MS Graph API Granted Scopes not reflecting in the Access Token - azure-active-directory

We have a mail integration for MS mailboxes and we use MS Graph API for our integration. We have created an OAuth app and the right Mail scopes have been added to the app, while generating the access token we use the v2 OAuth endpoint mentioned in MS doc with .default scope.
The integration works fine for most cases but sometimes when a new user grants permission to the app, and we immediately generate access token using the refreshToken the scope contains only 1-2 scopes and the remaining scopes are missing from the token.
This is temporary and on further retry all the scopes are returned in the accessToken and we are able to access the mailbox. Is this due to some replication delay in MS end?
Here is the response for once such error :
AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID {'appID'} named {'appName'}. Send an interactive authorization request for this user and resource.
Trace ID: fc857dc7-0964-417e-9c3d-e23a3c0f9d00
Correlation ID: c9da409c-f988-4045-95b9-0a71113fdcdd
Timestamp: 2023-02-01 13:03:03Z
Scopes Granted to the application :
Scopes Missing in Access token :
PS : We use delegated access for the mailbox and token has offline access, also the userConsent flow is fine .

I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the results successfully as below: 
I created an Azure AD Application and added API permissions:  I generated auth-code by using below endpoint:
I generated the access token using below parameters:
I agree with #junnas, the issue occurred due to the replication delay of 1 or 2 sec in reflecting the scopes. When I decoded the access token, all the scopes are included like below:


Azure B2C - renew session

I have a React app that uses Azure B2C to authenticate users (PKCE flow).
There is a requirement to keep the session active as long as the user has some activity.
I cannot use "Rolling" for session timeout, because some of the requests are made by an independent job, which is not triggered by the user.
Here is my question - how can I control renewing the session? I would like to renew the session every time I am getting the access token.
Access tokens and ID tokens are short-lived. Since you are using the Authorization-Code Grant flow of OAuth, after they expire, you must refresh them to continue to access resources .
Hence in order to get the refresh-token, you would have to send a POST request to the /token endpoint of B2C with the scope .(i.e; Provide the refresh_token instead of the code in the rquest).see reference 1.
Make sure to add scopes along with AppId 'openid profile offline_access AppId’
Ex: scope: 'openid profile offline_access XXXXXX-f9a4-4b8e-XXXX-dXXXXXXX01f'
Authorization code flow - Azure Active Directory B2C | Microsoft
microsoft-authentication-library-for-js/FAQ (

Graph API Not able to access "" endpoint

I am trying to access "" API by JAVA SDK provided by Microsoft.
I am using the below code.
final AuthorizationCodeCredential authCodeCredential = new AuthorizationCodeCredentialBuilder()
Now it is giving me error like "The tenant for tenant guid '571284a0---****-a94eea6c6b3f' does not exist."
I tried the Same thing by postman, here I tried to get token by below end point.
after getting the token I am using it in "" as Bearer Token. Still, I am getting the same issue.
But the token I am receiving in every case is not same as graph explorer Access Token
If I copy Graph Explorer Access Token and use it in postman then it gives me the desired result.
I am using a personal account for all of this process which ends with "".
I want to know why I am getting different access tokens than graph explorer access tokens and why that access token is not able to access the endpoints.
I have tested in my environment.
The access token generated from the Graph Explorer will be different from the access token generated from the Postman. This is because, the access token generated from graph explorer uses only the user credentials. The access token generated from postman uses client id and the client secret along with user credentials.
If the app registration supports Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox), then only you can use personal account to generate the access token and use it to call the request for only if the app registration have Microsoft Graph delegated permissions.
Paste the below URL in the browser. The code will be generated. Copy the code.{tenant-id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?
Make the below POST request in the postman to generate the access token :
Headers :
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Body :
client_id: App Client ID
grant_type: authorization_code
code: Code received in the first step
client_secret: Client Secret Generated in the App
Copy the Access token and make the below get request in the postman to read the messages :
Authorization : Bearer access-token

Create Microsoft teams meeting through API

In Azure Active Directory I've registered a new app and given it the Read and create online meetings permissions. I've granted admin consent for the permission and now I'm trying to create a meeting through the command line.
I generated a client secret for the app.
Then I'm requesting a access token using my tenant GUID, client ID of the app and client secret I generated. This gives me back a jwt. When I decode the JWT amongst the roles I can see "OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.All" which gives me hope that I can actually create meetings using this bearer token.
I then send a POST request to<my-user-guid>/onlineMeetings
with the following body:
"subject":"Application Token Meeting",
"participants": {
"organizer": {
"identity": {
"user": {
"id": "<my-user-guid>"
and the response comes back with
"code": "Forbidden",
"message": "Application does not have permission to Create online meeting on behalf of this user.",
Am I missing something?
As some of the comments have suggested I should create an application access policy. So I'm following the documentation which asks me to Connect using admin credentials
When i run Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $userCredential with my account it fails with the following error:
Connect-MicrosoftTeams: accessing_ws_metadata_exchange_failed: Accessing WS metadata exchange failed: Response status code does not indicate success: 406 (NotAcceptable).
Connect-MicrosoftTeams: accessing_ws_metadata_exchange_failed: Accessing WS metadata exchange failed
Connect-MicrosoftTeams: Response status code does not indicate success: 406 (NotAcceptable).
Connect-MicrosoftTeams: : Unknown error
But this is what is confusing me. I don't really know if I'm trying to login with the correct account. I'm using my personal account on azure which is (afaik) not a business account with skype for business.
I'm running the commands to log in on the azure portal's PowerShell interface. Am I supposed to run this on my local machine instead?
I think I'm not fully understanding what all of the moving parts are that need configuration.
Can I add those application Access Policies in the azure portal interface somewhere?
According to the api documentation, make sure you grant the OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.All application permission to the application. Then you need to use the client credential flow to obtain an access token.
Please note that when you create an online meeting with an application token, administrators must create an application access policy and grant it to a user, authorizing the app configured in the policy to create an online meeting on behalf of that user (user ID specified in the request path).

Getting powerbi embed token 403 Forbidden

I'm trying to get an embed token for power bi embedded.
I'm using 'App owns data' embed scenario.
I first get the access token of Azure AD and use it as Bearer token when calling embed token
Here is my Postman request details:{groyupid}/dashboards/{dashboardid}/GenerateToken
Request body
In authorization section I added the access token.
I received a 403 Forbidden response.
Here how I get the access token
I noticed that there is also another url to get token :
What is the difference between the one with tenant id in the url
Then permissions for the AAD PowerBI application
Thanks for the help I get another 404 not found error now
"error": {
"code": "PowerBIEntityNotFound",
"pbi.error": {
"code": "PowerBIEntityNotFound",
"parameters": {},
"details": [],
"exceptionCulprit": 1
For information I have added permission in PBI admin portal to pbireportingGroup an Azure security group that I created. ( as mentionned in docs )
Then I added to this group the AAD as member
Is that what should I do ?
403 means that your access token doesn't have the required permissions.
And you need to add the master account and service principal as the owner of the group / workspace (it may take 15 minutes to take effect).
Now that you are using client credential flow, you should set application permissions:
And the resource in the request body should be
Besides, you need to add the service principal as the admin of this workspace in Azure AD. (enter the name of your Azure AD app, and it will recognize its client id)

What Scope and or resource to set to get token that works with office 365 api?

We have acquired the Admin consent in both delegated and application ServiceHealth.Read permissions in Office 365 Management API for our Client app in Azure AD.
We are unable to figure out what the scope and or resource needs to be in token acquisition process if we want to make calls to the office365 management api.
Whether its the client_credentials grant method of direct token acquisition
Or the authorization code then token for signed-in user method
It would be preferable if its for the client_credentials grant method, but if it has to be through auth code, that's fine too.
We can use the following already to grab our reports but do not know how to allow that authentication to also cover Office365 Management API Service Health
curl --location --request GET "{tenantid}/oauth2/v2.0/token" \
--header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
--data "client_id={clientid}&client_secret={clientsecret}&scope="
When adding ServiceHealth.Read to the end or by itself it returned invalid_scope as an error
When place only in the scope it gives the error invalid_resource with the description including that the resource not found in tenant
A similar problem occurred when trying to get the authorization code and setting the resource as ServiceHealth.Read and while setting that as the scope instead gave a authorization code, the resulting token was deemed invalid.
Authorization Code Grant Flow
I quickly tried this out with an Azure AD app registration that has ServiceHealth.Read delegated permission for Office 365 Management APIs.
Scope value used -
I was able to successfully get back an access token following the Authorization Code Grant flow. I'll share the detailed request parameters passed shortly, but this should answer your direct question about what scope value to use.
Since I used Azure AD V2 endpoints, I didn't really need to specify a resource. In your sample requests mentioned in question I see that you are also using Azure AD V2 endpoint.
Detailed steps
Step 1 - Get the Authorization Code
For this step, I directly used browser and then sign in using a valid user from my Azure AD tenant.
// Line breaks only for clear reading. Remove line breaks and paste in browser URL to test.
Response should be something like
Step 2 - Acquire Token from token endpoint
Take the Authorization code from last step.
For this step I used POSTMAN. You can use CURL as well.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Request Body
Final Token received, decoded in
Client Credentials Grant Flow
Scope value used -
I did add the related app permission and give consent for it.
For this one I used POSTMAN again. You can use CURL as well.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Request Body
Final Token received, decoded in
Take a look at this Microsoft documentation around scope value for Client Credentials Grant.
