Hide UIElement but display that element's Effect - wpf

I am drawing a sequence of lines with DropShadowEffect in WPF. I want all the effects to display behind all the lines. So I drew the sequence twice: The first time I set Line.Stroke to Transparent and added the effect, and the second time I set Line.Stroke how I wanted and left off the effect. Unfortunately, a transparent stroke seems somehow to hide the effect as well, so my first sequence of lines doesn't display anything. Setting StrokeThickness to 0 also hides the effect. How can I show Line.Effect without showing the Line itself?
As commented, WPF - Element is invisible but has dropshadow effect asks the same question I do, but I want a code solution if possible, not just a Blend feature.

A dropshadoweffect is a sort of gaussian blur.
It takes pixels and sort of copies them offset.
You need something to copy.
So the answer is no, you cannot.
You could maybe try clipping the line to remove it, but I would think that's going to give you a hole where the line was.
In fact if you take the question as stated then the shadow is a blurred version of the line offset by a few pixels.
If your line is say:
<Line X1="0" X2="100" Y1="0" Y2="150"
The shadow is something like:
<Line X1="4" X2="104" Y1="3" Y2="153"
If this is not exactly what you want I could give you code which does a box blur on a black white image.
It's not as neat as gaussian but gaussian is hard to code. You'd have to paint your lines then blur em.
For interest
This is an explanation of the gaussian algorithm:


WPF: how to write text in a different direction?

I need to write text in the orientation specified for the image below. The fact is that I saw some examples around here by using a textblock and rotating the angle of the control using "RenderTransform", but this is not what I really need. I tried to do it using an image but it doesn't fit very well... so I really don't know how to solve it. If you look at the image beside you can see that the text is written from bottom to top and the line below the text is in the right of the screen.
This is the screen that I need to develop:
I tried by rotating the textblock, but the only way that it works for me was wrapping the text, but this is just the "closest" solution that I found. Also, as you can see, I need to set a border for the textblock.
Anyway, I hope you can help me because any example around fits with my problem.
In order to rotate your text at 90 degrees, I believe that you will need to use the LayoutTransform instead of the RenderTransform:
<TextBlock Text="FootRoller" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<RotateTransform Angle="-90"/>
The difference is when the transform will be applied. Using the LayoutTransform, the text will be rotated before the layout pass and this will be important in your case. I imagine that using the RenderTransform will rotate your TextBlock, but as it does that after the layout pass, it would not show it all... this is because it was measured for size before it was rotated.
You can find out full details from the Transforms Overview page on MSDN. From the linked page:
LayoutTransform – A transform that is applied before the layout pass. After the transform is applied, the layout system processes the transformed size and position of the element.
RenderTransform – A transform that modifies the appearance of the element but is applied after the layout pass is complete. By using the RenderTransform property instead of the LayoutTransform property, you can obtain performance benefits.
They're all right. RenderTransform should be all you need. Like;
<TextBlock Text="FootRoller" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">
<CompositeTransform Rotation="-90"/>
P.S. - You can literally just change RenderTransform to LayoutTransform which Sheridan has provided an explanation for in his answer.
If RenderTransform didn't work, take a look at LayoutTransform. You didn't tell us why RenderTransform didn't work but it's usually a safe bet that LayoutTransform will solve whatever problem it gave you.

How do I create a vertical text block without using an ItemsControl?

Alright, trying this again. All I want is to rotate a text block, nothing tricky. And I don't want to do it using an ItemsControl because it will require using a control for each and every letter, which is way too expensive for my needs.
Despite the controversy if it's a duplicate or not, there may be a way to achieve vertical text on a very low level, involving a GlyphRun. I haven't tested that in detail, but what i know is, you would have to
create a GlyphRun with the IsSideways property set to true, meaning
all character will be rotated 90° counter-clockwise,
get a DrawingContext and push (via PushTransform) a 90° clockwise RotateTransform onto it,
draw the GlyphRun to the DrawingContext.
A simple way to get an appropriate DrawingContext would be to override UIElement.OnRender.
Note: GlyphRun's constructor has 13 arguments, but the last 6 may be null :-)
<TextBlock Width="7" HorizontalAlignment="Left">

How can I create an opacity mask in wpf that doesn't scale?

Ok, I've created a PNG-24 with transparency. It's basically a grayscale image that uses 'colors' in between black and transparent instead of black and white. I did this so I can use this as the Opacity Mask of a colored rectangle, thus rendering the image in whatever color I want using only a single graphic.
However, for the life of me, I can't get WPF to stop anti-aliasing the da*n image!!
I've set 'SnapesToDevicePixels' on the rectangle to which the brush is applied... I've set the ImageBrush's Scale to 'None'... I've set its ViewPort and the ViewBox to absolute units and sized them exactly to the source image. But no matter what I try, WPF still insists on trying to smooth things out! This is VERY frustrating!!!
So... anyone know how to use an image as an opacity mask but not lose the pixel-precise drawing that we have done? I just want WPF to render the damn thing as we drew it, period!
I have tried to reproduce your problem. Simply like this:
<Rectangle Width="200" Height="200" Fill="Red">
<ImageBrush ImageSource="/mask.png"/>
mask.png contains a simple diagonal mask, like that half of rectange is visible and other half is 100% transparent.
And recrangle is rendering pixel perfect (and aliased, as you want).
I think, that you may a DPI setting, that is not native to your monitor, and WPF just can`t render images correctly.
GOT IT! It's a layout issue that for some reason, there's no easy way to change. However, there's a value you can set called UseLayoutRounding that fixes it. I just set it at the root level (for this fauxample, a grid...)
<Grid UseLayoutRounding="True">
...and BAM! Works like a charm! "Sort of" like a 'SnapsToDevicePixels' but for positioning of elements (i.e. it rounds all layout-related values like left, width, etc. whereas SnapsToDevicePixels snaps the layout to the on-screen pixels when rendering.)

WPF: Drawing a single character in a Rectangle

this time, I have a rather short question: I want to Have a single char (which is a bracket) to display in a given Rectangular area without having spaces between the char an the border of the Rectangle. Is this possible?
//EDIT: What im trying to do is placing brackets around a mathematical term which might be of different height.
Something like this should work:
<Border Background="AntiqueWhite">
<TextBlock Text="?" />
I've set the background of the border so you can see it. Normally you'd want to leave it along or have it transparent.

Tiling rectangles seamlessly in WPF

I want to seamlessly tile a bunch of different-colored Rectangles in WPF. That is, I want to put a bunch of rectangles edge-to-edge, and not have gaps between them.
If everything is aligned to pixels, this works fine. But I also want to support arbitrary zoom, and ideally, I don't want to use SnapsToDevicePixels (because it would compromise quality when the image is zoomed way out). But that means my Rectangles sometimes render with gaps. For example:
<Page xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
<Canvas SnapsToDevicePixels="False">
<ScaleTransform ScaleX="0.5" ScaleY="0.5"/>
<Rectangle Canvas.Left="25" Width="100" Height="100" Fill="#CFC"/>
<Rectangle Canvas.Left="125" Width="100" Height="100" Fill="#CCF"/>
If the ScaleTransform's ScaleX is 1, then the Rectangles fit together seamlessly. When it's 0.5, there's a dark gray streak between them. I understand why -- the combined semi-transparent edge pixels don't combine to be 100% opaque. But I would like a way to fix it.
I could always just make the Rectangles overlap, but I won't always know in advance what patterns they'll be in (this is for a game that will eventually support a map editor). Besides, this would cause artifacts around the overlap area when things were zoomed way in (unless I did bevel-cut angles on the underlapping portion, which is an awful lot of work, and still causes problems at corners).
Is there some way I can combine these Rectangles into a single combined "shape" that does render without internal gaps? I've played around with GeometryDrawing, which does exactly that, but then I don't see a way to paint each RectangleGeometry with a different-colored brush.
Are there any other ways to get shapes to tile seamlessly under an arbitrary transform, without resorting to SnapsToDevicePixels?
You might consider using guidelines (see GuidelineSet on MSDN) and overriding the Rectangles' OnRender methods so that their boundaries line up with the pixel boundaries of the device. WPF uses guidelines to determine whether and where to snap drawings.
Internally, it's exactly what SnapsToDevicePixels is using to ensure that objects line up with the device's pixels, but by placing guidelines manually you'll be able to control when the snapping behaviour is applied and when it is not (so when your image is zoomed all of the way out, you can avoid drawing guidelines, or only draw guidelines where your shapes lie next to other shapes, and rely on WPF's anti-aliasing to take care of the rest). You might be able to do it with an attached property so that you can apply it to any element, though if it's only one type of element (e.g. Rectangle) that you need this behaviour on, it's probably not worth the extra effort.
It seems like Microsoft is aware of this problem, too - WPF 4.0 is expected to feature Layout Rounding, which, like the version in Silverlight, rounds off non-integer values at the Render pass when layout rounding has been enabled.
I guess the gaps are not actual gaps but the stroke that is painted. When you scale it down than you just make the stroke smaller to a point where it is not visible anymore. I tried to paint the stroke in the color of the rectangle wich works just fine on any scale.
&ltPage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
&ltCanvas SnapsToDevicePixels="False"&gt
&ltScaleTransform ScaleX="0.5" ScaleY="0.5"/&gt
&ltRectangle Canvas.Left="25" Width="100" Height="100" Fill="#CFC" Stroke="#CFC"/&gt
&ltRectangle Canvas.Left="125" Width="100" Height="100" Fill="#CCF" Stroke="#CCF"/&gt
