React Navigation V6 large header option with blur effect doesn't work if my app is in dark mode but the phone is in light mode - reactjs

I have the following styling to a NativeStackNavigationOption
navigationOptions = (): NativeStackNavigationOptions => ({
title: "Search Screen",
The styling is:
LargeHeaderOptions: NativeStackNavigationOptions = {
headerLargeTitle: true,
headerShadowVisible: true,
headerLargeStyle: {
backgroundColor: 'transparent'
headerBlurEffect: 'regular',
headerTransparent: Platform.OS === 'ios',
headerTitleStyle: {
fontSize: getScaledFontSize(18, NAVIGATION_BAR_MAX_SCALE)
My problem is that when my app is in dark mode but the phone is in light mode, the blur effect that I get is still light. I tried changing the headerBlurEffect to other values from the documentation to make sure that it is working so that I can conditionally change it depending on my theme but no matter what value I set there, it seems to render a light mode blur effect but if the phone is in dark mode it renders a dark mode blur effect.


I want to customize the background color of the Material UI (mui) textfield which comes after selecting option. can i remove this background color

When i select option given by the browser intelligence. I often get this background color. But when i write something using keyboard inside textfield then i don't get this background color.
I dont't know either i have to change background color or something else.
i want to remove background blue color of the textfield
const StyledOutlinedInput = styled(OutlinedInput)(({ theme }) => {
const [isDarkTheme, setIsDarkTheme] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
setIsDarkTheme(theme.palette.type === 'dark');
}, [theme.palette.type]);
return {
height: "2rem",
backgroundColor: isDarkTheme ? 'transparent' : theme.palette.background.default,
border: 'none',
outline: '0',
boxShadow: 'none',
I tried to modify background color but it doesn't work. I think something else to be changed but i don't know. Also, it doesn't align with the height of the textfield.

Using theme palette colors in custom MUI component variants with light/dark mode

For readability reasons, I want to split the components object passed in the createTheme function (components may have large variants) and I do have light/dark mode.
According to docs, this is how we get the design tokens:
const getDesignTokens = (mode: PaletteMode) => ({
palette: {
...(mode === 'light'
? {
// palette values for light mode
primary: amber,
divider: amber[200],
text: {
primary: grey[900],
secondary: grey[800],
: {
// palette values for dark mode
primary: deepOrange,
divider: deepOrange[700],
background: {
default: deepOrange[900],
paper: deepOrange[900],
text: {
primary: '#fff',
secondary: grey[500],
After that, I create the theme depending on whether the mode is light or dark.
The problem is when I'm trying to add a component to the theme (as stated before, each component will be only referenced in the createTheme, the definition would be somewhere else) I cannot use colors from the theme without wrapping the component is a function which has the parameter the mode used.
I wonder if there is any solution like with the sx prop when you're referencing the color as a string, let's say sx={{ backgroundColor: 'button.background' }} and that would automatically be used from the theme.
Wrapping each component in a function with a parameter does the job, but I would like to know if there is any better solution.
How the code is now:
const dashedVariants = (palette) => ({
props: {variant: 'dashed'},
style: {
border: `1px dashed ${palette.dashColor}`
const Button = (palette) => ({
styleOverrides: {},
variants: [dashedVariants(palette)]
vs what I'm trying to acheive:
const dashedVariants = {
props: {variant: 'dashed'},
style: {
border: `1px dashed palette.dashColor` //something like that??
Note: I've looked over this existing question, but unfortunately this does seem to help.
Due to complexity of CSS properties, many UI toolkit and its themes only parse singular properties(or provide a detour utility); MUI's one of them. Use separate border properties to make parser working. Palette color property parser only works for the type of React.CSSProperties['color'] property. .border property is Property.Border type. The color parser won't work in this case.
Palette type only works with appropriate properties. it does not provide dashColor property. according to MUI doc, working properties are:
// ...
const theme = {
palette: {
secondary: {
main: '#...' // user defiend color
const dashedVariants = {
props: {variant: 'dashed'},
style: {
borderColor: 'secondary.main',
borderWidth: '1px',
borderStyle: 'dashed',
There's an experimental CSS variable feature. With this, it is possible to define CSS variable inside complex property. This is probably the closest to the goal but it's currently experimental stage, might be unstable for production use. I am also looking forward to using this in the future.

Material-UI: Customise theme for hover state

I am trying to customise MUI V5 theme to define colours of a design system for all components according to variant, color and state(hover).
I tried to follow the approach mentioned in: and it works fine when I tried it for MuiButton as shown below. but to apply the design system I have to write the same conditions for all defined components(Fab, chip, selector,...) with all supported colors and variants :
MuiButton: {
defaultProps: {
variant: 'contained',
root: ({ ownerState, theme }) => ({
...(ownerState.color === 'error' && {
...(ownerState.variant === 'contained' &&{
backgroundColor: '#530F00',
...(ownerState.variant === 'outlined' &&{
borderColor: '#D48E80',
backgroundColor: '#F8EDEB',
My question: Is there a general way to define styles for all components with same variants? Or is there a better way to achieve this?

Icon in createMaterialBottomTabNavigator isn't showing

I'm trying to set up a MaterialBottomTabNavigator in my app with custom icons using react-native-vector-icons, but the icons are not showing up. Am I doing something wrong in the NavigatorConfig?
At first I thought it was because my icons aren't loading in correctly, but placing them in a View on another screen (anywhere but inside the MaterialBottomTab) makes them show up no problem. Even the standard MaterialIcons provided with vector-icons aren't showing up in the bottomTab, but any other place is no problem.
I've tried shifting the configs around, placing the tabBarIcon in both the screen config, aswell as the navigator config, but still no result.
I've also tried the showIcon option, but also no results.
Here's my code right now:
export const userNavigation = createMaterialBottomTabNavigator({Bars, Settings}, {
Bars: {
screen: Bars,
navigationOptions: {
tabBarIcon: ({focused}) => <Icon name="bars" size={20} color={focused ? '#FFF' : '#DACE91'}/>,
shifting: false,
labeled: true,
activeColor: '#FFF',
inactiveColor: '#DACE91',
I expect the icons to show up in the bottomTab, but I get no error messages or any other feedback as to why they aren't showing.
You are putting in the tab configs the route configs.
screen: Bars,
tabBarIcon: ({focused}) =><Icon name="bars" size={20} color={focused ? '#FFF' : '#DACE91'}/>,
shifting: false,
labeled: true,
activeColor: '#FFF',
inactiveColor: '#DACE91',
Hopefully this will help!
to fix then icon
add these in bootom navigation
shifting: false,
labeled: true,

material-ui: AppBar: strategy for restricting an image height to AppBar height?

can anyone provide guidance around an idiomatic way to place an image in an AppBar and have it be restricted to the standard material height (e.g. 64px for a desktop)?
i'm currently using material-ui#next (1.0.0-beta.2 currently).
i have found that something like:
<IconButton color="contrast" aria-label="Menu">
<MenuIcon />
<img src={logo} style={{height: 64}}/>
<Typography type="title" color="inherit">
React Scratch
works well.
the actual logo is a png file with a height greater than 64, so if i don't ratchet it down, it expands the height of the AppBar out of Material spec.
in the current master branch version of src/styles there is a getMuiTheme.js which seems to deliver this height readily, but in the #next version i am looking at, that file doesn't even exist and tbh, i can't easily determine how that height is being set anymore.
i found that the AppBar is currently being renovated for composability, so that churn might make it challenging to answer this question, but just in case anyone has a good handle on this, i figured i would toss the question out there.
In all cases I've seen, an AppBar is implemented with a Toolbar as it's first child. The Toolbar's stylesheet dictates it's height based on the breakpoints defined in the theme.
Take a look here:
You can use a similar approach to define a stylesheet with a class for your AppBar images that varies the height for the applicable breakpoints. Then when rendering the component, apply the class to your image.
Note: if you use the withStyles HOC, as is done in the Toolbar, AppBar etc, the classes defined in that stylesheet will be available through a prop named classes.
You are right about the AppBar's need for composability, but that issue has not been solved yet, and this is the beta branch anyway. When it is solved, there should be a better solution that would be worth migrating towards.
I hope this answer helps. I would have added code samples but I am answering from my phone while waiting in a grocery store parking lot. If I get a chance I will update this answer.
Here's one approach, duplicating the styles in a new reusable component:
import createStyleSheet from 'material-ui/styles/createStyleSheet';
import withStyles from 'material-ui/styles/withStyles';
// define these styles once, if changes are needed because of a change
// to the material-ui beta branch, the impact is minimal
const styleSheet = createStyleSheet('ToolbarImage', theme => ({
root: {
height: 56,
[`${theme.breakpoints.up('xs')} and (orientation: landscape)`]: {
height: 48,
[theme.breakpoints.up('sm')]: {
height: 64,
// a reusable component for any image you'd need in a toolbar/appbar
const ToolbarImage = (props) => {
const { src, classes } = this.props;
return (
<img src={src} className={classes.root} />
// this higher order component uses styleSheet to add
// a classes prop that contains the name of the classes
export default withStyles(styleSheet)(ToolbarImage);
Another approach is to add the standard toolbar heights to the theme as business variables, override the root class for all Toolbars so that it makes use of them, and use the theme whenever you need to reference them again:
// define the standard heights in one place
const toolbarHeights = {
mobilePortrait: 56,
mobileLandscape: 48,
tabletDesktop: 64,
// create the theme as you normally would, but add the heights
let theme = createMuiTheme({
palette: createPalette({
primary: blue,
accent: pink,
standards: {
toolbar: {
heights: toolbarHeights,
// recreate the theme, overriding the toolbar's root class
theme = createMuiTheme({
overrides: {
MuiToolbar: {
// Name of the styleSheet
root: {
position: 'relative',
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
minHeight: theme.standards.toolbar.heights.mobilePortrait,
[`${theme.breakpoints.up('xs')} and (orientation: landscape)`]: {
minHeight: theme.standards.toolbar.heights.mobileLandscape,
[theme.breakpoints.up('sm')]: {
minHeight: theme.standards.toolbar.heights.tabletDesktop,
Then you can reference these heights in any stylesheet you create because they're part of the theme.
There is now a toolbar mixin available on the theme that provides the toolbar minHeight for each breakpoint. If you need to style an element relative to the standard height of the AppBar component, you can use this object to build your own styles:
const toolbarRelativeProperties = (property, modifier = value => value) => theme =>
Object.keys(theme.mixins.toolbar).reduce((style, key) => {
const value = theme.mixins.toolbar[key];
if (key === 'minHeight') {
return {, [property]: modifier(value) };
if (value.minHeight !== undefined) {
return {, [key]: { [property]: modifier(value.minHeight) } };
return style;
}, {});
In this example, toolbarRelativeProperties returns a function that will return an object that can be spread into your style object. It addresses the simple case of setting a specified property to a value that is based on the AppBar height.
A simple usage example would be the generation of a dynamic CSS expression for height calculation, which is depending on the standard height of the AppBar:
const componentStyle = theme => ({
root: {
height: toolbarRelativeProperties('height', value => `calc(100% - ${value}px)`)(theme)
The generated style definition might look like this:
height: 'calc(100% - 56px)',
'#media (min-width:0px) and (orientation: landscape)': {
height: 'calc(100% - 48px)'
'#media (min-width:600px)': {
height: 'calc(100% - 64px)'
