How to set properties for google pubsub in app? - google-cloud-pubsub

I am trying to use google pub/sub to provide subscription service to users.
I created one topic and created one subscription(push) to verify normal operation.
But I want to add one more subscription (push), to differentiate between devServer and localServer.
I want to distinguish whether it is devServer or localServer by reading the attribute value of the message through filter.
We can differentiate this on the backend via the pub/sub Filter.
But I don't know how the app allows the user to purchase a subscription service and enter local or dev information in messages coming through rtdn.
We need your help.
Please let me know if my assumptions are wrong or if I need more information!


Is there a way to raise SNOW ticket as notification for query failures in snowflake?

I was going through the integration documents available for snowflake & service now. But, all documents are oddly focussed on sf consuming snow data for analytics. Didn't find anything related to creating tickets for failures at snowflake. Is it possible?
It's not about the monitoring & notification aspect of snowflake but connecting with service now and raise a ticket for query failures (tasks,sp etc.)
Any ideas?
There's no functionality like that as of now. I can recommend you open an Idea for it and if enough customers want it our Product Management will review it.
For the Snowpipe, we found a way to use it. We send the error message to SNS and then we can do a Lambda function to call the Rest API of ServiceNow to create a ticket.
For Task, we find that it is possible to use External Functions to notify to AWS whenever the Task fails, but we haven’t implemented it.
Email is a simple way. You need to determine how your ServiceNow instance is processing emails. We implemented incident creation from Azure App Insights based on emails.
In ServiceNow find the Inbound Action you need to process the email or make one.
ServiceNow provides every instance with an email account
Refer to enter link description here
The instance email is usually
If your instance url is "", the email would be "".
For a PDI, e.g.;

Firestore: create hidden data when creating new document

I'm adding a new document every time a user is logged in with Google authentication and that user does not exist in firestore.
What I want is to add a 'USER' role when creating this new USER.
I was expecting to do this outside the react application so it can not be hacked into creating different types of users by calling the Firestore api.
At first I thought of a function but now they are only allowed by having a paid plan.
Thanks in advance for the help.
If you want to implement a role-based access control to your Firestore database, the recommended approach is to use Custom Claims. This indeed requires using the Admin SDK via Cloud Functions or a server you own.
Activating Cloud Functions indeed requires entering the details of a credit card but there is a free tier which allows up to 2M invocations/month for free. So, unless your app is very popular, you'll be only billed for each container required to deploy a function but this is a negligible cost of few tenths of $.
If you don't have any credit card, there is another solution: using some Firestore documents to declare the users roles, as explained here in the doc.
I wanted to add this as a comment but I guess you could make use of the firestore rules to make sure that the role value sent by the client is always set to user and not anything else or you could make sure that this USER role added it a boolean value and in the rules make sure he can only edit his own document this way he won't be able to change his role even if he set it to false it won't give him a different role

GMB real-time notification settings in pub/sub "reset" every few days

Non-technical person here 🙋‍♂️
I'm having an issue where (using the Oauth 2.0 Playground) I authorize an internal user's GMB account and configure real-time notifications to be sent to our GCP topic. Every few days or so, notifications stop getting sent to our topic and when I check the notification settings for that account, they have been subscribed to an unknown GCP topic. I can reconfigure the notifications settings again, but every few days they are reconfigured to the unknown GCP topic.
It's possible some other app is overwritting my changes periodically, but I am having trouble figuring out where they're coming from.
Is there a log I can review to know where the request to change the notification settings is coming from?
When using the OAuth 2.0 Playground to configure settings, do they "expire" at some point? If so, is how do I prevent that from happening?
Thanks in advance for your help!
You can start looking into when and who created the unknown GCP topics by checking your Cloud Logging for created topics. You can do this by:
Open your Google Cloud Console
Open "Logging"
There should be a "Query" tab and select it.
Input protoPayload.methodName="google.pubsub.v1.Publisher.CreateTopic" and click "Run Query". You can check this reference if you'd like to see other logs related to Pub/Sub.
Click "LAST 1 HOUR" to adjust the time parameters of your log query. (Example: adjust it to a whole month to query all Created topics within a month)
Click the ">" beside the result and expand the log.
There are lots of info like the created topic name, what email authenticated this request, etc. In your case you should look out for field authenticationInfo for you to check who invoked the request:
authenticationInfo: {
principalEmail: ""
principalSubject: ""
NOTE: For testing purposes I blacked out my project-id and email for this example. Also the topic I created is log-this-topic and the email in the log mine since I was the one that created the topic.
OAuth have set rules for expiration, you can check it on Refresh Token expiration.

Run code in GAE according to changes in Firebase

Since Parse is shutting down, we are currently using Firebase to support basic data storage and real-time messaging. However, in order to implement a key feature in our app, we need to run some code on a server. The following is what we are trying to accomplish:
We allow users to upload key words to Firebase, then we want to send notifications to them if any new posts that contain these key words were uploaded by other users. For example, userA wants to know if anyone posted information related to chemistry, so userA enters key words "chemistry" and "science" in our app which get stored in Firebase, userB posted an article called "chemistry rocks!" which contains the key word "chemistry", userA will then receive a notification immediately about this post.
We have a couple of solutions in mind, but we are not sure which way to go and how to properly implement these solutions.
1 - Build a server that listens to Firebase changes and also supports sending notifications to individual users. However, to host and maintain a server just to run a search algorithm is just too much work for this simple task.
2 - Store the key words in another database that somehow can send notifications according to the search result. This would be faster because we wouldn't have to connect Firebase server to our own server, but again we would still have to host and maintain a separate server.
I have looked into Google App Engine, their push/pull queue feature sounds like something we want, but does GAE support notifications? And also how can we hook it up with Firebase? We also came across Firebase+Batch to send notifications, but I don't think Batch supports cloud computation.
Has anyone run into this problem? Any solutions?

send email on Google App Engine from custom domain

What I have done:
I have added my domain to my app engine project, and can successfully visit using
I have registered on google app for business.
The problem:
The problem is -- I am NOT able to send emails using address. If I register an as an developer, this will probably solve the problem, but we need to send from more than one address, and I don't think registering a new developer for each address is reasonable.
Anybody knows how to solve this? Thanks!
You have two options:
Register all emails that you want to use as administrators/developers but as you mentioned in your post you don't want to do that.
Use SendGrid (or any other email services like Mandrill, Mailgun, etc.) which will give you a lot more features comparing to what GAE offers, including 25k free emails instead of GAE's 100.
According to the docs, the sender would need to be an administrator on the project (called "owner" in the new Developers Console). Another route would be to just use a separate email sending service like SendGrid or Postmark.
You can use the GMail API to send emails as users of your domain. Note that the emails need to be aliases, groups or users of your domain.
You shouldn't have any problem adding and verifying your domain, adding the necessary permissions to send emails. Then, every email address in your domain can be used. See here in the docs:
