Create a batch file to execute gradle build command - batch-file

I want to write a batch file to trigger the gradlew shadowJar file from my machine. Currently i have two java versions in my machine, java8 and java17. My environment variable JAVA_HOME is set to Java8. But to execute the gradle i need java 11 (its requirement). By writing a new custom batch file, i will set the JAVA_HOME for Java11.
I tried to write a batch file but its not working,
#echo off
echo Setting JAVA_HOME
set JAVA_HOME=C:/Program Files/Java/jdk-17
set PATH=C:/Program Files/Java/jdk-17/bin;
set JAVA_EXE=%JAVA_HOME%/bin/java.exe
set DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS="-Xmx64m" "-Xms64m"
set CLASSPATH=%APP_HOME%\gradle\wrapper\gradle-wrapper.jar
"%JAVA_EXE%" %DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS% -classpath "%CLASSPATH%" org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain %*
When i execute the above batch file, it's failing and its not working as expected. How can i log the execution error?


Jenkins not able to run Poetry in batch file. Works when run manually

I'm attempting to get Jenkins to run a .bat file which contains a call to Poetry (for package management).
However, when running this .bat file via Jenkins, I'm getting a "'poetry' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." error.
I believe this is due to the .bat file failing when it attempts to run a "call poetry check" command.
The .bat file runs successfully when run manually.
Is there some obvious feature of Jenkins that I'm missing here?
I'm aware that there is an alternative method of embedding poetry into Jenkins with direct commands. However this project is about to be passed on to someone else, and they would not be able to maintain that.
I've reproduced the key code below (the Jenkins code calling the .bat file, the code in the .bat file and the error output from Jenkins).
Jenkins code (standard pipeline with default settings):
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Main') {
steps {
bat 'E:\\project-folder\\project_run.bat'
Bat file code:
#echo off
cd /d "E:\project-folder\"
call poetry check && (
echo poetry checked
) || (
echo Problem with poetry
echo Installing prod packages
call poetry install --no-dev && (
echo Production packages successfully installed
) || (
echo Problem installing packages to environment
call python
Jenkins Error:
Moving to project directory
'poetry' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Problem with poetry
Windows is looking up executables on the path you specify. If you run a command without a path, Windows looks for the command/executable in all directories specified in the environment variable PATH.
Very likely your Jenkins is running with different path settings than your interactive shell.
What you can do:
specify the full path to the command you want to raise in Jenkins
set the PATH variable in the Jenkins job prior to running the command
set the PATH variable before invoking Jenkins
Apart from the directory, Windows also has to check extensions. If you run poetry, Windows may have to find, poetry.exe, poetry.bat or poetry.cmd. I suspect one of these files reside in E:\project-folder. To understand which files Windows checks for and the preference, have a look at the environment variable PATHEXT.
So to better understand these differences you can run the command set without parameters. Do that on the command line, and add the same command into your Jenkins job.

Batch-file to update files from SVN and then run a program

Currently am executing a program from command prompt, basically a Python command, but I want that to be automated so that the program runs the latest version of the files before the program starts.
So current program is run by saying:
python c:\program\ is present in folder that constantly is provided with updates
Now I want to write a batch file with the above command but before that also SVN command that updates the folder before the actual program is run.
How can I do this?
Create a .bat file script and place it into a directory that is in the PATH variable or the current working directory.
=== doit.bat
PUSHD "c:\program"
svn up
python c:\program\

not able to set environment variable using Jenkins batch command line

I am working on Jenkins android app automation. I have automated Android version name from manifest file for example version name and set the version name as environment variable. I have test.bat file code looks like below.
#For /F %%A In ('Powershell -C "[xml]$fC=Get-Content 'AndroidManifest.xml';"^
"$fC.manifest.versionName"') Do #Set "versionName=%%A"
#Echo %versionName% > name.txt
Now I am calling this test.bat file from Jenkins under "execute windows batch command" section and it ran but it is not able to set as environment variable.
Also I am giving svn command under "execute windows batch command" as
svn commit -m " updated version %versionName% ".
In build output it should show update version but is not taking as a environment variable. Please can you help me

SQL Server agent for scheduling SFTP using WinSCP under SSIS

I have a batch script which generates a WinSCP upload script to upload a file to an SFTP location. Now when I run the batch file via command prompt - it runs successfully and loads it. I called the same thru SSIS Execute process task - it runs successfully and loads it. Now when I put the same on SQL Agent - I tried the following two options:
Using Operating System (CmdExec) - cmd.exe /c "\.bat"
Added the SSIS package to SSISDB and added it as a job step.
With both the above options the job showed a successful run. However the file is not uploaded! Any ideas on what is happening?
Here's my batch script:
echo off
SET winscp=C:\"Program Files (x86)"\WinSCP\
SET stagingDirectory=\\<staging path>\
SET scriptPath=\\<ScriptPath>\UploadScript.txt
SET ftpHost=xx.xx.xx.xx
SET ftpUser=user
SET ftpPass=password
SET fileName=Test.xlsx
SET ftpFlags=
#REM ftpFlags: -explicit
echo deleting uploadScript if it already exists
IF EXIST %scriptPath% del /F %scriptPath%
IF EXIST %scriptPath% exit 1
echo Generating WINSCP Upload Script
>>%scriptPath% echo option batch abort
>>%scriptPath% echo option confirm off
>>%scriptPath% echo open sftp://%ftpUser%:%ftpPass%#%ftpHost% %ftpFlags%
>>%scriptPath% echo option transfer binary
>>%scriptPath% echo put %stagingDirectory%%fileName% /
>>%scriptPath% echo close
>>%scriptPath% echo exit
echo Launching WINSCP upload
start /wait %winscp% /console /script=%scriptPath%
As you start the WinSCP via the start (why?), the exit code is not propagated to the SSIS. So, you never learn, if the script fails. And it most probably fails.
You also should enable logging, so that you can see what's wrong.
You should use this code to propagate the WinSCP exit code to SSIS and to enable logging:
%winscp% /log=\\<ScriptPath>\UploadScript.log /script=%scriptPath%
exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%
(Note that the does not have the /console parameter)
Anyway, one clear problem is that you do not specify an expected SSH host key in the script. When you run the script manually, you probably have the key cached in the registry of your Windows account. But under the SSIS a different account is used, and its host key cache is likely empty. You should add the -hostkey switch to the open command in the script to make the script independent on the cache. See Where do I get SSH host key fingerprint to authorize the server?
When testing the script, add the /ini=nul parameter to isolate the script from your configuration.
For this and other hints, when debugging WinSCP running under SSIS, see My script works fine when executed manually, but fails or hangs when run by Windows Scheduler, SSIS or other automation service. What am I doing wrong?
And finally, see WinSCP SFTP Task for SSIS.
Your variable seems set incorrectly. To manage with a space in the path and into the variable you have to put in quotes the whole path or the whole variable.
set "winscp=C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\"
echo start "%winscp%"
:: output: start "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\"
set winscp="C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\"
echo start %winscp%
:: output: start "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\"
Another point, you have to check this file: UploadScript.txt because your script adds new lines rather than remake the file.
change this line to >%scriptPath% echo option batch abort instead of >>%...
Ah, I did not pay attention to the IF EXIST.

Nunit result xml is not updated during Jenkins build

I have configured NUnit tests to run after build completed.(Jenkins)
I added following on Excecute windows batch command window in Jenkins.
rmdir ClickOnceInstall /Q /S
mkdir ClickOnceInstall
CD BuildScripts
"C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit 2.6.2\bin\nunit-console-x86.exe" AA.Tests\bin\x86\Release\AA.Tests.dll /xml=nunit-result.xml
It seems Execute unit test command doesn't create result file as specified name and marked as failed. However, when I run the nunit test command manually it creates the file. Next time build through Jenkins, result xml file does not seem to be updated but it doesn't fail.
am I missing any configuration or something else?
It would help if you would paste the console log.
However, my first guess is to ask you to add call to your batch file statement:
call Start.bat
If that batch file has an exit /b statement (even with 0), it will quit the whole calling step (i.e. "Execute windows batch command") without getting to your last statement (i.e nunit command).
Using call in front of the batch file will make sure that control is returned to the calling step.
