I want to know how to open the monitoring logs on the page provided by Minio.
so i want to be able to view the monitoring log information in MiniO, record and view the log information such as file upload and file deletion. I click the Start Log button in the monitoring log menu, but there is no log record of my uploading, downloading and deleting files.
What other steps do I need to take to view the logs of file upload and file deletion in the menu of the monitoring log, and what logs are recorded in the monitoring log, because it is always without any records.
If you provide the answer, I will be extremely grateful.
In the minio monitoring log, there is no record of my operation on the file, nor is there any content displayed.
I tried the mc admin logs command of minio client.
enter image description here
We have logic apps running in azure.
We can query some details of past runs in azure log analytics.
Log analytics does not seem to contain any of the output from each task in the logic app, even though i can see this in the logic app history.
Is there a way to query the data/payloads/output from each task in the logic app?
Yes, you can get logs of Logic apps, I have followed below process:
Firstly, open your Log analytics workspace
In general tab open workspace summary as below:
then click on add as below:
Then click on Logic apps managemnet(preview):
The click on create:
Then give details and click on create:
Then open your created as below:
Then, I have created a workflow in logic app and then I opened Diagnostic settings as below:
Then give important details as below:
open your Log analytics workspace
In general tab open workspace summary as below:
Then you will get output as below:
When you click on chart you will get information like below:
If you click on row of LogicApp(table in above display)
Alternatively in work summary in log analytics, click on logs and then You can the below kql query to get logs and you can export it using export option as below:
| where ResourceProvider == "MICROSOFT.LOGIC"
| where OperationName has "workflowRunCompleted"
You can also send a email of payload (example SO-thread) to check your runs or you can create an alert on each run in logicapp.
While downloading a File from SF Community from a Customer User Login, the LWC code takes the page to a URL where the file gets downloaded, now lets say that this URL gets passed to another Customer User and now he is also able to download this file. So my question here is how do I restrict the access such that even if others get the download file URL the system should not allow them to download the file.
File Download Link:
Thank you
I am working on a Data Analytics project. In this project i have to read logs from Active Directory and then need to do further processing on that logs.
I have to insert that logs into a Kafka Topic.
Now i am not able to understand that how can i get logs from active directory? is there any connector for it? I gone through below link but not able to understand anything with this -
If anyone has any link related to it then it will be really helpful to me.
Azure Directory has report feature.
Audit logs https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/reports-monitoring/concept-audit-logs
Sign in logs https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/reports-monitoring/concept-sign-ins
Risk sign-ins https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/reports-monitoring/concept-risky-sign-ins
Risk events https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/reports-monitoring/concept-risk-events
users at risk https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/reports-monitoring/concept-user-at-risk
You can use report api to get the logs. You can also archive azure ad logs to an Azure storage account.
You can check all the logs related to Active Directory in the Event Viewer, or if you want to get the file location where logs are actually stored, so you can get these file in [C:\Windows\System32\winevt\Logs] directory.
I'm creating a univeral app to capture a photo or video and upload it to SharePoint via its REST API. The flow of the current prototype is simple:
On the main page, the user clicks a button to capture a photo or video
A photo or video can be captured using the CameraCaptureUI API
The user is redirected to a page where he/she can enter some metadata
If the user clicks the upload button, the file is sent to SharePoint and the user is sent back to the main page
If the user clicks the cancel button, he/she is sent back to the main page
All of this is working, but I'm not sure what to do with the StorageFile after it's not needed anymore. On the phone, the file is saved to some default location. I'm not copying it to the picture library or whatever, after the file is uploaded (or the user cancelled out) I no longer need it on the device.
Should I take care of deleting this StorageFile myself or does the OS handle this when the app is suspended or closed? I want to avoid that the app is slowly eating more and more storage space over time, for example because the user is closing it before the file is uploaded.
On a side note: I'm not using a background task to upload the file. The user needs to monitor the upload (progress bar) and retry if it fails. If the file cannot be uploaded because there's no internet connection or because SharePoint is down, I no longer care about it.
Everything depends on a place where you have stored the file. If you have used local folder for this, then deleting the file may be a good choice as it won't take memory no more.
Nevertheless from what I read, your scenario just fits to temporary location. If you use ApplicationData.TemporaryFolder then you don't need to take care of the file as the OS will handle it when needed:
The temporary app data store works like a cache. Its files do not roam and could be removed at any time. The System Maintenance task can automatically delete data stored at this location at any time. The user can also clear files from the temporary data store using Disk Cleanup. Temporary app data can be used for storing temporary information during an app session. There is no guarantee that this data will persist beyond the end of the app session as the system might reclaim the used space if needed.
I am allowing users to upload a profile picture of themselves. It involves these steps:
User chooses an image file to upload
Server receives the file through AJAX and stores with a name of temp_userid.jpg
Server returns the image location to the page so the user can see it and make adjustments
The user clicks Save Changes which posts back to the server as final confirmation of the image update
Server loads the temp_userid.jpg, makes the adjustments e.g scale and crop, overwrites any existing profile image, and then finally deletes the temp_userid.jpg image
This works fine as long as the user saves his changes. If the user decides to leave the page, then the temp_userid.jpg file is still on the server and is never deleted. Some of the images can be over 5MB in size which I don't want on the server.
How could I go about cleansing the folders of temp files in a safe manner? I was thinking I could:
Attempt to delete the temp image file whenever the user logs in to his account. The only slight issue here is that the user may never log-in again. But that could be dealt with using some kind of account expiration check.
Attempt to delete all images with a prefix of 'temp_' from the server periodically. The risk here is that it deletes it while a user is still making adjustments to his image which would be terrible!
Are there any better ways of doing this? I'm tagging this as ColdFusion because thats the application server I'm using.