Fixed row in DevExtremeREACTIVE - reactjs

Im using DevExtremeREACTIVE grid. Need to fix one row. As I understood from documentations its very easy for columns, but couldn't find anything for rows.
In the picture marked row should be fixed while user scrolling vertically.


Extjs Grid, how do make last row unsortable?

Taking a look at the example at:
The last row at the bottom is "wal-mart". How would I make that bottom row unsortable?
The way it is now, if I sort any column, Wal-mart may potentially move with the sort, and no longer be at the bottom. I want it to stay at the bottom, because I'm going to turn the bottom row into a "totals" row that will add up the values of all the rows above it, so it needs to stay at the bottom.
If the purpose of the row is to provide summary then you can use grid Summary feature and then you don't need to solve the problem of sorting.

Having issues with Infragistics column resizing

I have a grid and I would like to automatically resize the columns. I'm running into inconsistencies when using different parameter values for PerformAutoResize(). When passing in the values below, where the true means include column headers:
PerformAutoResize(PerformAutoSizeType.VisibleRows, true);
some columns will be resized based solely on the header, while others will resize properly based on both the header and the row values.
However, if I hardcode in a value:
It works fine for every column.
Why is this?
Through some trial and error I've come to the conclusion that I think the issue is that I bring in the data and then have it auto-sort by a certain row. When using a hard coded value, it appears to auto-size the columns after that initial auto-sort, whereas when I use PerformAutoSizeType.VisibleRows it appears to auto-size the columns before the initial auto-sort.
Does PerformAutoResize(PerformAutoSizeType.AllRowsInBand, true); give you the results that you are looking for?
If so then is it possible that when you make the call that the row that you want to size the grid by isn't visible?

How to Print all the columns in silverlight datagrid

Im having 17 columns of datagrid in Silverlight. How can we print all columns in datagrid to print. Since there are more noumber of column, Im enabling Horizantal Scroolbar ,so tht user can scrollto lastcolumn easily.
During printing of silverligt datagrid, i could see contents which are shown in Silverlight Page , anything beyond scroll bar ,those images are cropped and not printed . Any solution for print all columns in datagrid even though beyond the screen width.
One more question, if i have datagrid with horizontal scrollbar enabled, datagrid.actualwidth always give 768 px but not from first column to last column width size
If you can wait six months for Silverlight 5, then you can completely control the print layout and format it exactly the way you want. Until then I'm not sure if there is anything you can do.
You basically have 2 options here.
Shrink your datagrid using Scaling to make the whole grid fit on your page
Slice the grid into 2 grids (first half of the columns in the first grid, and the other half on the other), then print this as 2 separate pages. Of course you would have to take into account the height of the grid and print additional pages there as well if required.
Difficult? Yes, but achievable :)

RowDetailsTemplate doesn't autosize back - Silverlight DataGrid

Please look at the attached screenshots.
I'm adding a datagrid to the rowdetails area for each row in the template.
The problem I have now is that the rowdetails area sizes correctly when it gets larger, ie when more content is added.
But once you collapse those rows(and their corresponding rowdetails) and open another rowdetail that is smaller than the first one, the rowdetails container does not resize back(ie smaller) to fit the smaller content.
Please refer to the following flickr set, as I am not allowed to post images or more than one hyperlink:
How do I fix this issue?
I searched the net about this issue, and found only very complicated workarounds (like here).
But it is actually VERY easy to fix that issue:
<ContentControl **VerticalAlignment="Top"**
--> if the control inside the datatemplate has a verticalalignment of "Top" (vs. the default "Stretch") the rows shrink as expected.
I know that this question is extremely old, but I just stumbled across it after having encountered this problem previously. It is related to other problems like
Basically the root is that the DataGrid control wants to avoid having its rows jittering in size. Because of virtualization when you scroll an element off (lets presume horizontal scrolling) the element is no longer rendered. So when Silverlight tries to determine the height of a row if the largest piece of the row is off the side (and therefor virtualized) then it can't really know how tall the row should be without rendering all of the off screen content. So in this case they made a compromise, they use the height of elements that are on the screen or the current height of the row, if the current height is larger than all the elements currently on the screen. This results in the behavior you're describing.
There are a few workarounds, one described in the link above is to turn off virtualization on the DataGrid, but this can have performance impact if there is a non-trivial amount of data in the DataGrid. The other one that I used was to set the DataGrid row height to 0, force a re-render and then set the row height back to its default or auto. This way I was able to force the rows to shrink back down.
Hope that helps someone who stumbles across this problem.

Why don't my scrollbars work properly when programmatically hiding rows in silverlight Datagrid?

I have a Silverlight datagrid with custom code that allows for +/- buttons on the lefthand side and can display a table with a tree structure. The +/- buttons are bound to a IsExpanded property on my ViewModelRows, as I call them. The visibility of rows is bound to an IsVisible property on the ViewModelRows which is determined based on whether or not all of the parent rows are expanded. Straightforward enough.
This code works fine in that if I scroll up and down the grid with PageUp/PageDown or the arrow keys, all the right rows are hidden and everything has the right structure and I can play with the +/- buttons to my hearts content. However, the vertical scroll bar on the right hand side, although it starts off the correct size and it scrolls through the rows smoothly, when I collapse rows and then re-expand them, doesn't go back to its correct size. The scrollbar can still usually be moved around to scroll through the whole collection, but because it is too big, once the bar moves to the bottom, there are still more rows to go through and it sort of jerkily shoots all the way down to the bottom or sometimes fails to scroll at all. This is pretty hard to describe so I included a screenshot with the black lines drawn on to show the difference in scrollbar length even though the two grids have the same number of rows expanded.
I think this might be a bug related to the way the Datagrid does virtualization of rows. It seems to me like it isn't properly keeping track of how tall each row is supposed to be when expansion states change. Is there a way to programmatically "poke" (read hack) it to recalculate its scrollbar size on LoadingRow or something ugly like that? I'd include a code sample but there's 2 c# files and 1 xaml file so I wanted to see if anyone else has heard of this sort of issue before I try to make it reproducible in a self-contained way. Once again, scrolling with the arrow keys works fine so I'm pretty sure the underlying logic and binding is working, there's just some issue with the row height not being calculated properly.
Since I'm a new user, it won't let me use image tags so here's the link to a picture of the problem:
This is a known issue according to what I read today (and is apparently still an issue in the as-yet-unreleased Silverlight 4):
