Why square brackets not allowed in IRI - owl

I am creating IRI with [name] as value. Though IRI is getting created, when I call getShortForm() on that IRI, I am not getting [name] but I am getting string after the first '/'.
Example :
IRI.create("http://example.com/myPage" + "#" + "[name]"). When I call IRI.getShortForm() I am getting "myPage#[name]" instead of just [name].
But when I create IRI.create("http://example.com/myPage" + "#" + "name") like this and then call getShortForm(), I am getting name.


How to update internal table without using MODIFY?

I have created internal tables where I want to update age of employee in one internal table by calculating it from another table, I have done arithmetic calculations to get age but now how can I update it by any alternate way instead of MODIFY?
WRITE : / 'FirstName','LastName', ' Age'.
LOOP AT gt_items1 INTO gwa_items1.
READ TABLE gt_header INTO gwa_header WITH KEY empid = gwa_items1-empid.
gwa_items1-age = gv_date+0(4) - gwa_header-bdate+0(4).
MODIFY gt_items1 from gwa_items1 TRANSPORTING age WHERE empid = gwa_items1-empid.
WRITE : / gwa_items1-fname , gwa_items1-lname , gwa_items1-age .
Use field symbols (instead of work areas) by LOOPing over internal tables:
WRITE : / 'FirstName','LastName', ' Age'.
LOOP AT gt_items1
READ TABLE gt_header
WITH KEY empid = <ls_item1>-empid.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
<ls_item1>-age = gv_date+0(4) - <ls_header>-bdate+0(4).
WRITE : / <ls_item1>-fname , <ls_item1>-lname , <ls_item1>-age .
Field symbols have two advantages:
They modify the internal table directly, no separate MODIFY is
They are somewhat faster, than work areas.
Besides József Szikszai's answer you could also use references:
write : / 'FirstName','LastName', ' Age'.
sort gt_header by empid. " <------------- Sort for binary search
loop at gt_items1 reference into data(r_item1).
read table gt_header reference into data(r_header)
with key empid = r_item1->empid binary search. " <------------- Faster read
check sy-subrc eq 0.
r_item1->age = gv_date+0(4) - r_header->bdate+0(4).
write : / r_item1->fname , r_item1->lname , r_item1->age .
I added some enhacements to your code also.
For more info check this link.

Visual Basic when inserting data in SQL Server

I put a SQL statement into a button in visual to make it insert data in the DB and when I touch it, this error happens:
Conversion from string "Insert into TBL_Usuario_102 valu" to type 'Double' is not valid.
This is the code that's in the button:
Private Sub Guardar_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Guardar.Click
If NombreDePersona.Text <> "" And Cedula.Text <> "" And RepetirContraseña.Text <> "" And Contraseña.Text <> "" Then
If (RepetirContraseña.Text = Contraseña.Text) Then
instruccionSQL = New SqlClient.SqlCommand("Insert into TBL_Usuario_102 values" +
"(" + Cedula.Text + "," +
NombreDePersona.Text + "," + 3 +
"," + Contraseña.Text + "," +
FechaInclusion.Text + "," + 0 +
"," + FechaInclusion.Text + "," + 3 + ")")
MsgBox("Datos Guardados Correctamente")
MsgBox("Las contraseñas no coinciden")
End If
MsgBox("Escriba en Cada Campo")
End If
End Sub
The SQL connection is in a module and it working good because when I insert the data manually in SQL Server the login works fine.
The type of data in the table of the database is in this order
Creating a SQL string like this is dangerous, as it can lead to SQL injection attacks. Usually it is recommended to use command parameters; however, you can also escape single quotes in strings by doubling them. This should make such an attack impossible. Command parameters also have the advantage that you don't have to care about the formatting of strings (and escaping them), numbers, Booleans and dates. E.g. see: How to pass a parameter from vb.net.
As it is now, there is another problem with your SQL statement. Strings must be enclosed in single quotes. Also use & for string concatenation. Not + (it's this + which let's VB think that you want to add Doubles).
The type of your texts and numbers inputs does not seem to match the one in the table (is NombreDePersona a varchar(20)?) and you are inserting FechaInclusion twice.
I would also specify the column names explicitly
INSERT INTO TBL_Usuario_102 (column_name1, column_name2, ...) values ('a text', 3, ...)
Finally, you don't execute your command. After having opened a connection:

Dynamic SQL - Update Column by Prepending A Current Column

I am trying to populate a column that is to represent an Internal URL that directs the user to a specific document. The document ID, DOC_ID, is already populated in the Table. I would like to populate the column by prepending a base URL to the Document ID. I do not know how to to do this dynamically and am getting some errors referring to the parameters of CONCAT(), issue being it is understanding it to be a string rather than the column value. My code is as follows:
+ ' '
+ ' '
+ ','
+ 'DOC_ID'
+ ')'
EXECUTE sp_executesql #Insert_DRS_URL_SQL;
#URLBASE = 'http://blah/blah/blah/id='
DRS_URL is the column I wish to populate.
Basically I need DRS_URL = #BASEURL + DOC_ID

Problems with string parameter insertion into prepared statement

I have a database running on an MS SQL Server. My application communicates via JDBC and ODBC with it. Now I try to use prepared statements.
When I insert a numeric (Long) parameter everything works fine. When I insert a string
parameter it does not work. There is no error message, but an empty result set.
WHERE column LIKE ('%' + ? + '%') --inserted "test" -> empty result set
WHERE column LIKE ? --inserted "%test%" -> empty result set
WHERE column = ? --inserted "test" -> works
But I need the LIKE functionality. When I insert the same string directly into the query string (not as a prepared statement parameter) it runs fine.
WHERE column LIKE '%test%'
It looks a little bit like double quoting for me, but I never used quotes inside a string. I use preparedStatement.setString(int index, String x) for insertion.
What is causing this problem?
How can I fix it?
Thanks in advance.
What are you inserting at '?'
If you are inserting
Then this will result in
WHERE column LIKE ('%' + test + '%')
which will fail. If you are inserting
Then this will result in
WHERE column LIKE ('%' + "test" + '%')
Which will fail.
You need to insert
Then this will result in
WHERE column LIKE ('%' + 'test' + '%')
And this should work.
I don't know why = "test" works, it should not unless you have a column called test.
I am using SUN's JdbcOdbcBridge. As far as I read yet, you should avoid to use it. Maybe there is a better implementation out there.
For now, I wrote the folling method. It inserts string-type parameters into the statement with string operations before the statement is compiled.
You should build a map of the parameters with the parameter index as the key and the value as the parameter itself.
private static String insertStringParameters(String statement, Map<Integer, Object> parameters) {
for (Integer parameterIndex : parameters.keySet()) {
Object parameter = parameters.get(parameterIndex);
if (parameter instanceof String) {
String parameterString = "'" + (String) parameter + "'";
int occurence = 0;
int stringIndex = 0;
while(occurence < parameterIndex){
stringIndex = statement.indexOf("?", stringIndex) + 1;
statement = statement.substring(0, stringIndex - 1) + parameterString + statement.substring(stringIndex);
return statement;

Returning non-printable sybol (enter) to SQL Server from C# via CLR

I have the following CLR function:
public static SqlString PrintText(SqlString text)
// Put your code here
return new SqlString(text.Value);
And I want to get an enter symbol when passing '\r\n'
to it. But insteat I get '\r\n'
Could you please tell me what's wrong with this code.
Thank you.
In T-SQL you don't write a line break as \r\n. Instead you just use a line break:
is a
in SQL
line breaks'
If you pass a string with \r\n to the C# code, nothing magical happens, it doesn't automatically get converted. The backslash character is just a character like any other. It's when you use the backslash in a literal string in the code that the compiler uses it as an escape code, and puts the control characters in the actual string.
You could always:
return new SqlString(text.Value.Replace("\\r\\n", "\r\n"));
From the SQL side, you could insert char(13) + char(10) into your T-SQL literals like so:
DECLARE #text varchar(100)
SET #test = 'this' + char(13) + char(10)
+ 'is a' + char(13) + char(10)
+ 'string' + char(13) + char(10)
+ 'in SQL' + char(13) + char(10)
+ 'with' + char(13) + char(10)
+ 'line breaks'
Though this works, it is much more verbose than Guffa's answer.
However, this technique can also be used to insert any character of the default code page into a string. The Function CHAR(int) accepts any integer between 0 and 255. Values outside that range cause it to return null. The function NCHAR(int) accepts values up to 65535 and inserts the corresponding unicode characters into a unicode string. Functions ASCII(char) and UNICODE(nchar) perform the inverse operations.
