId, clientId ] = hashids.decode(code);
return {
contestId: contestId,
clientId: clientId
.find((reg) => reg.contestId && reg.clientId)
payload: {
contestId: registration.contestId,
clientId: registration.clientId,
registrationUrl: landingPage?.registrationPage?.slug || ''
type: 'update'
}, [data, dispatchContest])
And the context wrapper is initialising with null state:
const initialState = {
contestId: null,
clientId: null
const ContestContext = createContext(initialState);
function ContestProvider({ children }) {
const [contestState, dispatchContest] = useReducer((contestState, action) => {
return {
}, initialState);
return (
<ContestContext.Provider value={{ contestState, dispatchContest }}>
function useContest() {
const context = useContext(ContestContext);
if (context === undefined) {
throw new Error('useContest was used outside of its provider');
return context;
export { ContestProvider, useContest }
I'm not sure it's the best solution, but I ended up resolving this by using the first example in the documentation, using null and a new field in the context:
const { data: points, error } = useSWR(contestState?.isSet ? {
pageId: contestState.pageId,
contestId: contestState.contestId,
clientId: contestState.clientId
} : null, fetcher);
and the contestState.isSet gets set in the context:
const initialState = {
isSet: false,
contestId: null,
clientId: null
and update it when all the other fields get set:
payload: {
isSet: true,
contestId: registration.contestId,
clientId: registration.clientId,
registrationUrl: landingPage?.registrationPage?.slug || ''
type: 'update'

React Recoil: State not being saved across navigation to different URLs within App

I'm getting started with Recoil for a React App, but running into some issues, or at least some behavior I'm not expecting.
I'd like to be able to use one component to render many different "views" based on the URL. I have a useEffect in this component that switches based on the location.pathname and based on that pathname, it'll make an API call. But before it makes the API call, it checks the length of the atom to see if it's empty or not, then will call the API and set the atom based on the API call.
However, when I navigate to a different URL and come back to one I've already visited, the API is called again, even though I've previously set the state for that URL.
The behavior I'm expecting is that once a URL has been visited and the return from the API is stored in an Atom, the API call isn't made again when leaving the URL and coming back.
Relevant code below:
export const reports = atom({ key: "reports", default: { country: [], network: [], }, });
the one component that will render different data based on the reports atom.
import { useRecoilState } from "recoil";
import { reports } from "../globalState/atom";
const TableView = ({ columns, }) => {
const location = useLocation();
const [report, setReport] = useRecoilState(reports);
const currentView = location.pathname.split("/")[1];
useEffect(() => {
const getReportsData = async () => {
switch (location.pathname) {
case "/network":
if (report[currentView].length === 0) {
const response = await fetch("/api");
const body = await response.json();
Object.assign({}, report, {
[currentView]: body,
}, [])
As previously mentioned, that console.log is ran every time I navigate to /network, even if I've already visited that URL.
I've also tried doing this with selectors.
export const networkState = atom({
key: "networkState",
default: networkSelector,
export const networkSelector = selector({
key: "networkSelector",
get: async ({ get }) => {
try {
const body = await fetch("/api/network").then((r) => r.json());
return body;
} catch (error) {
return [];
import {useRecoilStateLoadable} from "recoil"
import {networkState} from "../globalState/atom";
const Table = ({columns}) => {
const [networkData, setNetworkData] =
And then a switch statement based on networkData.state
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

Use async/await in React component

Is it a good practice to use async/await directly in React component then store the result in the store ? For example:
class User extends Component {
render() {
return <div>{}</div>
componentWillMount() {
async getUser() {
try {
const user = await userAction.get();
} catch (err) {}
const state2props = (state) => ({
user: state.User.user
const dispatch2props = dispatch => ({
storeUser: (user) => dispatch(,
export default connect(state2props, dispatch2props)(User);
It seems more flexible than the classic react/redux pattern.
Yes, you can use async/await in react components. It's not a bad practice
It's just architecture question.
There are lots of ways to implement async logic in applications. In small application you can implement async logic in react components. When your application grow up, you will get some issues like duplicated code (for example you want to fetch user in several react components), code composition and code splitting.
You can use redux-thunk, redux-saga, redux-logic or any other solution.
Moreover you can create your own custom middleware such as:
const reactions = {};
export const addReactions = signals => {
reactions = { ...reactions, ...signals };
export default (signalMiddleware = ({ getState, dispatch }) => next => action => {
if (!action.signal) {
return next(action);
if (!reactions[action.signal]) {
throw new Error(`There is no handler for ${action.signal} signal`);
reactions[action.signal]({ getState, dispatch, payload: action.payload });
Such middleware allows you implement business logic into separate layer. For example:
import { addReactions } from './path/to/signalMiddleware';
// Describe your Actions for middleware:
const fetchUser = (id) => ({
signal: 'FETCH_USER',
payload: id
const anotherAction = () => ({
// Describe your business logic using middleware:
FETCH_USER: async ({dispatch}, {id}) => {
const user = await fetcher.get(id);
payload: user,
// do some awesone job :)
So our react component could be:
class User extends Component {
render() {
return <div>{}</div>
componentDidMount() {
export default connect(state2props, dispatch2props)(User);
Now you can divide your application architecture into 3 layer:
1) View — react-components
2) Business logic — your middleware
3) Data logic — your reducer
Between view and business layer we use specific actions with signal field and without type field.
Between business and data logic we use actions with type field.
This architecture allows you to get a strict separation of layers. This architecture is useful in big applications.
In small application it's ok to use redux-thunk or write async logic in react-components.
