How to use desktopModeMediaQuery from MUI DatePicker - reactjs

I like to know to use desktopModeMediaQuery from material ui.
The only link I found was this Material ui resposive date picker.
This also doesn't include how to use desktopModeMediaQuery.
Do I have to import it from mui? or the document says This can be customized with the desktopModeMediaQuery prop. so I can just have this as a prop and I don't have to import it?
How can I use this prop? or is this for stylying?
If you can provide any example of how to use it, I really appreciate it.
I want to display the PC version of DatePicker on the mobile screen.
The doc link for desktopModeMediaQuery

Having DesktopDatePicker component works both on the PC and mobile.


Material UI version 5.10.9 - The Box component overrides the custom theme

recently I am using version 5 of Material UI in React, when I made a custom theme and added my own palette. I noticed that the Box component follows its default Material UI theme and overrides my custom theme, but the other components follow the custom theme. Can someone explain whether this behavior is Material UI itself or is there a bug?
After searching several times, I realized that I was using the ThemeProvider component in #emotion/react, but I should have used the ThemeProvider component in #mui/material. By doing this, the bug related to the Box component was fixed. Thanks for the article from Sahan Amarsha.
Article link:

Material-ui Show pop up autocomplete inside the textfield input

Im using material ui v4 and im looking for a way to have an autocomplete functionality when someone writes inside the input but i want the pop up to be shown inside the textfield as the image below.
I looked everywhere but i couldnt find anything relative. Can this be done with material v4?
There are two possible solutions for you:
Material UI V4 Autocomplete
HTML Autocomplete
The first solution, you have to provide your own list of autocomplete options while the second seems to use the browser default autocomplete options.
To Edit how it looks, then you are looking for CSS which is a different question

Does MUI v5 provides example of theme or styles that they are using for their home page?

MUI team have very attractive example in their homepage
And I want to know does they provide some of examples what styling or theme that they are using? Do they have some codesandbox something? I tried a lot of example but always show default material style!
MUI is an open source project, including its docs website. You can see the project on Github here. The components in the landing page are customized in this file.
You can access the MUI theme object directly in the console

styling `TextValidator` in react-material-ui-form-validator

I am using react-material-ui-form-validator in my react form for material design as well as for validation, now i want to change the color of shrink label but not able to find any option to styling TextValidator, React material provide option to add class when label is shrink but not this. Any idea how I can use material design with the easy validation in react
this is the package that I am using
I have resolved it by applying styling with the data-attribute

How to add icons on searchable on react native material design toolbar?

Now I am developing react native app using material design, I am using react-native-material-ui package.
However, I can't add some icons in searchable on toolbar.(on searchable function).
like this link :
please help me about this.
Updated the code in this link. Please check:---
