Error: Conflict: Multiple chunks emit assets to the same filename main.js - webpack-dev-server

I am setting local dev server but I am facing this error error and the browser is loading un ending bwoser loading but not finishing.
I tried some different wass like changing file name to [name].js instade of maoin.js but it is not working


How can I get my .env file to working properly

I have been trying to run the node create.js to get the data table but the terminal returns error code: Missing_auth_field, Missing fields in token context. I had tried several methods to debug it like checking my .env file and seeing that the logo of the .env file appears to be a cog-wheel, not the paper logo. I assume that the error occurred because my .env file is not working properly, can anyone tell me if my assumption is right or not?

How to test a particular jsx file within localhost?

Below is the screenshot of my working directory.
I run yarn dev command to start local host to test my site. After the local host is set up I could test every jsx file which is under pages folder by going to their respective link. Like if I want to test campaigns.jsx file I go to http://localhost:3000/campaigns and everything works file and even for any other jsx file under pages folder everything works fine.
But similarly if I want to test jsx files within components folder and go to their respective link like http://localhost:3000/topnav, I get 404 | This page could not be found. error message.
So could anyone tell me is there any possible way to test jsx files which are under components folder as I'm new to this REACT world.

failed to compile React projects

I am busy with a project of React and
When I want run a browser I get this error.
Module not found: Can't resolve './src/Resources/images/logos/manchester_city_logo' in 'C:\Users\Daniel\Desktop\mancity\src\Components\ui'
This error occurred during the build time and cannot be dismissed.
I made sure of correct names of folders. Is it a npm webpack?
You are most probably referring to a non-existed media file or using wrong file extension when importing manchester_city_logo (probably in icons.js)
Doublecheck the source path for desired media file in icons.js

Glyphicons and fonts not working with Express server and create-react-app build

I am getting error in the browser console:
Failed to decode downloaded font "localhost:5000/static/media/fontname.##$.woff"
OTS parsing error: invalid version tag
Found few solutions/hacks like adding a homepage:"./" to package.json. But none of them worked.
Any real fix for this ?
Found the fix.
All the fonts and images go to the /static/media inside the build folder. Express needs a proper mapping of these folders to access files in the same.
`app.use('/static/media', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/client/build/static/media/'), {maxAge: 3600000}));

gulp files aren't refresh in browser

I have a problem with gulp file on my Backbone project. I'm working on a project with two other peoples. With them everything is working. I have a problem with browser cache - I think is with browser cache.
How it looks:
When I made changes gulp watch doesn't return any errors. Gulp copies all files from the src to dist folder. I've checked my files and they are saving correctly.
I turned off browser cache in the developer toolbar and it won't help. Sometimes I need to wait few minutes before I see my changes, and sometimes I need to refresh 20-30 times to see changes I've made.
Many time I see in console this error:
router.js:22 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input
When I debug this file I see that this file is incomplete but when open this file in browser directly - it is complete but still console shows an error
What else can I do, because I can't work like this?
