Flyway Community version with old database - database

Suppose I have a running database with Flyway.
I am with the same database and Flyway version (artifact) six years later.
Since Flyway 8.0.0-beta1, database versions older than five years have deprecated support (
So, does that mean that any Flyway version will not work with older databases? Does it just mean that current versions of Flyway will not work with older databases? Is this just about support and not about not working?
Example: Flyway 8.0 works with MySQL 5.5 or higher, and Flyway 9.0 works with MySQL 8.0 or higher. If I am still with Flyway 8.0 and MySQL 5.5 after six years, will Flyway still work?


What is the last version of flyway community edition that supported MySQL 5.7

I have been using flyway community edition version 5.2.3 for a while now. We just recently tried to upgrade flyway to version 8.2. After upgrading to version 8.2 the execution against MySQL 5.7 is throwing an error stating
"ERROR: Flyway Teams Edition or MySQL upgrade required: MySQL 5.7 is
no longer supported by Flyway Community Edition, but still supported
by Flyway Teams Edition."
My question is what was the last version of the flyway community edition that supported MySQL 5.7?
Flyway Community Edition 8.0.0-beta1 dropped support for databases older than 5 years, including MySQL 5.7.
The minimum supported version of MySQL was increased from 5.7 to 8.0 in this commit, which was introduced in Flyway 8.0.0-beta1.
Currently, the latest community edition version that supports MySQL 5.7 is Flyway 7.15.0.
Just download old version of flyway manually from the website and install it.
Tried installing it from brew using various method, it doesn't work for flyway.

upgrade mariadb 10.3.3 to 10.5.5, Please guide me the steps?

I want to update MariaDB 10.3.n to 10.5.5.
In my investigation, I have found that I have to upgrade its version by version. for example version 1 to 2, 2 to 3, and so on.
Can I upgrade it directly from 10.3.n to 10.5.5 in windows and Linux?
Documentation says
You should be able to trivially upgrade from ANY earlier MariaDB version to the latest one (for example MariaDB 5.5.x to MariaDB 10.5.x), usually in a few seconds. (...)
Upgrades are normally easy because:
All MariaDB table data files are backward compatible
The MariaDB connection protocol is backward compatible. You don't normally need to upgrade any of your old clients to be able to connect to a newer MariaDB version.
The MariaDB slave can be of any newer version than the master.
So, I'd say that your investigation kind of failed.
Read the documentation
Backup first!
Then upgrade
I upgraded MariaDB old version 10.3.n to new version 10.5.5. It is working fine, without any problem, error or crash.

How to update Oracle DB version from to

I have installed Oracle Database in my Windows 10 desktop PC with the installation files from official site link.
Is it possible to update this to ?
I'm asking this because our staging server uses so I'd like to match the version.
Normally if you have an Oracle support account you can download a CPU to upgrade. But if you don't, I would suggest to follow this link : ( although is Linux, the operative is more or less the same )
It explains very well the steps, nevertheless, are you aware that 11g is already unsupported. You should try to use a newer version.

What will happen to my postgres database, if I downgrade my PostgreSQL?

I am using postgres 9.5. Suppose my system postgres got downgraded into 9.2. Will my old database works with newly installed postgres as it is?(backword compatibility) Or do I have to do some manual operations?
In other words, say I have a postgres database works with the latest version. Can I use the same database in other systems which run other supported versions of postgres (but not the latest)?
There is no supported way to downgrade PostgreSQL to a lower major release.
You will have to pg_dumpall with 9.5 and then try to install the dump in 9.2.
There will be error messages if the 9.5 dump uses features that were not present in 9.2 yet. In that case, edit the dump and fix it for 9.2.
Between major releases of postgresql, you will have to export your tables and database structure to older postgres version via pg_dump and pg_dumpall utilities. Then use the older version. This is the safest way.
If downgrading is done between minor releases, then just replacing the executables when the server is down and restarting the server will be sufficient, as the data directory remains unchanged between minor releases.

Postgres Version

I have been asked to develop my new application with Postgres 10.0. Before this, I have been developing applications with MsSql and was quite easy even. I searched for the Version 10.0 but didn't find any downloadable link. The latest version that i came across was Postgres 9.2 and 9.3 beta
Can anyone help me to find the right version. I had read few posts on Stackoverflow such as this one Postgres 10.0 -Arcgis but don't know Arcgis is postgres database or is it the other DB engine same as Postgres and SQL Server.
What i want is to know whether Postgres version 10.0 ( free or paid) is available or not?
There is no PostGre - there is PostgreSQL which is also sometimes called Postgres.
There is no version 10. The current version is 9.2.4 with 9.3 being the next version planned (due some time in 2013).
ArcSDE/Arcgis seems to be a GIS system that can work on top of PostgreSQL.
