Memoizable functions - Snowflake - snowflake-cloud-data-platform

When querying INFORMATION_SCHEMA or SHOW FUNCTION we could find a column IS_MEMOIZABLE.
None of built-in function is memoizable:
SELECT "is_memoizable", *
WHERE "is_memoizable" <> 'N';
-- 0 rows
In computing, memoization or memoisation is an optimization technique used primarily to speed up computer programs by storing the results of expensive function calls and returning the cached result when the same inputs occur again.
The question is how to create user defined function that has IS_MEMOIZABLE property equals to 'Y'(true)?
Is there any specific keyword required and/or does it apply to specific types of functions(external/Python/Java/immutable/...)?

Memoizable UDFs
A scalar SQL UDF can be memoizable. A memoizable function caches the result of calling a scalar SQL UDF and then returns the cached result when the output is needed at a later time. The benefit of using a memoizable function is to improve performance for complex queries, such as multiple column lookups in mapping tables referenced within a row access policy or masking policy.
You can define a scalar SQL UDF to be memoizable in the CREATE FUNCTION statement by specifying the MEMOIZABLE keyword. Memoizable functions do not include arguments.
$$SELECT 1$$;


Performance of Postgresql stored procedures/functions in a multi-tenant environment that has one db with many schemata (one for each tenant)

I am new to Postgresql and I am trying to figure out some details about stored procedures (which I think are actually called functions in pgsql) when used in a multiple schema environment.
The application I have in mind involves a multi-tenant DB design where one schema is used for each tenant and all schemata, which have the same table structure and names, are part of the same database. As far as I know from DBs in general, stored procedures/functions are pre-compiled and therefore faster so I woulid like to use them for performing operations on each schema's tables by sending the required parameters from the application server instead of sending a list of SQL commands. In addition, I would like to have a SINGLE set of functions that implement all the SELECT (including JOIN type), INSERT, UPDATE, etc operations on the tables of each schema. This will allow to easily perform changes in each function and avoid SQL code replication and redundancy. As I found out, it is possible to create a set of functions in a schema s0 and then create s1, s2, ... schemata (having all the same tables) that use these functions.
For exapmle, I can create a template schema named s0 (identical to all others) and create a SQL or pl/pgSQL function that belongs to this schema and contains operations on the schema's tables. In this function, the table names are written without the schema prefix, i.e.
first_table and not s0.first_table
An example function could be:
AS 'SELECT count(a) from first_table;'
As I have tested, this function works well. If I move to schema s1 by entering:
set search_path to s1;
and then call the function again, the function acts upon s1 schema's identically named table first_table.
The function could also include the parameter path in order to call it with a schema name and a command to change the search_ path similar to this:
SELECT set_config('search_path', regexp_replace(path, '[^\w ,]', '', 'g'), is_local);
SELECT count(a) from first_table;
$$ LANGUAGE sql;
as shown in the proposed solution in PostgreSQL: how do I set the search_path from inside a function?
However, when I tried this and I called the function for a schema, I noticed that the second SELECT of the function was executed before the first, which led to executing the second SELECT on the wrong schema! This was really unexpected. Does anybody know the explanation to this behavior?
In order to bypass this issue, I created a plpgsql function that does the same thing and it worked without any execution order issues:
PERFORM set_config('search_path', regexp_replace(path, '[^\w ,]', '', 'g'), is_local);
SELECT count(a) from first_table INTO result;
RETURN result;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
So, now some questions about performance this time:
1) Apart from a) having the selection of schema to operate and the specified operation on the schema in one transaction which is necessary for my multi-tenant implementation, and b) teaming together SQL commands and avoiding some extra data exchange between the application server and the DB server which is beneficial, do the Postgresql functions have any performance benefits over executing the same code in separate SQL commands?
2) In the described multi-tenant scenario with many schemata and one DB,
does a function that is defined once and called for any identical schema to the one it is defined lose any of its performance benefits (if any)?
3) Is there any difference in performance between an SQL function and a PL/pgSQL function that contains the same operations?
Before I answer your questions, a remark to your SQL function.
It does not fail because the statements are executed in a wrong order, but because both queries are parsed before the first one is executed. The error message you get is somewhat like
ERROR: relation "first_table" does not exist
CONTEXT: SQL function "doboth" during startup
Note the โ€œduring startupโ€.
You may experience a slight performance boost, particularly if the SQL statements are complicated, because the plans of SQL statements in a PL/pgSQL function are cached for the duration of a database session or until they are invalidated.
If the plan for the query is cached by the PL/pgSQL function, but the SQL statement calling the function has to be planned every time, you might actually be worse of from a performance angle because of the overhead of executing the function.
Whenever you call the function with a different schema name, the query plan will be invalidated and has to be created anew. So if you change the schema name for every invocation, you won't gain anything.
SQL function don't cache query plans, so they don't perform better than the plain SQL query.
Note, however, that the gains from caching simple SQL statements in functions are not tremendous.
Use functions that just act as containers for SQL statements only if it makes life simpler for you, otherwise use plain SQL.
Do not only focus on performance uring design, but on a good architecture and a simple design.
If the same statements keep repeating over and over, you might gain more performance using prepared statements than using functions.
Firstly, I do not really believe there can be any issues with line execution order in functions. If you have any issues, it's your code not working, not Postgres.
Secondly, multi-tenant behavior is well implemented with set search_path to s1, s0;. There is usually no need for switching anything inside procedures.
Thirdly, there are no performance benefits in using stored procedures except for minimizing data flows between DB and the application. If you consider a query like SELECT count(*) FROM mytable WHERE somecolumn = $1 there is absolutely nothing you can optimize before you know the value of $1.
And finally, no, there is no significant difference between functions in SQL and PL/pgSQL. The most time is still consumed by reading through tables, so focus on perfecting that.
Hope that clarifies the situation. Also, you may want to consider security benefits of storage procedures. Just a hint.

Difference between scalar, table-valued, and aggregate functions in SQL server?

What is the difference between scalar-valued, table-valued, and aggregate functions in SQL server? And does calling them from a query need a different method, or do we call them in the same way?
Scalar Functions
Scalar functions (sometimes referred to as User-Defined Functions / UDFs) return a single value as a return value, not as a result set, and can be used in most places within a query or SET statement, except for the FROM clause (and maybe other places?). Also, scalar functions can be called via EXEC, just like Stored Procedures, though there are not many occasions to make use of this ability (for more details on this ability, please see my answer to the following question on DBA.StackExchange: Why scalar valued functions need execute permission rather than select?). These can be created in both T-SQL and SQLCLR.
Prior to SQL Server 2019: these scalar functions are typically a performance issue because they generally run for every row returned (or scanned) and always prohibit parallel execution plans.
Starting in SQL Server 2019: certain T-SQL scalar UDFs can be inlined, that is, have their definitions placed directly into the query such that the query does not call the UDF (similar to how iTVFs work (see below)). There are restrictions that can prevent a UDF from being inlineable (if that wasn't a word before, it is now), and UDFs that can be inlined will not always be inlined due to several factors. This feature can be disabled at the database, query, and individual UDF levels. For more information on this really cool new feature, please see: Scalar UDF Inlining (be sure to review the "requirements" section).
SQLCLR (UDF): these scalar functions also typically run per each row returned or scanned, but there are two important benefits over T-SQL UDFs:
Starting in SQL Server 2012, return values can be constant-folded into the execution plan IF the UDF does not do any data access, and if it is marked IsDeterministic = true. In this case the function wouldn't run per each row.
SQLCLR scalar functions can work in parallel plans ( ๐Ÿ˜ƒ ) if they do not do any database access.
Table-Valued Functions
Table-Valued Functions (TVFs) return result sets, and can be used in a FROM clause, JOIN, or CROSS APPLY / OUTER APPLY of any query, but unlike simple Views, cannot be the target of any DML statements (INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE). These can also be created in both T-SQL and SQLCLR.
T-SQL MultiStatement (TVF): these TVFs, as their name implies, can have multiple statements, similar to a Stored Procedure. Whatever results they are going to return are stored in a Table Variable and returned at the very end; meaning, nothing is returned until the function is done processing. The estimated number of rows that they will return, as reported to the Query Optimizer (which impacts the execution plan) depends on the version of SQL Server:
Prior to SQL Server 2014: these always report 1 (yes, just 1) row.
SQL Server 2014 and 2016: these always report 100 rows.
Starting in SQL Server 2017: default is to report 100 rows, BUT under some conditions the row count will be fairly accurate (based on current statistics) thanks to the new Interleaved Execution feature.
T-SQL Inline (iTVF): these TVFs can only ever be a single statement, and that statement is a full query, just like a View. And in fact, Inline TVFs are essentially a View that accepts input parameters for use in the query. They also do not cache their own query plan as their definition is placed into the query in which they are used (unlike the other objects described here), hence they can be optimized much better than the other types of TVFs ( ๐Ÿ˜ƒ ). These TVFs perform quite well and are preferred if the logic can be handled in a single query.
SQLCLR (TVF): these TVFs are similar to T-SQL MultiStatement TVFs in that they build up the entire result set in memory (even if it is swap / page file) before releasing all of it at the very end. The estimated number of rows that they will return, as reported to the Query Optimizer (which impacts the execution plan) is always 1000 rows. Given that a fixed row count is far from ideal, please support my request to allow for specifying the row count: Allow TVFs (T-SQL and SQLCLR) to provide user-defined row estimates to query optimizer
SQLCLR Streaming (sTVF): these TVFs allow for complex C# / VB.NET code just like regular SQLCLR TVFs, but are special in that they return each row to the calling query as they are generated ( ๐Ÿ˜ƒ ). This model allows the calling query to start processing the results as soon as the first one is sent so the query doesn't need to wait for the entire process of the function to complete before it sees any results. And it requires less memory since the results aren't being stored in memory until the process completes. The estimated number of rows that they will return, as reported to the Query Optimizer (which impacts the execution plan) is always 1000 rows. Given that a fixed row count is far from ideal, please support my request to allow for specifying the row count: Allow TVFs (T-SQL and SQLCLR) to provide user-defined row estimates to query optimizer
Aggregate Functions
User-Defined Aggregates (UDA) are aggregates similar to SUM(), COUNT(), MIN(), MAX(), etc. and typically require a GROUP BY clause. These can only be created in SQLCLR, and that ability was introduced in SQL Server 2005. Also, starting in SQL Server 2008, UDAs were enhanced to allow for multiple input parameters ( ๐Ÿ˜ƒ ). One particular deficiency is that there is no knowledge of row ordering within the group, so creating a running total, which would be relatively easy if ordering could be guaranteed, is not possible within a SAFE Assembly.
Please also see:
CREATE FUNCTION (MSDN documentation)
CLR Table-Valued Function Example with Full Streaming (STVF / TVF) (article I wrote)
A scalar function returns a single value. It might not even be related to tables in your database.
A tabled-valued function returns your specified columns for rows in your table meeting your selection criteria.
An aggregate-valued function returns a calculation across the rows of a table -- for example summing values.
Scalar function
Returns a single value. It is just like writing functions in other programming languages using T-SQL syntax.
Table Valued function
Is a little different compared to the above. Returns a table value. Inside the body of this function you write a query that will return the exact table.
For example:
CREATE FUNCTION <function name>(parameter datatype)
RETURN table
-- *write your query here* ---
Note that there is no BEGIN & END statements here.
Aggregate Functions
Includes built in functions that is used alongside GROUP clause. For example: SUM(),MAX(),MIN(),AVG(),COUNT() are aggregate functions.
Aggregate and Scalar functions both return a single value but Scalar functions operate based on a single input value argument while Aggregate functions operate on a single input set of values (a collection or column name). Examples of Scalar functions are string functions, ISNULL, ISNUMERIC, for Aggregate functions examples are AVG, MAX and others you can find in Aggregate Functions section of Microsoft website.
Table-Valued functions return a table regardless existence of any input argument. Execution of this functions is done by using them as a regular physical table e.g: SELECT * FROM fnGetMulEmployee()
This following link is very useful to understand the difference:

Do SQL Server functions such as inline table-values functions persist?

I am aware that derived table and Common table expression (CTE) do not persist. They live in memory til the end of the outer query. Every call is a repeated execution.
Do functions such as inline table-valued functions persist, meaning they are only calculated once ? Can we index an inline table-valued function?
Inline function is basically the same thing as a view or a CTE, except that it has parameters. If you look at the query plan you'll see that the logic from the function will be included in the query using it -- so no, you can't index it and SQL Server doesn't cache it's results as such, but of course the pages will be in buffer pool for future use.
I wouldn't say that each call to CTE is a repeated execution either, since SQL server can freely decide how to run the query, as long as the results are correct.
For multi statement UDF each of the calls (at least in versions up to 2014) are separate executions, as far as I know, every time, and not cached in the sense I assume you mean.
Do functions such as inline table-valued functions persist
NO, if you see syntax of table valued function it returns result of a select statement in essence and so it doesn't store the fetched data anywhere (same as in view). So, NO there is no question of creating index on it since the data doesn't gets stored.
Unless you are storing that fetched data in another table like below and then you can create a index/other stuff on that test table;
SELECT * FROM yourInlineTableValuedFunction(parameter)
INTO TestTable;
Can we index an inline table-valued function?
No, but if you make the table into a temp table, sure you can index and speed up. The overhead of creation of a temp table will more than pay off in improved indexed access, caching, and, based on your use case, repeated use of the same temp table in a multi-user scenario.

When to create a function rather than a procedure

I have many stored procedures that are in production but no functions.
Here in MSDN is the definition of CREATE FUNCTION. It says the following:
Creates a user-defined function in SQL Server 2012. A user-defined
function is a Transact-SQL or common language runtime (CLR) routine
that accepts parameters, performs an action, such as a complex
calculation, and returns the result of that action as a value. The
return value can either be a scalar (single) value or a table. Use
this statement to create a reusable routine that can be used in these
My stored procedures already seem to achieve all of the above.
What is a definite situation when one chooses a function rather than a stored procedure?
When you want to use the result integrated as part of a larger query.
e.g. you can join or cross apply table valued functions and you can evaluate a Scalar UDF for each row in a result (with care as this can have performance implications).
For stored procedures you would need to execute them and capture the result into a temporary table etc to be able to join on it in a wider query and would require cursors or similar to simulate the Scalar UDF behaviour and execute it for each row.

Efficient Cross Apply with a CLR integrated table function

In SQL Server, I have a CLR integration based table valued function, GetArchiveImages. I call it something like this:
FROM Items
CROSS APPLY GetArchiveImages(Items.ID) AS archiveimages
The issue is that there is overhead for each individual call to the function.
If it could be joined with the whole table at once, the overhead would be quite minor, but since it's called once for each row, that overhead scales with the number of rows.
I don't use a stored procedure, because a table returned by a stored procedure can't be joined with anything (as far as I know).
Is there an efficient way to join tables with the results of a stored procedure or function in bulk, instead of row by row?
As the result of GetArchiveImages depends on the Items.ID SQL Server has to call the function for each item, otherwise you wont get correct results.
The only function that SQL Server can "break up" is a T-SQL Inline Table Valued Function. So if you can rewrite your CLR as a ITVF, you will get better performance.
In my experience, the overhad of calling a CLR function however is not that big. It is much more likely that you are having problems somewhere else in the query. For example, SQL Server has no idea how many rows will be returned by that function and just assumes it will be one (for each call). That can lead to misinformed decisions in other places during the optimization process.
SQL Server does not allow to keep static non-constant data within a CLR class. There are ways to trick the system, e.g. by creating a static final collection object (you can add and remove items from a static collection), however, I would advise against that for stability reasons.
In you case It might make sense to create a cache table that is refreshed either automatically with some sort of (database- or file-system-) trigger or on a schedule. Instead of calling the function you can then just join with that table.
If the GetArchiveImages() function does not need to be used in multiple queries, or at least not used outside of similar queries, you can switch the Outer and Inner aspects of this: Do the main SELECT fields FROM [Items] WHERE ... in the SQLCLR TVF. And make it a streaming TVF.
The basic structure needed would be:
Define a variable of type SqlDataRecord to be all of the fields you want to return from [Items] plus the others being returned by the current GetArchiveImages() function.
Read the "several files in the file system" (taken from the first comment on #Sebastian Meine's answer)
Open a SqlConnection using "Trusted_Connection = true; Enlist = false;" as the ConnectionString.
Execute the main SELECT fields FROM [Items] {optional WHERE}. If it is possible at this point to narrow down some of the rows, then fill out the WHERE. You can even pass in values to the function to pass along to the WHERE clause.
Loop through the SqlDataRecord:
Fill out the SqlDataRecord variable for this row
Get related items that the current GetArchiveImages() function is getting based on [Items].[ItemID]
call yield return;
Close the SqlConnection
Dispose of the SqlDataReader, SqlCommand, and SqlConnection.
Close any files opened in Step 2 (if they can't be closed earlier in the process).
