Julias Pkg.develop wont take into account changes that I have made - package

I have a script, main.jl, I am trying to run that looks like this:
using Pkg
import MyPackage as mp
In my function located in "path/to/MyPackage/src/test.jl" I have
function test()
println("test 1")
If I run main.jl I see "test 1", however if I keep the REPL open and modify test() to print out "test 2" it still prints out "test 1". What am I doing wrong?

I have found that using the Revise package in Julia helps resolve this issue. All I need to do is add using Revise to the top of the document:
using Revise
using Pkg
import MyPackage as mp
After that I can make changes to test() and they show up each time I run the script.
Note that I found that this doesnt work unless I put using Revise at the top before I load any of the packages I want to develop into the REPL, meaning that I had to restart the REPL once to make sure that I imported Revise before running any Pkg.develop.


how can I use JGrapgT with osmfile

I am new to JGraphT. I have already run ShortestPathDemo, but I want to use it with osmfile.
I have tried importers in org.jgrapht.nio, but I failed.

How to Execute (Vector) Storage.getInstance().readObject(filePath); in Java 8 Swing Package

Windows 10 Pro
Latest Simulator
Java Swing Project
I would like to execute "Vector a1 = (Vector) Storage.getInstance().readObject(filePath);"
In a Java Swing Application running on Windows 10 platform, I tried import CodenameOne.jar in Swing package, however when executing above code, get null pointer exception in Storage.getInstance()
Is there a way to execute this in Swing?
Best Regards.
Thanks, I did not init the Display, however "Display.init(Object m)" requires an Object Argument and the Init method is deprecated.
Can you please provide me the codenameone Display dependencies?
And perhaps a java Swing snippet of code to initialize Display in order to execute Storage.getInstance().readObject(filePath)
Best Regards
Thanks, Passing init(working directory) solved the Exception thrown.
Here is the Code snippet used to allow me to execute:
String filePath = incSrv.Pwd();// gets working directory
try {
javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String fileName = "A1-MMA.properties";
Vector a1 = (Vector) Storage.getInstance().readObject(filePath);
} catch (Exception e) {
And it does appear to work,
However I am left with a blacked out form that appears modal.
How can I avoid this or dispose it?.
FYI: What I am creating here is a work around for serializing Vector in Codenameone. I Save Vector to file using "Storage.getInstance().writeObject(Path, Vector)"
I convert the file to bytes and write it to the Swing Server VIA socket.
Using Storage.getInstance().readObject(file) on the Swing Server I have deserialize the object into the Vector from my app.
This appears to work well and is more efficient than the current method I use to deliver complex Vectors from the app to the Swing Server.
Can you please let me know if you see a red flag with this workaround?
Like The ability to Storage.getInstance().readObject(file) on the Swing Server may go away?
This method will save a lot of time in movind Vector data to and from the App/Server.
Thoughts Best Regards
Storage.getInstance().readObject(file) // (A1ServiceSrv.java:571)
Caused this Exception:
at com.codename1.io.Storage.init(Storage.java:89)
at com.codename1.io.Storage.getInstance(Storage.java:112)
at Main.A1ServiceSrv.loadVectorFromFile(A1ServiceSrv.java:571)
Thanks Shai,
I am including in my classpath CodenameOne.jar with update date of 12/11/2021 after CN1 refresh.
Getting Same null pointer exception.
Passing in Path "C:\Src1\A1-Arms\A1-Server\A1-MMA.properties" (Absolute Path)
Also Tried "A1-MMA.properties", however I don't think Codenameone knows where my home path is since we are not initializing it as we did with
Display.init("Current Working Directory where files reside");
This is the Fresh Stack Trace w/o calling Display.init (12-20-2021)
java.lang.NullPointerException at
at com.codename1.io.Log.print(Log.java:327)
at com.codename1.io.Log.logThrowable(Log.java:299)
at com.codename1.io.Log.e(Log.java:285)
at com.codename1.io.Storage.readObject(Storage.java:271)
at Main.A1ServiceSrv.loadVectorFromFile(A1ServiceSrv.java:596)
vector = (Vector) Storage.getInstance().readObject(filePath); // (A1ServiceSrv.java:596)
This is hopefully fixed by this commit: https://github.com/codenameone/CodenameOne/commit/72bf283bdaaefe5207bb9fd6787578e3ef61522c if not let me know with a fresh stack

Run ddl script from file in Groovy

I working with Spock and Groovy in order to test my application. I should need to run a ddl script before to run every test.
To execute the script from Groovy I am using the following code:
def scriptToExecute = './src/test/groovy/com/sql/createTable.sql'
def sqlScriptToExecuteString = new File(scriptToExecute).text
The createTable.sql is a complex script that do several drop and create operation ( of course it is multiline ). When I try to execute it I got the following exception:
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00911: invalid character
To notice that the ddl is correct since that it has been checked running it on the same DB that I am connecting with groovy.
Any Idea how to resolve the problem?
I think JDBC does not support this, but there are tools/libraries that could help, see this answer for Java.
In Groovy, using this JDBC script runner would be something like:
Connection con = ....
def runner = new ScriptRunner(con, [booleanAutoCommit], [booleanStopOnerror])
def scriptFile = new File("createTable.ddl")
scriptFile.withReader { reader ->
Or, if your script is "simple enough" (ie no comments, no semicolons other than separating statements...), you can load the text, split it around ; and execute using sql.withBatch, something like that:
def scriptText = new File("createTable.ddl").text
sql.withBatch { stmt ->
scriptText.split(';').each { order ->
stmt.addBatch order.trim()
If you can't get it done in JDBC (See Hugues' answer), consider executing sqlplus from your Groovy program.
["sqlplus", CREDENTIALS, "#"+scriptToExecute].execute()

How do I disable interactive message boxes from inside an SSIS package?

I am executing an SSIS package on the command line with dtexec.exe. The package calls MessageBox.Show() and MsgBox() (C# and VB.NET, respectively) for showing errors. The boxes are hanging the automated job processor since it is waiting for the box to close.
I was under the impression that the boxes should be hidden when not in Interactive Mode. Can the message boxes be suppressed without modifying the SSIS package? The package is from a software vendor and I really shouldn't be changing it.
EDIT: The full command I am using (edited to remove details)
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\DTExec.exe /F D:\Path\To\Package.dtsx /Conn DBConnection;"Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=SERVER;Initial Catalog=DB;Integrated Security=SSPI;Connect Timeout=60" \Package.Variables[User::InputFileName].Properties[Value];C:\Path\To\Input.csv
EDIT2: Example of message box code. This is in a script task.
Public Sub Main()
MsgBox("Failed to read/parse input file or generic database failure while running " + Dts.Variables("System::PackageName").Value.ToString() + ". Please check the layout of the feed and database connectivity.")
Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Failure
End Sub
EDIT3: If anyone in the future is interested in the code to test for InteractiveMode. It must also be passed in via the Script Task's ReadOnlyVariables. I ended up modifying the package since there were other issues.
If CBool(Dts.Variables("System::InteractiveMode").Value) = True Then
End if
if ((bool)Dts.Variables["System::InteractiveMode"].Value == true)
If anyone in the future is interested in the code to test for InteractiveMode. It must also be passed in via the Script Task's ReadOnlyVariables. I ended up modifying the package since there were other issues.
If CBool(Dts.Variables("System::InteractiveMode").Value) = True Then
End if
if ((bool)Dts.Variables["System::InteractiveMode"].Value == true)

Can't get rid of a deleted Settings reference in DataSet.Designer.vb

I had a connection string to a MS Access DB file, Foo.accdb, defined and used in my project. It was defined as a connection string Setting in the Settings section of my project properties. The program referenced the connection string setting and everything worked fine.
Then I decided to replace Foo.accdb with two different DB files, A.accdb and B.accdb each of which would be used under different circumstances. I added connection strings for them in Settings and removed the Setting definition for Foo.accdb connection string.
The name of my application is Foo and the name of the Foo.accdb connection string was FooConnectionString.
But now when I build the program both in debugger and for release I get the following error message:
'FooConnectionString' is not a member of 'Foo.My.MySettings'.
The offending reference, in file FooDataSet.Designer.vb, is:
<Global.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()> _
Private Sub InitConnection()
Me._connection = New Global.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Me._connection.ConnectionString = Global.Foo.My.MySettings.Default.FooConnectionString
End Sub
What is going on here? FooConnectionString is not in any other file in the project directory nor in the My Project subdir. I completely got rid of it in my code and in my project properties yet it persists in FooDataSet.Designer.vb (whatever that is).
While researching this on the web I saw a recommendation to select the FooDataSet.xsd file, right click it and execute the "Run Custom Tool" option. I did this and it appears to rebuild FooDataSet.Designer.vb (the time stamp changes) but the problem persists.
I also tried removing the offending reference by manually editing FooDataSet.Designer.vb but that gave me some other error message.
Why is this old reference staying around and what can I do about it?
This is a standalone app. I'm using VS2008 Standard Ed., VB.Net 3.5
Open the FooDataSet XSD file in a text editor. Right click on dataset in the solution explorer and select "Open With..." and the select XML (text) Editor or open it outside the solution.
Look for the <Connections> tag near the top of the file. Remove the line that looks like this
<Connection AppSettingsObjectName="Settings" AppSettingsPropertyName="FooConnectionString" ConnectionStringObject="" IsAppSettingsProperty="true" Modifier="Assembly" Name="FooConnectionString(Settings)" ...
