Excel VBA needs loop and variable to Send emails due to Outlook max - loops

I have a code I found and it works great. However, due to Outlook's max of 500, I have a need to create a loop and count the instances. Below are the primary data columns, The other columns are not relevant to the macro. I cannot seem to write the code to loop, as I am somewhat new to VBA.
Column B - email address
Column F - "x" (lowercase to indicate an email must be sent.
Option Explicit
Sub Test1()
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim cell As Range
' Change to path of OFT Template (AND user name)
Set OutEmail = objOutlook.CreateItemFromTemplate("C:\Change Notification.oft")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
On Error GoTo cleanup
For Each cell In Columns("B").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
If cell.Value Like "?*#?*.?*" And _
LCase(Cells(cell.Row, "F").Value) = "x" Then
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
On Error Resume Next
With OutMail
.SentOnBehalfOfName = "shared#abccorp.com"
.to = cell.Value
.Send 'Or use Display
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Set OutMail = Nothing
End If
Next cell
Set OutApp = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


ms Access: Looping through array of DAO recordsets results in element always being missing

I have some vba code that 'attempts' to loop through an array of DAO recordsets. When running the loop, I get a runtime error 'Oject required' at rst.MoveFirst. It seems that rst is not properly initialized but I'm not sure how to fix it. Maybe looping through an array of recordsets isnt even possible in this way I have never tried it before. The code runs from a custom class module. There is a bunch more code in the module but most of the important stuff I post below. A couple things I tried:
Set rst to a new recordset instance manually:
Set rst = New DAO.Recordset
Declaring the array outside the loop:
Set recordsets = Array(rstRechenwerte, rstZwischenwerte, rstZutaten)
' Loop through each recordset and insert data into Excel file
For Each rst In recordsets
Setting rst to an open recordset right before rst.MoveFirst:
For Each rst In Array(rstRechenwerte, rstZwischenwerte, rstZutaten)
Set rst = rst.OpenRecordset()
The three recordsets in the array are properly initialized, set and are not Nothing. I had previously written the code for each of the three recordsets seperately and it works that way. I am aware that I need to change the variable name XLColumn, but thats not really an issue atm. Its probably something bassic but I couldn't figure it out for a while now so I thought I'd just ask.
I am using the following libraries for which references are properly set:
Visual Basic for Applications
Microsoft Access 16.0 Object Library
OLE Automation
Microsoft Office 16.0 Access database engine Object
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Object Library
Microsoft Office 16.0 Object Library
My version of Access:
Microsoft® Access® für Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2301 Build 16.0.16026.20002) 32 Bit
The code:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim xlApp As Object
Dim xlWB As Object
Dim xlSheet As Object
Dim rsRes As DAO.Recordset 'rs of temp table (Output)
Dim rsZwi As DAO.Recordset 'rs of temp table (Zwischenwerte)
Dim rsRec As DAO.Recordset 'rs clone of subform Rechenwerte
Dim Recordset As Recordset
Dim rstRechenwerte As DAO.Recordset 'rs of tblRechenwerte
Dim rstZwischenwerte As DAO.Recordset 'rs of tblZwischenwerte
Dim rstZutaten As DAO.Recordset 'rs of tblZutaten
Dim RezeptID As Integer 'Current form active RezeptID
Dim RechengruppeID As Integer 'Current Form active RechengruppeID
Dim xlColumn As String 'Excel Column of Zutaten
Dim xlLastRow As Long 'Excel last row number after insertion
Dim xlColumn2 As String 'Excel Column one to the right of Zutaten
Dim k As Integer
Dim Export As Boolean 'Export the Excel File
Dim ExclExportPath As String 'Export location as string
Sub Calculate()
'Purpose: Calculate a recipe based on Rechenwerte,
'save them temporarily and display them on a form.
'Inputs: None
' Preparations
'Disable user input
Call mdlMiscFunctions.DisableKeyboardMouse(True)
'Clear temporary data tables for Results and Zwischenwerte
If Not rsRes.EOF Then Call ClearTableOnClose("tblTempResults")
If Not rsZwi.EOF Then Call ClearTableOnClose("tblTempZwischenwerte")
'Prevent prompt to save changes to excel
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
xlApp.Visible = False
' Insert Data into Excel File
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim xlCell As String
Dim xlFormula As String
Dim xlColumn As String
' Loop through each recordset and insert data into Excel file
For Each rst In Array(rstRechenwerte, rstZwischenwerte, rstZutaten)
If Not rst.EOF Then
Do Until rst.EOF
xlCell = rst!xlCell
xlSheet.Range(xlCell).Value = rst.Fields(1)
If rst.Fields.Count > 2 Then
xlFormula = rst!xlFormula
xlSheet.Range(xlCell).Offset(0, 1).Formula = xlFormula
xlSheet.Range(xlCell).Offset(0, 1).Value = xlSheet.Range(xlCell).Offset(0, 1).Value
xlSheet.Range(xlCell).Offset(0, 1).Value = rst.Fields(2)
End If
Select Case rst.Name
Case "rstRechenwerte"
MsgBox "Error: Keine Rechenwerte vorhanden!", vbCritical
Case "rstZwischenwerte"
MsgBox "Error: Keine Zwischenwerte vorhanden!", vbCritical
Case "rstZutaten"
MsgBox "Error: Keine Zutaten vorhanden!", vbCritical
End Select
End If
Next rst
Class initialization is the following:
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
'Purpose: Sub for initializing class variables
'Inputs: None
'Values for variables 1 (Neccesary for recordsets)
RezeptID = Forms.frmCalcBatch.RezeptID 'RezeptID on current form
RechengruppeID = Forms.frmCalcBatch.RechengruppeID 'Rechengruppe on Current Form
'Initialize Objects
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlWB = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
Set xlSheet = xlWB.Sheets("Tabelle1") 'Set xlSheet to the first sheet in the workbook
Set rsRes = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblTempResults", dbOpenDynaset)
Set rsZwi = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblTempZwischenwerte", dbOpenDynaset)
Set rsRec = Forms.frmCalcBatch.frmSubRechenwerteBox.Form.Recordset.Clone 'rs clone of Rechenwerte subform
Set rstRechenwerte = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT Rechenwert, WertBezeichnung, XLCell FROM tblRechenwerte WHERE RechengruppeID = " & RechengruppeID)
Set rstZwischenwerte = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT ZWBezeichnung, XLFormula, XLCell FROM tblZwischenwerte WHERE RezeptID = " & RezeptID)
Set rstZutaten = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT Zutat, XLFormula, XLCell FROM tblZutaten WHERE RezeptID = " & RezeptID)
'Values for Variables 2 (recordsets neccesary for variables)
xlColumn2 = Split(rstZutaten!xlCell, "1")(0) 'extract excel column denominator for Zutaten
xlColumn2 = Chr(Asc(xlColumn2) + 1) 'Move one column to the right using Asc (A->B etc.)
If Forms.frmCalcBatch.cbExport = True Then
Export = True
ExclExportPath = GetExportPath
Export = False
ExclExportPath = ""
End If
End Sub
You cannot New up a DAO.Recordset, the code will not even compile.
To loop through an array of recordsets, each recordset must initialized before it is added to the array.
For example:
Dim r1 As DAO.Recordset, r2 As DAO.Recordset, r3 As DAO.Recordset
Set r1 = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset("YourTableOrQueryName")
Set r2 = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset("YourTableOrQueryName")
Set r3 = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset("YourTableOrQueryName")
Put the recordsets now in the array.
Dim arr As Variant
arr = Array(r1, r2, r3)
To loop, you need to use a For loop and either access the recordset from the array directly, or declare another recordset variable to hold the iterating recordset.
Through an iterator variable:
Dim r As DAO.Recordset, i As Integer
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
Set r = arr(i)
If Not r.EOF Then
Debug.Print r.RecordCount
End If
Next i
Access it directly from the array:
For i = LBound(arr) To UBound(arr)
If Not arr(i).EOF Then
Debug.Print arr(i).RecordCount
End If
Next i
Though I fail to see why you need to have 3 recordsets in memory at the same time. Personally, I would offload the work that needs to be done in the loop to a separate function and pass the recordset as parameter. The function itself would return a success/failed status, so you can take the appropriate action based on the result.
Another approach would be to store the source names in the array, and create the recordset on demand during the loop.
Hope this helps.

Copy Iteration Issue

The script below triggers every couple milliseconds due to the Worksheet Calculate event and then copies from my Pivot Table to the Chart Helper. Script works great but when it copies the next iteration of data it pastes it after the original data set it just copied.
I need it to continuously paste over the original data set. Example if the original data set copies to A1:A15 I want it to replace A1:A15 not keep A1:A15 then add the new refreshed data set to A16:A30.
I suspect this line is the culprit Offset(1).Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count).Value = .Value
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
If Not Worksheets("Dashboard").ToggleButton1.Value Then Exit Sub
Dim chPivot As PivotCache
On Error GoTo SafeExit
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each chPivot In ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches
Next chPivot
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data Breakdown").PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Price").DataRange
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Chart Helper").Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp). _
Offset(1).Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count).Value = .Value
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data Breakdown").PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Cost").DataRange
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Chart Helper").Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp). _
Offset(1).Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count).Value = .Value
End With
End With
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Assuming your data either gets larger or stays the same size then you just always need to paste data into the exact same cell to overwrite prior pastes.
i.e. replace .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1) with Range("A1")
You also need to separate your with statements. It can become ambiguous which object is being referenced when many are nested. Lastly, remove the column resize. You only need to resize the row here.
Your code could also be cleaned up a little by creating some Worksheet variables
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
If Not Worksheets("Dashboard").ToggleButton1.Value Then Exit Sub
Dim db As Worksheet: Set db = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data Breakdown")
Dim ch As Worksheet: Set ch = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Chart Helper")
Dim chPivot As PivotCache
On Error GoTo SafeExit
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each chPivot In ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches
Next chPivot
'Value transfer 'PRICE' to A1
With db.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Price").DataRange
ch.Range("A1").Resize(.Rows.Count).Value = .Value
End With
'Value transfer 'COST' to B1
With db.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Cost").DataRange
ch.Range("B1").Resize(.Rows.Count).Value = .Value
End With
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

VBA worksheet_change limited to single column doesn't respond to automatic updates

I am building a patient database. I have code that checks for changes in a specific column. if data in that column reaches a certain range, i make it send an email. Currently when i manually update the column the program works flawlessly, but when i have a date based formula update it - the macro doesn't seem to recognize it.
What could the problem be?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column <> 22 Then Exit Sub
Dim rng As Range
For Each rng In Range("V1:V14")
If (rng.Value < 5 And rng.Value > 1) Then
Call mymacro(rng.Address)
End If
Next rng
End Sub
Private Sub mymacro(theValue As String)
Dim xOutApp As Object
Dim xOutMail As Object
Dim xMailBody As String
Set xOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set xOutMail = xOutApp.CreateItem(0)
xMailBody = "Hi there" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _
"The patient that is due is in cell: " & theValue
On Error Resume Next
With xOutMail
.To = "email#hotmail.com"
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.Subject = "Upcoming Patient"
.Body = xMailBody
.Display 'or use .Send
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Set xOutMail = Nothing
Set xOutApp = Nothing
End Sub
the formula that updates the column is

Manipulating data from a field with multi-valuable

I have a table with a field containing multi-valuable as shown below:
In the form, I want to let the user enter a NCR_Num in the textbox then using VBA to do some input validation then add it to the "text_Pool" as shown below:
This Text_Pool has the NCR_Num as the control source so if there is a NCR number added or deleted from it, it will automatically update the NCR_Num field.
I am not quite sure how to handle this data type.
In VBA, I cannot obtain the value from the Text_Pool because I think I need to treat it as an array or recordset
Below is an example of me trying the recordset attempt but obviously I am quite confused on what I am doing:
Public Function get_NCR_Num(SCAR_Num As Integer) As Integer()
Dim dbsMain As DAO.Database
Dim rstMain As DAO.Recordset
Dim childRS As Recordset
Dim sSearchField, sCriteria As String
Set dbsMain = CurrentDb
Set rstMain = dbsMain.OpenRecordset("tbl_SCAR", dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)
Set childRS = rstMain!NCR_Num.Value
sSearchField = "[SCAR_Num]"
sCriteria = sSearchField & " = " & [SCAR_Num]
With rstMain
.FindFirst (sCriteria)
With childRS
Do While (Not .EOF)
MsgBox (childRS!NCR_Num.Value)
End With
End With
Set rstMain = Nothing
Set dbsMain = Nothing
End Function
Any help will be appreciated!
I misunderstood your question, and have updated the answer with the following code. This should do what you want. Replace the code you have in subroutine 'Command_LinkNCR_Click' with the following.
This will: (a) validate nbr exists; (b) add if not present; (c) remove if present;
WARNING!! This code only addresses the one issue you were trying to overcome. However, it makes an update of the same recordset as you are viewing on the form, so there may be an issue if your form is 'Dirty'.
Give this a try and let me know if you have questions.
Private Sub Command_LinkNCR_Click()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rsMain As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsChild As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim blnMatch As Boolean
If IsNull(Me.Text_NCR) Or Me.Text_NCR = "" Then
MsgBox "No value entered for NCR_Num", vbOKOnly, "Missing Value"
Exit Sub
End If
blnMatch = False
Set dbs = CurrentDb
' Only need to work on the current record
strSQL = "select * from tbl_SCAR where SCAR_Num = " & Me!SCAR_Num & ";"
Set rsMain = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
If rsMain.EOF Then
' Should never happen
Set rsChild = rsMain!NCR_Num.Value
If rsChild.EOF Then ' If no values yet, add this new one
MsgBox "Add item"
Do While Not rsChild.EOF
' See if we have a match...
If Int(rsChild.Fields(0)) = Int(Me.Text_NCR) Then
blnMatch = True
rsChild.Delete ' Delete item
Exit Do
End If
If blnMatch = False Then ' Need to Add it
rsChild.Fields(0) = Me.Text_NCR
End If
End If
End If
Set rsMain = Nothing
Set rsChild = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing
End Sub

Lotus Script Action to export

Please take a loot at this code:
I would like to export the my current view from Lotus Notes to Excel. However I am not able to. I have never worked with LotusScript before
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim wks As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim uiView As NotesUIView
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim column As NotesViewColumn
Dim row As Long,colcounter As Long,arrcnt As Long,arrcounter As Long, x As Long
Dim filename As String, currentvalue As String
Dim rowsatonce As Integer,cn As Integer
Dim xlApp As Variant, xlsheet As Variant,xlwb As Variant, xlrange As Variant, tempval As Variant
Dim DataArray
Dim VColumns List As String
Redim DataArray(0, 80) As String
'80 columns is our expected max number of columns in the view. It's dynamically recomputed below to actual (lower) number. Change if the number of columns is larger.
Set db=session.CurrentDatabase
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Visible = True 'Excel program is visible (to avoid errors and see what is happening)
Set xlwb=xlApp.Workbooks.Add
Set xlsheet =xlwb.Worksheets(1)
Set uiView = wks.CurrentView
Set view = db.GetView( uiView.ViewName ) ' get the view currently open in UI
Forall c In view.Columns
If c.isIcon<>True Then ' do not include icon columns
If c.Formula<>"""1""" And c.Formula<>"1" Then 'do not include columns which are used for counting docs (Total)
DataArray(row-1, colcounter-1) =c.Title
End If
End If
End Forall
Redim Preserve DataArray(0, colcounter-1) As String
xlsheet.Range("A1").Resize(1, colcounter).Value = DataArray ' set column names
Redim DataArray(rowsatonce-1, colcounter-1) As String
Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument
While Not ( doc Is Nothing )
Forall col In VColumns
tempval= doc.ColumnValues(Val(col))
If Isarray(tempval) Then
Forall v In tempval
If currentvalue="" Then
End If
End Forall
End If
DataArray(arrcounter, x-1) =currentvalue
End Forall
If arrcounter/rowsatonce=arrcounter\rowsatonce And arrcounter<>0 Then
xlsheet.Range("A"+Cstr(arrcnt*rowsatonce+2)).Resize(rowsatonce, colcounter).Value = DataArray
Redim DataArray(rowsatonce-1, colcounter-1) As String
End If
Set doc = view.GetNextDocument (doc)
If arrcounter/rowsatonce<>arrcounter\rowsatonce And arrcounter>0 Then
' Redim Preserve DataArray(arrcounter, colcounter-1) As String
xlsheet.Range("A"+Cstr(arrcnt*rowsatonce+2)).Resize(arrcounter, colcounter).Value = DataArray
End If
Msgbox "Done"
End Sub
I am trying to create an action in Lotus Notes to export my current view into excel. It is giving me the error: "Object Variable not Set"
I suggest that you add at least a basic error handling.
add at the beginning a "on error goto handler"
and at the bottom something like
exit sub
print error$ & " in line " & cstr(erl)
resume exit_point
You might want to use my export script: from here
I haven't changed it for over 10 years, but it still works. As of Notes8 I prefer using the 'View Copy as Table' feature in Notes...
