React: Client & Server way to render children to string - reactjs

How can I render the children as a string in React 18/Next 13?
React says renderToString is not suggested on the client, and it's not clear to me how to render it on the server.
The documentation here gives an example but it's not clear how it works in an actual react component as I get errors that I cannot create another node if the previous one wasn't removed from the head.
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
import { flushSync } from 'react-dom';
const div = document.createElement('div');
const root = createRoot(div);
flushSync(() => {
root.render(<MyIcon />);
console.log(div.innerHTML); // For example, "<svg>...</svg>"
Whether I get the data on the server or client side, just looking for a working example either or.
function ExampleChildComponent() {
return (
<div className="bg-green-500 w-20 h-20">
Hello I am a green box
<button className="bg-blue-100 px-6 py-3">I am a button</button>
function LogChild({ children }: any) {
// How do you get the children to a string?
// Interested in both an output showing <GreenBox />
// and/or the parsed version which shows the stuff inside GreenBox
return (
function App(){
return (
<ExampleChildComponent />
Alternatively, if there's an open source project that I can just study works too. Google is very sparse in examples for this question. Either that or answers are pre React 18.


Error Hydration failed with react-speech-recognition

I wanted to try speech recognition in NextJS 13. I installed react-speech-recognition and copy/pasted the provided example. But I am getting Error: Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server.
I tried to rollback react to v18.1, removed .next folder but it didn't help. I scrolled NextJS documentation about React Hydration Error, but I don't call windows and don't put div tag in p.
Any ideas what can be the issue?
'use client'
import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime'
import React from 'react'
import SpeechRecognition, {
} from 'react-speech-recognition'
export default function page() {
const {
} = useSpeechRecognition()
if (!browserSupportsSpeechRecognition) {
return <span>Browser doesn't support speech recognition.</span>
return (
<p>Microphone: {listening ? 'on' : 'off'}</p>
<button onClick={SpeechRecognition.startListening}>Start</button>
<button onClick={SpeechRecognition.stopListening}>Stop</button>
<button onClick={resetTranscript}>Reset</button>
The hydration error is caused by these lines:
if (!browserSupportsSpeechRecognition) {
return <span>Browser doesn't support speech recognition.</span>
Because you are using the 'use client' directive, this component behaves as traditional page components on previous Next.js versions (The page is pre-rendered and then sent to the client to be hydrated). The library you are using checks if webkitSpeechRecognition or SpeechRecognition exists in the window object in order to set the browserSupportsSpeechRecognition boolean, but window is not available server-side (it is undefined). The condition above evaluates to true thus creating the mismatch between what was rendered on the server and on the client-side's first render (You can view the page's source and you will notice that the not supported text was rendered on the server).
You can solve the issue using useState and useEffect hooks, taking advantage of the fact that useEffect only runs on the client-side:
'use client'
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime'
import SpeechRecognition, {
} from 'react-speech-recognition'
const Page = () => {
const [speechRecognitionSupported, setSpeechRecognitionSupported] =
useState(null) // null or boolean
const {
} = useSpeechRecognition()
useEffect(() => {
// sets to true or false after component has been mounted
}, [browserSupportsSpeechRecognition])
if (speechRecognitionSupported === null) return null // return null on first render, can be a loading indicator
if (!speechRecognitionSupported) {
return <span>Browser does not support speech recognition.</span>
return (
<p>Microphone: {listening ? 'on' : 'off'}</p>
<button onClick={SpeechRecognition.startListening}>Start</button>
<button onClick={SpeechRecognition.stopListening}>Stop</button>
<button onClick={resetTranscript}>Reset</button>
export default Page
I had the same problem, but I think checking for server rendering (when the window object is undefined) is a little bit less messy solution:
const isServer = typeof window === "undefined";
if (!browserSupportsSpeechRecognition && !isServer) {
return <div>Your browser does not support speech recognition.</div>;
Works well!

Duplicated players of the same stream with react-twitch-embed-video package

I've tried to use the 'react-twitch-embed-video' package with Reactjs, but the player seems to duplicate ( two iframes are generated when there's only one "ReactTwitchEmbedVideo" component ).
My code is very basic though :
import ReactTwitchEmbedVideo from "react-twitch-embed-video"
const App = () => {
return (
<ReactTwitchEmbedVideo channel='xqc' />
export default App

Cannot read property 'company' of null

console.log(profile); works well and it shows this.
but when I use console.log(; to get the company name.
it show me the Cannot read property 'company' of null error message.
how to solve this err? Any help is highly appreciated.
here is the code
import React,{Fragment,useEffect}from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import Loading from "../layout/Loading.js"
import {connect} from "react-redux"
import {getProfileById} from "../../redux/profile/profileAction.js"
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'
import ProfileTop from "./ProfileTop.js"
import ProfileAbout from "./ProfileAbout.js"
import ProfileExperience from "./ProfileExperience.js"
import ProfileEducation from "./ProfileEducation.js"
import ProfileGithub from "./ProfileGithub.js"
const Profile = ({getProfileById,match,profileData,loginData}) => {
const {loading,profile}=profileData
console.log(profile); //works
console.log(; //error occurred
return (
<div style={{marginTop:"100px"}}>
profile ===null||loading? (<Loading/>):
<Link to="/profiles" className="btn btn-light"> Back to profiles</Link>
(loginData.isAuthenticated && loginData.loading===false&&loginData.user_data.userid===match.params.userId) ?
(<Link to="/edit-profile" className="btn btn-dark">Edit profile</Link>):null
<div className="profile-grid my-1">
<ProfileTop profile={profile}></ProfileTop>
<ProfileAbout profile={profile}></ProfileAbout>
<ProfileExperience profile={profile}></ProfileExperience>
<ProfileEducation profile={profile}></ProfileEducation>
<ProfileGithub profile={profile}></ProfileGithub>
profile.github_user_name===""? null:<ProfileGithub profile={profile}></ProfileGithub>
Profile.propTypes = {
const mapStateToProps=(state)=>{
export default connect(mapStateToProps,{getProfileById})(Profile)
Cannot read property 'company' of null error message
It is clear that the 'company' object is null (might be for the initial render)
and you are getting the error because you are accessing the property on the null object.
In the case of TypeScript you can use,
It is called optional chaining
but in the normal JS, we have to use if statement and check for null case.
For the above example your template is completely depends on the profile.
So that initially itself check the value of profile, if the value is undefined/null then return an empty template.
return null;
return <Your template>
As mentioned in the comments, browser consoles will not print the content of an object right away. To do so you would need to do something such as JSON.stringify(profile).
Also, it's perfectly fine to console.log on functional components in my opinion, this will let you know when components render (but don't get too caught up in why components render so often, renders are usually not expensive).
If you are using a recent version of Create React App, you can try optional chaining (?.):
console.log(profile?.company); // equivalent to (profile &&
// Or if you need to know the content exactly in the moment:

React How to pass arguments to function

Hi I found a question asking the same thing but they coded completely different using 'class name extends', I am just using 'function name'. I was wondering how I would I solve this problem or do I have to rewrite my program.
I have styles at the bottom I left off.
import React from 'react';
import "../css/Start.css";
export default function Window(nuts) {
let ulList=[]
for (let i=0;i<nuts.file.length;i++) {
let imageList=[]
for (let i=0;i<nuts.image.length;i++) {
imageList.push(<img src={nuts.image[i]} alt={nuts.image[i]}/>)
return (
<div style={main}>
<button> Demo </button>
import React from 'react';
import Background from '../images/projectbackground.jpg';
import "../css/Start.css";
import Window from './Window'
export default function Project() {
const files = ['f1','f2','f3']
const images = ['p1','p2','p3']
const nuts = {name:'phil',date:'2/2/16',note:'this is a note',file:files,image:images}
return (
<div style={main}>
<Window nuts={nuts}/>
<div style={footer}>
Your function component will get passed all the properties together in an object.
There are three changes you could make to have this work:
render <Window {...{nuts}} /> instead (not recommended but is an option)
change parameters to function Window(props) and all your other code to say props.nuts instead of just nuts
change parameters to function Window({nuts}) to destructure the (no longer named) "props" object
nuts is being passed to Window via the props object.
You either need to destructure nuts in-line or in your function body.
function Window({ nuts })
function Window(props) {
const { nuts } = props;

Replace a string with Component in ReactJS

I'm trying to replace a string with a React Component but it's not working. It's returning [object Object].
I've tried to use renderToString and renderToStaticMarkup from react-dom/server to render the component, but no success.
import React from 'react';
const MyComponent = ({ children }) => <strong>{children}</strong>;
function App() {
const content = 'Hi #user'.replace('user', <MyComponent>user</MyComponent>);
return <div className="App" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: content }} />;
export default App;
Expected result:
Hi #<strong>user</strong>
Actual result:
Hi #[object Object]
To render components, they need to return those components as part of your rendering. This is typically done with jsx tags, which get transformed into calls to React.createElement, which in turn creates objects that instruct react what to do.
But with string.replace, you're only going to produce a string, not react elements, so react has nothing to work with other than that string. And as for dangerouslySetInnerHtml, that will only work if you have actual dom content you want to insert, not react components (plus, it's dangerous).
Most of the time when you're rendering components of an unknown quantity this is done by having an array of data, which you then map to the components. For example:
function App() {
const greetings = ['Hi #', 'Aloha #'];
const content = => (
return <div>{content}</div>;
Taking in a string and trying to interrogate that string is rather unusual, but if that's what you need to do, then you'll probably want to do something like this:
function App() {
const str = 'Hi #userAloha #user';
const greetings = str.split('user');
greetings.pop() // remove an empty string from the end of the array
const content = => (
return <div>{content}</div>
Note that this is basically identical to my first code, except there's an extra step to turn the string input into an array.
